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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 11 Jul 1912, p. 1

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WMH. BARRISTER, &¢, Buccessor to and occupant of the offices of the late F. HW. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Omb Private Funds at 4 per echt. bL 190L B &e. J. Dffico--Sou Ont. : DENTAL SURGEON. Also o en Gold 'DR. +, All Fillings "or EVERY ADVELTI « put & Torbui A LIBER: who £5 Ofize and Residence, Queen _ fise hours--8 to 10 a.m ;- 1to3 pm. and Bvouiugs. r "Telephone in office and house, sud day over with the residen: * Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1804. iin HARRIS, B.A, LLB. Jno. W. Crozier, . ARRISTER. ] Office Reach (one wi EK. FARKWELL, t Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- citor, &c., Nota Office Houra--9 to 12 a.m, 2to 6 pm. Work a Specislty. 'V Office oyer the Post Office, branches Crown and Dridye Work suocessfuily Artifical Teet Painless extraction when requirea: North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agrienitural aw TERMS. --$) per wnanm, 2 will bo charged. than six anonths; and no paper until arroals ure IETTERS containing money, whon addressed to thir Oltice, prepatil snd regis! ADVERTISEMENTS measured charged according to the space mont will be taken out until AT, disount sllewed to 'sivertise by the ycer or THESE torma will in all cases be strictly adberod « JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets Hund Bitls, Posters rogram, Dodgers Bill Heads, Chocks Reuter Teods, © Wedding Invitations, Blank Forms Roceipt Books, Business Cards Bou' Cifoulers, Asmembly Carta, . Visiting Cards, ke, "a 7 MowRIE 1sSUER OF MARRIAGE ¥ 8t., Port Perry open night the lines south, counecte ce of G. L. Robson, V.S. HDYEY TO LOAN. CONVEY ANCER, Gch Con. erig,)-- SOLICITOR, at residence, le west of Pert I Monny To LOAN. aT. K.C, LL.B., County ry Pablic and Conveyuncer. th wing Court House, Whitby, pea Satarday eveulnge. Hridge and italised Air. Ii lings, R. L. GRAMHAN Suousssor to Dr. I'D. McGRraTTAN DOH NNTIST PORT PERRY, ONT. _ A. Murray, DENTIST, PERRY. Deutixtry, PORT of including practiced. h on Gold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubler Plates, of Gold, Silver or Cement Prices to suit the times®) kaiily Newspaper IN UUBLISIED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS if paid inadvance: not $1.5 No sulecription taken for less * discontinue jd up. tered will be at our risk. Nonparie', and oy ooeupy. {EMENTS received for publication, with woulo ins whl be antl snd charged sooordingly 0 advertise: J Crohies snd othe: oF every style and color ecuted and by as pd uy REV. 6.8. G. TYNER, L. Th Redbrr. = ornink Prayer-- 1st, 3rd and bth Senday each month ndag-of enact month. © of each month ICEN-ED 4 County of Ontario. the Ossravenr Office Bron, I and 5h Randy. n Weekly Fivnasone. Wedieadnys n CP THE AS (ANGLICAN) Communion, at 8 " R. C. CHURCH. REV --. RICHARDSON, Third Suuday at 10.30 a. m, Sule Manchyster, Jan, 19, 1509. T peer TOR DATRD AUCTIONKER for Pateansge solicited [a the Register ut HAT wef - + t 1 EEE das ews Dillon tinge-Stay Fence Manufactured Ly the Owen Sound Wire Fence Co. Ltd., and am prepaied to cominunity witli the very BEST W IRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to sati supply 1 fy purch he Ditron FE 8 be r 1 'cause It 1s SOWIE exible; itis a square mesh; itis a perfect hinge stay fence, therefore | his whole ascrs, without a | | | tis impossible to bend the stays, | wn factitas the bet fence this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence lon i [ Ap] wil | LICENSES .... PORE PERRY, ONT. 3 os Kv constantly on haud and repairs neatly and promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. fail to \CE. ispect th : J. H. Brown, ; Desrer IN AgwicuLtukaL Iuprig MENTS ans MAcuinery. April 6, 1905. have a Jan, lst next, Feul. made 18 e DiLror SEAGRAVE HARNESS N returning thanks to the public for th patronage extended tome for over 3 vears, | would respectfully intimate thut mw, as usual, now ready for busincss, und Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which T am determined to xell very CHEAP As an inducement to Casi purchasas 4 Doonan of 1 pr ooh will bo allowed on all Sales from now until All work being & MADE: BY [HANDY aml: no factory work kept in stock, th* super ity of my goods will ut ence hecome utending purchasers will find that hy | be given by any article erthing in my line: o { giving me u call hefore looking clsewhere thay can be suited in quality and p long experience in the trade being an indis putaude gnarantee that per ce, m feot entisfaction urchased. business kept EUROPEAN ACNECY gecuted a rr DAVID J. & DOU [Trrws:-- § mr Rr ANNUM J 1 Pr No. 7 wb HOLE querader || THERINE CECIL THURSTON, |} A from @!1 penalties ald. Then she tured to PORT ; 'Contlaon, , Mas and Whit! PERKY BRA Num | |r er owmanville, ProokFa, Clare Oshawa, Stouffville, + er), WAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. MONEY T (4 per ent upwards- O LOAN. - British Capital) INSURANCE REAL FE Marriage gF Agents CP. R., &e. STATE nieenses, | Port Petry, April 1, 1909. EARLY mM pre: and ollon tuno tad and wo will AND URI Wonderful Nervous Systema Drs. Cor. Alll NOTICE ETS gee us personally call at our Medical I no patents in our Windsor offices Write for our private address. NEED NERVE EXCESSES MAVLE UNDER- The nerves control thing that debilitates them will weaken «I (he system. Early lcdiscretione asd, Excasicy This is the conditionour New Method Treatment is Te have treated 1 NERVOUS DEBILIT Free Booklet on Discaze QUESTION LIST FOR HOME TREATMENT KENNEDY & KENNEDY Michigan Ave. and Griswold St., to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- ment in Windsor, Ont. ily. Laboratory for Canadian business on DRS. KENNEDY & KINNHEDY, Windsor, Ont. INDISCRETIONS ARDS IRED YOUR SYSTEM 1 actions of the body so that any- B 1 organs of have Fi of promising on Li vitality re never develop | aitood, They remain weak- nd sexually. How you feel? i ~spondent and gloom ric circles under the fon of the heart, iment in urine, piniples cheeks, careworn ex- , distrustful, lack energy tless nights, change- CUARANTEED TO CURE .c0s of Men for almost a life- © to experiment. Consult us! OF CHARGE Lier you are curable or not. do mot bb 1 toll We ruerantce curable cases of , VARICOSE VEINS, BLOOD SKiN DISTASES, GLEET, BLADDER NARY AND KiDNEY COMPLAINTS 4 of Men. If unable to call § for write Detroit, Mich. etters from Canada oust be addressed If you desire to titute in Detroit as we see and treat hich ere for Correspondence and Address all letters as follows: ns! Ww. ntral L PORT PERRY. EARTILY thanking the pubtic for the liberal patronage received during the many years I have kept a Livery Establish ment in Port Perry, Lhave much pleasure in 'announcing that I. have removea MY LIVERY! to my former place of business Water Street I RIGS AT 'MODERATE CHARGES : R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 21, 1900. Miss Harrison, Diess and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that: she has moved to the rooms formerly occupied: by her over Mr, Flint's Drug Store where she is prepared to execute all:or- ders for Dress and 'Manile Making in a manner unsurpassed' for. Correctness of Style: + = and. Clarmng Effect. ' Our charges are corisistent with tlie value given. of the "early to prince turne. e. Ww sometimes till b W night." Probabl on record was i of music than trouble to get out of i Jiressure bed and pigk up a sheet of manu- fon's arm, he _soript that had fallen onto the floor, wn across the receptio! --London Chronicle, Mails Close. Office Port is hadi 'a -- 9.00 a. m. : Goi South--11.20 a. m. oing North-- 5.15 p. m. Going South--10 p.m. GEO. JAOKSON, OF CARTWRIGHT Fd another Auction Sale Season to turn thanks $0 his numero past favors. In requesting aud continued patronage 'he state that ne effort 08 | on his part to wake a [him successes. His iu tho past should be menddtion as to his given into his ob 0 argo. : + | with promptuuss nod: d a lerant ad hiak Haptel on applicatien.® © Parties wishing to" may copsult his. Sats RY ¢ (the Observer or § | As she mn | at Loder. bed, early to rise' ipl Byron, on the other hand, g night into day, and Alfred de Musset, in a letter to Aimee d'Allon, rites, "I generally sleep till 2. and in the afternoen, | had hen I have boxed the ears of thi the laziest genius! oy ossini, who practis cally did all his work in bed and' would rather recompose a whole page The mails are despatched from the Pos Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator, &c. FOR THE 00UNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHD ISHES at this the commenoetient cf elf ataomed bres 10 3 wi EEE ably. all Sale be 'atteniled b mbers of his party who cross from the window t the had strolle in his wake aside Bramfell looked 1], Chilcote, have you future yet?" he asked dipped Int | with a la | Loder the laugh, but said | | nothing. his uncertainty at the | question verted to Mis old re- ce. ised his = eyebrows. ! d. "Don't tell me that 'w hasn't epgaged you ins a vic *® Then hel turned in [ Bve's directlt "You've beard of our | new depart , Mrs. Chilcote?" | | Eve ido from the lively rroup hy she was sgrrounded. | Lillian's ¢érystal gazing? Why, of course!" she 1d. "She should make avery beautiful seer. We are all quite | curious." 5 Bramfell ptirsed up his lips. "She has a veryibeautiful tent at the end of the conservatory. It took five men | ns many daye to rig it up. We could not henr oprselves taf for hammer. | ling. My wife said if wade her feel | quite philaathropje, it/reminded her so | much of a charity bagaar." | Everybody: laughed] and at the same | moment Blessington] came quickly | across the room and potued the group. "Hello!" he sald. | "Anybody seen Witcheston? He's nxt on my list for the stal business)' Again the 'whole party laughed, and Bramfell, stepping forward, touched tlessinetonts arm ip mock seriousness. "witcheston is playing bridge, like a sensible man," Le said. "Leave Lim ¢, Bobby." made a comleal grimace cing this on commerciul principle: e sald. "I keep the list, names and. hours complete, and Lady Astrupp fin blissful ignorance as to who I victims are. » thing is gee simple and source of Bramfell "What!" he | my sister-| tatistical." I's 'round eyes were with amusement, system' -- Al, we all had them when young as you arel" I "And fhiey all had flaws, Bobby," | Rve Uroke in. 'We were always find- ing gapshat had to be filled up. Never mind abut 1ord Witcheston, Get a substita wr wandered round the party rested on Bramfell X Joby! Remember, I've crystols--practically lived on the list week. Now, there's Again lis eyes twlnkled. were turned on Loder, "he or two strayed surrepti- Eve. She, seeming sensitive dition, laughed quickly. glanced from her to Blessing- der cnnvas come back to me nd smiled, then lostantly turn to ft. _ the mention of the word it ¥he presence of these people Ivor of recklessness. The smal re of his earlier slip vanish git. e | gi 'the Jong eorridors An slight, no wish to speak a t the necessary toych e the place was still, A ably with the not re- for se of annoyance. to mar the quiet "expected to do?" spirit of t The whole | eS He ha® an infectious laugh, and Lo- der responded to it. "But what aun 1 to do?" he persisted. "On, nothing. Being the priestess, she naturally demands acolytes, but she'll! let you know that she holds the prior place. The tent is so fixed tbat she sees nothing beyond your hands, sol there's absolutely no delusion." He laughed once more. Then suddenly be lowered his voice and slackenad his steps. "Tere we are," he whispered in pretended awe. At the end of the path the space wid- ened to the full breadth of the conserv- atory. The light was dimmer, giving an added impression of distance; away to the left Loder lLeard tho sound of splashing water, and on his right band he caught his first glimpse of the tent that was his goal It was an artistic little structure--a pavilion formed of silky fabric that showed bronze in the light of an or tal lamp that hung above its entrance. | As they drew closer a man emerged from it. le stood for a moment io uncertainty, looking about him; then, catching sight of them, he came for- ward, laughing. "By George," he exclaimed, "it's as dark as limbo In there! 1 didn't see you at first. But I say, Blessington, | it's a beastly shame to have that thun- dercloud barrier shutting off the sor- ceress, If she gazes at the crystal, | mayn't we bave something to gaze at I too?" | Blessington laughed. "You want too changing, of; posi 2 when the volee came again {€:3¥88 Ju a different tone. BBL A En "Pleare-lay your hands; prims down- ward, upon the tabled { Loder smlled to h In the dark ness. He pletuged ote with his nerves and his through this ordeal mored silence he lef abeyed the domn rested on the. §n bla in the bar atts a in good hu otward and' His hands pon the un- with the sympathetic current." At any other time Loder would have tnughed, but the regunest so casually and_coclonsly nt all possibil | tty of irony far into the background | The thought of Chilcote and of the | one flaw in their otherwise flawless scheme rose to his mind. Instinctively | he half withdrew his hands. "Where is the sympathetic current?" be asked quietly. His thoughts were busy with the question of whether be would or would net be jastified In beating an undignified retreat, "Between you nnd me, of course," gald the volce softly. It sounded lan- guid, but vory rational. The ldea of: retregt seemed suddenly theatrical In | {his world of low volces and shaded | lights people never adopted extreme nrensures--uo occnslon made a scene " BARON QF CAIRNES [12727] (15% ence. goluz ROYAL RODERICK [10853] (13 irface of the SILVER STAR [11640] (14; ised her lead. SEE 7 RIA Toc? "You must take Off your rings sbe ["furluie, NAIF fees in Sew, sald smoothly. "Any metal interferes grave, Saintficld, Victoria Corners; ah' SILVER SIMON "Horse Register | : a imp. Clyd.sd le, the p gperty of 4. M. Macfar ane, Nouys- hfs route with in- clude Cresswell, Sunderland, Piueduale, and vv 8 alie Clydesdule. the property of J. M- Maas farlanu, Benya, e will Le at his stable thropghout the season, 366) desduls, the property bf 4M. He wilh romain con® Brock, Supderiund, Wick, and his own stable, (16652) Clydesdalr, the property of J.) furlone. He will have stands at Fingers hoard, W. RB Michel's, Mariposa, Val- eutia, Jax. Ruley's and John Cuddy's' Ops, Clendine, Maripos Station, Win: Sparks' dud Douald MoDovald's, Mari: posa / : BLACK IVORY [7761] (13367) imp- Clydes- dale, the property of Smith & Richard- ton, Columnbuy will have a stand at Myrtle and another at Brooklin the' remaintler of the season he will be at his owu stable . ROYAL BARON 2nd [12:84] Canadian, Bred Clydesdale, the property of Jamed Innes, Sonva, will make this season at his own stable, lot 23, con. 2, Brock. DUNURE SOUTAR [039] (14659) jmp. Clydestale, th rty of Wo J. Hew practicable or even allowable. He de Port Perey. Hiv stands will em- lenned back slowly, while he summed | brace Sebert House, Port Perry. Greens up the situation. If by any unlucky Buk (Aer Brown's, Bethesda, Town of' bride, chance this woman knew Chiicote to have adopred jewelry and bad seen the designs of his rings the sight of his own scarred finger would suggest question and comment. If, on the other Land, he left the pavilion with- out excuse or if without apparent rea- gon he refused to remove the rings, he opened up a new difieulty, a fresh road to curfosity. It came upon him with unusual gu'ckuess--the obstacles to and tha need for a speedy decision. He glanced round the tent] then un- aightened his sboul- Hope Bros', Scugeg, aud bis own stable % . ROYAL FREELAND [6095] (1369S) imp, Clydesdale, the property of the Shirley Syndicate. Will be at Raglan, Jue, Scott's, Darlington, Jos. Staong's and John Fordor's, Cartwright, Ambleside Farm, anid Geo Jackson's, Scugoy, Port I'erry, wad lis own stable, - CORNER STONE [3505] (11016) imp. Clydesdale, the property of J. Ermey' Holtby, Manchester: He will stand nt' Greenbank, Sainttieid, Wick, Seagrave, and own stabic WHINBLOOM [6097] (12785) imp. much, Galltry," he said. "Lady As trupp understands the value of the un- d le, the property of Smith & Richard: attainable. Cone along, sir!" he added ron, Colmmbus. Hi< stands being Jou, to Loder, drawing him forward with | Resch. Jas, White's and H, an energetic pressure of the arm. | , i nr hy Vie doy Vides Loder responded, and as he did so a {i man's ahd D. Bookeriog's, Sickativgy | : Sir 11 Pellett's. Kingston road, Ding: | flicker of curlosity touched his mind | maw, Broken Front, M Cenwford and for the first time. IIe wondered for | Js Crossman's and 1. Richerdson's, E, | Whitby, Oshawa, and C. Blanchard's. an Instant who this woman was who aroused so much cominent. the speculation ci of how ehe had on one point at leas able, red Chilcote tha t be was invulner And with » the remembrance C le. lie bad spoken then from the BOUDY, "NUT feight of a pust experience--an cxpe- | t 3 UILSINGTON GLORY [11463] (14689) imd Clydesdale, the property of W. J, Henders, Port Perry. Weil make the' gonson at Cr eohunk, Sdntfield, Victoria; Corners, Lewskdale, Town of Uxbridye,' Wes Page's, Reach! Sehert House, Por It won't count tf Lillian | on wavered as she spoke. ! good ideal!" she said. "Who sec the future if not a poli- m, with a very feminine im- gettled the matter beyond use your authorlty, Bobby." 1 "And when you've got him since we've had a talk" Sbe » Biamfcll with some trivial re- His faint pause on the rence so fully passed that he wonder- | ed now if it had been as staple a guar- | antee ns he had then believed. Man's | capacity for outliving is astonishingly ! complete. The loug ago incident fn the Italian mountains had faded, like a crayon study in which the tones have merged and gradually lost character. The past had paled before the present, | as golden hair might pale before black. | The simile came with apparent irrele- vance. Then again Blessington pressed | his arm. "Now, sir!" he said, drawing away and lifting the curtain tbat hung before the ectrance of the tent | Loder looked at the amusedy boyish ! face lighted by the hanging lamp and smiled pleasantly; then, with a shrug of the shoulders, he entered the pa- vilion, and the curtain fell behind him. ders. {a tight corner, but there K B ngs." "You must take off yor After all, he had | | | | x aia ow a to cry out In squeezing his way be CHAPTER XV. | Then be realized that the soft, Ingre- | A N entering the pavilion Loder's | {iating tunes were sounding ouce first feeling was one of An- | ore. noyed awkwardness at finding | himself in almost total dark- ness. But as his eyes accus- tomed to the gloam the feeling vanish- | ed and th bsurdity of the position | came to his mind. : The tent was small, heavily draped with silk and smelling of usk. It | was divided into two sections by an | immovable curtain that hung from the grew the + end. 1 "Please sit down," said a low, soft yours while I look into tho cr | sets moved swiftly into the light and picked tp the ball--"and makes ny the pletures jn your mind v you please take off your rings?" disarmed him. | Chileoto bad sald, risk was the salt of | vi s it wns my wife who Stress : spree Loree Sa yale bad, uncertainly how long or how well Chil- for a sho ace he u rp rr cote Lnew Lady Astrupp; then he dis- (hen his hesitation was brought to an | re i ALY. Strupp; the | pever mentioned Ler until tonlght, and then casually as Lady Bramfell's slcter. "It's the passing of my h 3 v up symwpathy"--a slender hand es see Now, will | | The very uaturaluess of the request is 1t was a risk. Dut, as | ra Ty i 3 ost Todorirwuttati then roof to within a few feet of the floor. | jig: How Autnors Slept. Bond > © The only furniture on Loder's stile | .p., : : pt with' ovement of resignation, he : y 'hal 1 aly ligt i= I'm afraid you thiuk me very Are authors early risers? Bjornson, ato was one low chair, and the only Ight "e \1jegome" Tho voice came agaln, Tolstoy and Goethe were all advocates und. on Bless ngtons oY a faint radidliee that, coming from | 4g icately low ond concllietory. 1" he said. "But, If my fate Invisible half of the pavilion, enna Foe a brief second Lo ed Chtleote had the question, x (apie with a slight jerk that ind) taneously the secr's voice came to him again. Her tone was lower now than aud own stable. Parry [102 191 le-- from Import-* property of Wes. Frise, Reagrave, His stands will he at Jas Boe's, Reach, Robt. Thomas', Layjom, H Purvis', Manilla Courtice's, Win. Stacey's, Norman Osborne's, Jos. Dow- sun's, nnd Lis own stable, ING PROCTOR 1758, Reg. French property of H. Mes! Stands at Seagrave, Layton, Saintfield, Greenbank, Sebert House, Port Perry, Purple Hill, Black Stock \ Coach (imp) the Kenzie, Port Perry ARON THOMAR [0007] Canadian-bred Clydesdale, the property of Geo. Mackie, Shirley. Will'inve stands at Raglan? 5 N. Scott's, Darlington; Jos Strong's and? 3 F. Stinson's, Cartwri John Pearce's : Geo. Jackson's, Scugog, and ort Perry, uid his own stable CME'S RHILP [10314], Clydesdale, the | property of 80 A Devitt, Cadmus, Will have a stand at Lotus, Burketon and Bliokstock and at his own stable. JIGOROUS MACOUEEN [4294] Import- cd-bred Clydesdale, the property of T, F Bruce, Cwlmus, will have stands at Lotus, Ballyduff, R Suggitt's und Black- stock and own stable IR HUBERT [7566] 9789 (10923) imp. | Clydesdale, the property of J. Krnest~ Holthy, Manchester His stands will' include Albert Beverley's, Ashburn, B. Washbarn's, Thos. Boverlew's., . Wen. Symes', Uxbridge Town, Utica and enn stable AL Was Too re TL Gauss ~~ cated: declgion come to: and almost' stmuk" rvoval wan. g He experienced a strong iF of confidence in hls Juck. aecided. Sool head, a steady step and 8 jectedly near. In the quiet and dark- of the fingers On pegs of the place it seemed to possess allowed himself go disproportionate weight, almost the 0 roems, weight of a "amiliar thing. Then with d down a sudden, unanalyzed touch of relief, "voice. Yor a further moment he stood un- The voice sounded so unex- | vihat a cowerd he was lecoming In | throwing the dice with fatel Without further delay he drew oft the rings, slipped them into his pocket and re- | placed his hands 00 the smooth table top. them, a pecullar thing occurred. Then, at the moment that be replaced It bad been before, aud its extreme paso geemed slightly shaken--whethefla by excitement, surprise or curiosity 18, was impossible to sw Son "You will think it strange," she bess gan. "You will think"-- Then she stopped. % i night of steps that led to the was 'a feature of slow town house, and to Loder ething wonderful and th its clustering green unoppressive on the other side perately pleasant atmos- ssington, he passed owy paths that in the warmth and mystery don. Here and there est to him, the fa the air of solitude, cou- left behind in the be. had moved balf- ig' green alsle before nd came back to him he absurdity of a side to Blessington with thing. 'much strain make 8, aa o lioht site thot indicated the he located the impression. It was the similarity to. Lady Bramfeil's sweet, 'tones that had stirred his mind. With a sense of satisfaction ho drew the chalr forward and sat down. Then for the first time he saw that of the gauze partition and below it by of his range of vision. I of ) se Shal her effects. "The art of crystal gazing," began the sweet, slow voice after a pause, "is of . ofie of the oldest known arts.' Loder sat forward. The thought of Lady Branfell mingled disconcertingly with some other thought more distant and less easy to secure. x wig obtain the best results," went on the seer, "the subject lays his on- covered bands outspread upon a smooth surface." It was evident that the invisible . priestess was reading from the open book, for when the word 'surface' was reached there he 1 partition camé tire guick; rustling stir of a skirt and the sight. serape of a. chalr pushed either backward or for- From the farther side of the dark ward. Then there was silence. Now, silence can suggest anything from profound thought to Imbecility, a few inches was a | but In this case its suggestion was nil. s, small table of polished wood, on Which | phat gomething had yappened, that stood an open book, a crystal ball and | (one change hud taken place, was as a gold dish filled with Ink. These were | patent to Loder as the darkness of the arranged on the side of the table near: | curtain or the band of light that crossed rther side being out | yy. hoor, but whet had occastoned it, An amused io- or what it stood for, he made no at- terest touched him as he made his posi- tempt to decide. He sat bitingly con- tion more comfortable. Whoever this | gelous of his bands spread open on the woman was, she had an eye for stage | ¢,)))6 under the scrutiny of eves that panagement, she he A were Invisible to him, vividly aware walting with some curiosity for the | next injunction from behind the cur- | of the awkwardness of his position. He felt with instinctive certainty that a new chord had been struck; but a man seldom acts on instinctive certain- tles.. If the exposure of his hands had struck this fresh note, then any added action would but heighten the dilemma. ITe sat silent and motionless, Whether his Impassivity bad any bearing on the moment he had no way of knowing: but no further movement came from bebind the partitiog. What. ever the emotions that had caused the sharp swish of skirts and the sharp scrape of the chair, they had evidently subsided or been dominated by other feclings. came waited for some belp, but Loder wained mmte. In difficulty a shegt! tongue and a cool head are vgually, man's best weapons. Wey [ro ve conrrvvan.} There was a pense, os though = } Stupefying a Waiter. 5 Here's the way to get ahead of the * cafe waiters that kno® it all. The: recipe was handed us by a res baunter. Hp does it as fellows: : He seats himsell and says, "Wala, * have you any nice Gorgonsola cheese?" : "Yes, sir," says the waiter. "Our Gorgonzola is very fine." "Ts it fresh?" "Just made, sir." "Is it nice and white?" a: "Believe Ine, it is as white as snow. : ey I i geod, And is it hard in the wide dle?" : oy "Like a rock, sir." "Thanks, George! ls yout George? Well, thanks, anyhow... me tell you something. ~Gorgot cheese should never be fresh. should never be hard in the but mushy. Ti you ave not liar bring us mustard." Ti night's sleep in The next indieatlon of life that to him was the laying: down. of the pT ws

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