SE MUSKOKA LAKES 1.AKE OF BAYS ~ TEMAGAMI ALGONQUIN PARK MAGANETAWAN RIVER FRENCH RIVER GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Erc. ROUND TRIP EOMESDERERY' RRCTASIORS To the West At Low Rates Via SARNIA OR CHICAGO Literature, tickets and full informa- from a Grand Trunk Agent, or d UFF, District Passenger 0, Ontario. W. H. MCCAW : + Town" AGENT A. Toront laced th at lowest ts. HUBERT J}. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. THE OBSERVER Has A Goop CIRCULATION, and is constantly growing in favor. It is the BEST Advertising Medium in the County ; is the champion of the Agriculturists and of the more con- servative and practical class of peo la, is not a favorite of schemers, Piers and cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best Established founded in 1857--the most original and best in its local and general mews depart {ino operations in that wonderful, | ment and is printed entirely in the place of publication--Port Perry. TrRMS-- $1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charged JOB PRINTING -- THE Most MODERN STVLES AND AT Low PRICES North Cntario Observer, (The Official Paper of the People.) ©nly Paper Printed and Published in Port Ferry. PORT PERRY, JULY 25, 1912 July 17.--A bulletin on the crops and live stock of Canada is issu=d by the Census and Statistics Office to-day. The correspondents of the Office report that in the Maritime provinces and geverally throughout eastern Canada the weather of June continued cold and wet, and growth was therefore slow. In the North- west provinces the weather of June was hot and dry, and.rain was bad- y needed at the beginning of July. Rains have since fallen however and conditions have improved. Prospects for spring sown crops are generally favourable. According to revised figures ob-- tained at the end of June the total area under wheat this year is 10,- 047,300 acres, compared with 10,- 377,159 acres as returned by the census of 1911. The area sown to " Feith energy ahd as a Merchant Tailor, and all in S------------------------------ « Rags Trear.--It will be seen by the advertisement elsewhere in {lis issue that Court Port Perry, No. 179, of the Independent Order of Foresters have secured a talented array of Entertainers and purpose giving in the Town Hall, on the evening of Monday next, July 29, a Free Concer, and they cordially invite the public to be present and enjoy a rich and rare musical treat, both vocal and instrumental. The Independent Order of Foresters is famous for its generosity and in this instance Court Port Perry will give a practical demonstration that it possesses in no small measure, these admirable qualities so largely poss- essed by the parent Order. PrRSONAL.-- Yesterday, Wednes day, we had a call from a former estimablé'townsman, in the person of Mr.C.L. Whitby, who atcne tine carried oh an extensive busin- Port Perry, and who is nowa agent: agd. leading citizen of pe e is plying tuccess his business this community will be pleased to know that his never ceasing indus- try and push are not going unre: warded: Mr. Whitby wason an automoble tour and his stay in Port Perry was limited. Nine divorces a day is the average record in Detroit. At Campbellford old potatoes are retailing at a dollar a bag. Peach crop conditions are report ed to be good in the Niagara dis: trict. The general condition of the crops throughout Quebec is not ver favorable. The Dominion authorities have deported 423 undersirables during the last eight months. Barrie Council has adopted a by- law prohibiting bathing from the public wharves of the town. Henri Bourassa isstill telling Mr. Borden * where to get off at." But the premier is little deaf in one ear It may surprise many to learn: that India has nearly 33,000 miles of railway in operation--7000 more than Canada is credited with. Orillia Packet: --The Oshawa Reformer says that, in bis speech at to his name." But what Mr. Rowell is most anxious to add to his name is ¢ Hon." The Dominion Government will spend a million dollars on Victoria harbor. This means the harbor of Victoria, B.C., not our own Vic- toria Harbor. Mr. Ed. Dunk paid our town a short visit this week. All will be | judiciously attending his efforts as Manager of Appleby Company, at Windsor. The Company are largely extend- | prosperous city, so that Mr. Dunk's | responsibilities will be greatly in- creased, but all knowing him here are tully aware : that he possesses the tact and stamnia to sur- mount all difficulties of whatever nature, On Tuesday last THE OBSERVER had a pleasant call from Mr. Wm. Forman, one of Ingersoll's leading citizens and one of its most highly respected and highly successful business men. He has for very many years been identified with mercantile interests and he thor- to cater for the public to a demonstration. Mr. Arthur Carnegie ably and represented Fidelity Lodge, Port Perry, at the Masonic Convention held in the Queen City last weck. oughly understands how Miss Wilcoxson hae decided, in future, to reside with her mother who lives in Michigan. Many years ago she made a vow that she would reside with her uncle, the late Waller Hill, and take care of him nobly filled her mission; her con- sistency and devotion to his every want in his declining years were remarkable. EZ Carlwright's and | popular township clerk bas secured the position of grain buyer at the elevator at Nestleton Station. capable pleased to learn that greatsuccess is until his departure, and she has | fall wheat in 1911 was 1,097,900, but | That Mr. Beacock will fill the bill! winter killing has reduced this area to |g perfection no one knowing any- 781,000 acres. Tho area sown to oats is | {hing of his ability aod knowledge | estimated at 9,494,600 acres, compar- ed with 9 283,550 acres 1n 1911, and to barley 1,449,200 acres as against 1,103, | 996 acres in 1911. In the three North- west previncos spring wheat covers 9,- 029,000 acres, as against 8,946,965 acres in 1911, the increase being in Saskat- chewan and Alberta. 1ncluding fall | wheat the total wheat acreage in the | BOR, thres provinces is ¢,240,100, comparcd | Taylor, an employee of Mr. with 9,301.298 aeres iu 1911, the de-| Graham, - crease being accounted for by the large area of [all wheat winter killed in Al- berta. Oats in the three provinces oecupy, 5,087,000 acres and barley 826,100 acres as compared with last year's census figured of 4,568,208 acres for nats and 791,748 acres for barley. Whilst pot equal to the exceptionally . high figures recorded at this time last Jerr, the condition. of spring sown 'cross is generally good. The highest figures for epring cercals are recorded #u Prioce Fdward Island and British 'Columbia, the per cent condition rang- from 97 to 99 in the former and|. 90 to 93 in the latter province, the age. for the Dominion being from ll wheat remains low being 73 for Ontario and. |aric MEETING of grain will for a moment question the judiciousress of his sclection for the position. SERIOUS ACCIDENT. -- An acci- dent of a very serious nature took place on **Springwater Farm," Scu. on Monday last. William Wm. | was driving to a hay wagon a span of colts; they ran away throwing Taylor out. When found it was ascertained that he was suflering from concussion of the brain, also that a number of his ribs were broken. The services of a physician was immediately secur- ed and the young man is now doing as well as could be expected under the circemstances. Much sym: pathy is expressed for the unfor- tunate-one' : Proposed EGG CircLE.--A meet of all interested in the proposed Egg Circlé' for Greenbank, will be eld in the Temperance Hall, Green bank, on Thursday evening, july v x LE wel- Jadicg espect Procrauie or Tie Hypro ELEC: ING TO BE HELD IN THE vsic Hac, Uxsripce, Tuespay, 31 a. m--Mayor's Ad Midland. Aoi pointing of N \ 12 Adjou formation of 11.45--Ap: To get an estate of $16,000 in | France, left in the city of Montreal, it would cost twice that amount in legal fees and succession dues, so 'Dominion Departmen | Londen Mr. Rowell * added lustre § Dairy and Cold Sto ar's Bran FRUIT D, A Summary of Ju WraTaER CONDIT favorable to fruit tree July. ArpLES. -- Prospe ciated since last 0 Scotia expects only § crop, Ontario a ined British Columbia has for a record yield. Pears. -- Eastern crop only, British P'Lums --Below me ern Canada, good in bia good. Pracugs. -- Notwit injuries resultirg from weather of last wiute wi!l be harvested int mercial orclards, CHERRIES. --A decidedly short. : Smarr Fruits. -- correspondingly high. heavy crop. INSECTS AND | the city will not claim it. | |" Because late hours are not con-| | ducive to clear complexions, New- | | | port society leaders have joined in | a movement to have all social func- | tions hereafter end at midnight. | Another book of ** Marian Keith" isin the market. It is called "The Black Bearded Barbarian," and is | tne life story of that wonderful man | George Leslie McKay of Formosa. | The Toronto World claimed re- | cently that there is not a pessimist |in Barrie and one of the town papers | says "if that be so, they must have | been killed off by the recent hot | weather." Witness : --We have | had more railway smashes in North | America in a weck or two than there have been in Great Britain in a good many years, and it is get- [ting to be time things changed. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Morphy, East Avenue north, Hamilton, an- Ri the engagement of their | youngest daughter, Pauline Lyle, to Mr. Frederick W. McIntyre, Port | Perry: The marriage will take [place at the home of the bride's | parents early in August, in the pre- | sence of immediate relatives only. -- Toronto Globe. Montreal Midland Free Press: --A lawyer 1 a court room may calla man a man a liar, scoundrel, willan, or thief, and no one makes complaint when the court adjourns. If a | newspaper prints such a reflection | on a man's character thereis a libel suit or a dead editor. owing to the fact This is that the people believe what an editor says. A Hamilton couple, who five weeks ago married after a court- ship of a few days, have been airing their differences in the courts, and the wife has been bound over to keep the peace for threatening to throw vitrol in the husband's face. In her defence she chaiged the man with threatening to cast acid in her eyes. The old story of marrying in haste. Mr G. H. O. Thomas, editor of the Bracebridge Gazette, apologis- ed last week for the absence of editorial matter with the explana- tion that he was "all down and out with the heat." An announcement in the same column sheds further light on an interesting situation. It reads: At Bracebridge, on Tues- day, July gth, te Mr. and Mrs. G- H. O. Thomas, a son. The Coldwater Planet says: Owing to the scarcity 6f strawber- J. A Rupprck, Commissioner. Lloyd Vancamp Lorn McTaggart Nellie Bowles Almeda Crowle Margarct Forster Amos Stone Ethel Savage Murray Forster Margaret Leask Gersham Savage Gordon Brown Gordon Brent Melville Ingram Ross Hood oseph Bard jog Bo: Arthur Boe Roy Hunter Charles Samells Mary Honey Hardy Purdy Morley Honey freely acknowledged (oremost position. and most widely atte cators Association of management of this last year over two t people and placed t lent positions. We years cxperience ambitious young desirous of securing ucation and taking a would do well to Hundreds of studying at home entering Business Ci or winter, and they own convenience. Barrie Saturday takes will happen in lated newspapers, bi Globe trimmed us day. In a leader with double heads Canadians last yi gallons of spirits of beer a head. and ries, the intended social on the bel there thing just as good would have been submitted. Up 10 last year, according fo a reasonable estimate, the huge sum of §1,200,000,000 had been invested in Canadian manufacturing indus- tries, having an annual output of employing - 435.000 artisans and work people, drawing $250,000 a year in wages. i / Bowmanville Statesman :-- To- day 'most -boys are running too more imporfant maters, . Sports jgood and proper when A and sport. oes | work in schaol or out of it. ere Was ne je-awake druggist | on the committee. Otherwise some- | 8 goods valned at $1,000,000,000 and | OWR thoes on mich 10 sports, -10 the neglect of hour . thei clear or. by mail Toe or. Wh Brockville, Ont. hot and dry for small Promotions from the $ ; Third Form --in order of merit. Ray Stone --Honours / Leoroyd Tennyson Gertrude Munro | Graprs.-- Good crop ¢ hp East polum- ing the severe ir crop if com- * | maining The Judicial Commi Privy Council Hab decid between the Ontario Government and Canadian Niagara Power Com '| pany as'to the mode of calculating rental, and it has decided in favor of the Government = This final out. come of the litigation means that a substantial sum goes into the Public Treasury every year instead of re- in the several Niagara power . companies' profits. The Ontario newspapers that have been in the habit of abusing the Judicia} Committee of the Privy Council and declaring that appeal to it ought to be cutoff can have nothing to say against it this time. If there had been no appeal to that court of last resort this case would have been decided against the public, for the Court of Appeal upheld the judgment in favor of the company. ------ "T VISIONS OF GHOSTS. tra short in Eastern Canada a shortened by dry weathe rants and gooseberries good, black- berries decidedly short. In British Columbia, small fruits have'been a College in Eastern Ont affiliated with the Com: Ras Tomatoks.-- Medium crops + Fungus DISEASES. --The ravages of the Tent'Cater- pillar caused mnch dam ge in New Brunswick, Western and Southern Quebec and Eastern Ontario, many of the orchards being defoliated Apple scab is showing in District 6 Blight bas done more than the usual injury to pears this season. A. McNgiLL, Chief, Fruit Division Port Porry High School Promotions from the First to the Second Form--in order of merit, Florence Lee--(Honours)- Dorothy Bennets--(onours) 3 d to the Promoted conditionally c Jackson Among the Commercial Schools of the Deminion, the Pe Business College, Pete! to Iti thoro rough, is held the largest ' Pusiness and is ial Eda. da. The trained Hd young in excel Bad thirty gequent] who a jiness ed- position gat once. ple are frotory to g next fall ping their -- Mis- st regu- @ Toronto Wednes- ffont page! They Seem to Come to About One Per Ten, ghosts and not the spurions produ 1 credulity and deception, they are dis. tinctly subjective in character and ex- ist only by virtue of conditions permits * Auction Sale of a Nine Room Dwell- ing on Stone, with| Stable, lately occupied by the late Walter Hill, on Mary Street, Port Perry, on the premises on Thursday, August 1, at 8 o'clock p.m. dred years ngo they culled tuitle to servants or walters valls. Dr. John. son's dictionary, published in 1755, de- || fines valls as "money given to servants as a perquisite or present rather than in the way of wages." Dean Swift mentions a person "whose revenues, besides valls, amonnted to £18." Shake. speare uses the word In the same sense where be makes one of the fishermen in "Pericles" say, "But bark you, my friend, 'twas we that made up this gar ment and there are certain condol ments, certain valle" He wanted to | be condoled with a tip. The p ice probably d to grow after Shakespeare's time, for late in the eighteenth century a philan- thropist and reformer of the period bed a tract fst indiscrim- inate almsgiving, and denouncing the vals practice'as demoralizing both to TALE OF A ROYAL RELIC. -| those who gave and to those who ac Window Panes Upon Which Henry of El cepted the gratuities, Tuls eafly re iio. Navarre Had Not Written. For particulars enquire of H. L. EBBELS. Port Perry, July 24, 1812. 'Who, 'after writing a book of east tent was a window on which pi ed i 17. 8ad ones. ption: | what he pi 'by refusing to pay "Dieu garde de mal ma mio; Ce 22 de; more than the stipulated pHce oid Septembre, 1689, -- Henry." The Inscrip- | freshments or for any kind of servi ting their creation in the mind of the person or persons steing them. In other words, a real ghost is never an house. As a psychologist would say, it is always "a percept having no basis in external reality." Less learnedly, 1t 1s always a case of "sceing things where they ain't" 'That is to say, it is a ballucination. It has been conclusively demonstrat. ed that one person out of every tem bas experienced at least one hallucina- tion at some time in his or her life. Proof of this results chiefly from a remarkable census of hallucinations originated more than twenty years ago' at the international congress of psy- chology nnd simultaneously carried on --principally by members of the P'sy- chical Research--in the United States, England, France, Germany and other! countries. To thousands of persons the question was put, "Have you ever, when belleving yourself to be com- pletely awake, had a vivid impression of seeing or being touched by a Uving being or inanimate object or of hear- ing a voice, which impression, so far us you could discover, was not due to any external physical cause?' Of the 27,330 replies recelved to this ques tlon no fewer than 8,200 were in the affirmative.~ampton's Magazine. WEATHER SIGNS. Some Rules That Help In Reading the Clouds and Winds. The following formula of weather signs was adopted by the Farmers' club of the American institute some years ago, and it has been found to give satisfaction: When the temperature falls suddenly When the temperature rises suddenly The wind always blows from a region ' |of fair weatber toward a polnt where a storm 18 formivg. Cirrns clouds always move from a re- glon where a storm is In progress to one of fair weather. storm is forming. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from the north or northeast, no matter how cold it is, there will be rain within twenty-four hours. When cirrus clouds are moving rapidly from south or southeast there will be a hailstorm on the morrow, if it be in summer, and if it be in the | winter there will be snow. The wind always blows about a | storm in a circle. When it blows from | the morth tbe heaviest rain is east of | you. 1f it blows from the south the heaviest rnin is west of you. blows from the east the heaviest rain is south. The wind never blows even moderately unless rain or snow is fall- ing within a radius of 1,000 miles. | Whenever heavy white frost occars a storm is forming within 1,000 miles north or northwest of you.--Christian | Herald Almanac, The "Nickel Plate" The railroad pame "Nickel Plate" | found its origin in a remark made by >! Jay Gould. When the road had falled | and was placed on sale Gould entered a bid for it. The bid was considered unsatisfactory, 'aod -Gould was urged by the d parties to i the amount. Though the road had not | proved very profitable, It Was a splen- | did plece of construction and worth much more than he had offered. Gould | terusty replied that his bid was the maximum and that he dn't raise objective phenomenon, like a tree or a | | with the letters much more pearly unl. | the Noted Filibuster. | there is a storm forming south of you. ' there is a storm forming north of you. ' | laws, but was acquitted Cumulus clouds ' always come from a region where a fr is tion when M. Kude! first saw It wes ID" | or to give gratuities to servants who two ues of big, clumsy letters. Two ! received wages. But his crusade died years later, being again ip the veigb- | with him, and vafls still survive under borhood, he revisited the chatead, | the odious name of tips.--Indianapolis when he was astonished to 6nd thal | News. the tnscription was now in three lines, ANTS HAVE FIVE NOSES. The Sense of Smell Is Very Important to These Insects, In their aotennae, or feelers, ants have five noses, each of which has its own duties to perform. One nose tells the ant whether it is In its own nest or that of an enemy; Brit wit bag befallen biTA! THe AUcler moses distriminales between owner of the chatean assured bim that | odurs of ants of the same species, but the accident was of no consequence | of different colonies; a third nasal or and could soon be put right. And so It | gan sersus the purpose of discerning was! A plece of glass of the same tobe | the scent laid down by the ant's own as the other pames was procured and | fastened lightly in tts place. The guide received orders to turn his back so as to allow visitors to read the inscrip- tion--or, if they wished, to steal it. But it was necessary for the man to perceive in the nick of time what was going on and only consent to shut hey eyes on the receipt of a handsome tip (the amount fixed beforehand), two- thirds of which was to go to his mas ter. form. After some effort he got hold of the secret. For forty years the inscrip- tion on the window had been the guide's pride and pleasure tli, in one fatal moment of inattention on bis part, ap Englishman had cut the pane | of glass out of its setting and walked away with it in his pocket. The poor guide burried to tell his feet, so that it may be sble to retrace the way quite easily; a fourth nose smells the larvae and pupae, and the fifth nose detects the presence of au enemy. It an ant be deprived of a certain nose, it will live peaceably with ene mies, but if It retatus its ifth pose it will fight the allen to the death. There is a difference in toe functions of nose one and nose five, although they ap pear to be somewhat alike. 'I'his sense of smell does pot come till tbe ants are three days old. 1f,° therefore, ants only twelve hours old are placed among others belonging to different colonies, they will grow np quite amicably and not nnderstand that they are a mixed lot, because they will have grown ap with \deas of scent In accordance with thelr sur roondings. The seuse of smell to them {s as \mportant as the sense of sight to buman beings. A SOLDIER OF FORTUNE. , Strenuous Career of Willlam Walken, Wilam Walker, the noted filibuster and soldier of fortune, was born tn | Nashville, Tenn, on May 8 1824. For a time be was an editor io New Or leans and Io 1850 went to California In the summer of 1853 he organized av expedition for the conquest of the Mixican state ot Sonora. He captured several small towns; but, his provisions and ammunition running short, be crossed the border into the United States and surrendered to the governs metit- officials. « Fle 'was tried at Son Francisco for violating the neutrality Placid Hindu Bervants. Hindoo servants are the most im perturable people in the world You may throw one downstairs or pat nim on the back. He accepts both with ex metly the same expression of counte nance. The Indian's religion is at the bottom of all his acts, all his feelings. Walker's nest venture was én inva- He eats, sleeps, moves and bas bis be slon of Nlcaragua, where be was fora | fie. Faecal a bad himself i ing according to Feligiove formala, and pay ani Pro- 11a doctrine of reincarnation forms his claimed president. Later he was driven . whole philosophy of life. The fact trom the country. [Fate In 188 he |p5 yoy arg the master now 1a due to tarted with a force of adventurers for | =: a ndutais bot ulpwreck capsedi a' | the fact that you bave been the servant 2 Sy; Vutna ship tn somé previous reincaruation He suspension of the expedition. hy In June, 1860, he made a dat [1s the servant now, and the only chance ! tempt and captured the town of Trux- | an > = Jorg Bt flo, but was compelled to flee and sub- | his present incarnation. He takes ev- sequently surrendered to the captain ! vthl hilosophicall It is all & | of the British sloop of war 1scarus, by or wn A P gliy. whom he was handed over to the Hou- pay $8 Yor duran government He was condemned h on His Men. by court martial and on Sept. 12, 1860, | Kept a Watol wus shot to death at Trusillo, | Str-Edward Harland was the founder of the great Belfast firm of shipbulld- ers. His iynx eyed vigilance was a A First Recorded Yusit Bach ode | tegend at the works. It was sald that re 1% wild c | he nsed to survey the workmen through King Charles IL when be took a lead- 2 one Lo re ER 4 ing part in tbe first recorded yacht | fesicence: : race. "I sailed this morning." sass [fat his eve was ou them. A riveter 4 | who has a spite against a fellow work- pi 20 0% oti Bis pap | er ou a ship can let a riveting hammer } 22% hay iin obi page ELT apparently by accident, upon his ] Ds. a 8 rer | victim. It was gravely alleged that ' sented tbat curious plece to the king, jena DAE Ee ah y dps ip) Yomals, Jt (arrived at the works, walked up to the pleasure boat, balit trigate-like, and |" Rnd shocked nim, one of the Duke of York's; the wager, £100; the race from Greeawich to Gravesend and back. The king lost it going, the wind being contrary, but saved stakes in returning. There werd divers noble persons and lords "on board, his majesty sometimes steering ". Glassy. LX # guppose," said the man in the ysl. low coat, trying to be chummy, "¥ doesn't burt your glass eye when you get anything tn 167" " #Does It look as if it wonld ever be At Raiftoad Man's Magazine. A Northern Venice. : The old city of Ghent, Belginm, is on twenty-six islands, which are old that | connected with one another by eighty nk 1,030, gallons 3.011 bridges. Three bundred streets and thirty public squares are contained in these islunds. (Ghent is famous be- so Charles and John © Gaunt 1t the old ling was "nickel plated."-- i likely to have a pane in it?" responded . --. . the other trigidly, And be gave him & Old Parr's Possible Age. Glassy stare a One of the Just services Dean Stanley | wh aid for Westminster abbey was to |. The Limit. cause the almost effaced imscription iss Pry Is the most ingnisitive sort over the celebrated old Parr's grave to | Of girl. Thiers Ia potting doing but be recat. It is as follows: "Tho: Parr | she manages to have ber Anger wr of ye County of Salop. Bore in AD #1 notice she hasv't got tbe 7483. He ilved in yo reigns of Ten ring yet" 'and being of fine physique and. foruiet 'was Jonas Hanway (1712-1786), DIED bgtigiag ed aekstock. a0, i912, J T n the Goth rh Bite: Deceased for many years had Wh privilege of living 1 one of the largest, most progressive and mest wealthy townships in the Province 'of Ontario--Pickering--and was highly esteemed for his good citi- zenship and many other estimable qualities that go to make yeomanty of our country its bone and sinew in the best acceptation of that texm. Joseph Tripp during his career, as a farmer, was never on the alert for a a soft snap, but on the contrary, boldly and manfully attacked ail duties pertaining to his calling irrespective of their laboriousness, possessing a grand Constitution he complish in shott order d require RR : oe Ea] 8 his untiring application to the many farm duties. may have had a tendency to ace celerate his demise. He was a loving and devoted husband, kind and indulgent father, and had the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in contact ; he was a staunch Lib. eral in politics and had the courage His di:conso- son and three daughters survive: Mrs, H. As. irich, Toronto; Mrs. ¥ Harbron and Mrs F. Rogers, Kinsale, and Geo. Tripp at home, His mother and one sister and five brothers also survive: Mrs. Jas. Butt, Prince Albert ; Mrs. J Parker, Winnipeg j Mr. Thos. Tripp, Layton; Mr. Benj. Tripp, London; Messrs. Marshall, Frank and Alonzo Tripp, of Toronto. Mrs. G. ]. Morrish, Port Perry, was sister in-law of deceased. The remains were in- terred in' the family plot in the Pine Grove Cemetery on Monday list, all the relatives of the dee ceesed being in the cortege xcept Mrs. Parker, of Winnipeg, who did Lot arrive in time. -- of bis convictions. late widow, one "retry tear It Gibbs~One gets no diplomas in the school of experience. IDibbs--1 don't know. The marringe certificate comes pretty near being one.--Boston Tran: seript. PURE ot Fy RECENT SR FREE CONCERT Court Port Parry No. 179, of the Independent Order of Foresters have secured the following talent io give a complimentary concert in the Town Hall, Port Perry, on MONDAY EVENING JULY 29th at 8 p.m. MISS MAUD M. BIGWOOD Concert Soprano MISS LILLIAN DILLON, Pianist HARVEY LLOYD, As the above talent are the leading artists in their several lines, the public are assured a rare treat, and you are cordially invited to attend and bring your friends. Aid ads ie Comedian DR. S. J. MELLOW, Chief Ranger. undersigned. ard av ad + for Supplying Coal for the Dominion Buildings." will be received at this office until 4.00 P.M., on Wednesda Augnst 28. 10/2, for ihe supply of onl for the Prblie Buildings throug! Dominion. RT Combined specification and form of tend-t can bs obtaiued on application at this 3 X Pearsons tendering are notified that tenders will not he consid sred nnless made on the printed forma supplied, Ti Signed with their actual ignavaress uter into a 4 to do so, or fail tocomplete the 1ftbe tendor be not accepted the will be returned. By order, R. C.D FEALED TENDERS addressed to the- dorsed ' 'Tender