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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Aug 1912, p. 2

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--TO-- a MUSKOKA LAKES b LAKE OF BAYS TEMAGAMI ALGONQUIN PARK u MAGANETAWAN RIVER |p FRENCH RIVER o GEORGIAN BAY LAKE COUCHICHING KAWARTHA LAKES, Etc. ROUND TRIP DOMESERRERS EROTRSHES | To the West At Low Rates Via SARNIA OR CHICAGO Literature, tickets and full informa- | tion from any Grand Trank Agent, or address A. E. DUFF, District Passengor ant, Toronto, Ontario. Agent, "W. H. McCAW T HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. hy THE OBSERVER Has Ao Goop CER si is constant] owing in favor. It is the BEST eine Medium in the County ; is the champion of the Agricuiturists and of the more con- servative and practical class of peo le, is not a favorite of schemers, mers and cliques ; it is the Oldest and Best Established --founded in 1857--the most original and best in its local and general news depart- ment and is printed entrely in the : place of publication--Port Perry. TrRMS--§1 per annum in advance, if not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charged JOB PRINTING -- THE Most MODERN STVLES AND AT Low PRICES a ---- North Ontario Observer. BE EEE ES (The OMctal Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. omly Paper Printed and Perry. vl Port PORT PERRY, AUG Late Blight of Potatoes. Spray the potato crop pow, as the late blight may come along at any time and there is no cure for it, prevention being the only safe- guard. The disease which is 'fungus, will first appear upon the leaves; these lose their green color, and become spotted with yellowish patches to a dark brown or black. In damp weather the fungus spreads more rapidly and after the leaves the stem will be attacked and in very short time the whole plant above ground may become a moist blackish ill-smelling mass. The disease can be distinguished trom the natural withering which takes place at the end of the grow- ing season, by a border of greyish white mildew surrounding the margin of each dead ¢pot on the under surface of the leaf. Spraying with bordeau mixture once in about every two weeks until the end of the growing season will control the disease. The mixture should be what is known as 4 4-40. Take 4 Ibs fresh lime and when slacked, dilute to 10 gallons ; then take 4 lbs. copper sulphate (Bluestone) dissolve it and dilute to 10 gallons, after which strain each mixture through coarse sacking ipto the spray barrel, gallon by gallon alternately, and fill up with water to 40 gallons. The use of hot water for slacking the lime and dissolving the blue- stone will expedite the operation. ¥ Roast. Results of Departmental Ex- amipations at Port Perry High School - ENTRANCE zo. FacuLty oF : EpucaTion I.--Kathleen McCaw, May John | Exhibition Park, 4 Wms Ross, Esq., of Toronto, paid Pe automeble trip ON | SHORTHORNS, | Tuesday last. His residence in the | «MarpELLA FARM," Scuaoc. --There Shien City has certainly had a ben- |js physically, and | quarters for Shorthorns, at good all will be pleased to learn that | prices, bred on "Mardell Farm," ] g and his| Sougog. Only the other day Mr. volume, and what is better his pop | mode of transfer that wonderful, progressive city. was, of so enterprising and wort {a citlzen. beea 'visiting his sister, Mrs. W. ] Henders of Port Perry. Town AGENT accompanied him, Mr. Philp oc- {the Windsor Distri oversight of the Protestant Sunday Schools of Essex County, in con pection with the Ontario Sunday Sn A Et Petry an cal effect jon him, nancially he is prosperin usiness is steadily increasing inlG larity, atrons, is such, t wing, in part, to his honorable | 3 eason to feel proud, as Port Perry | of oO! Rev. Jos. Philp, M.A, pastor he Methodist Church, Essex, has Mrs. Philp "Method and has the He is a mem- Comference School Association. ber of the General Special Committee who prepared the document on Church Union two weeks ago. He is ove of the Cartwright boys t _ Mr. Wm. Brock, of this place, bis spacious and fine lot on Alidred farm just north of Pettet's Summer Resort the most extensive | and best appointed Summer Cot- | tage on the shote of Lake Scugog south of Seven-Mile Island. Mr. Wm. McGregor was contractor for the carpenter work, and Mr. W. I. Nott is responsible for the de corating, and certainly both coo- tractors have done themselves cre dit. Mr. Brock, as usual, when he undertakes to accomplish ary object he has in view, never counts the cost--price is no object--more particularly when the health, com- {ort and convenience of his family are at stake. A Sturenpous Crop oF Hav.-- Mr, C. C. Kellett, of Port Perry Nurseries, last week, cut and mow- cd, from a two acre and a balf lot, in two days, twelve tons of magni- ficent Timothy Hay. {rom this field in seven years. timating somewhat similar results in former years, and selling at the compare with hay grown by Mr. Kellett, it would not take many years to make a fortune out of this wonderful productive two-and-a half acre lot. Delmont Cottage, Seven-Mile- Island, Scugog, is rushing business and daily receiving additions to its already large party of summer re- sorters. The beautiful shade trees apd other conveniences for comfort and enjoyment are being fully en- joyed, while the cottage and mam- moth verandah are cont nually occupied by a large assemblage of the right stamp of tourists who are competent judges of seasonable delicacies and all express them- selves delighted with the manage- ment of Delmont Cottage. On Monday evening last a large party of campers from Balls' Point were in town and it was not long before they found where the deli- cacies of the season were to be found in abundance and they were soon seated in Ingrams' Ice Cream Parlors and enjoying the genuine article, 'City Dairy Ice Cream, as wellas high class confectionery. They expressed themselves as delighted with Balls' Pbint and pronounced it an ideal summer resort. KEEP AUGUST 14 for the Fiemen's and Sons of England Ex- cursion to Niagara Falls. Races at Bort Prerv.--It will be seen by the advertisement in al # colnmn as well as by the held in the \ Port erty, Tues- day, 13 August.. ee events will be run off and alre; the entries 'have been made and the stamp of purses certainly sbould bea draw ing card. Thiee hundred dollars is offered in prizes: Athletic games are also included in the pr The track is the fastest half- Canad: i Tike ada and regord tif i A Fixe CarciiMr. A. Tucker, of Buffalo, a guest of Delm)nt Cot- tage, Seven-Mile.Island, Scugog, together with Mr, Thos. Sintzel the tor «ff handsome amount for one of his more particularly with his young bulls from the celebrated hat cannot fail,| firm of Messrs Scott Brothers, of ring real estate, is | ers and breeders of Pure_bred Stock, establishing a record business in {but on making arrangements for that line that will be unequaled in {shipment by rail, he was surprised enterprising and | to ascertain that some one would be Toronto has every | required to accompany the hy | time and that of his staff being fully of | the check with explanations. Saturday last Mr. A. J. Scott, the senior member af the firm artived | ag ope of Canada's | in Port Perry and made immediate- | nalists and his y and | received h was v ) "| tens Reach and Cartwright who expres- sed himself delighted with the crops remarking that he had not vince of Ontario possessed such wonderful beautiful landscape, and that the sight alone of the Mardella Farm t > Duk ly A BeavutiruL Sumsmer COTTAGE. esting bull Psd Dale, mph repaid him for his long journey of : : 5 h miles. has liad erected, for his family, on Sixgen Soden ilies before leaving made a further pur This i I | Fairs in Oshawa and there is no ques- his 1s the | 50, that they will accomplish their seventh crop of hay be has taken |opjact. Es- | indefatigable horses that are to contest for the]: Jr Grrar DEMAND FOR Pure-Brep | constant application : from all of in ev caham received a check 'for a th athurst, New Brunswick, import: animal n its long proposed journey. His li Si ccupied in croppiug, he returned On y for his destination, Scug Og. . through Scugog, | nagnificent scenery and splendid he least conception that the Pro: fertility of soil and Mr. Scott chase of a young heifer and left for his heme accompanied by his two prize animals. ExcursioN 70 NIAGARA FarLLs.--The 14h of August has been fixed upon for the Fire Brigade and Sous of England Excursion to Niagara Falls, and thst day being Port Perry's Civic Holiday will certainly have a tendevcy to mat- erially increass the numher of excur- sioniste. A delightful time may be re- lied on. let all board the excursion train on the morning of the l4th August. Ostiawa Fair --We ara in receipt of the Priza List for the Oshawa Fair which takes place on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 9, 10 and 11. It is certainly a credit in every respect to the Society as well as to The Vindi- cator office where it was prioted. The List of Prizes is in excess of all former exhibitions, and the officials are deter- mined to make it eclipse all former The uffable, efficient and Manager, W. E. N. Sinclair, Esq., M.P.P., is the right man in the right place. Intending exhib- ifara_who have not as yct rece d a | promptly receiving 3 by Addressing that gentleman. Further particulars asto the immensity of the coming Ex- hibition and its Special Attractions may be found in alli issues of THe CBSERVER up to the date of thu (Fair. Music ExaminaTiolons.--At the Successful En THE © PRODUCT OF| The Independent ers of Port Perry lated upen the su been treated to any Local Court deserve to dant success during campaign. ) wonderfully strong hearts of our having during the whe their existence been': among our benefit addresses delivered by and Mr. Doig were" Wy again. their Public Meet our Town Hal ening. Never b e way of (ntertainm The LC Cana stening to.. Mr. Mit : uperintendent of Fiel Central Ontario, is peaker more checrful of late. for the Y.M.C.A. Throughout good. giving. local centre for Pianoforte pupils, held at Uxbridge lately by the the results were highly gratifying to both teachers, Ruby S. Nicholls, Mus. Bac, A. T. C. M., Uxbridge, and Mss Nora Wilkinson, Marsh Hill. Miss Lenore Medd of Sonya, a pupil of Miss Nicholls, is to be congratulated on her proficiency she secured Elementary (honors). The action of the Rev. Neil Campbell in taking steps to restore and preserve Oro's old Koox church, "the original centre ol Presbyterianism in the towbship," is highly commendable. Henceforth the Railway Commis. sion will allow no one tobe em- ployed in the service of the railways on engiue or train service unless he has first passed a satis factory indoor eye and ear test. $200,000 FOR ORPINGTONS. Two hundred thousand dollars has gome to English breeders to supply the American breeders with Orpingtons this last year. One firm alone sent fifteen thousand dol- lars' worth of *Orps" to the States. There are 5,000 large breeders of Orphingtons in the States. The "Whites are "'on top." An Eng o a V1 i Ss OT I¢ whites; and she has ors. Her price for eggs runs from $50 a dozen down. 4 Mow to Darn s Tear. fei > Mend & long tear in any garment whith will not be subjected So clos scrutiny by putting underneath the Sroak & ise of some strong } on the $ mi a pe y firm as we # very neat mend. F-r the hard worn ish vo to the states and won premier hon-| can politics." y The Messenger says that Colling= Conservatory of Music, Toronto,| weod's drinking Rye is iy dreadful." In 1893 the tonnage, of vessels clearing from Belfast was 2,002,629, and in 1911, 2,841,553. Newmarket has passed a by-law to close the shops at seven o'clock, and is quite proud of itself. « Best and biggest ever" is now the confident report from hie North- west of the coming crop. Five Ecas pal Council was and plank. On motion of Mr. on culvert. on culvert, address large.a) ' r and has thenecessa ies to meet and talk with all of people and we predict & measure of success for "the_ as a result of the present Ca We might say that Miss Big Miss Dillon and Mr. Harvey will at any time receive & hearty welcome from the m loving citizens of Port Perry. Come The Chiel Ranger, Dr. 8S J. Mellow, admirably filled the position of chairman, Crop prospects brighten daily. Keep August 14th for the Fit#: men and Sons of England Excg- sion. £ The farmers have been In six days Berlin raised $32.800 4{W. A. Vancamp, S. Jeffery and the The Alberta elections will prob- ably be held in November, ¢ Trans-Atlantic travel has been greater this year than ever. § ; General Booth is confidént t he will soon recover his health, A new million dollar paper mill is) ander construction at Thorld. / " Recent rains worth millions," say despatches from the Northwest. Ontario the pros- pects of the honey crop are fairly # Last year's Turkey appears likely to da Italy over another Thauks- Plans are now under considera tion in Italy, the object of which ig Winston Churchill's sutasing Of a parliamentary candidate: "leis asked to stand, he wants to sit and he is expected to lie." The New York Post calls Roose. velt * the Joseph Surface of Ameri- iN Twengy-Four Houss.--Mr. T. Gibson, of Sunder- land. England, says his banfam hin " delivered five sound {nlly-shelled eggs in twenty-four hours. Scugog Council. Scuaog, JuLy A special meeting of the Mu held anc the following business .tr8 On motion of Mr. Geo Mr. Chas. Vickery $52.75 the Treasurer was instry Mr. Henry Demera $40. On motion of Mr. Wi On motion of Mr. J the Treasurer was instru Mr. Wm. Sarnguins $6.90 fe and material on ctilvert, On motion of Mr. George the Treasurer was instructed Mt. Alfred McKenzie $1.60 On motion of Mr. oe Co T 8 if - * to [having accepted the appointment as governor of the County Jail at Co- his duties there. In the evening there was a baseball contest be- tween Nestleton and Blackstock ,| teams after which tea was provided by the ladies. Mr. Jas. Byers, Reeve of the township, acting as chairman, then called the assembly to order and a program was render- h|ed as follows : S| 3, ' 2, Duet by Mr. Norman and Miss "On behalf of the {Cartwright we come to express to fon "Ibe very much missed mental in helping to bring about the | . iv artment does not bind itsell '| success which it has attained. We McOutloch -- Baird. ta accept the lowest or any tender. "Your wife can come home." x ;| know that wherever. your lot may x as Dr ret OCHERS; : H's. Inspiration. : ; prejty wedding took place at Secretary.| M every opportunity to advocate loy- The, Bowmanville Statesman #gues that there ought to be more' juutnalists in the Senate. This is| "thie unkindest cut of all." © went ty-three. bicyclists in one batch were fined by the Cobouig palice magistrate last week for tid ing on the sidewalks. Itis 'said that the number of. deserted wives and families in Glas: gow thrown upon the rates is such that the annual cost is about $30,000. y The Taylor family is the latest to figure as the heirs to a mythicai estate, this time in Scotland, and the sum mentioned is five million pounds, A Socialist in Switzerland has fallen heir to $1,500,000, and his comrades are already demanding that he practise what 'he bas rg. and is leavibg to undertake The Biggest Re Event Yor I 1 THE EXHIBITION PARE ON. TUESDAY, AUCUST 13, 112 Instrumental Duett by the Mal: colm family. BER a preached and divide with them. 4 ? ; : Pe 1. At the tecent - entrarice examina: FREE FOR-ALL-- (Old I urge $150.00 i a idates|" ip = Porr L. 2.14 : , 'Boen 3 £000 ! of Eb Shall, fe cent. Of from the ruralf © ° Pathfinder 8 . Mosute it 3 Port Petey: : a sections were successful. ug bracelet watch to GREEN--Trot OF PACO -...svznuns cesses sone... Purse $100.00 the presentation being made by So : - Mr. PA. Vancamp, brs. J. 7] 'the Medica? Health Qifcer of Toursy R. Dr]. White Cload, Stayner Devitt, and Miss Ella Fair re- Coflingwoad 'gives notice that an 'P.M. Hereene Robert Graham Oshawa z spectively. ~ Mr. McLaughlin | analysis of the town water shows . B. M. Ernst Toop C. Colliton Oshawa made a suitable reply. dangerous impurities, and he Minnie Re J. McMillan Port Perry 5 Adpees Jy J He Davin, Mfiieseions saving bein THREE YEAR OLDS--Trot or Pace.......... Purse $50.00 . Ss Mir Wiles Unconsciously a contemporary Major Mac G. McMillan Port Petry 7 Address by Rev. Mr. Snell. partly describes the situation in WABIE Dr. J White Cloud Stayner Solo by Miss Wil heading an article "The Cost of Wa NI-TA Dr. |. White Cloud ~~ Stayner el Nn, i ving." i AMES C. Colliton Oshawa 9. Address by Rev. J. C. Forster. High Living." It is almost as LiMBER ] bo Instrumental by Malcolm famil much that as the high cost of living | These races are under Northern Ontario Turf Assocation. Mile heats, 3 P (ati " Royal Bl } ---------- in 5. The horses must enter before starting. Every horse mentioned iA ey iy bi 1 on ! on the bilis you will see at the races. ring; Rev. J. H. Kidd, chap~ TORIC TREATMENT Jupars--Chas. Robson and B. VanWoodrufl, Oshawa, lain, read the address andMajor s g TARTER-- . FOR THE STOMACH The Modern Method Most Suc- cessful in Treating Indi- gestion. The old-fashioned methods of treating indigestion and stomach troubles are being discarded. The trouble with the old fashioned meth. ods was that when the treatment was stopped the trouble returned in Farrell made the presentation. Mr. McLaughlin replied. Many of the friends were then given an opportunity to express their sentiments in short speeches. Amongst whom were Major Farrell, A! Athletic Sports WILL ALSO BE HELD. Rev. J. H. Kidd. The addresses J5a0 us follows gz After the days sport a Grand Ball will be held in the Pe Ey Land Mrs. Mean sngvatdd form. Town Hall, Port Perry. Admission 50 cents per couple. D : 2 The modern method of curing lemen alone same wice. Friends, indigestion and other stomach Gentle 1 J. WHITE CLOUD, Treasurer, M. BRANT, Assistaat Treasurer. J. 0. BROWNE, Sacy. JAS. McKEE, Pres. (roubles is to tone up the stomach to do its normal work. Every step towards recovery is a step gained, not to be lost again. The recovery of the appetite, the disappearance of pain, the absence of gas--all are steps on the road to health that that those who have tried the topic (reatment remember distinctly. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic medicine, 'every constituent of residents of you the regrets of this community, learning that you are to sever your connection as citizens of this, your native township. During your years of residenc: here you have won a place in our affections which time will not efface and in your new Mistaken Identity. Mrs. De Troop (who is shortsighted) --Good joing, Mrs. SBimkins. Your husband must very fond of garden- ing. 1 saw him the first thing this morning down in thé bottom of the 'The Greek Stadium. Stadium is [rom the Greek word meaning standard of length. It was the name given to the race course within which other athletic contests I bhome io Cobourg we are sure that| (lich is helpful in buildi he iE pful in building up the | 100 400k place. The length of the |} the same honest, upright character | digestive organs, and is therefore ne oe ways 600 Greek feet Fearden. And how well he looks, Yo be 2 the very best remedy for chronic stra htaway. Though the length of |i" Mr Bimltins turned het back and d genial disposition will endear you to to the people there. To you, . McLaughlin, this township is the foot varied in different localities you may say that about nine of the course's lengths equalled one mile. slammed the door in ber neighbor' face. The latter, aghast, went. her danghter. Cli cases of stomach 'trouble. "The sticcess ol the treatment. 1s. roved by thousands of cases like ; " ba . "Of course I did. "Well, that's not her husband; that's a scarecrow." 1 1101 T served us on our rouncil board | yeafst my mother ad sto trouble from which she got no" res lief whatever until she began the nse of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. She was treated at different times by three doctors, but their efforts Then she was ad 'and for five of those years you were our reeve and have also been our representative in County Council, By your ability and tact these were A Honey-8ucking Mouse. One of the greatest curiosities of Australian animal life is the noocl- EALED TENDERS, addreseed to years of successful administration, did et ayail. \ | th dorsigned 1 endorsed | by t : vised to try an electric belt, but it |X a undersigned, and cndors enger, a tin member of the opossum redounding to the advancement of red Cworthless, Ste Loflered | Tender for Brank water, Sheet Piling | family, * is the only beast spe- and Dredging at Beaverton, Ont.' will he received at this offfee und! 4 pan. on M ndav, August 26, 1912, for the recon- struction of break water, construction of «heat piling and dredgzi gz at tha Town of B-averton, Outario Connty, Unt. Plans, specifications, and form of con- tract ean bs seen and forms of tender abtained at this Department ard at the offices of J. G. Sg, E-q., District En- gineer, Cobfoderation Life Building, Toronto; H.J. Lamb, Eq, District Engineer, Windsor, Ont, aud on appli- cation to the Postmaster, Beaverton, Out. Pargona tendering are notified that tenders wil not bo consid red unlose mada on the printed formas supplied. cially adapted for living on honey. In sira and general form this little crea- ture resembles a common mouse, bus has a longer muzzle, weak, degenerate teeth, and nails instead of claws. Its tongue is slender, and so Jong that it ¢an be protruded an inch from the mouth to lick the honey from the flowers, while the tai] is prehensile and clasps the twigs, giving additional support. Secondhand Music. Bhe--You didn't seem to like she new symphony at the concert last righ : e--No. The fact is I ignored it. Bhe--Ignored it? the townsihp. As an expression of our appreciation we ask you, Mr. McLaughli; this watch and fob, and you, Mrs. McLaughlin, this watch and chain, and, Miss Elsie, this bracelet watch, We know you do not receive them for their intrinsic value, but prize them as tokens of our esteem which will serve to re- mind you of your many friends whose best wishes go with you for a prosperous and happy future. much during this time and food be came distasteful, The trouble also affected her nerves and her general health was on the verge of a break- down. One day a friend who was in asked her to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Without very much hope that the pills would prove successful when other medicines had failed, we nevertheless got her a supply. In a few weeks we could see a decided change, and got six boxes, by the time these were used mother was almost well, and she Signed on behalf of the townstip kept on taking the pills for a short t 3 it i A sigved with their actual signatures. 2 James Byers, Reeve. tune losger and was completely an their occupations a of res's pe Mes Enodall was wit y MW Bincock Clark cured. Sheis now a healthy and| dence. In the case of firma, the actual |; Jon Eek: so she said she he 3 ; som ) . strong woman and is never bother- | signature, the nature of the occupation, | ooo uni Dt Tn #14 youd 1K KS, ed with her stomach in any way. and place of residence of cach member ineng ax ther, a 2 og of tha firm must be given. Bhd EN i Positive Proof. Ench tender must be accompaniod by | wpe. ye 4 an accepted bank cheque on a charter- es, I'm getting old. i od bank, paysble to the order of the Whay you're ing younger thet Honourable the Minister of ' Public "ih ' Works equal to ten per cent. (10%) of at's it. You may be sure Jum the amonnt of the tender, which will be | getting old when your fricnds tell { tleited if the person tendering decline | YOO 78 looking younger than ever. to enter Into a contract when called upon _to do 80, or fail to. complete the \ The Limit. work contracted for. If the tender be | "I've spent all my money, my race hotse is lame, my wite has e| with not accepted the cheque will be returu- ed. my jockey. What mo PL Te. ax happetly I hope this statement will bring re= lief to other sufferers." Why experiment with medicines of doubtful value, when you have such! positive evidence of the be- nefit following the use of Dr. Wil- Jiams' Pink Pills? Sold by all med- Licine dealers.or by mail at so cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont, Dear Sir Knight. McLaughlin, We, the 'Sir Knights of Royal Black Preceptory No. 398, desire to express our sincere regret that you are so soon to leave us. You will in our Preceptory in which you have taken such an' active interest and where you have been instru- Hitlee--Ob; Mr, Writem, Pr Armd Ld I fri Be in your play? be cast you will take advantage of) "hoe" Mr. and Mrs. Wim.| popartment of Public Works, Baird, Blackwater, an Thursday,| ~~ Ot - 1 alty on the part of all Canadians to, ; : . "Mr. Writem--TIt ' iy On the pan S43 e | July 18th, " when' their daughter; Ne wep / Mr. Writem--It came on me as 1 principals of Protestantism ad |;1ip51,0ip, became the bride of Mr. | furharity from the Depart | RESAEE @ Bart roves pl Tolling the Date. Srtebed Arthur. James McCulloch, M, A. of Canora, Sask: 2/Fhe. bride--looked{~ ; sing in.a gown of cream crepe} de ith pear trimming and] wore a bridal veil of ecmbroidered|. = tulle, and carried a boquet of 7 rd, wore a'dainty gown of] Swiss embroide! i nk} roses. The groom was assisted by!o T, A. Neelin, B.A, of Winnipeg. | The Home was tastefully deco 'with smilag, ferns and | The wedding march was pl Miss' Mary Baird," while th | party took their place bank of ferns and flowers, per os the 600-year-old Audlem Chureh, after whi \ of "mol "tolled, a the times when no almanacs erm---- © The Exception. Perit hr ty le 8 su] 2 ne Thoambente ~ "Everything but strengthen you in the faith which we stand." May happiness,

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