gram will be given. mission bad cents. Course "les one of the finest flocks of fowls [Em Sa ly. The other day one of t, corain radjus of its head office. rom them dismissed an egg that could in- easily be identified from. all other : peculiarities in slispe and construc: tion and so far it has puzzled all t0lig not slow to appreciate and re- rd a local iustitution the beneficial fects of which permeate the entire ming community as does The "pie Leaf Farmers' Mutual Fire ne i everan The. alert 10] | ify it, and what the hen could be oking about 'when manufac: Ang wart a product still remains {ord of thie firm o Biachford & Sons, undertakers, Hamilton is deprived of one of its most highly respected and estimable iti The firm of which de- ceased was so long identified has long been established ; in fact three generations of the carried on an extensive business in that line in'a central position in the Deceased a few days since met with an accident while in the performance of bis undertaking duties from the effects of which he died on Tuesday last. Mr. Blachford was highly respected] by all, was an Anglican by faith, and a staunch Conservative, and had ihe courage of his convictions ; he was a descendant of the highly distinguished family of Blachfords |, of great renown in the upper circles who, many years since were citizens of the metropolis of the world, London, England, and his great, great grandfather, from 1640 to 1650 was Lord Mayor He is survived by a disconsolate, amiable and accom- plished widow and a son, mourn the loss of a husband and father so worthy of their Jove and Deceased was youngest brother of Mrs. Thos. Sintzel, Port Perry, who arrived in Hamil. ton prior to his demise. "Phe Port Arthur News says there much to choose between "They all fill the bill," Five of the leading business men of Meaford offered 'themselves as candidates for the Council and al For the first time in the history of Montreal the death rate has fallen below 20 per 1,000. For the year 1911 the rate was 21.19. A 'Kansas judgerefused to divorce a woman who had had four hus- bandss and a man who had had threg wives, because they "had been married too often." A writer in the Parry Sound North Star rxpresses a hope that *the new Council will get at work and knock the rheumatism out of the town's joints. A clock is to be placed in the office: While they are at it, the Department should place one on the tower of the new Orillia office. -- An advertisement of "rush bar- gains in elegant waists" moralist to remark that many a man has found a rush bargain in a waist anything but] elegant, Assistant District Attorney Wel- Jer, of New York, says a firebug can be bought for a $5 bill and 10 pet vou cent. of the insurance collected Cp. $ivo, and for arson $5 ! The Parry 'Sound North Star]: says that the cow and the hen are the greatest - producers of wealth. But the Orillia Packet is inclined to give the palm to out good old friend the farmer and his {rugal and industrious wife. Orillia Packet :--John Carruthars, a highly esteemed resident of Ham- ilton for many years, died the other day at the age of ninety-seven. May Orllia's John, in the fullness of: time, "see" his-aged namesake, and go the aged gentleman at least three F. E. Luke, Opt. D., St., Toronto's well Soows optician can he conenltad fe 3 McCaw's Jewelry! Thursday, Feb. 6th. Difficult cases changing don't miss seeing him. Wro WanTs a Goop Farm ?--See See Mr. A. E. Christian's advertise. ment in another column. one for sale in the 2nd cencession The Sunday School Concert ab Thursday was a complete success, Mr. Urgunbart, the very popular teacher, assisted by Raymies as organist, accomplished wonders in so short a time by way of preparing the young people for the parts; assigned them. The roads were i unfavorable yet there was a very good attendance. A collection of nearly ten dollars will help, school funds very materially. D. Raymes, the dn, presided: This school last eas gave an offering of ten dollars to cause of Missions, 'Quarterly Meeting will be held at the Centre next Sabbath at 10,30 2:m., a similar service will be held ot, the Indian Church at 3 pam: A reading: from dayto day, of the Herald is calculated to give one un idea that ap idea that the town of Lethbridge, Alberta, is the hub nive: Bat it looks any-| thisg but modern fo find our con- temporary writing of bartenders, *instend of wine clerks. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Peddlar bave made the magnificent gift of $10,000 to build and equip a surgi- 'cal wing to the Oshawa hospital, _ 4nd Mr, W. F. Cowan gives $5,000 tobead a subscriptionlist toward an] * extension . of the whole hospital Liskeard Spealter :--The Toronto risks in some municipalities within That owing to its excellent and judi- cious mangement it*is justly entitled knowledge that its popularity is ab- soltely unbounded as evidenced by the, satisfactory and rapid mannet itsbusiness is extending, not alone in the fields of its infancy but likewise in new and and more extended: ter- ritories. For instance, take muni-' cipality of the township of Cart wright which has only been repre. sented on the Board of Directors a few years; fortunately, however, the gentleman selected to represent that wealthy and prosperous town- ship, and it is one that is inhabited by a progressive and enlightened population, and they have the ut. most and most implicit confidence in him,} and he has the faculty of practically, and in an unosten. tatious manner, of demonstrating to-all and coovincing all interested in fire insurance that The Maple Leaf Company is without a peer as regards reliability and stability. As a result the township of Cart- wright to-day has a far larger list insured in this Company, per capati than in any other municipality in which it transacts insurance, and its immense popularity there is not the least pleasing feature, and much of its great success is attributable to the influence of the local Director, Jas. Parr, Esq., and he is to be con gratulated on thefact that his efforts are highly appreciated by the share. holders of Company. At the annual meeting held the other day he was, in his absence, re-elected, by accla- mation a member of the Bead, not, withstanding there is ,| competition for Board sea 'lever and wherever the ompany |i has had occasion to adjust ¢laims, promptness and justice, in every instance, has governed the proceed ings, and universal satisfaction re- sulted ; thus its mode of negotiating settlements and its integrity of pur- pose carries a conviction that stamps it as notonly a desirable but a highly beneficial institution to become a member of, for all insured in it are shareholders and are entitled to take part in the proceedings of ali its meetings. The financial report of the Com on hand of $29,127.74, a large and substantial increase over . the cember 371, 1912, reached the magni- ficent sum of $5,201,820. The prosperity of the Company is RL aT atle but not at all surprising 1 then. the. personel of its manage- ment is taken into consideration. The integrity snd efficiency of its officials arefeatures Pithatgyarantoe success. The Secretary, Mr. W, Pur. a vy vegis.a law unto himself a'rogarde' duet Business pertaining to his office in a manner-as bot: possible to err. 5X y The Auditors Report of The Maple | Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company the Headquarters of which au is at Columbus, just published, evidences its rapid development to Ha the status of being a necessary and important acquisition to the farming community anent fire risks in this district and it already has, did we yor 'Duggan, Brampton, 'spoke. 1 '| Th Mayor and his colleagues of "| the - Board of Control expressed | great favor with the scheme. The N ] eye said he thought there should | should not _ be. great difficulty in Tout nanciog the. project, and he sug-|are ibly it gt be stem Resi: They 3% not sleep 3 | d nervous, man any with ach trouble. Allthes i tonic re' of Dr.' Ronchi to an extensive patronage, and am intelligent and discriminating public Stouffville and Ux} assed di Bl was so yun, flown Shave wei The lea y thtion of doing 80 but possesses the |g; y famous importe d sires. are gn and Grads towhship, and Mr: J. H. re Ratcliffe, Stouflville.:: : "That in the opinion of this proposed th ultimately the radia shall start 'at Danforth extremely' n ud, in fact a com- avenue and(run through Ellesmere, | gmiely) nee ete wreck, and would sometimes ave to remain in my bed fora couple of days ot more at a time, 11t found no help from medicine until I began using Dr. Williams' Pink' Pills, my experience with them was that they made a complete cure. in. | gained in weight and my friends tell me that I look younger than I did ten years ago--I know I cer- tainly feel younger. Dr. Wiiliams' Pink Pills have done for me what they will do to other women if given a fair chance." If you are at all unwell do not fail to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. and you will find new health and Sold by inedicie dealers rb mail at 50 cents a hox or six pi for §2. : from The Dr. Wil The Ta and mast' articles in the Implement good as new, The Adm are winding up the estate farm being leased there the slightest reserve, made a note of time and p and on to Brooklin and Gefhwood a distance of about 70 miles] initiel distance wantrd is 15or 20 . of Ouotario "investigate of 'a municipal iitvay for "the district east and north of Toronto, municipalities interested with a full report upon: (he same as to cost of | inauguration and operation, and. that the Commission be requested to. 'make such investigation and Hon. Adam Beck had been vited to the meeting, but he sent a and furnish the Auction SALe--Mr. Baird fustracted by Mr. foward M; by Auction on lot 8 con. 21 Point) to-morrow (Friday),' all his stock of horses, poultry and farm implemen complete cl' arance of the embraces choice animals ; plements, many of whick ah new, ia to be made, so there Wi the slightest reserve, and be present at the sale iE The Great Ottawa Show, The following-is a list ef the suc- cessful prize winners residing ii in this COMMITTEE APPOINTED. The following committee appointed to interview the Govern- ment with reference to the proposed railway, and to forward the move- "| ment in every way possible : Canadian bred yearling stallion. SEED TENDERS dressed - amateur class--R. Holtby, Man- chester, 1st ; \Vm. Ratcliffe, Beath- ton, 2nd ; B. Franklin, Shirley, 3rd. Canadian bred yearling Stallion, (open class) --G. Qrmiston, Enfield, 1st ; R. Holby, 2nd and 3rd; ; Smith and Richard- Office, Port Perry, Da Fobeuary 8, 1918, for the work men! < "BEDS HARD AND SOFT, | Sontrast In Methods of Sleeping In Different Countries. The Canadian or European in order to get a good night's rest riser requires a soft pillow under his hea but the Japanese stretching himself on a rush mat on the floor puts a hard; square block of wood under his head and does mot sleep well if he leave om, Lo for the Gre before his departure will ma tion, complete clearance Foster, O'Neill and Church, Toron- oF fo ; Mayor T. C. Nicholls, Uxbridge; : A. F. Wilson, Markham Village; Reeve Jonathan Nigh, Markham |$ 46wrship ; Reeve Cornell, Scarboro; :| Reeve George Gerrow, Port Perry; Mr.RalphMclntyre, Reeve of Reach; wt Reeve W, \V. Sparks, Pickering; Mr. Wm. Smith, Unionville ; Reeve 5 W. Smalley, Uxbridge township; Dr. J. J. Moore, Reeve of Whithy township ; Mayor J. E. Willis, town . W. A. Sangster, Reeve of Stouffville ; Whitchur¢h township . The committee held a subsequent { meeting and appointed Controller made upon forms supplied b: Tie 'nent and in accordance with condos contained therein. Machinery, &ec., and the da; thesale is 'Saturday, Fub, 8. is large and contains choice animals, includi on application to Mr. W.° Parr Cierk of Works, Port oie Ont, Me. r. A. Hustings, Clerk of Works, Postat ' Jiation F. 'Toronta, Ont., and at the Department of Public: Works, Ottawa. Imported Yearling Stallion--R Horses, Grade Cantle and ber of Implements, 4 great. and many others as good all will go at Auction Prices; having no further use for. Cavadian bred Stallion, 2 years old (amateur)--S. Davitt idly cn Rd, 2od and 3rd; ) an neeepted cheque on a chartered | hank, pavable to che order of tha Hon- In China they make a great to do osarable the Minister of Pablic. Works, with reference to their beds. These are very low, scarcely rising from the floor, but are often carved exquisite- of wood. Like the Japanese, he hinese never makes his softer than is possible by the use wt 'Bargains may ba anticipate fail to put in an Appearahe: amount of the tender. Canadian bred Stallion 2 years old (open) --S. Devitt, Canadian bred Stallion, old (amateur) -- L. Richardson, Same age in. open class, L. Richardson, 2nd." Canadian bred mares, 3. Grvine vp . Fre Jas Medd, lot 8,7 éon. 5. - Reach, | 'one of our most enterprising 3 cessful farmers, and acquired a sompelene is Department of Public Works, un It is a curious fact, with reference | ghcoo Ottawa, January 16, 19:3 to the sleeping habits of the various peoples that, while those in northern countries do not ap 5% whith to pri fy their legs y Sane cf the ded yi od bid Aen The robust Canadian will himself with a pair of blankets and throw his window open to the air even in the dead of winter, and some- times he will not complain if Ite is a bit of snow on the window sill in Standard bred Stallion, - ; , tary of the Hydro-slectric Commis olde Devitt 1st ana' Champion: ~ Bison witout delay. by ENTHUSIASM OVER PROJECT. . "Many of those present spoke, and all were enthusiastic in support of the proposed electric railway, was" stated' by more thaa | that the railway companies had turned deaf ears to numerous requests for proper transporfation The Midland district through which it was proposed to run the railway. i Goverument favored the proposal was stated 10 be one of the richest .|in products in the Province, and {would supply this. city with the necessaries of life much cheaper nesday, To 12th," Ey sons who placed their insur- an excellent judge of 3 Pp € Canadian bred Clydesdale Stal- ance with 'the late C J. 1910-- John Bright, But the Russian likes no gleeping place so well as the top of the big "in his dyeing, Orawling out of -this . blisterin, Mr. James Ward has become a busiuess partner, with her- self to carry on an Insurance Canadian bred Clydesdale Stallion foaled on or after Jan. 1, 1g911-- Smith & Richardson. Heavy draught team in harness-- Smith & Richarnson, uy the morning, he delights in a plunge in a cold stream ven y he: Ties, to break thfough the ice to require to travel 8 find a finer pch of stock than will be offered at'this gale. Al will goat Auction' pricespheguue: having of Warp & Pearse. A continuance of the liberal patronage, formerly accorded Mzr. Pearse, is solicited. do & Lapland the native crawls, head and all, ise a bag made a3 Wi Pure bred Shorthorn Heile, 1 yr and under 2 (open class)--Wm. sleeping bag, but Wer is. Si he Lapland to keep out the aa its occupants, Warm. Qn n clings to his feather he pany -shows a handsome balance Pure bred under 1 year, heifer, | 4 then (open class) -- Samuel Bray, 2nd; i Vile the' liabilities same age (amateur class)--Samuel previous year, while the lial .E. a Lot Nu in the and con. . Township of Reach. For further particular and condi- rion apply to JR. CHRISTIAN, Whajtsy, ONT. Solicitor for the Execulors of John Saaith, Stovestacen, di ceased, © ile ehdersigned. re Tender for Interior hr ont ceived wntil 4.00 P.M Mon y. andvis will not be: considered unlea | Plank and specifications $8 be | | 1 ' Each tender nrast be accompanied by \ "qual tn ten per cent (f0 pe) of the By order, | R. C. DESROCHERS. | Sccrotary. RS. C.J. Pearse wishes "to thank the many per- Pearse, and announces that Business under the firm name Yours Truly, = Pearse & Wan, Port Perry, Ont. 3 'than the citizens are paying for {1iliem now. The Provincial Hydro- of | electric. Commission was 10 be ask- 4d to run. the railway, which was ikely to pay from thestart. * Mr. A. F. Wilson, Markhah village, stated 5 that he had reason to -believe the Comission would undertake Po are nit. The policies in force De- |: Grades and crosses or pure bred |; (amateur)-- Jas. McKenzie, 2nd. CATTLE CLASSES. Shorthorn Bull over 18 months v James McKenzie, Tat. Startbers B Bull over 12 months this ne and from his stables; to his own farm, {HORSES & VEHICLES | It was stated that the intention sis ok 1 year--R. : : | The undetsigned offer offer for Sale at a Insnranice, and he likewise possesses, 3 Commission to provide the right: o the edsed kaowledge to so con- way, and ig its "power trans- |] asso supply. the farms 'Holstein Bull over 1 ley, Sgagrave ; , Po, Heller, det 1 year-- Chin: Samuel Bray, 188, 5: Hud ] ice male for. sale--Wm thi Te lange? of Asse are also ai! "LIVERY BARN, LIVERY BUSINESS AND FOR SALE. Bargainthat well established Livery Business on Water Street, t ther with the Livery Barn. Jud; {and theentire "outfit o onede Horees, etc; 'also " Na: noute on the premies. "Th The Livery business has long been e ah and the property is cent and conveniently located in 7 3nd proximityto the railway depot, snd: command the situation such as to 'an extensive patronage,