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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 10 Oct 1912, p. 4

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é Is Reported at Harman ns Are in to Be pond the. Turkish Frontier and. .a Increase of Stock f Topic at Ottawa, Where! It [§ Declared That Shaughnessy Is' Right In His Contention That He Dogs, Not eed Gevernment Sanc- iL tioh--W eater Paper's Opinion. , Oct. 4.--The chief topic in , official and political circles Despatch: Reports a n Which 400 Were Killed--Skirmishes Bald to Mave Occurred at Several Points on the Border. London, Oct. 4.--Hostilities between the Balkan states and Turkey have already commenced. ports from many quarters last night. A despatch to the Russian Govern. ment says that the Bulgarians are | crossing the fronticr. R. of power to issue addi- tional stock without an order-in-coun- tion from the present Gov- under which it claims fo 2 A ap i had been forgotten or overlooked. Military action has thus outstripped here is th: vhile the posed iss lower footed diplomacy, for no ulti- e is 'that while the proposed issue 7 Sir Thomas Shaugh- , the company will the case of a demand for further is- 8 led hy law to come to the Government for Turkey, and in Constantinople none is eR ted wil Mor {cation to he powers, In view af the mua lssued ia containel in acts of 1392 as fol- Alan company being first suth- teed 80. Lo do by a vote of at least two-thirds of its shareholders, pre- sent or represented at a sy may 2 an Shy i ture iy a whenever it shall do so then the right to issue consolidated debemture stock Sms reserves to itse i Ss liberty | d that the civilized | "world will not fail to do justice to its moderate attitude. not exclude care for safogoatding its abd security, as well ag its s, it would seem, is the Porte's y of preparing the world for the powers to stave oft hos. Ba No official confirmation of the [rupture of peace is to be had, {skirm! shes are reported to have feurred in the reighborhood of Djum- (of action, convince: lready the question is being asked why such a clause cannot be rescind. ed and that a movement w to that end this coming Albanian vilayet of | , ie the Montenegrin fron- ur "and near Baschkvranya on the ts uinderzteed here : Tuckey has rained the War Min- | ister, Nazim Pasha, to supreme com- ? : an additional $60.600,000 oumania has not yet mobi- The application wu or considerad by the Negotiations by the great powers in recent governing faver of peace are Sk rope's mandate to take steps to localize the w r awaiting the sanction or oth- are sibjected to Leavy delay an . two ways in which the 'ific could obtain the ad- It could put out 4 Leave America To Join Army. se days o cheap bonds, ernment ustructing him to notify all he increase in its ol A i Ww ould have been good fin directors recommended, use should be made of members of the reserve nt to issue ordinary shares at a premium cf $75 apy lication which has 0 he ¢ soverninent has not seethed yesterday Long lines of men, Sailors Are Out of Work. unable e 20 get quart rs, 1 hat ty have practic ally a most of them ter No men from i I are coming to America now, have come for more than a monk. they wepe told that on showing their pal srs they would be given the ference in jobs as policemen, leyan body at Westminster yesterday y inunicipal guthori ration wm i, ren the magnificent hall Fast Train Hit Ruto. In the 1911 epider: in is a suburh: Coal Carrier Was Drifting. ynesia arrived here kinsburg; ard an ern Italian Drepmad Dead In Field. > Winona sig lite i ts who had charge of the ere there, dropped dead in a field | near the house while bin ding a sheat | Tzft Frozen Out In California. years of age and TH in the em- ploy of the House of Industry for | about fourteen years. | Taft will be without representation , aud not a vote for him can be, i unless it be written" | in following a decision by the State | Supreme Court under w hich electors pledged to Bim cannot a November bellit as Work of U. C. Bible Society. meeting of the Galt branch of the Up- John Di Hon Hurt. | Swinford, Ireland, 3 menibar of Patlia- ment, pass thrown from a dogcart & Ln he head HG "of the Bible were distri-| = ; ied 'Paper Makes Chargos. Montreal, Oct. 4.--A Trench news- BE ges that the Catholic School red a, Ts at sn yd } a 'Phones for es Winnipez, Oct. 4--~The Grand Try L Panine will instal telephones for tazin « throughout the entire Sys. he a start on the division betcen West Fort Williany and Sus. ived 48.000 88 a commission having it put through. 3 be held. Davie Got Six Months. Toronto, Oct. 4.--8ix months in the Central Prison was the sentence met- ed out to Walter Davis by Magistrate Jestertay morning. Ala Dace, / wife of inte accused, was discharged. he Auz. 9 the Sovpie were arrested Schognor Driven Ashore. N.B., Oct. 4.--Three or lives "were "picbably lost when schooner was driven and wrecked in a gale on Wed- moruing at the" mouth "of t to - the Leach show oo Rustam. N.B., wily For * ex-Premier Reciprocity 1s Still : x . : His Topic and He Criticizes. the: grossing, but Se A Visits of Hon. Mr. Foster to Washe ~The Seléction 4 Proof That Reciprocity' Is the Begin< } v - % ' = a. oth bow mgr aR want $0 tell 508 | oy inom, Oct, 4--Sir Wiltrid * and Was given © AR T Sringficld, TIL, tham yes Liberals od py, 1, | FEE im rR The Work of Cs Far 'From of the Elect ning, Not Divine Purp § sell give § % ssid lin a friendly nd erday, the | E manner, ha armory Was of the Stats packed to > Sapasily with fully, three In his Ris ole, ing address During The iternoon Bir Wiltrid ext was taken and his colleagues visited the various Philippians ii, | E g schools of the city and held a 'public 1: "At the "reception in the in House. He of Jesus ev- was presented with, an address by treo shall bow Mayor Anderson. and an automibile ory tongue pares! was held in his honor, escort" J him over the city. "Tako my advice! 1 have proved Zam-Buk best for eczema end skin disease." As a mother you ows it to yo family fo give it a wr, but I toll them of my . : X LS eior Russell - | -At night the armoty 'would mot, hold. trial ft end pln iv and i | Sention. to Lod, 2. Fiktan's iia bet Com: | ie oo a cverlow et heals! kis hot that for. POC, BRC EAL 4 ing 3H in the ska ting rink, | &0¢ box wt Droge 4 Sern, : hes been me | 8che sud bearing pein' : aug : | fergoing a most m3 us re they as. 1 8 cb MM otdert had TELEGRAPHIC. Ses "'gloug the lines sige, He refer; red, Bir William Mackenzie owe dud | 3 to build a street Tiger in Eight were killed and fifty injured 3 Jo Ie a near Wes port, | displ of Ibe the pou r 8 : : jos on. | deman . onn..; yes tions and es i abi the action of Hon. George E. Condi in |} , iba ThE. gr a hi i # speak a ready "Pi seeking lower rates.on American rail. reasing scaccity a wing lo, the. (5.8 welputio 5 % oparer, has been Bled by I. P. Davies] an Sg La A BE a, Sid ae weysg for the transport of Canadian local 'trade In coarse gr 138) "As the Lord liveth," writes Cole in from north to south. e cla continues quiet. American corn Is low- one I meet that T owe my heaith and nat this action is not policy "but al Fd A Winece Sriesan, threo ie dep happiness to your wonderful medicine." | merely expediency to seve the Com- | vanced 10c per bag. Demand for iliresd between me and death." A 'Chal --Mrs. J. G. Jomnson, Scottville, Mich., | servatives in the Macdonald 'bye. | good. Butter, fairly active and tina. doan Catholic priest" intervenes, and RFD.S election. heege, quiet and easy, Demand for 474 brother - of the ex-Shah hp K.C.. of Vancouver, With 50,000 persons watching him at Trenton, N.J., Charles TF. Walsh, while aking, a poultry, ete. This prog the last fifty ycara. a vegetables also; he d iral descent in u | one of Paradise and I biplane fell to tant death. | der if there could > 3 : eggs good. Provislo; tead. Dr. John Coulson Howie, son of Rev. | nearly perfect fruit Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetshle Come wT pe in January last, said Sir or Anti ia No. 3 oo, e, | whose presence the' tremblin| oi sn Dr. Howie, moderator of the United Whore. 4 pound, mado from native rootsand herbs, | Wiirid, the Conservative press was ponte=Ca toed Festern, Ha 5 Ste to had been brought, fires joes hie Jn im ne Free Church of Scotland, died at St. Glorisvs' Enoch 2oginnin contains no nareotics or barmaful drugs, | tpPouncing that the Borden Govern- Barley ian Ditoba Teed, Wo to io; may, + stead of death a post ia Catharines, i poc 3. | and today holds the record of being the ment had once more gone hat in hand be dnt (and then, on his refusing: fhe These things are co regborative of | most saccessfal remedy for woman's ills to the United States asking tha In- | cto 2, Phim "a title with a firman 8] Te from the deferrad elec- Fin aby 4c T8e, ing ashe ) the | the Bible testim that 'we are at | terstata Commission for special rates Plour_3ianitoba iyring oat at patents, bim a khan." The, title ia 'Trans gs Ey VV | the threshold of sorfous Epoch, | Toren: a | on Canadian wheat by Southbound pi a iy rong 14 pe lator to the Kin, the translator ge te of | called in the The Reign of AE AEE pe a routes to the neighborirg republio rr rollers, $1.90 to 3; do., bags, $°.°% had come near translated. All N a majority © \ for rears. Our | 060 040 C.P.R. iseve. The C.P.R Twice since the Borden Government | to $2.40. : t} > swift transitions of the Far East 24 rats | : Maof coming | Crease d its stock in 19992 1904, § took office Hon. Mr. Foster had thus Rolled oats--Barrels, $5.05; tags, 2 lbs. are in this story. An jesiyiTieTning = a Xs Ars Ll | abtedly, wil | 190% 1909 010, onl Ja seth oo gone to Washington, thereby admit- | "\fjjifeed--Bran, $23: shorts, J mie. | China, of course, offers many exam- 1 A THe: Seripturcs, | 1 tude fo applic to the | fing the problem and seeking tempor- | giings, $23 to $20; moullle, $0 to $33. les of escape and adventure. In business houses in th wntown dis. "py, de R 81 ot only of the Rix |! I31Hon Gov cent his received | apy' solution of it. Hay--No. 2, per ton, car Ne uw to | Lungkong robbers set upon a cole > 1 rization trict and timated at | gp Anse 1 > cour cansed % 1 es s of the Reirnsof Bin and order-in-counc oil. "But this is not policy, it is ex- BY rcaeo-Binnet easterns, 3%c to 13%0. 'porteur, but end by buying 'Mate 1 Prior to 19 {sare n $300.0 | Dea h (cach day a thousamd yesrs), the pediency," declared Sir Wilirid, ami News" - . The three Graves brothers accused | ut also of the Great Sc Day oH ue capital st isi, applause. "I ul said oH iar ies bik Se ic tous; then eS he on thon of the murder of Kenneth Lea, were | 4 thousand years--thg Sa h of rest | Lic consent of nent by a vill fore, and I say agsin, that while the ted, Zc ta 0c; No, 2 stock, | There cor.es a tale of how a wipes found cuilty last nizht and sentenced | from toil and sweat of fag@, the roll- | but in that year the Government took remedy we submitted 'was rejected, on ioes--Per bag, car lots, Go to 0c. | teur saved a city from attack. by the chief justice to hang on Jan. | ing away of the Cursa and e pouring | I'7Wer by siatute to gt authoriza- | the problem remains and must be Pork--Heavy Canada short mess, bar- happened in this way: 15 next at Halifux out of God's blessing. | tion Yiy order-in-c At very | ogolved." rels, & to i: ples 33 Conary short out | Ww ut up one night at an ino in , Former Chicf Jus J of Nova Seo So accustomed have we become to | W Heo Tioted with the heartiest approv- | backs, ba 3 Pleces, $8 'a thot town in the extreme south. In tha Tone 3 Macdonald died yesterday | the Reign of 8in and Deaththat many | > | al that President Gourlay had advo | wood pails, 20 Ibs. net. $1 p + cast of the district. After he bad re- 5 1 2 1 85 ye ! Se Among his | incline to think it the normal eondi- ie | cated that the Manufacturers Asso- | 875 Ibs., $14.30; pure, wood palls, 20 .te. tired a belated traveler arrived, and dren ar ¢ Lady Hibhe Tupper and | tion. Put not so. There is no sin in hi . | ci ation aim to develop wider markets | net $15. i | vacupied the same bed. ln the morn. the wife of Rev. Louis H. Jordan. | heave n, and the Bible explains that | EET 1 for made-in-Canada prodycts. Liverpool Grain and Produce. [ing the unknown traveler resamed his Stephen R. Dow, head of Stephen | there will be no evidences of the | Want Nationa) Strike. | "Right," said he. "We want the LIVERPOOL, Oct. 8.--Closing--Wheat-- journey befire others were 'astir. R. Dow & Co.. brokers of Boston, | cursa on earth the clo@8 of Mes | [oyrencs, Mass, Oct. 4--Aunounce- | larcer market for what is made in | Bpot, steady; No. 3 Man, 8s 2d; futures, | When the coiporteur arose he was arrested yesterday ci a warrant | siah's Reign ther Adam's dis- | of th ii of a campaign | Canada, and we also want it for what Slesdy: Oct.,'Ts 8%d; Dec., Ts 5%d: Marck, found a letter in his bed, under the charg him ih the larceny of uce and sin bro cH$ the curse, | 53 ihe general | ie grown in Canada," SE wot firm; American mixed, new, GUilt. As Do one at the inn knew sito m the Franklin Mining Co ng thou shalt die 1 i ae kiln dried, 7s i%d. futures, easy; Oct., 53 anything about it, be concluded that Spe g at a banguet given by the "Yh God's Due Time | Ww All In One Coffin 1%d; Dec, bs %d. the late occupant had dropped it. As Dose rvs tive Working Men's Club at Long ago the Omnirot-nt One eonld | n e ? Flour--\Vinter patents, 29s 3. Ilops 'n {his man had not returned by the St. Dernerd, s . di] London (Pacific Coast), £5 os to 138. J Be nad Rai ovens Iam Pen AE | t.me the colporteur was ready for the ybody Bacon--Cumberland cut, 2 to % Ibs., 71s; T08., the letter was opened with a inquest held yesterday on the | clear belles, 14 to 16 lbs., 6s; long claar view of getting nocessary information, bodies of the ten children of Alexan- | miadles, light, 28 to 24 Ibs, Tis; long.c.ar when, lo! it was found to be trom & dre Gravel, who perished when their | middles, heavy, 55 to 40 ibs, 6 6d; short ny torious brigand chief to two lesser rel, Ques, lor EN D: Tosa said | pov ound or have Gio troyed Satan | in a few your St vould | and all rebellious to the"Divine ar- | oot chanel in the St. Law- rangements. On the contrary God hs permitted evil as a great lesson, until Fe | He shall be ready to establish His rinan joint meecting and Giovannitti defence central committee of mocratic Nominees. Kingdom. The foundation of all the | of the general or. | house was destroyed by. fire. sear Backs, Som Hnishs 33s Bpuids | leaders, calling on them to assemble Y., Oct. 4--With Con- | coming blessings rest unon the eneri- | Fadustrial Workers |, Gravel, a blacksmith, testified that | Lara--rrime western, In tierces, 283; do, Lr % iven hour on a given day ra: Sulzer w York | fice of Jesus lvarv. But the first in thjs city. The he tv ice entered his house and at- | American refined, 89s 2d. Muc) information was given as to atin H direct Tos the gathering tempol in vain to save his children, Sheen --Canadian fines, white, new, | strength o. their forces, ete., and + Tallow--Prime olty, 328 9d; { the purpose of the cttack was stated , from cvery e Gravel had three | Turpentine--spirits, to be the massacre of the prefect, the icuten- | of the Chur to the | nation and der erate State Convention met ut | tected in the First Resuredetion, will | ; ) extend the agita- He had his face badly bugned. strike to be made B a first marri Pen Xl tote rational if pos- children, who are still living. He had Minneapolis Grain 'Market, foreigners and the police, and also 15 a.m. yesterday to select fhe rest | constitute tha A eleven children by his second wife, MI} APOLIS, Oct. 3.~Close--Wheat | the "destruction of chapels and of.the state ticket, and to adjoutn. ated with the Red emer in Hi ono of them (dying recently. Mrs. | _Dec., 83%e; May, Sie to 833e; cash, No. Schools: : The «folowing state ticket was | ous work of the futures 4 i Gravel is critically ill. 1 hard, wie, No. 1 northern, Site by Noting 'the importando of (he ine ads opted : Many of us have not Jappraciated | The remains of the tan victims have | 89%ci No. 2, do., $3%e to Bilge. forniation, the colporteur came direct | prolong the pn 3; ; Br "3 yellow, (9c to wie. Tien will be hegun been placed in a small coffin at the Sata No. 3 white, Joe to ge: : tohend A residence of their grandfather. Rye--No, 2, 80c to Gc. ugh' to the city without divulging bis se- tary of state, Mitchell May | the work of Christ in ful | cret to anyone, and the society laid that Fe died in-relv ne 3 general, Thomas Car- | Chuich. As the Apos . Ee is he § ¥ contain: Bran--3$1) to $X. | the letter before the prefect in time ak sndeed the Batista TE the y of the principles Married han Eloped With Girl. puri paisa Sd i $4.00; se- to enable him to gather sufficient ymptroller, William Boh | Church's sins, "and notdfer curs only, ting the gene North Bay, Oct. 4.--Fred. Haggerty 0 " 3.50; second MS 52 re Chi forces together lo frustrate the design. 3 2 but also for the sins the whole | 4 ¥ : pe gy Lat he LARerT F tia, yn =" |He had had no warning of danger, aged 25, i8 in jail waiting trial, while Duluth Grain Market. and the soldiers. in the city were Agnes Quintan, a pretty girl of 18, is DULUTH, Oct. 3--Closins--\W heat, ne, Qo te inedequate for its defence. n very ill at the home of her parents No 1 hard, 89¢; No. 1 northern, 83c; No it TPT be the ibn, het Tan De Ree Mii ie re dit will be Haggerty, who has a wife and child ie; aie ito OF eb bid i Burt 4 OE oeionr ky tice [¥ at |i { bi ing rence that | in Otlawa, came here this spring to CATTLE MARKETS. face with a leopard. In a Peru town CRITE pd so world," (I. John ii, His Church | Te cociates fn" ! Wensurer. Johnaiennedy | ¥ wk of blessing all nations, ! +g Sah . peoples and tonzues 'for whom Ha : died, "the Just for the ni - 4.7 The Day Is at Hand. by injunc! ton dre: of the court of Vo wn 3 3 un i oy daga, Tho erect of oA red if ne- -- oS ft 2 real Sie br. Tie a Bible-seller was cruelly beaten by the forevlenms of this FRED: d-Year- : NT a 1 oh ip 2 So Ti. 9 yg Union Stock Yards. | fanatical opponents. In the insure | Day of Messiah's Reign. Portal bury, and thensto Ottawa, where Mrs i .lraction in Persia a colporteur was iy © essi : ; Portrait 'Unveiled. Quintan found them. Haggerty is TORONTO, Oct. 3.--Receipts of live arrested and charged with being must not expect all 18 ood ot. 4--The memory of | charged with procuring. stock at the Union Stock Yards were iy = diam: WEAK KIDNEYS fit QUICKLY | that Go i) promisediags: lass, the founder ere 99 carloads, comprising 728 cattle, | © he oe the cuipotteurs will Fig 8 % at pun- and women's Gladys Evans Released. i boss, 1068 sheep und lambs and po, experiences which relieve the | Are You Ir ritable, Bepr Ee TRC time of tzouble nich 23 | Fretitter bon Son, Oct. 4.--The suffragette eajyes Exporters. hardships te thie id an on 6) 5 never way since there a nation." | ® | "hunger strike" brought about the re- a, wor : 7 to. $3.1 woman in s Eglisottes, Gironde, | Does Your Baek Ache ? a | when a portiait | jesse on jerole from jail of another paren 5 GL ° Western France, bought a cop Have You Nervous Fears ? oranea of Torento, and | militant suffragetts, Gladys Evans. Butchers. - | cause her fancy was struck with the ee om because | en's Institute of The prison doctors advised the auth- Good butchers, $a. to $0; medium name Nathanael which occurred in ted. A handsome | rities that Miss Evans' condition of butchers, $0.25 to 1.30; common bulened a charter read to her by the seller. 1 G | Any Hiness ef the Kidneys Means a | so presepted, do | Poi Yd become very grave, She | Hh to 85 inferior light, $550 HY. he thought the name very ple sein, : J 4 | cows, $5 to £5; Sick Body All Over. Note | | 2 I sudpty a Te LTT be, compiled 13 onary phrtodionle ows, 33 Sicokers and Feeders, | and decided to proposa kL taf the Symptors, { "Ho C, 24 ed Omas i | ly to the authorities during the re- Feeders, §..0 to §.60; siockers, from 800 who was not yet agtisad: i, | { vi birt, and of aodenal | mainder of her term of five years. = to $, according to weight and qual: bos orion ale g 2 struck Are you weak? { iously | § . j / . . 'eel tired out | vo the | The ceremony took place in the as- : Milkers and Springers, frequent currency. In a Rcumanian Te - aches, en | sembly hell of the Macdonald Insti- vi Duchess at Logging Camp. Tire was Nite it 203 spuuge in in o gk village a colporteur bartered a Bibla Have you bad headacues? | x | tute, which was filled th represen- Co ictoria, Oct. 4--The ichess of a spriagets, 'selling iro for & hen. i was a very excellent Ln Does your back drag? and for wi ay tt of the women's institutes from | Connaugkt and Princess Patricia vis- Veal Calves. | hen, wo he added a New Testament. i | | ited a logzing camp thirty miles away in the mountains Wednesday and watched the men" at work: At noon Are your loins painful? Have you rheumatic pains? Are your ankles weak, swelled? Any puffiness under_your eyes? HE calves were unchunged at $3.80 to For four yards of home-made linen | he disposed of another Bible. Ten eegs and "a Jump of bacon" was the Js ce all parts of the province and also of the National Connell of Women, of ich the lato Mrs. Hoodless was ona ed, "Thy Kingds Veal . 3s 503 2 carth $8.50, with choice at to done on Sheep and Lambe Their , Highsesses ate exactly the beep, llght ew heavy ¥ 3 eep, g : brs? ako; up 3 > of one Bible in a Hungarian vil- If you have any of the above symp- the founder T he honor of un- toms, give your overworked kidneys | ling the portrait was given to Mrs. se fare as the loggers and rofess- hae Sai rans. 3 AN ar owt, In North Hungary a& farmer A help at once. They are diseased, but | D. Emth of Winona; Ont. a mem- to 'emjoy'it hugely.' Before leaving i "Ho og. ii Las a live pig fer a large Bible. A ten be gestoisd by De Hons Ae, iI . "I bor of the first women's institute or- | theY shook hands with all | 'phe market for hogs was easier at $3.5 rabbit was an exchange in one BLE | Fees re or, ant theswh th | Gaaized at 37 Creek, Ont. tg $875 and prospects for another decline Spanish village, and a quantity of thousands Have added years to their | ghall be filled with the PE BASEBALL YESTERDAY. this ou eo Cattle Marsa. preserved peppers or, Winatoes is life by this Dest of all kidney medl- | God, until the True Li TL Successful Fale. : -------- East Buffalo Cattle Mars A eines. Mrs. W. U. Rossiter, Wlfe of a| o; every man--until --The Esquesing National League, . SIASTBUPEALG Ont, Sr Cae Re er ane aseityt and prt oo) 3 well "aw amischant in sington, aod ve one = gy tion Bi oh! Crude. Yon. ot er oe 100 head; active and copies Psnuted "during the : ; now thou the Lordy xth Si oo Eg steady, starts YE3 fen mY Kiiney aie i 'ng on' sig ¢ yo B Hogs-- Receipts, 2000 head; active and 1ic Y6Ar, Sots more than two years (0gs--~ t to 2c Lise T Seayy and ied, $0.3 to go, The society' Jist of' versions now i 01 £6 to 8 a io i ncludes the bane of 40 distinet z, le The exhibits in the lbs "my spine and around my waist, my c3 were good, there being 1,500 back feeling as If hot irons were run- | } 20082 0. [ | ning through. I couldn't sleep, had no 0 a The cxliibile. in Taais, ap- appetite, vias ole gun and biris n rideeroel 1 be the | ples butter, callie, poultry and horses 8 10 an b Lai 0 ett | Rh ea ten of ol eney added my burden. Not until pr the glorious by 10 17120 | were above the gverage. tor 4; ebuivn 3: "Pisa: | & Brte the ] ire, ni I bad used Dr. 5 Hamilton's Pills did I | . 12 The association has a balance in the Ro yh 3; Pitts- &; la a |.get any. relief. They proved capital | ae an Lane red j bank of § and ext year the di- RIE Re 'York at Brooklyn, and helped me immediately. Eight will be His ALS ¢ theirs. | yootors will have several new build: boxes made me well and naw I do | The world 3 then g | todo oun ud 4 my own housework, jest and look the bisssing of h i and { ings gree dd ¢ A the grou ds, icture Of hed { sie a no Sow ever beef givén by his vi Vaauiled, of se- curing favors thereby. He was A especially frien i, Fe Th van TT ; ign, he said, solely for the welfare oe country and the people at large. Winnpieg bly chiig ki: That wes the fy nierast, ha Said, that had guided in making cop- Te ou i ar tributions to political parties. aid itor Ty 2 Big Battle in Mexico. "In the, face of the pro Laredo, Dal Oct. 4 Minioe) ve Te- Solin, a rr { bels said to have bten cominande Gen. Pascual Orozoo, "jr; are i "Government has: re ed to have been defeated in one of | consent to one of EE shbagped f i ed, a Socialist Will Run. The Liisent> edecd-

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