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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 15 May 1913, p. 3

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Why worry about the fut ure of your sons ? - The Govirpinenta t Ottawa is ng away this year 150,000 Free Homesteads in Wester ulk of these are located along or near the Canadian} * Northern Railway. the line recogniz.d in the West as the . PIONEER FARMERS RAILWAY This title was carned Deoduse "the Canzdian Nerthern Railway ; never lacked courage to build its steel into new districts, placing the aia || i and all that it stands for, within easy reach of the pioneer. 2 From now to the end of October Homasoekars Excursion tickets to Western | == Canada are on sale wvery Tuesday, Thess tickets are good to return within two nonths (rom date of issue, except tickers sold from May to July, ibélusive, may be extended for two months on payment of Five Dollars for ench nouth or part therof to agent at destination. Step-over will be permiited at any Canadi- an Northern station west of Porc Arthur, For the accommodation of pabder.gers a Tourist Car for Winnipeg via Chicaga and Duluth, will leave Toronto Union Station at 11 p. in: on the following dates :--June 3d, July 1st, July 29th, Aug- ust 26th and October 21st, Write for all paiticulars. " SOME CANADIAN NORTHERN: PUBLICATIONS Canada. | § Colle Rio is, 0a a al instruct & iv it : Afiuated with © Somuysteial ll Bducators' Associa of Canada { i! Summer School at A Spot- {ff | ji tou Business College, London i Peerboro Business College E. E. Laan Priucipal. BO. SPOTTON President. BUSINESS CHANGE RS. C. J. PEARSE wishes to thank the many persons who placed their M CAWKER BROS (Successors To JamiEsoy & DrNNISON.) LIVERY Having purchased the Liver 3 Tins for 25¢ wien PEAS 10c. per Tin ALYMER TOMATOES 2 Tins for 26¢c i 'Ingrams' A accepted the Agency for y RO returning liberal so far since ammencing the 'Confect onery Business, we beg to aunounce that ionery nd we. carrying on l fh bud Ofir goods are -the BEST possible. and our Prites are Right INGRAMS' Port Perry, Jan. 24, 1912. re MYRTLE LIVERY MYRTLE STATION, ONT: FIRST-CLASS HORSES AND UP-TO-DATE VEHICLES Stan - "A CREATOR OF BUSINESS "--A story of the Fanadian Sothern Railway. *' PEACE RIVER ALBERTA, AND HOW TO REACH I <RaY TO PROSPERITY "--A story of the Wheatislds of Weatera' ans ia, "86,000 FREE HOMESTEADS™" Any ageut of the company will gladly give vou any orall of the ahove business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises con- nected therewith we intend to INSURANCE with the late C. J. Pearse, and announ- ces that Mr. James Ward has become a business partner with herself tocarry on an We are fully , ina gatisfastory manner, to meet the public de for all pertainin, ng to Liveryatmoderate charges: Special attention paid to' the requirements of Cpmumergial Travellers. The Ogilvie Flour Mills Go -ublications o1 wit General Passenger Departments at 68 King Street, East, orouto, Ontario, or 226 St. James Street, Montreal, Que. CANADIAN NORTHERN RAILWAY [A LIVERY BARN, LLIVERY BUSINESS AND HORSES & VEHICLES FOR SAT.H. Che andersigned offic for'Site at a Bargain that well established Livery Business an Water Street, together with the Livery Barn and 'Sheds and the entire outfit of Vehicles, Horses, etc ; also the dwelling house on the premises. The Livery business has long been established and the property is centrally and and conveniently located in | close proximity to the railway depot, and the situation such as 10 command an extensive patronage, aiid the premises ideal in every respect for which they are calculat-d." This property would also make a first class stand for Sales Stable. Good reason for selling. PORT PERRY MARKETS. Corrected weekly by Jas. Tucas, Grain and Seed Merchant ] May 13, 1913 $0 go @ $o 92 09° @ 095 0725@& o 8 55 75 33 27 20 oF 50 25 + Fall Wheat Spring. Wheat Goose Wheat. ° wn - © a Fron 8%E Clover Red Clover Peas--Black-ey Peas--Small 'Buckwheat @ @ @- @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ o 0 9 2 2 £3 10 o I o 0 0 0 o ~~ ep Court of Revislon OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the first sitting of the Colt of Hovision to revise the Assessment Joli of the Township of Scugog Aor the year 1918, will be béld ap the Town Hall, Scugog, on BATURDAY, MAY 31st,'19:8, at One o'clock pon, of of 'which all persons iutercsted arg reqnir- = to take notice and govern themnsolves ingly. y THOMAS GRAHAM, : Tewnship Clerk. Beugog, May 10, 1013. : Court of Revision Nowe 1S HEREBY QIVEN that ¥=2" For nether information as to price and ters, apply to R. G VaNsICKLER, on the piemises, Or to G. W. VANSICKLER, at Wilson House, Torontc. the first sitting of the Cowrt of ; Vision to revise the Assessment Roll of the Township of Reach for the year 4918, will be held at the Tawn Hall, Manchester, on MONDAY, JUNE 9th, 1918, at Two o'clock p.m.. of which ail persons interested are re- .q aired to ach ug notice and govery them- melvi aguord "gh Ye : il DOBSON, o TOM Isuip Clerk, SYNOPSIS OF DOMINION LAND REGULATIONS. AST person who 18 the sole head ofa family, or au au male over 18 years old, may hom id & quartor section of aviilab Pin ho] in_Mauitohay Sarkatchewan or Alberta. The appli= cant must : r in person at [he Dominion Ageuey or Sub-a for the Het, 'Entry by prox ny be made ny ageuey on certain gon. disions by father, mother, son. day, ser, Drothep or sister of ju Jetcuting {I B. LUKE, Insurance Business under the firm name of WARD & PEARSE A confinuance of the liberal patronage, formerly accorded Mr. Pearse, is solicit- ed. Yours t WARD © PEARSE, Port Perry, Out. Stewart M. Graham, LIGENSED AUGTIONEER, PORT PERRY, Graduate of Jones' N tional Patronage solicited. Terms reasonable St. Charles Hotell§ PORT PERRY Strictly under New Management) G. A. COLE PROPRIETOR [Late of Hotel Falconer, Totonto] Commercial trade solicited First class Sample rooms. HEADACHES are nearly always caused by TIRED BYES Which require spectacles Consult me - REFRACTING OPTICIAN, 1569 Yonge St. Toronto. Opposite Simpsons'. Electric Restorer for Men nerve in the body Phosphonol rest every to {te p proper tension ; restos Vim sid viaIy. Premature decay a d bil scxnal ess averted at Ei or st Flint's a tore. ------ A SS 0. P.R Time Tédble. | MYRTLE STA STATION. ew man, = Price $8a box, or two for Soany adress. he Bobet Brug RE-HORSE THE STABLES witlr first-class animals, and insta New and Up-to-Date Vehicles comfort * | be surpassed. Special attention paid to th requirements of Commercial Trave ers. Our charges are moderate Patronage solicited. EZ Phone No.2. Why We Excel the most practical and the best equipped school in Eastern # Ontario The courses are thorough and facin«ing. An entirely, Canadian Business Proceduro for the training of the amb: ous young people of our coun- try. Our Graduates BM are successful, ask a student or jl ex.student, they are our best advertisement. Hom¥' Study Courses Lindsay = Business College ¥ C.R. Brower, A. H. Spotton," Principal. President Enter Any Day. 'OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. 1913. donell, Whitby --Jan. 13. Feb. 4, Janu. 7, 1914. March Bb, April 4, May 8, Juve 5, Jun. 8, 1914. 2 BROUG HAM -- 3 EER 1 y 7, J an, 1 with modern Trappings which for and convenience cannot and we guarantee to please our patrons, OAWERR BROS We have the most modern, Sitings of the Division Courts]. 1. WHITBY--Clerk, Miss E. L. Mae March' 4, Aprii8 May 2, June 8, € July 8, Sept. 8, Oct. 2, Nov. 7, Des, | July 4, Sept. 4, Uct. 8, Nov. 8, De¢. . Burn March 7, Nov. 12, " 10, M Tn 3 SAE [Millers to the Royal Family.) And are prepared to promptly fill all orders entrusted fo their care. They have the one Flour that gives satisfaction to the consumer--THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD---fills the bill, cvery pound i After giving it a fair tii if not satisfied retnrn the balance tif over § Ibs.) and your money will be cheerfully refunded. The millionaire cannot I poorest family use a flour that is more economical. . 'A GAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED INGRAMS® . « Agents Port Perry and vicinity. HEHERHRHRIORY Vv. EX. DOUBT MERCHANT TAILOR, Keeps in Stock a full supply of up-to-date CLOTHS Susaplo for all Seasons lic for the extensive pat- ge bestowed upon them 1 intimate, that asin the 'only choice fat animals slaughtered, so as to | the choicest and ten- Cuts possible, and we d at all times to have an OSITAWA--Clerk, Miss E. I. Mags donell, Whitby--Jan. 14, Fob. 6, AND TENDER CHOICE MEATS wo. will cut to please and deliver. pronply; RD aL MEATS A 'SPECIALTY. ULL STOCK" OF EVEYTHNG IN THE guaranteed, [ buy a better flour than THE ROYAL HOUSEHOLD, nor even the | ne T.R. trains met except 2.20 and 7.07 p.m. unless other- Seonege Solféifed. 4 Bell and Independent Phones. L. L. ROSS, Prorrieron. Nothing Li AVING purchased the Butchering Business and good will of Mr. I. J. Wheeler 1 would like toinform all his old customers and as man new ones as possible that intend to keep at all times a good assortment of all kinds of the Best Meats--Fresh and Salt--obtainable and at reas- onable rates as possible. I am alsd_ fii fhe market, it 41): times, for Choice Cattle; Hogs, Sheep and Lambs Calves, Hides and Sheepskins a the Highest Market Prices, g& Fresh Fish every Tuesday. Courteous treatment and prompt dolfvery May 26, 1909. W. A. BOYCE 'TAXIDE MY Send. us yotr Gane hil; to Mount, 0 Animals, Fish, Deer Heads, etc. Bird Mount- ing skilfull and promptly executed. Also Fine Rug Work dove in the lafest: styles. We are also prepared to buy Hides, and pay the Highest' Prices for them. Charges 'moderate. Call and get' qaotations. J. W. COLLINS & G. SHELL - - Port Perm. \ Agent Wanted for Port poy Sell: For "THE oe RELIABLE" Weekly Pay. Free Outi. Write for Terms. _ STONE & WELLINGTON, op wo ot

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