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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Aug 1912, p. 1

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rma al AEE PRY aus ro giARRAE LIGNE por Perry Ont. | of the Royal o of , Physicians, burg ; Momber of the Fasaieg of £ > icin ne Surgeons, Clasgow; 'L i pilaf he Rolua For Wome: Ol hot. west of Divi' "5 Ax g PUVSIOIAN, STRGNON, &0.1 ¢ Offize ant Residence, Queen 8%, Port Perry fice Hours--8 to 10 a.m ; 1to8 pm, aod Evenings. : p FEE ASCEN (ANGLICAN) TOR ON TO i : 2 " PORT PERRY BRANCH H. G. HUTCHESON, Manager. REY: G.8t. G. TYNER, I, Th., Rector.» Morning Prayer-- lot. 3rd wod 5th 8vnday each iritn th denly the spe! slowly moving, 1) was broken. From terms caifea for a division bh the mo- ton for adjournment, the result had | b¥ his name, and, turning; he saw Li 1, but ts tiine i" Ie been an appreciable fall in fhe govern- | lan Astrupo. | patise wig for. The ordeal he had' | jept majority. dreaded and Waltkd for wes passed, | iy clearly. With the | yo Lag at lust vindicated und justified | ed, holding out Ler hand. | Telephone in office and house, © night |." Hol Gomwanion, 1skSunduy of each mouth | 'of the shoulders he himself by ndlv : ; 2 y of each month. Branches abso at Plackstock (R. H. Coulson, M B Me, Xin, Cl | . I, mself by individual action had a pe- sul day pis bis Hues Lo ed - Ywerly vemos, Wodiiriars apm Ae oa Station, (R, H, Coulson, Man By St eli villar btra pifiidelt and once more be-i | cullar offect, His position had been ak | ed to see? ehd exclaimed. "Where with the residence of -% y V.8. SC CHULOH B Sunderland and ¥ | gan to speals," time hts voice rang | tered In one remarkable particular, | hive you been these huudred years? | Port Perry, Nov. 15, 1894. . GC. v 3 quietly true commanding across | Before this day he alone had known | I've beard of nobody but you since | REV --. RICHARDSON, meet fm = - ng tuet ey | Third Sunday at 10 30 a. m, . | DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS, Bankers and Brokers. "TOR. BATRD ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the 4 County of Outario. Sale Register at the Opagkver Otce Patronage solivited: Manchester, Jan. 19, 18909, WIM. H. HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c, Buccessor to and occtipant of the offices of the Jate F. M. Yarnold. Port Perry, - Ont. MONEY TO 10 AN. Private Funds al 4 per cent, Sal «Pil MONEY TO LOAN iz Jno. W. Crozier, (4 per ent upwards-- British Capital) INSURANCE REAL "ESTATE Marviage Licenses, 8F Agents C- P. R., &e. YOUR BLOOD IS TAINTED | ULCERS, BOILS, SWOLLEN GLANDS, BLOTCHES, PIMPLES, AND ALL SKIN AND BLOOD DISEASES ARE COMPLETELY CURED BY THE ArrisferR, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, B &c. Office at residence, ath Con. Reach (one mile west of Port Periy,)-- Money To Loan. J. E. FAREWELL, K.C , LL.B., County Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- r, &c., Notary Public and Conveyaneer. Whitby, Dillon Hinge-Stay Fence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uo. Litd., and am prepaied to supply this whole community with tne very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent aud at prices that cau not fail to satisfy purchasers. The Dicrox Fence is without a peer. Itis the B because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; itis a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend thie stays, in fact it is the best fence made iB this or any other country. Ditice--South wing Court House, Ont, "W. A SAHCSTER, DENTAL SURGEON. Office Hours--9 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 p,m. Also open Saturday evening. "E ETE or Gold Filings, Bridge and Crown Work a Npeoialty. Vitalised Air. DR. R. L. GRAHAM Byoorssor to Dr. F. D. MCGRATTAN Before purchasing a Wire Fence i ox don't fail to mspect the Divros AL PENTEL [Fe : NEW METHOD TREATMENT Ry RL BERRY, -- ONT. J. H. Brown Wa desira to call the attention of all those Ya Sone ' villk auy Blood ov Skin Diseasp to Dea ed 4 ote Mcthad 1 aril Fok cusa for ary person having a dis Deackr IN AcricurTusAL Impre: | v MERNTSAND MACHINERY. oe G v ran S SEAG IE } 4 from er 8 and blotche: > DENTIST, April 6, 1905. ol dl : hither hereditary or acquired, our specific Offs over the Post Office. aa ; ! 7 . 'ent neutralize al pol. PORT PERRY. eriinenting, Only for the Bene have any blood di I AN branches of Dentistry, including Crown and Bridge Work successfully practiced. . Artifical Teeth on Cold, Silver, Aluminum or Rubber Plates. Fillings of Gold, Silver ov Cement HARNES 1 ule », enlarged gl onic out hair grows in a the ey bright, ambition and ey return, and the yietim realizes a new Life las opened up to him YOU CAN ARRANGE TO PAY AFTER YOU ARE CURED CONSULTATION FREE Painless extraction when required: af Prices to suit the times® North Ontario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural ano ) Family Newspaper 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS TERMS. $1 per annum, if paid in advance; not §1.50 wail be charged. No subsoription taken for lese than six months; and no paper discontinued until arrears are paid up. LETTERS gontaining mousy, when addressed to this Oitioe, prepaid snd registered will be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Noonpariel, and ch according to the space they occupy. Sond for Booklet on Disesses of Men "THE GOLDEN MONITOR" FREE If unable to cull, write for a Question Liat for Home Treatment Drs KENNEDY &KERNEDY Cor. Michigan Ave. and Griswold St, Detroit, Mich. NOTICE All letters from Canada must be addressed to our Canadian Correspondence Depart- fwoureseseswesys ment in Windsor, Ont. If you desire to see us personally call at our Medical Institute in Detroit as we see and treat mo patients in our Windsor offices which are for Correspondence and Laboratory for Canadian business only. Address all letters as follows: DRS. KENNEDY & KENNEDY, Windsor, Ont. 'Write for our private address. Central Livery ro Oné must be a genius to be a suc« N returning thanks to the public for t} patronage extended to me for over 3 ears, | wouid respectfully intimate that \, as usual, now ready for business, and have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell very CHEAP As an inducement to Cag purchasers <4 Diseouad of 10 por woke will be allowed on all Sales from now until Jan. 1st next. All work being ¢& MADE BY HANDE} und no factory work kept in stock, the super ority of my goods will at once become ADVERTISEMENTS received for [ubiication, with- out suecific instructions, will i ved unth forb, oharged seeordl ad forbus and charged ia pestis A LIBERAL disopunt allowed to Merchants and other Who advertise by the year or half year. THESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets Hand Bills, Posters' Apparent, 3 NT cessful barber. One is reminded of tending purchasers will find that b PORT P RRY : bi ) $ Programs, Dodgers Bill Heads, Checks | giving i al before looking ere ' t . the ors, sila) Wy averted pis Letter Heads, Wedding Tovitations, they can be saited in quality and price, my -- - Se age fi 1 gS 1 : long experience in the trade being an indis I EARTILY thanking the public for the indy free 8: mista, i ng nis ry Black Farms Reoeipt Books Busines? €acds | ta ule guarantee that perfect xatiafuotion liberal patronige received during the ays a handsome boy got in his chair. Books Clronlars, Assembly Ciirda, will be given by ady articlepurchased. many years I bave kept a Livery Fatablish ia) 3 b Visitiog Cards, ke Everthing in my live of busivess kept ment in Port Perry, l have much pleasure in "Shave, sir? asked the barbor. constantly on hand and repairs neatly and announcing that I have romovea You flatter me, laughed the of every style and color " youth. "You flatter me. No; I can promptly attended to. JOHN ROLPH. @xesuted prowpely and rates 63 any 8c Bs low oily use a hair cut." other establishment in e the Coun MY LIVERY ! ars passed--in fact, thirty years ort, Perry, Deo. 19, 1883, ' RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES 'R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, June 25,1 Mails Close.' . -- a Office Port Perry as follows : o ne i ok » . . Going North-- 9.00 a, m. Bis - Miss 3 Harrison, : Going South--11.20 a. m. 3 LX gor be) : Going North-- 5.15 p. m. a I MORRISH Hy pon ER y7, ; Ain Going South--10 p.m - Ae ih sof Froduce Saldoa Acme | 1) ggg" and WManile: Maker: . (WILLIAM WILSON & SONS ©, (Established ; ISSUER. OF MARRIAGE = Aa : £o. ure. 5 ndon, EB. 0. LICENSES" = |sbleatuas . : > Port PERRY, ONT. ay 10, 1907. ISHES to inform" the ladies' GEO. JACKSON, that she. has 'moved to the| Licensed Auctioneer; Valuator, &c. 'rooms formerly occupied by her over. Mr. Flint's Drug Store" where |. she is: prepared tojexecute all or- ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a manner 'unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style: . and Charming Effect. Our charges. are consistent with the value given. Port Perty, April 1, 1909. 2nd dap t OF CARTWRIGHT, In re on his part to make a -- mendation as: to his ability. igh some experience to -handie our fn SABRE MH Ws 364 University Street, Lo Catherine Street Montr You can painlessly re y D. hard, soft or bleeding, b. y 4 Horn Yxiracton It never © x SB SR ny 5 1 si 0 wre s RE MODERAT GRO. JATKSON, ress Port P , Dec. 1 : JE a Port Perry, Dec to my former place of Bustosrs Ji is 24tus man came to ; 'take howe with them' » Q4 ane : » ogake do wii thon Water CR tre et "Hair cut, sir?' JL fe hart et a} which % am: hy yy Wend fo | "Ne on wd H. MoOCAW crease facilities 50 "the public. may b Ma ' o ' better accommodated with safe and desir- hk able | cn-------------------------------------------- The mails are despatched from the Pos FOR THE COUNTY QF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHI ISHES at this the commencement of er Auctiva Sale Season tore. to -his numerous patrons for questing thei esteemed and continued patronage he desires to state that no effort or Datos will be spared 1 es entrusted to him sicoesees., His very éxtansive practice in the past should be a sufficient recom All Sale le list nof hipped free, to engage his services Ji Bvolenin either at cima for. Seis avd y "and , fis address Port Patzy 4 0 | himself to be strong; now the knowl you've turned politictan and ceased to | edge was shared by others and he was | be a mere member of parliament." She } ity possess more of, human enough to be susceptible to the | laughed softly, The laugh suited the achievement. Never- | change. | light spring air, as she herself sulted theless itis b Mist step that a maxx | Tle first appreciation of it came im- | the pleasant, superficial scene, inarks the v not only of his eause, mediately after the excitement of the He took her hand and held it, while | but of Er broadly on division, when Fralde, singling him | his eyes traveled from her delicate the lines that tion has lald down out, took his arm and pressed it affec- | face to her pale cloth gown, from her | far the Coreafigtire orator, Loder dis- tionately. soft furs to the bunch of roses fasten- | guised rutherthan Aleplayed the veln | "My dear Chilcote," he said, "we are | ed Ju ber muff. The sight of her was | of strong, persuasive eloquence that gall proud of you!" Then, looking up | a curious relief. Iler cool, slim fingers was hls na gift. The occasion that into his face, he added, in A graver | were so casual, yet so clinging; ber justify such a dfsplay tone, "but keep your mind upon the | voice and her presence were so redo- of Individuality 'might lle with the fo- future; never be blinded by the pres- | Jent of easy, artificial things. | ture, but 1t kad no application to the a resent. FoF the moment his duty ent, however bright it seems." "ITow well you look!" he said invol- | was to volce his party sentiments with At the touch of his hand, at the spon- | untarily. taneous approval of his first words, Lo- Again she laughed. "That's m; re- | ws much lucidity, as much logic and as | much calm cemviction as lay within der's pride thrilled, and in a vehement | oontive," she responded lightly. "But | ' rush of arabition his senses answered | | wag serfous in being glad to see you. | is capacity. | to the praise. Then, as Frdaide In all | g | ; A i By (Nil on Sarcastic le are alwa so Intui- | Btavding qu Ae peopl p18 Ns | be was conscious with a deep sense of n ™ really great. It must of neces prophecy thax: y in Chilcote's place, ( unconsciousness, added his secind sen- | tive I'm leoking for some ound with | tence, the hot glow of feeling suddenly intuition." 1 chilled ' chillle Chilcote glanced up. | again?" 'he said dryly. "Extravagant In a sv intuitive reaction p of i neanlng 2 he ds 8 | | the ig Wi ma Ls a hie She smiled at him sweetly. "Jack!" als o slic sishe 8 ! : it oh Hy x : jie = oe a | she murmured, with slow reproach. |! excitement and turned his triumph | qpiaote laughed quickly. "I under- cold. With an involuntary gesture he withdrew his arm. "You're very good, #ir," he said "And you're very right. We never should for- | get that there is--a future." stand. You've changed your minister | of finance. I'm wanted in some other | direction." 1 This time her reproach was express- | The old man glanced up, surprised by | ed by a glance. You are slwayd | the tone wanted," she said, The words seemed to rouse him | "Quite so, Chiteote," he sald kindly. "But we only advise those ln whom we bolleve to look toward it. Shall we find my wife? I know she will want to again td the shadowy self distrust that ht of ber had lifted. | it's delightful to meet you like this," he began, "and I wish the meet Ing wasn't momentary. But Pm--T'm | rather pressed for time. You must let | bear you home with us." | But Loder's joy in himself and his achievement had dropped from him. | || He shrank suddenly from Lady Sarah's md cone rousid one afterncon--ar oven | '} congpatulations and Bye's warm, silent Fnpprobi gon: + Hake de "Thanks, sir," he sald, "but T don't 7. A touch ing, when you're alone." "trea. Tomer with (he. colrof big cont and glsmced furtively upward to- of my | ward Oxford street. | But again Lillian smiled, this time to | herself 1f she understood anything on earth, it was Chilcote and his { foel fit for socl | nerves, I suppose." ly. "But do you I that 1 hope I have satis |! added this as if in half reluctant after- moods. { thought. | "If one may be careless of anything, Then, with a short pressure of | Jack," she said lightly, "surely it's of | Fraide's band, he turned, evading time. I can Imagine being pressed for 'Fes voice rang qéetly true and com the many groups that walted to claim | anything else in the world. If it's au | mading. him, and passed out of the house alone. | appelntiment you're worrying about, a Halling a cab, he drove to Grosvenor | II otor goes ever so much faster than a | Bidiigi cnline:. + iid OS square. All the exaltation of an hour | cab' She looked at hima tentatively, | scious and unsedied seriousness that ago had turned to ashes. His exclte- her head slightly on one side, her muff | lent him the tos of weight and judg. raised till the roses and some of the | ment so essentifl to the cause be had soft fur touched her cheek. She looked very charming and very ment had found its culmination in a sense of futility and premonition. He met no one in the hall or on the |in hand. It baf alwhys been dificult : g r to aro the rest of the house on' stalrs of Chilcote's house, nud on enter- | persuasive as Chileqte glanced back. | row as sh policy im P a ing the study he found that also de- | Again she seemed to represent 8 re 2 and suntle serted. | spite--something graceful Greening had beer among the most | fn a world of oppressive obligations. absorbed of those who listenéd to | lis eyes strayed from her figure to the his speech. Passing at once into the | smart motor car drawn up beside the room, he crossed as If by instinct to the desk, and there halted. On the top of some unopened letters lay the sig- nificant yellow envelope of a teleg the telegram that in an unformed, sub- | congtlous way had sprung to his ex- | Once aroused if may, it ts true, reach! | tever heat with remarkable rapidity, | but the introddtory stages offer that worst danger t§ the earnest speaker-- | the dread of #n apathetic audience. | But from this gusideration Loder, by | his Sharp confelousness of personal | diffcnlties, waskaiven immunity. | | Ptteming bis fvolce In that quietly curb | * She saw the glance. "Tver so mneh | quicker," she insinuated 1. smiling again, she stepped forward from the door of the shop. After a seconds indecision Chilcote followed her masterful tone ghat beyond all others| ! compels attentifn, be took up his sub- | pectafion on the moment of Fraide's | rpe walting car had three seats, one ject and deal | th It with dispassion- eongratulation. | tn front for the chauffeur, two vis-a- ate force, W ent gill he touctind. VOT anietly he picked it up, opened | i qe the back, offering pleasant possi- and road It, and, with the automatic bilities of a tete--tete. caution that had become habitual, car ried It across the room and dropped it {n the fire. This done, he returned to | the desk, read the letters that awaited | Chileote, and, scribbling the necessary potes upon the margins, left them in readiness for Greening. Then, moving with the same quiet suppression, he "The park---and drive slowly," Lillian ordered as she stepped Inside, motion- {ng Chilcote to the seat opposlito. They moved up Bond street smoothly on the steady pouthward advance of Russia ito is territory from the distant days when, by a curious lrony of fate, Russia and British enterprise combined to entry into the ¢4an- try under thefsanction of the grand duke of Mosc: {0 the present hour, and rapidly. Lilllan was absorbed In the passing traffic until the Marble arch was reached; them, as they glided when this great power o, Russia--long od d ; i passed from the room, down the stairs th nthe bi since allenatediby Interes and desires y Fw hroug e big gates, she looked 4 and out into the street Ly the way be |, oo at her companion. He had formgy cd-operator--had talk- in the eyes of every t possess a deep sig- | trom Hi 1 Lad come. | turned up the collar of his cout, though | the wind was scarcely perceptible, and N the fifth day after the momen. | Puried himself in It to the ears. tous 1st of April on which he | "It 1s extraordinary!" she exclaimed had recalled Loder and re- | suddenly as her eyes rested on hls sumed Ris own life Chilcote | face. It was seldom that she felt left his house an® walked toward Bond #rawn to exclamation. She was usual- nnd "which British in- stfeet. Though the morning was clear ly too Indolent to show surprise. But center, and the and the air almest warm for the time now the feeling was called forth be- i 'position of hun- | of year, he was buttoned into a long fore she was aware. 0, in the security | overcoat ond was wearing a muffler Chilcote looked up. "What's extraor- 1 fighting ' and a pair of doeskin gloves. As he dinary?"' he sald sensitively. rom India, from passed along the street he kept close | She leaned forward for an Instant fromx England her- | to the house fronts to avoid the sun and touched his hand. ¢ | that was everywhere stirring the win- "Bear!" she sald teasingly. "Did 1 at, fie dilated on | ter bound town like a suffusion of | Pub your fur the wrong way?" Then, the British crown young blood through old veins. He | seeing his expression, she tact quate assistance, avoided the warmth because in this | dhanged her tohe. "FH explain. t nal or commer- | instance' tarmth meant light, but as | was the same thing that struck me the tive power of he moved he shivered slightly from | night of Blanche's party--when you tat Then, quietly ' time to time with the haunting, perme- looked at me over Leonard Kaine's fention of his hear | ating cold that of lnté had become Lis ot fifter fact to | persistent shadow. He was 111 at ease as he hurried for- wand. With each succeeding day of CHAPTER XX. Dp! gulet persistence he peculiar position of distant province of vast distance from the tiort and inade- } offered no sanctuary. The presence of another persobality tinged the atmos- phere, It wus' us, but it was undeniable. The lay figure that he had "set in his place bad proved to be flesh and blood, hud usurped his hfe, his that absorbed his mind. "I coukin't explain then," 'crowd of people that it wasn' the govern dark head showing over "year, jostled by the well dressed crowd, {he felt a pariah. He revolted at the mew order Of : through the fresh, early fhings, but the revolt was a sllent one-- | cote's uneasiness had : te- fhe iron of expediency had entered Intd | ge po longer felt soothed s soul. Fle dared not jeopardize Lo | éyruat likeness?' fie auked The car twas moving throng of people some one called him | ception." uneasy under the cool serutiny inst green eyes. And with 4 sharp sttémp hé Bhe was stepping from the door of 8 | at self control and peavelraes "The very person I would have wish- | worrying over something that doesh' ald To Loder himself the realization that jewelers, and as he turned she paus- | tered his voice. "After all, we're being | | exist." Le fumbled 4 . head. You remember?' She glanced | away from him across the park to' where the grass was already showing quacy 50. situated; the greener. all but rer of Russia, who the old life the pew annoyances, the Chilcote felt lll at ease. Again he In her 1 of 'Meshed had new obligations, became more hamper- | put his hand to bis coat collar. Aluminium Powder. Re only ong to withhold Ing. Before his compact with Loder "Qh, yes," he said hastily; "yes." He To make aluminium powder Ve y SE her on--the knowl- tlils old lite had been a net about His | wished now that he had questioned Lo- | thin {oil is first cut up inte eC se edge of 'a very consider- feet. Now the meshes seemed to have | der more closely on' the proceedings of spangles. These are ground in & wel, able, bu y- distant, «pow narrowed, the net itself to have spread | that party. It seemed to-him en look- and the powder is then sifted through the kno ag an tmmi- till it smothered his whole being. HIS | ing back that Loder had , mentioned bolting cloth. The powder iF © nent, it, factor in own: household, his own rooms eved, | nothing on the day of their: last ex- | & basis for metallic patty He change but the political compli ciitions went on. "I couldn't:explain before & "your 'red sagures would position, his very personality, by sheer | opp that surprised me, but the most sh interests right of strength. As be walked 81o0g | wonderful, the most extraordinary Bond street in the first sunshine of tha | yyeness"-~ She paused. ee rh : was a delight in the on motion vo 'dented Tk étetses, Such Oririgy x | dow't veaily Jkist. Likeness seeing 1 brilyantly = dressed | purély an Individual matter--& He spoke fast. He Wik very stupldl" he exclaimed. "We're Lillian was still lazily interested, 1g her own bellef she had seen Chiieots Inst on the night of her sister's recep tion. Then she had been too preocen< pled to notice either his manner or his health, though superficlally*it had In gered in her mind that he had seeme: unusually reliant, unusually = well * on that night. A remembrance of the m= pression came to her now as ghe' stadied bis face, upon which {mpercep tibly and yet relentléssly his vice wag setting Its mark, in the dull restless ness of eye, the unhealthy sallowness of skin. Some shred of her thought, some sug= gestion of the comparison running through her mind, must have shown ln her face, for Chilcoté altered his posi- tion with a touch of uneasiness. He a sharply. ; sweep of What Uleness the glanced away across the 1 tan covered drive streteil the trees. Then he glanced furtively vr the way," be sald quickly, "youl 2" The mem~| stion came as @ sudden boon. | | She lifted her muff again and smell | ed her roses thoughtfully "Oh, it was nothing, really," "Youn sar, castic people give very shrewd sugges-; tions sometimes, and I've been rather wanting a sugrestion on an--an adven- ture that I've had" She looked down! at her flowers with a charmingly attem- tive alr. : But Chileote's restlessness had m= up, she suddenly) and her own ory of her e ghe sald. expression, «what a bore 1 am! Let's forget tedi~ ous things and enjoy ourselves." She, leaned toward him caressingly with an! alr of concern and reproach. i The action was not without effect, Her soothing voice, her emile, ber ak most affectionate gesture, each carried weight. With a swift return of assur- ance he responded to her tone. "Right!" he said. "Right! We wijt | enjoy ourselves!" He laughéa quickly. | #nad agaln with a conscious fhovement | 1¥{ted his han? to his muffler. | "Then we'll postpone the d@vice?" | Lillian laughed too. | "Yes. Right! We'll postpone it." The' | word pleased him, and he caught at it. | "tVe won't bother mbout it now, buf: | we won't shelve it altogether. We'll postpone it." "Exactly." She eettled Herself more | comfortably. "Youll dine with me one night--and we ean talk It out then. I | see sO little of you nowadays," she | added in a lower voice. "My dear girl, you're unfalri" Chil- | cote's spirits bad risen. He spoke rap idly, almost pleggantly. "It isn't T wha! keep away. Its the stupld affalrs ef, the world that keep me. I'd be with' you every hout of the twelve if I had' my way." 5 She look¥ up at the bare frees. Her expression was a delightful mixture of amusement, satisfaction and skepth | cism. "Then you will dine?" she | at last. > "Certainly." His reaction to high!' spirits carried him forward. "Now nice? £hall we fix & dex?' ur [ro BE commTwumD.] | ially valuable for aces that are exposed 3 ye dead, The powdar is yery soft adhesive; like graphite. . w es "Novar 8 e & man. Te Better, still, never strike who is short... ;

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