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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Nov 1912, p. 2

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ALA ME . Huiilton;| A glass factory costing $200,000 kU Baie 'o Man. | will im combistied pr dco a ldng and highly respected Alberta. 3 ti of Port Perry, and all in| Cannington is to Have & town d will be pleased to know park of between seven and eight that be is again to become a citizen cies of our town. As Station Agent here Pe ihis Popularity was only equalled ed by graciousness and prompti- tude and all welcome him and his estimable family to our midst again. We are in receipt of a late num- bet off the: bright and newsy Vis- count (Sask) Sun; which certainly, judging from the patrohage bestow. ed upon it, must be highly popular in the district of its publication Its © pablisher, Mr. Morphy, is 'without question the right man in Aue Another OIQ. Resident, Mr. Russell So 9. con. 2, Ma bs bis fine farm f§ makes the dis horses, cattle, implements, ete. in order to exp has authorised them, without on Wednesday, is a sale of far importance. sive one and enj animals rarely tob horses are first=cl registered Shorthe the theep and swing the machinery a to-date ; in fact, ti just such an age be on every well what 1s still better? the slightest r auction prices. dg peg Nearly all the diseases that afflict humanity are caused by bad blood --weak, watery blood, poisoned hy |' impurities. Bad blood 1s the cause of headaches and backaches, lum=| bago and rheumatism ; debility and indigestion, neuralgia and other nerve troubles, and disfiguring skit' diseases like eczema and salt rheam show how impure the skin actualy is. No use trying a diflerent remedy for each disease, because they;all spring from the one: 'cause--bad blood. To cure any of these troubles | nval policy that his cash deposit | EBB... 2. you must get right dawn to the root | was gacrificed; he having "failed to Gattle, per Ib of the trouble in the blood, and that | 2 is Decessary. winimtim, - H per 100 lbs is just what Dr. Williams' Pink oe ecessary Jn) Beans:. i i \vas 240 4 Pills do. They make mew, red{ :Okthetotal vote polled in the|Grass Seed........ blood and thus'cure 'these diseases|canstituency of . Hoghelaga, Mr. when common medicine fails, Mrs. | Codetre received 4,222 while Doyon John Jackson, Wood: was'Tet down with #016. The fight w el stock, O pa d{ Mr. - Joseph Town, of- Saintfigld died at the residence of her sonein: ofl 1aw Mr, Samuel Baird, Port Perry, | on Tuesday, Nov. 12th, in the 72nd year of her age. 'With her husband she lived a good many years at Saintfield, and was very highly esteemed as a neighbor and friend. For nearly 40 years she was a loyal and faithful member of the metho- dist church. The last two yeurs of © | her life she was a great sufferer but was graciously sustained by, the precious promises of the Word of God that she loved 'so well. :The funeral which was largely attended by friends and acquaintances 'took place on Friday 15th. The services were conducted by Rev. R. McCul- loch her pastor and the singing was led by the members of the Saint- ficld Methodist Church Choir. - The interment took place at Prince Hamilton temperance people have. petitioned to have 27 licenses cut pe . fl. ree, th y of State of the Borden ment, was returned by- his constituency to-day with the decisive | iWajorify 'of 2,206 over his opponent |S 20, Joyon, the choice of the Nationalist-Labor combifies. In fact, 50 meagre was the support given to the opponent-of the Borden and Best Hstablished--founded in 1857--the most original and best in its local and general Jepart. ment and 3 ) Drake entirely the ublieatiog-- 3 am 15 Acvanet, J. dt paid in advance, $1.50 will be JOR PRINTING-- ; Tur Most MODERN AND AT Barrie Saturday Morning com. plains that eggs grow ia price but not in size, : The Massey-Harris Company will etect a bailding at Calgary to cost &150,000. gy PEOSPOPEDHOOEBEOOD o% 28 2¢ Lucknow will have. lack now. The business men have organized a Board ot Trade. " \ A pumpkin weighing t7§ potas is reported from Haliburton, Can Muskoka beat that ? SrvLES Low PRICES cocoo0o0 soe 288588 iments u fe outfit is Las should [farm, and ill not be ill go at mammoth, ONEY. ftps, nave M Blan oe for ithtediate in- | the t place, and his success is vestment at lowest rate. foo oder ok HUBERT 1. EBBELS, already 'assured. May his Sun long : Barrigter, Port Perry. | continge to shine for all. The copy out for a civic coal yard, to bring illustrated poste 8 don't fail to 7 beford. us is literally. packed with all | down the price of fuel, : make a note of im d place of 0 th oo ' hat cits A sale and on the d Birited be h Onttat{0 QDSEIVr. [io traseommunity from whieh id es Th Sin Out of 1,028 books taken from the | there sharp on tim Oshawa Public library last month dcted by Mr. Thos. Swain fs not ha ing feature contained mNBNo0 8558888 Some Toronto citizens are crying - 0 C 000 - - Peas-- Black: ia Ey: suffered from both nervous troubles and i condifion and ex: oo munity (rom which it pmple 60 EOHNRORNNGOOOGO00D0G! 4 rsa 88883 8uaREEEY ED IN 1 Only Paper Printed and Published in Port Povey. farming and in ' J his stock of ¢lydesdale Hose cattle, pure bred swine, Pp ir, . a : 'S 2 TFom = United States are making heavy purchases of Saskatchewan farm lands. : the lekst pl | rade | Borden Naval Policy Same ; in its golumps. ments| Now As When Qutlined Re.' to] that | ckson| Deatedly by Premier in |, avail until'I'began Dr. Williams' | regist § t was a espéct: Ble niinority I and system. 11 -had- ried severa = be h hor isd ion and many a, "but RAGLAN XMAs Fair --The date 18s he has autores 2 PORT PERRY, NQV. 21, 1912. ---- ep ee, Planning tor Better Roads Last week we stated that the good-roads movement had become a national ene. It is more than that, It has become an interna tional question in the sense that all up-to-date countries are planning to bring about improvement in roads and are anxious to learn one from another. There is no duty on this mformation either. Canada may profit' without fee and withont charge, by what the United States are doing in the way of road-<im- provement. In the State of New York fhey have a general plan worked caf for the building and maintenance of roads that might be copied to #dvantage by the provinces of Canada: Risa plan of state-controlled, county.controlled and township - controled' roads. There is a State Highway Commis. ston responsible for road-imptove- ment, that is for the kind of roads being built. But the State is directly responsible for certain roads, the counties for others. There is a division of responsibility for the up- keep, though all are working upon a definate system so far jas the quality of the road is concerned. Some such scheme as this, we think, the best for adoption 1n Canada. It furnishes a definate plan to work on and maker permanency and effici- ency in road-improvement and maintenance. [n an early issue fixed forsthe ~ Raglan Xmas Fair is Monday, "23, 1912. An active committee is already making pre- parations on a scale that will ensure a Xmas Fair at Raglan that has never been surpassed for magni tude, and don't YOU forget it! The result of the election of members to the Advisory Council of Educatjonhasbeen madeknown by Hon, Dr.iPyne, Minister of Educa. tion. : Public School Representatives-- Harriet Johnston, Toronto; James D. Denny, BA, Ottawa; T. A. Reid, Owen Sound ; R. F. Downey, B.A., B.Paed-, Peterboro, The result as to the return of Mr. Downey is im the right direction. That he will prove a grand acquisi- tion to the Board all knowing any- thing of that gentleman's qualifica- tions for the office will readily verify and heis to be congratulated on his prelermert. The continued wet weather, says Canadian Farm, should have tli¢ effect of making converts to a big propaganda in the interests of good roads are all' but impossible just nuW, owing to the regularity of the rain fall, and the extent to which the ground' is saturated. In our opinion, the improvement of country we hope to be able to publish what New York state is doing in this respect. In the meantime we would be glad lo have suggestians from our readers as to the begt' general roads is one of tie most imporfant questions Before the people of this country. Improvement cannot be Brought abput by haphazard meth- ods. 'There fust/be a compreben= Of 133,710 people who came to Canada last year from the United States, 19,384 were returning Cana dians. : John Little, a farmer, near Car. berry, Manitoba, threshed 5,000 bushels of wheat off one quarter section. For nine months ended in Sep- tember, fith to the value of $15, 160,665 were landed on the Scottish coasts. A Chinaman who died in Toronto last week had two wives, and they say he lived happily. But one of them he left in China. J. N Shirk, Lethbridge, Alberta, has bought a 6,000+acre farm in the fourth township for a quarter of a million dollars. Because economy of fuel consumption in steamships often requires that two or mare kinds of coal be mixed, an Eng- lishman has invented a coaling barge that mixes coal asit delivers it into a bunker. The School Board at Midland has bad copies of the Truancy Act printed and placed in evers home, and heres after the police magistrate will not ac- cept a plea of ignorance on the part of parents and delinquent children. There is considerable uneasiness at Owen Bound lest the town's electric plant should be tied up for lack of coal. getting conl, but In finding vessels to carry it, owing to the rush of grain, In Pennsylvania a veteran De moerat, aged 102, voted at the recent president- ial election. He eaid regretfmlly that it was the last ballot he would 'cast. And Wilson may need his vote more four (to sell all regardless of implements he possesses he has nesday, November 13, slightest reserve. : As th great demand for just sagh animals and implements as ave listed. for this sale it wil be mportath for the intending purchasers to on time in order to participaté. in knock-downs. appearance. The Times says the difficulty ie not in|. the Turkish Governmen on the |B orf. Q premises on Friday, N¢ The list js a large on Costello is leaving the all will consequently old at Auction Prices: THis | be. a good opportunity to sec! sirable animals and: farm ma ry and implements, many-0f thé latter are new while a big percentageiof them are as good as new. M a note of time and fail to place and dou attend this sale. * = Mr. A. E. WasHBURN, 1, con. 8, Uxbridge, is giving farming and leaving that part of gli€xcountry so that thd dispesal of #his Farm Stock, Implements, et@.s becomes almost a necessity, and $0 do so in the quickest manner and give other farmers an opportunity securing some of the choice animals and |of instructed Mr. Jackson #°geH all by | 12, Auction on the premiségon Wed- out the there 'is a the b- th Don't fail to. put in { Be Y PosTPONEMENT.--Owing to unfav- { British taxpayer. Opposition. mergency Contribution Firat UESTION QF PERMANBNT NAVAL DE: FENCE -MR. BORDEN ALWAYS 'IN- SISTED SHOULD NOT BE DETERMIN- BD BEFORE BEING PASSED UPON B ELECTORS. ' Tho policy of the Borden Govern- ment in regard to the problem of naval defence will be absolutely consistent with the stand repeatedly taken by the Prime Minister when as Leader of the Opposition : naval policy. Mr. Borden always in- sisted on two things, an emergency coatribution in the event of an emer- gency being found to exist, and a re- ference to the electors of any measure ho opposed the Laurier permauent naval defence. Speaking in the Houss on Jaouary , 1910, on the day the Liberal navy bill was brought down by. Sir Wilfrid Laurier, took strong ground in favor of an emergoney coutribution, and, secs ondly, consulting the people on the question of permanent naval defence. Ho characterised as humiliating, de- grading and pauperising, the position at Canada should receive [uture safety at the hands and cost of the To Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier he said, 'Go on with your naval orable weather the sa has been |sorvice. Proceed slowly, cautiously postponed until Friddy, Decem- and surely. Lay your proposals before ber 6th then to take place--ratn OR SHINE, een 60,000 Turks Takém One Battle, © London, Nov. 18 Z3A#¥idea that 'may Havel 1] the people and give them if necessary . opportunity to be heard, but do wot _| forget that we are confronted with an emergoncy which may rond this em- pire asuoder before the propos: dirervice worthy of the name. Iu the face of gach a sitnation immediate, vigorous, earnert action is necessary. We have Pink Pills. At the time I began the Pills I had grown so bad that'I could hardly be on my feet and was forced to wear, elastic bandages, about the ankles. "The pain-1 sui fered at times from the neuralgia was terrible. I had almost gi up hope when I began the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. In. the provement, and I gladly continued the use of the Pills until I was once; more quite well and able to attend ta all my household duties." It you are ailing began to cure yourself to-day with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, Sold by all" medicine dealers or by mail at 5q cents a box or six bores for $2 50 from The Dr.} Williams' Medicine Co:, Brockville, ] Ont. ; : The Albert Medal fpr Lord Strathcona, London, Nov. 15.--At the Royal Soci- ety of Arts this evening, Lord Sanderson, on behalf of the Duke of Connaught: who is President of the society, presented Lord Strathcona with the nd ty's Albert medal for services in improving railway communication and developing the re- sources of commerce in Cagada and for services to the Empire in general. 't In making the presentation Lord Sati derson read a message from the Duke of Connaught expressing the great satisfac- tion it afforded his Royal Highness in having been able to select Lord: Strathd cona for this distinguished. honot, ab during his term of office he bad 'had special opportunities of realizing. the great service the High Commissioner hiad rendered to the industrial and commer- al progress of the empire, His Royal Highness rejoiced to add yet another mark of appreciation of the long and valuable career of usefulness. Lord Strathcona; in the course brief acknowledgement, said he de appreciated the gracious message i of a given'y 'pusitive landslide, Coderre getting course of a few weeks I felt an im-| yon, 658. 'time was returned with a majority ty and harmony. in order to develop to { wrapped up in the maintenance of yote. Not even these modest hopes were realized, for- in every ward of the constituency Mr, Coderre re- ¢ived a comfortable majority, that in, Westmount being little less than 1,493 to Doyon's 55, The standing in each of the four divisions of the constituency fol- lows a St. Gabriel--Coderre, 1,040; Do- . St. Cunegonde -- Coderre, 469; Doyon, 331. St. Henry--Coderre, 1,220; Do- yon, 972. Westmount -- Cederre, Doyon, 55. When last Mr. Coderre stood for election in Hochelaga he was. op- posed by L. A. Rivet. and at that 1,493 ¢ of 1,362 over his Liberal opponent. " The result shows beyond the cavil of a doubt, that French-Can- adians are ready to stand shoulder to shoulder with Canadians of other extraction in the defence of the rights of Canada and the Empire." said: Mr. Coderre tonight. "It Shows that they realize "that all Canadians must wotk in concord the full 'the wonderfut possibilities of this great country. It shows that French-Canadians. feel to the full that all their cherished rights are the Interstate Commerce Commis-- sion has become so alarmed over the threatened shortage of cars in Minnesota and the two Dakotas that it has ordered the railways to exert extraordinary effort to supply the deficiency.. Unless 3.000 cars are forthcoming before the frost becomes severe, an immense potato' crop will be destroyed. At present! few cars are available, being en- gaged ahead for moving other products. The North-Western States are having the worst car famine in their history, and there is little prospect of immediate reliefi On the Canadian side, though a rec-- ord harvest is also being marketed; complaints about car xhertages bave heen unusually few, and of trafle con-- zestion there bas been monc.. Se far this season the serviza has bren [fairly satisfactory, high records inthe num- ber of cars and the quantity .[ grain handled having been madd at Winni- peg and the Twin Cities. Never in the history of Cumadian railroading has the effort to give an expeditious de-- spatch of harvest traffic been so stren-- uous as this year. Signs are aceumulating however, that the movement of both tha Ameri cap and Canadian crops eastward will be checked thromgh the clogging of Eastern terminal elevators. & Buf-- talo, thromgh whieh half of the Cana- dian export grain aud a mIge propor tion of the Minnesota and Dakota grain forwarded by water passes, no cargoes have been accepteted since last Monday. Though yet a month re- mains for navigation eastward, the American water-and-rail route is al- ready becoming choked up and the reaction will seon be felt in the interior. The American channels of transporta- tion will b= of coniparatively little use for Canadian export trufite this season. The Canadian policy must be to proviie ag many outlets of its own, as eapacions and complete a service in its own trade channels, a8 can be devised Fhe way had of benefiting, b : 3 e Jang Es Dor. /be | years hente than he did at this time. ! o8: + } 00 Dreadvaughtsready; wehaveno fleet | Royal Bighnesss bad sent, and that helthe Lritish Empire in its present |to ind denee and safety never fies scheme to'adopt for road-improve: | sive scheme worked out and backed | ili So sistance ; by | unit at band. But we have the, re-| regarded (7) signal honor to be ngmber- ion: Tor P P he iv long uumecessarily. oa others. ment. Any scheme 'put forward by pit 4 government action. Two men who appeared before Judge y fhe SEE bos aa sticks patiiotiom to| ed athong the distinguished tien upon gonditjon ; for the .day that the B : must entail lazge expenditure if]: Fry in the Debtors' Court in Chicago, | In the capture of | "Impoglant ide a fl i 1 whom 'the medal, had been: conferred, | British flag falls in battle will be the The Liskeard Speaker urges dis Y Ee Be ed. | Taken ais whole, the United States | 57.258, that they were supported by. their | towji ilig= Servif EF fhice fron) o a floct unit or at least & Dread: | recalling the fact that the: first recipient ich i {'Canadi- | satisfied Muskoka farmers to go to Sets mprovamant 15, debred) | Te nn othe oad ta be | mothere-in-law, without whom they | 5 el 3 SE : engzht without ons momont's unnec-{ was Rowland Hill. "fone on which the rights of Canadi- {81S : 28 Road-iznprovement cannot be local- | jit 3 ROC S10, "30 Voehor country woul gud it Sons +f Flr Ch Laas gL Pmatder-| yoiary delay. Or, and in my opinion ee * {aps--and French-Canadians -- will | Timiskaming, and says: We have: Ber a ne eu Jal romyiuie Japan Lug] Pore motrin might 50 et ot a7 wor AaB vinci he | is Would bathe belter spits, ws coy About Potatoes. [be most imperilled." this to say to the dissaised ones rE owery m lcads with a rate o i ici A Ai 2 laco the equivalent in cash at the dis- : -- * ais : f Muskaka : There are in Timis-- thay permanent improvement can |215 per With a generally high A Canadian publicist who bas greatest individal snecess of the Dont of Pl Admirality to he si SHOULD FarMERs Hop or Swix? i) - His tour through the various aa been: otating on the} sublect of reciprocity in Pittsburg is reminded Uy ihe Dispatch of that city that reciprocity is still on the statute books of the United States, a sort of sleeping beauty awaiting the kiss of the fairy prince from Canada. It tells the orator that it isn Canada he should labor. The evangelist, aming many farmers who came here from that district. The Mus - koka farmers who are dissatisfied with their location should consult those of Timiskaming who left Mps- koka, and be guided by advice in the matter of securing farms here. average of social morality the United States increased its divorce rate from 88 to 78 105,000 between 1880 and 1900. The divorces granted betwiey, 1887 and 1906 numbered 945 623, of these 8,640 being to Cansdlans, thus supply- ing some ex]'anation of why Canada is §u° comparalivelv immune from the di- vorce evily These facts are well known, well understood, Hope for improve- war, a Monastir was the seeond city of importance in European Turkey It was Turkey's sffonghold 1» Macedonia, and by Souris] Macedonia asses complete out o Turkish pa 3 y What part the & be brought about in this way. The question is a national one and na- tional methods of improvement' must be adopted: -- Canadian Farm. portions of his extensive riding was 'a veritable triumphal march. *"Hur 12h, pour Coderre," "Hurrah, pour Louis," formed the burden of the refrain. wherever the Secretary of State put in appearanee, while im- promptu processions were organized for naval defence under such conditions as we may prescribe. fn taking this course we shall fulfill not only in the letter but in the spirit as well the reso- lution of March last, and what is infiu- itely more important we shall discharge a great patriotic duty to our country and to the whole empire." A usuall well informed. North Simcoe correspondent of the Wéekly Sun, if the course of a more general letter says :-- While writing on this subject I wish. to express an opinion on the potato, market; |i I hear of juan intending holding their crop tintil spring. This I believe will a mistake, taking the country as a whole, Even if half the crop is spoiled there will The State Pair Leads. Canadian exhibitors and others played in \ | still be sufficient for our needs. By keep! | . : we can assure them that they will who have attended' the State fairs Tent th ad ba, ein however, would rather speak kind the yap hes ) sa Ir He Wene PREMIER, in off the market now and thus iad and wended their way through the |g 4" pin ichaming is a far better in States bordering oh Canada' : words for reciprocity ina country ty was ee PE 10 the On November 21, 1910, Mr. Borden ww Drices, we greatly Sniduiel Sonstirs streets. district for agricultural pursuits than "J oa y 1 dt, o 1 i 3 1 5 Nou he Hi 1 of on. 8 Wi leave nore to pu on € 3 a pn ast Dey Er Be er Distribution ot Seed Grain and whert the pRercLt, 1 [pteely fie assistance of the s, and: it is Faves ey 99tiine of the Sonree market in the spring, when thie potato Muskoka, althongh there are: fing of any Canadian Exhibition ih the Potatoes from the Dominion than carry on d campaign where it cpposed that tl eke were | °° would follow if i power. "Thel, .4eis more uncertain and panicky Oshawa Church Sold. settlements in that district And accommodation provided for hpus 0 touts Pa DION | ig both futile and dangerous. Sebpos Cot off the ich retreat | EOVErument of this country," be said, | with the result of an unreasonable drop farther: **There is no need for es TIa8 ! jog and judging live stock. fairs are so far in advance of any- thing that Canada can produce tha! it is doubtful if our exhibitions will "are able to ascertain and to know, if they take the proper action for that purpose, whether the conditions which face the empire at this time in respect Muskoka farmerste go to the North- west. They are used to having piesty of timber for fuel and for umber and other purposes, and in prices and a lifeless market. Remem-| Oshawa, Nov. 19.--The Pedlar Peo| ber, last season farmers were to 'a larger | of, Ochawa will pay $10,000 for St. extent purchasers for both consumption Opdrgt's Anglican" Church property and seed ; this year they will not be| here, the company te take possession in : 1912-1913 to the south, = FouaHt For Two D Belgrade, Nov. 1 Bulgaria has a dystém of tiniversal military service, Every able-bodied youth {h the land is lables for military By instructions of the Hon. Min- he fighting : i icterbut} service, oither for two er three years, - : buyers to any extent. All over Nortlyjthres years. $. George's Chareh u ever catch up. The illustration of ister of Agriculture a distribution of the longer period being for the mount- | which preceded the rrender of | of naval defence aregrave. If we were | Simcoe, in the potato districts, ¢rops are Fpdople will rebnild on the rector pro they are used to having plenty of the cattle-barn at the New York |Superior sorts ol grain and potatoes | eq troops. Alter this poriod be becomes | Monastir lasted t ays, . The | in power we would eudeavour to find |#bnormallylarge, with a low percentage | perty, alongside thetr Sunday 1| water for domestic nse, and for State Fair, last issue, shows what| Wil be made during the coming a member of the reserve, and for 16 or | Servians had occu 1h: Hohl an pani Bevasigied an (0 Joiosd sues Piustns sri wis) fous ii js etnetel TO a beta | Stock. These are important re- is being done. The Ohio State|Winter and spring to Canadian | 18 years Is called upon to put In threo | oii on the northweSE of the town | jy: to that question, and if the answer = Ed a OT 1 them A chance to build a church | quirements, which they will miss Fair has a system of stabling and | armers- The samples for general Rocks a ra: They brought up a lage number of pei pd uh based upon the assur- Digging and TTI ae sh Mi to the needs of a large and {should they go to the Canadian J % judging facilities combined that distribution will consist of spring | 4,3 yp to the ngoof 46 serves a week | field batteries, how and other | "ihe government of the mother . wealthy congregation. In the present | West. Qur soil is as good asany * . / i iudeing | wheats Ibs), white oats (4 1bs.), | each year atthe manmuvres. By this v which id them to ! 1 sale tha congregation retains the chan- |i the world, and we have water makes possible todo the judging barley (5 Ibs.), and field peas (5 lbs). | system a country whose population is heavy guns whi a eed) country aud the ieport cf the naval BUSY MEN AID ée), windows and soats. y h the West has not." 1 Mt i ; i ' 1, ef -. » 4 independently of the weather. The These 'will be sent out from Ottawa. | not much more than half that of Canada silence the Turkish TY: |experts of the _admirality were such-- GREAT WORK ne and wood, which the West has n " visitor can inspect the live stock] Wii oof potatoes (in 3 Ib, | SB put an army of 275,000 fu the field, | On Saturday a SEAN division | ang | think it would be'such--as to de. roe he : . 3 and see the judging without having ples) 'Will be carried on toni with 150,000 reservists ready and avail-| was ordered "to * 2 position | png instant and effective action by Influential Deputation Urge} © : ay . Mysterious Disease in Herd ; to go outside. The exhibitor too lc oh poet oe available lo ill tasusliies and form | gest of the town HEM by 20,000 | coir Mi Fond appeal to parlis.| LBTEE Grant Toward Tub--fi 21: of Oattie, 1 i I » | complementary units. : Te ' ppea A v can take the animal from their a hecl Fob awa oo. p y 5 Turks with 17 gun Fol. Nedich, | = for immediate and effective aid, culpsis Fund. Sis (00D HEALTH pre rf meet stalls to tke judging arena without Moravia No more influential assemblage] St. Thomas, Nov. 18 --Farmers near judg . commanding the An : i biti lyi th i f Ontario . omn % thi d it parliament did wot give immedi- ; 'xT A 2 ; 1 haviag 10 go Sulside Hiiceribuios iyo EN rarines will be| Osttle Security for Bank |division, was det ¥F this oper. A gio in - of business mes has g¥et been sen! Vim and Vitality ns a ro Br Lo ins ots sent free by mail. Loans ation, His enc great Cili-| peal from parliament to the people of A | Are assured if you will cleanse your | fatal disease which bas attacked a d, but effec- ion of the d rotreat to putation wkich recently waited upan the Boatd of Control, to ask that the ratepayers be allowe: ) xce t vote wmpon a' Jaw grant er and the waste matter trop the $200,000 as Toronto's contribution | intestines.and the bowels. by he tothe million-dollar. King Edward be HO RORY Memorial Fund for Consumptives:} lis ' The chief spokesman, Sit Johnil Gibson, Licutenant-Gover sented a petition' by: nd W 5 culties in the m Ottawa, Nov. 17.--It is understood here that when the Bank Act is taken up in commiitee western delegates re- A resenting yariona 2erieuienral sigan rvian Fight zat ntend to a cart me - 0 seized ® $ b fications, The mast important of these i ting juto the | Out and explained to the people of grown, so that the most promising | is tbe proposal that banks be allowed to | Turkish Jine -of pation. The | Canada, to every citizen in this coun- sort for their conditions may be grant now Jone with grein: awdrestiie T i i per- | yey, 'then it would be the duty ot any selected. Ee UPIY: 25 Dror : ment 10 go to the people of Can- selected. : lend money on natural products in tbe | of Ba 10 rucivo solr mavuate sud accept pplication must be ands of #0 that 8 farme 'approval "or. a must be he | : Lb Ra on - DY weather and the judging JropEn: is carried out on scheduled time as advertised. Compare these con- ditions with the exhibitor and visitor have to put up with in this country, and we must come (0 the conclusion that we know little or nothing about the fair business, or at Jeast, the live stock end of it. : EE ive Stock Bet of hend of cattle in this vieinibr. Pe ok Jul, Whaley noticed that twe milch cows in his beard weresct-- ing strangely, aud he at once separated them! from the Ted and Soufined then .stable. e symptoms in : a diferent. One of the: ; ppeared lame, Its limbs to become stiff and its lameness sd it couldn't get on its the comntry. Thun, sir, as to the por manent policy | thiuk the people have a right to be consulted . . . A pper- menens policy would have to be worked stomach of undigested food and foul tually prevente cs 10 ; the excess bile from the A ants must give particulars / Turks to break regardibg the soil of their farms. and some account regarding their exper. with such kinds of grain: {pn potatoes) as they have ¥e mle made that kind etsion he'wonid t be in 'm are asked for in the same letter only he oy an grain fn his pos. 9 © al 45 TER er Moore, |W, McNay : % Per Ge ACE i ey "Toronk present rush. Washington, Nov. 18.--A severe crit- ! Epi eT SE Tel horities hay ib hn ay bs oie of the calibre of students sent to London; Nov. zo.--A Belgrade las diy © 3 yaa ? Ae gn } | Oxford University under the Rhodes The. Stands of that fc eal 5 ; gr : ge 4 livered to-day b; * Gghting = the : orh of seed is Timed, Bt io North Bay elector ; og fig Bene Sy 5 astir the losses numbered 20,0e0, of abi so scant ised {0 apply early ; | Lighting oo! Baral Highway to § | Ashe ; farmers are municipal ownershi ¥ Boeeretary Rhodes Schol- || ich 5.000 were Turks. The war not neces- WE plant, posakive oy ol the al A is exact order in arship Truet, before the National .As- a 'began its seventeenth sunual session er ops ? kin divided the students sent . Par! ided the 8 1 the United States into] Hocken tty EE T Galt, Nov. 19.--A movement is on foot for the lighting of 2.1-2 miles of roadway between the boundaries of Galt and Councils of | ;

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