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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Oct 1912, p. 2

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inted entirel \ tion--Port TrRMS--$1 per 1 Er , cha jos PREVIING -- : : Tux Most MODERN STVLES Cs MO t at' NEY. HUBERT L, EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. PORT PERRY, OCT. 10, 1912. Macdonald Election. : . Winnipeg, Oct, 13--The major- ity for Alexander Morrison, Conser- lane's great stud of Imported |wore pale blue satin a b ck and farewells, was paid to Mr. T. H. Watson, for the new setting for the greatest (Choice Farm for ale vative candidate in Macdonald] THe CoMiNG FestivaL. -- Our|Clydesdales, the animals he is| picture hats. "They all "€arried} 0 Johnson Paudach of Hia- cement supplied the Corporation. story the world has ever known, + totals 837. This majority is not readers will be pleased to learn |oflering are all choice: the cattle |shea's of pink roses. Loui B: r-| watha, is at present spending a few | On motion of Mr. Stone, $7.90 was 170s Tole of the Cho ] EING the East-half Lot 7, Con only the largest ever given a Corn- that the Baptist Church, Port Perry, | good grades, the swine good and{negie, niece of the bride, # a| days with Chief Johnson and family, | paid to Mr. R. Somorville for gravel. i oe ung ny pro Ry 6, Reach, one mile frou the A servative candidate in Macdonald, |are again preparing an unusual the implements up-to-date. Make sweet little flower girl, and [@arried ai Scugog lodian re bE Te On mation of Mr dohnwn, $15.06 fae Borie ee including an | Village of Epsom, two and one. 3 .. bythe largest ever returned by a |interesting, instructive and social|a note of time and place and don't and old-fashioned nosegay. « The fois good crops, and progress paid to Mr. Albert Orchard, balance of) 0} oi 0 of twenty-four under the |hall miles from Port Perry. This + - paral constituency in Manitoba. estival for the inhabitants of this] fail to attend the sale. groom's gifts to the , br Eemaids i : Bersieas on sing ol i 2.18 direction of Gustav Hinrichs, for- [farm has no waste land, all lays up The defeat of R. L. Richardson, |section of country. They have were pearl bar pins. | Mr.ow@etdon| Lhe Thank-Offering. Services Li x re, $2181 merly director of German Grand well and is suitable for all kinds of ; ij dell : | : Mr. G. WV. Sanderson, lot 9, con. 2 nN the Head Church, Sunday, Oct | was paid to Mr. W. L. Parish for Hard Opera at the Metropclitan Opera | Crops, 18 well fenced, has plenty of »"-the Liberal candidate is decisive, |Succeeded in securing the services), o ..}¢ 1 aving leased his fine farm Edgar, of Calgary, brothie the | 6) were very successful. Sermons, ['ware as per account. House, New Youk, bas been brought | water, supplied by two springs one " The largest majority received by |! Frofessor Kierstead of McMaster | go term of years, and in order to|8O0™ acted as best aly and |ofa sunable character, were given| Ou motion of Mr. Stone, '81 was paid | pot th America and will be staged | at each end of farm, also by a well ' ~" the defeated candidate in any poll University to officiate at the Anni | make a thorough disposition of hig| Messrs. D. and Harry Catnegie as|by Lcvs. F. Woodger and A. tor. A. Wells, for repairs to culvert, fat the Princess Theatre, Toronto, |at buildings. There is a tidy | wat 23, On the. other hand Mi: versary Services in their church on [stock of first-class horses, grade cattle, | ushers. After the cereingny the | Richards. A beautiful and helptul | con. 10. Thanksgiving week, October 28th Orchard with some small fruits in it. £1 Morris eived i ( Sabbath, October 27th when he and desirable and valuable implements | bridal party and guests drove to the address was given in the afternoon On motion of Mr McIntyre, $2.55 wag {ts November 2ndy Six evening The buildings corsist of an eight- od son recived majorities © i, / il aot tocrs all willbe: chon as i (le tide h hy Mrs. (Rev.) Woodger. She took | paid to Mr. E. Wildman, being for 51 and three matinee performances are | roomed frame house, with good more than 50 in a number of polls, | entertaining program will be ren Lan Wednesday Oct. 25. Tha residence of the | bribed eh | 2 her theme "Our Flag, Our Bible | loads of gravel. ~ |scheduled. Seats for the engage. |cellar; a bank barn 50x60; drive A and in one instance the majority [dered by excellent foreign andj is a very latgelono nd Clibrasia where Mrs. Carnegie held Cep-|and Our Sunday School." The| On motion of Mr. Dobson, $8180 was | ment go on sale on Thursday shed 22x24; piggery 22x24 ; hennery 4 feached almost 100. The vote as |local talent. Full particulars later. | over thirty animals alltold and many of tion, wearing a pratiy n of | collections amounted to a little | paid to Me. John Farsey, for manu-| morning, October 24th. The fol-| 12X30. The soil is an excellent clay he them are choice ones, and all will go |Mmauve satin and a cots: of or-|over g61.00.. This may be increas-{ facturing tile, as per account. lowing sale of prices is announced : loam. Price $7,200; $3,000 down, P's ¢ompared with the gencral election shows that Mr. Morrison polled more votes than were cast for W. D. Staples (Con.), in September 1911, while the vote for Mr. Rich- ardson fell below that polled by J. S. Wood, Liberal candidate in the general election. . It was more than a defeat for the Liberal managers and candidate. . It was a rout. In the most bitterly -ontested campaign ever known in Manitoba the Opposition, assisted by prominent party leaders from other provinces, notably Hon. Frank Oliver, Hon. J. A. Calder, Dr. Michael Clark, Hon. C. W. Cross and others, went to pieces at the polis, The Richardson organization ? ir candidate and thus give 'color to its statement that the farm- ers of Western Canada supported the reciprocity propaganda and were ouly awaiting opportunity to undo the work of September, 1911. Mr. Richardson was emphatic in his deélacalion tkat no question Sther than reciprocity entered ihto the contest. By that test, therefore the Macdonald result demonstrates the weakness of reciprocity as an issue upon which to appeal to the electors of Manitoba. i Gol. Roosevelt's Life 18 Not in * Any Danger, Chicago, Oct. 15.--Col. Theodore Roosevelt, who was shot last night in Milwaukoe by John Schnark of New York, is now in the Mercy Hospital Here, and the surgeons who examined Rim this afternoon said that the bullet had not touched any vital spot} and that Col. Roosevelt's life was not in any danger. : Thefonly concern that the surgeons appeared to have was from possible in- fection from the bullet, but so far thers are no grounds for [ear in thisdirection. Col. Roosevelt is in the: best of spirits and inclined to treat thd wound aba very trivial affair. @overnor Wilson td Cat Oampaign Short ..Pritceton, N.J., Oct. 15.--Governor Woodrow Wilson is 'going to cut short bis active campaigning asa result of the injuries sustained by Colonel Roose- "' galt. The Governor will go into Del- 'eware, West Virginia and Pennsyl- wana starting to-morrow night as id His trip willthen be brought C oscvelt is in "the annum in advance, if not paid in' advance, $1.50 will be AND AT Low PRICES. Several sums from $300 to $10,000, have with me for immediate in- lowest rate, ay evening last as Dr. as on his way to respond to a 0g to aftend a: Sick animal and when a little west of Manches- ter he Met a rig driven by a young man 'at a rather rapid rate, the doctor turbed out widely inorder to avoid trouble but in doing so he met another rig also being driven fast -| by a yong man, and a collision of course fesulted ; a shaft of the doctor's vehicle entered the breast of the animal being driven by the young man killing it almost instant- ly, at thésame time a shaft of the young man's vehicle entered the breast ofthe Doctor's horse, wound: ing it ta 'such an extent asto make it worthless, at least to-day (Wed- nesday)itis stillin a precarious state; with very little hopes of recovery. * The many friends here of Mr. Cecil Pugdy will be delighted to know thabalthough }it is only about {six mond since he a, tesi- ntl Fheivogde ty, . ete ie setived a position in Eaton & Cd's. mammoth depart- mental establishment, (he has already been promoted to assistant. manager of the departmentjof which he proved so important a member 4 oLT oF Fast DRIVING--| of the staff. Weil Luke, done ! : Toronto's able Optician, 159 Yonge St, at W. H. McCaw's Jewelry Store, Port Perry, Call and have your eyes examined Satisfaction guaranteed. left no stone unturned in efforts to Monday, October the 28th be Thanksgiving Day. wiil Ap apartment house to cost 8z00,- 000 will be erected in Montreal, to accominodate large families only. Reports come from the North- West of many women working in the fields in the general effort to save the crops. The cost of living may be low in Japan, but dying comes high, The funeral of the late - Mikado cost a million dollars. : x Nearly 5000 square miles of timber 1and on the shores of Lesser Slave Lake has been set aside as a forest reserve. If, as alleged, American girls are such poor cooks that they are kill- ing off husbands, fathers, and brothers by their indigestible bis- cuits, there may be more truth than poetry in Kipling's now_famous line, "The female of the species is more deadly than the male." Berlin, Oct. 14.--A successful 81-hour flight by a dirigible balloon was com- pleted to-day by the new German nav- al airship, Tho balloon landed here after flying across Germany from Fried- richshafen to the north coast and then across the North Sea to the Island of Heligoland, where she afterwards headed for Danzig in the Baltic Sea and Berlin, Bhe carried twenty-one pass- engers. Great Victory Reported. Podgoritzia, Montenegro, Oct. 16.-- The of Houmes, the last be- tween Tashi and Scuiari surrendered to-day to the Montenegring. Among the Turkish rpisoncrs already captured are 62 officers including a Coloael and the Commandant at Tushi. Addressing the war correspondents at a' rogeption this afternoon, King Nicholas 'said that ho regretted the bloodshed, but hoped that it would re- sult in a mew and better 'era of freedom and civilization. Heidelberg, Germany, Oet. 15.--A great Montenegrian victory over the Turkigh troops was annpunced this morning by Prince Peter of Montene- egro in aieelgram to bis former tutor bere. The thousand iied 3.68' this morning * 'Berlin, Oot. 16.-- Turkey 1s negotiat- ing with German manufacturers for seroplanes, and engaged despatch was worded :-- | "a large amount of corn. in township this fall, and their failure | 8198: The date has been fixed for t extensive and important Aucti fe of Mrs. J. 'Aylesworth's first- class horses; "high-grade cattle, purebred sheep and swine, farm implements, etc.. which isto take place on Wednesday, Oct. 30, on the premiscs, lot 18, con. 1, Brock. The listis a very large one and embraces many choice and valuable animals, while the implements are all modern and in good repair. In fact the animals and implements are such as should be on every well regulated farm, and doubtless there will be such a demand for them at the sale as will create rapid bid ding. Don't fail to attend this sale, all will be sold. Mr. G. Jack: son will be auctioneer. It will be seen by the mammoth illustrated Posters, in colors that Mr. Neil McDougall,lot 1, con. '2, Mariposa, has rented bis farm and io order to expedite the sale i my : 'Mt. Jackson to sell the same on the premises on Thursday, October 22. This is an important sale, Mr. McDougall being an expert judge of heavy horses, and having had the advantage of Mr. J. M. Mecfar- for Mr. Sanderson is leaving the local- ity. Don't fail tobe on time for the extent of tho salo 18 such as will take considerable time to clear the list. Mr G. Jackson is Auctioneer. Mr. Thos, Henry, lot 3, con. 10, Manvers, having disposed of Lis splendid farm and having no furth- er use for his large srock ut first. class horses, high.grade cattle, Leister sheep, pure-bred swine and up-to-the-minute implements and machinery, has authorized Mr. G. Jackson to make a complete clear- ance of the same on the premises on Friday, November 8th. The farmers of Manvers and surround- ing townships will doubtless be on the alert to take advantage of this chance to secure . Jive Stock and implements at Auction prices for all will be sold. : Of Frstclass Horses, Splendid Cattle and Up-to-date Implements, &c., on lot 7, con. 3, Mariposa, on Trusts, Oct. 24, the pr y of Mr. R. C Dowson. All will go at Auction prices. Mr. W. J. Gibson will be auctioneer. Of First-class Horses, Good Grade Young Cattle, Up-to-date Implements, &c., the property of Duncan Town, lot 21, con. 13, Reach, on Nov. ---- Mr. Town is retiring from farming so all will be sold." Mr. W. J. Gibson will be auctioneer. Of Household Effects, the property of Mrs. F. Johnston, Seagrave. The furniture is in a good state of preserva- «tion. Date of sale made known later. Mr. W. J. Gibson will be auctioneer. , Mg. 'W. C: Vincent having dis. posed of his residental property on Union Avenue, and is leaving this locality, he has instructed Mr. W. I. Marquis to sell on the premises on Saturday, Nov. 2, all his House- bold Effects without the slightest reserve. It will be seen by the attractive posters that the list is a large one and embraces articles of Furniture, which for intrinsic value, is rarely oftered for sale by Auction. Mr. Vincent being an expert judge of what constitutes a well furnished dwelling would have none but the very best furniture, etc, so this sale will be a grand opportunity to secure desirable Houseiold Effects, and all will go at Auction prices. Men! Men! Men! Edge St. John's Chu was the scene of ding on Wednesd the marriage was? Miss Eva Naomi 4 est daughter of Mr. & Carnegie, to Maj Edgar, of Regina, Sa was performed by Re of Mount Forest. played the weddis during the signing O89 Miss Catherine E sang "Because." Ti ations were carried ¢ ties ol autumn le; themums and rose bride, who was givel father, looked. chy wedding gown of rich with tunic and coat Her veil, which, wal crowned with oran She carried a shower § maid of honor, who trimmed with rich lagi and an amethyst plumed Miss Lamb and Miss. ' chids. Major and Mrs Edgar left for Chicago en route to Regina, Sask., the bride traveling in a navy blue suit smartly tailored, and petunia hat, Seagrave FOWL SUPPER] AND ENTERTAINMENT SunpAY AND MONDAY, OCTOBER 21 AND 22. On Sunday, at 11 am. and 7p. n., services will be conducted by Rev. H. N. Konkle, of Sonya. Liberal Collections are requested Choice Music by Sonya Mouday, a Grand Fowl be given inthe basen Church from's to 7.39, [¢ CRN Xo nist d' Soprano, famous Harry Rich Entertd Bureau) assisted by, Poct Péi ed Quar- tet. Addresses by Re Robins, Little Britain; McCul loch, Greenbank ; R . Konkle, Sanya ; Rev. Mr. Manilla. Chair taken at 8 k Come and spend the @ £ with us. Admission--Tea 2 Phicert 3s5c. Tea or Concert al Reserv. ed Seats 15¢ extra. F. Johnson, Pastol Treasurer. W. J tary. God Save t, us Burketon. Remember Dati PLACE, Burketon Junction' Ci , Friday, Oct. 18, 1912, GIaRG Concert Amongst the High. Artists the following will a . Beach, Violinist ; Mr. and iC, Souch, Soloists; Blackst uartette ; Enpiskillen Qual Misses ionists; rano, and 8 p.m. dmissio mire, H Brown and Stewal Master Ernest Ing many others. C Doors open at 7. 25 cts.--Committes Douctas. To Hustzng 8 TRAIN ARRANGE By CANADIAN Nf Sleep- Pickering, 1 get their silos built is proving a . The apple crop in this locality while not a large one, is far from thot 'w Oct. 4.--A numberof | great disappointment to them and |! will also mean a considerable loss. | 8 beiog a failure. There are somé|w ¢|the community. . | them __ for the object being 1 h théy have Tor Bits. at Miss Edna McGregor, about to leave to make her home with her husband, at Moose Jaw, in the Northwest, . Mrs. Marat had | been a faithful member of the Choir of the Centre Church for a considerable time. The Choir of the church had provided a suitable and valuablejpresent. of silverware, ,| At the close an excellentitea, 'Mrs. George Sweetman read a very ap- "who was]. On a ion? for drawing gravel andsteel, from Man- chester Station and filling' approaches for Manchester bridge. On motion of Mr. Johnson, $17.46 was paid to Mr, Frank Bailey for construct- ing cement crossing in tho Village of Prince Albert. On motion of Mr. McIntyre, 87.90 was ordered to be paid to Mr. Timson for 79 propriateaddress, in which "lof a very complimentary character ~| was made to her genial and kindly dispasition' and also to the respect entertained for her by the people of rs. Jackson, during the reading of the address, presented her with the articles pro- .| vided, as a token of esteem from the Choir. Mrs. Marat thanked the very unexpected mark of esteem. The pastor of the church, Rev. §.,\V. Totten, follow- i{used more discretion, al d as General Sheaff: did.later in the Toads of 'gravel for Whitby townline i; to be charged to Whitby townline account, a -_ On motion of "Mr. Belntyre, 81.50 was ordered to be paid to Me. Thomas Kirby for repairing bridge on Whitby townline--to be chatged to Whitby townline account. , On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Clork was instructed to. notify the owner of fot 16, con. 5, to re-open the ditch run- ping to the north and give proper. chan: : ed with some words of appresiatien mpény a ed wishing a ot journey and many blet yet saddened to know that we ngs ; | shall not likely meet her, or greet" her _| smiling face and genial smi quite a length of time, and perhaps never in this world of separations ed others who who have indicated their purpose to help in this part of the work ofthe church. The Choir of the church rendered valu able service as also did Centre Church Choir in the evening. Dr. E. A. Totten has removed to Toronto, going there immediately after his ocean voyage. He has has engaged in the Dental Supply business. Mrs. Fielding of Shirley, has been visiting her daughters, Mrs J. and H. Collins. Mr. Gardner we learn captured eleven ducks in one forenoon lately. At the Foot Church, Scugog, next Sunday, Thankofiering Services, at 1030 and 2.30 Rev. R. Bamforth, B.A., will preach, at 7 Mr. B, Smallman will preach. Collections ings at. all services, All i Monday, "Oct Fue Rev. RB. Bamforth, B.A. will lectuté on "Lile in a Mining Town" Re- freshments at close. Admission 25 and 15 cents. ---------------- The Brock Anniversary. Canada does well to keep fresh the memory of Sir Isaac Brock, and '| to celebrate the hundredth anniver- sary of his death at Queenston Heights. It would be hard to exaggerate the service that he did to this country in the early stages of the war of 1812, or to tell what would have been the outcome of the struggle if he had not given il so inspiring a beginning. The in- fluence of bis courage and energy extends down to our own day, and will continue to fire the patriotism of 'generations yet unborn. The Editor of a magazine which calls itself Canadian has deprecated the public celebration this week be- cause of the tendency to exalt war and the warrior to the detriment of the peace movements of to-day. But the most peaceful must admif that it is right to defend one's home and country against wanton aggres sion, and seldom has a soldier died 'lin a more justcause thandid Brock. Moreover, there was about him nothing of the braggart or bully and no disposition to promote war for the glory to be won. Barp in the same year as Wellington and Napoleon; hs military, famz and genius may not have been so great self sacrifice. Anctber newspaper bas suggested that if 'Brock had i had acted captains, 3 x fleld critic, true to the spirit of the 'da; |] nel for the water to flow [rom thé bridge seossig bid road. Rs id Mr. Jas McCulloch. for "repairs to Nonquon road, division 27. | a On motion of Mr. Stone, $8 was paid] to Mr. N. Midgley, for gravel for the Wallace bridge, lot 19, con. 18. On motion of Mr. Melntyre, $22.76 On motion of Mr. Dobson: $11.80 was paid to Mr. E. Ashton for 118 loads of gravel. On motion of Mr. Johnson, $2.16 was paid Mossra. Carnegie Bros , for hard- ward, as per account. On motion of Mr. Johnson, $36.80 was paid to The Carvegie Milling Co., for lumber as per bill On motion of Mr. Mclatyre, $1.76 was paid to Mesers. Vernon and Masters for condtructing culvert. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the ac- count of Mr. J. Hemmingway (or $6.80 was ordered to bo paid. On motion of Mr. Johuson, the claim of the Ontario Bridges Co., amounting to $617.00, as per bill rendered for steel bridges was ordered to be paid, On mniotion of Mr. Dobson, the ac- count of Mr. Alex. Calder, roadmaster for division 40, amonntivg to $25 for constructing a nurober of culverts was ordered to be paid. J 2 On motion of Nr. 2obod 81.00 for supplviog the 'Corporation wish gravel as per account was ordered to be' paid to Mr. E. Wildman, On motion of Mr. Dobson, Mr.C. Blakely's claim for $9.85 being for re- pairs to right-of-way to gravel pit and balance due for gravel supplied in 1911 was ordered to be paid. On motion of Mr. McIntyre, $6 was paid to Dr. 8. J. Mellow for profssional services. On wiotion of Mr. Dobson, $28 was paid te Mr. John Masters for drawing 28 loads gravel, a portion for the man ufacture of tile and the balance for approach to bridge. On motion the Council adjourned. -- Qartwright Council. BracksTock, Ocr. 7th, i912 Rogular mecting of Council. Mem- bers all present, Reeve Jas. Byers pre- siding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from H. 8. Osler on behalf of the Cartwright GamaPreserve Co. re notice and purchase of the un- used road allowances in the marsh was received, and on motion of the Council the Reeve was appointed to meet Mr. Osler, : ; Win, Armstrong presented a billj for work on quarter-line north of con. 9, Inid-on the table till next regular meet- ing. $ Orders worp drawn as follows : Thos. Davidson, repairs and material fculvert coi b $11,604 Thos. Lamb, 12 loads of, gravel 86.20; B wmanville News, ad- vertising Court of Revision #3.20;.8. Chambers, repairs to" grader $1.30; J oles, 787 ft. of timber $1 Williams, repairs to con, 8 am line $1.75: D. English gy ig Say $110; Chas, Falls, 1 sheep. and. ting wh and electricians . worked {to thrive, . as y nurse i 1. baby glef . Seger to feel the improvement my- ] d 1. daily gained re ordered to be paid to Mr. John.Johnson | shown scenic enic settings:is of sucha : that there are only a few theatres in America with stages® large enough accommodate the equipment. Car penters, electricians and a other workers are now in poss of the Princess Theatre stage get- bd dor this uction, and desert where the Wise Men are wailing Bethlehem, to point them the wa view the spectacular achievement of American stagecraft. Klaw and Erlanger taxed the' enotmous re- sources of their theatrical plant in every department in building this new equipment. Their scenic ar- tists and costumers, their engineers combination memoriesof "Ben-Hur" production With the new spectacle they have built for themselves a monument as enduring as the name of Shakes- peare in the glories and'. beauties of for the tatinees on Monday, will be &1.50, the entire balcony #1 00, gallery (not reserved) soc. For the evening performances, first eighteen rows lower floor $2.00, remainder of lower floor and first three rows of the balcony $1.50, remainder of the balcony &i.00, gallery (not reserved) soc. Mana- per Sheppard of the Princess Theatre, announces that special attention will be given to all mail orders accompanied with remittance and self-addressed envelope for re- ply. Rh MOTHERS NEED CONST- ANT STRENGTH. To Qare for the Growing Fami- 1y, and Her Household a saat wares. " Wheh there is a growing family to care for and the mother falls ill, il i§ a serious matter. Many mothe ers'who are on the go from morhing to night, whose work apparently is never done, heroically tryé™to , dis~ guise their suflerings, oh keep an appearance. cheerfulness before theit family. Only 'themselves know bow they are distressed by headaches and backaches, dragging down pains and nervous weakness ; how their nights are 'often sleepless and they arise to a pew day's work tired, depressed and should know that these sufferings are usuolly due to a lack of zood nourishing blood. They should know that the thing above all others they need to give them new health ard strength is rich, red blood, and that among all medicines there ig none can equal De. Williams" Pink Pills for tbeir blood making, health restoring qual ities. Every suffering woman, every woman with a home and family 10 care for should give these pills a fair trial, for they will keep her in health and strength. and make her work easy. Here is strong proof that these Pills do what is claimed for them. Mrs. Henry Thomas, Dryden, Ont, says: "When my my second child was born I was so weak and run down that I could scarcely walk across a room, My baby was small and weak also and cried and worried night and was starving, as my nurse had warped almost to'water. My hus- band got me a supply of Dr. Willi. ams' Pink Pills, and { began taking them. The first beneficial effects were noticed in that my. child began nu n to nd pt better and 1t was not long until 1 improve, naturally. iorde of : 1 he "ct n |" rise'on "thet solemin and beautiful 'seeneiin the, for the signal, the Star of}: Deputy of the Minister of the Inferior. ~~ h onuoted pocation of this advertisement will not be paid for.--26686. "In to the Messiah, the spectator will |i (Thanksgiving Day), Wednesday and Saturday, the entire lower floor balance at 5 per cent. For full Pariculare apply to PHiLp& BeaTON, 'hitevale, Ont., or to the owner, Wu SeLLers, Prince Albert, Ont, Notice to Creditors day ubtil I discovered that the child |P of Elizabeth Crozier, late of the Town- ship of Reach, in the County of Ontario, Widow, deceased. URSUANT to the Revised Statutes of Ontaria, 1897, Chapter 129, notice is hereby given that all Creditors and others having claims ayzainst the estate of the above named Elizabeth Crogiew, who died on or about the Kighteaush day of September. A.D. 1812, ate reqs ired on or before the Twenty ~tivst da of O:tobar, A.D 1912, to snd by prepaid. or duliver to Jue. W. Cruzier, of the Village of Port Perry, in tha County of Ontario, Solicitor for the Ex« wcutors of the said deceased, their Christian and Surnames, addresses and descripiions, together with full partie= ulars of their claims, a statement: of» their accounts aud the nature of the gecurity (if any] held by them. - i) Axp Notice is further given that. after such last mentioned dato the Kx- | ecutors of the Estate will froesed io distribate the assets of the Estate' among the parties entitled thorete, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall ut tbe time ef kuch distribution have boen given. and the ~ Exvecutors will not be 'hable for the assets or Any pane thereof to any persen or persons of whose claim or claims . they shall uct have had notice at the time of such distribution. Dated at Port Perry this 21st day of September, A.D, 1912. JNO. W. CROZIER, Solicitor' for Executors. Hid LS EALED TENDERS addrcssedto tbe S undersigned, ané endorsed '* Tender for Harbour Improvements at Whitby, Ont.," will bes received at this office until 400 P.M., ou Tuesday, October 99, 1912. for the construction of a Stone and Concrete Esplanade Wall at Whitby Harbour, - in the Township of Whitby, County of Ontario, Ont. Plans, specification and form of ean tract ean bo seen, and forms of tender obtained at this Department and at the offices of J. G. Sing, Esq., District Ea ineer, Confederation Life Bu 'oronto, Out.; H. J, Lamb, Eq, Die trict Engineer, Windsor, Ont., and on lea to the Postmaster at Whit- ot. Persons tendering are notified that tenders will not be considered 'unless made on the printed forms and signed with their actual si stating their occupations avd esidence. occupation, and . ac onde o ho be Fi > by tender must - b ; artered hb rder of the Hon. - Bole Werkty ein more |e ted heque on 8 bank. payable to 1 ol ougable the Minist of Pi

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