ING MODERN STVLES _ © Axp ar Low PRICES. from | road at Port Perry, in- eto take advantage of every available | that "The|' wo additional students of Port of New Perry High School og pot Jeponed in pl 3 «in the lor Tuesdarht ws, een successful in the triculation Examinations, Oss on preparations fot. ing Machine event to eat Port Perry Fair. Be- \g'town he reported that as tor the start were' e said there will be no starting on the track in it of the grand stand. recent Ma t namely, Earl Williams and C Stalker. This completes the list of suc: | candidates for the year 1gt3. The toatal oumber of stud- ents who passed was 36, or about popular and indafatigable ' aighty percent, of those who tried. Reeve, who is always on the alert Oi these three in the Faculty Eo- trance Examinations and three in the Middle School Normal Exam- inations obtained Honours. The Principal is now at, hotoe and may be consulted at any time regarding work for the next year. He also has the certificates of all successful candidates and the marks of those who have not been successful, and these may be had from him on request, ee A ee that presented itself likely to prove beneficial to our. town, is in tommunication with t! radial toad surveys, tat ; r the termioia tet Pot) and is satisfied 'nost feasib! le,- convenient and direct route will be selected: Gerow un official. ws certainly an ideal ill be sees by Mr. Mc- unit Enquirer.--VYes, Sir Wilfrid Lau- rier is still | the party but ¢ done 'much boasting the naval bill. wa ¢ den Government in two tf has done much more for the proper development of Canada than J Laurier Government ever "thought about. The Ottawa Exhibition will soon 'be under way at the Capital, bein, the sceond this year. The Opposi- dion made an exhibition of itself Hast spring. The new Democratic tariff gives to Canada all the advantages pro- mised from the reciprocity agree- ment, without making Canada an adjunct to the United States. if ¢he last session of the House 'was a bad one for the Liberal party 'with the seatless ex-Mnisters out of Parliament, what would it have been if they had been in? Curtain. The rumoured activity of the 'seatless ex-Ministers of the Laurier Old Boys' Association, must be Very disquieting to these Liberals | 'who would like to see the party get on its legs again. What's that, the Liberal party sawing wood? Quite s0. They're cutting up the planks of that old platform of '93, These planks have been giving them a lot.of trouble in the past few years, When the Dreadnaught New Zealand, built by the Dominion ts_ Nova Scotia in November, als in that part of Canada will be able to compagg it with the Niobe. (laughter.) It would seem that the rays of the Sunny Smile are not so strong as they once were. Here's Laurier going all the way down to Chateau- guay to settle the big row among the Liberals of that riding. Maho- | = met is kept pretty busy these days | trotting from one mountain to an- other. _ Soaring revenue, bumper crops, general prosperity in the face of a world-wide money stringency, are very discouraging to people who used to be taught that the Laurier Gover t made the hine and personally looked after the welfare of the crops. Premier Borden's congratulatory ge to the C der of the New Zealand Dreadnaught, is just , the sort of message that Govern- ments of other Dominions cannot t 4 aq send to s of Ci Dreadnaughts. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and his band of Senate partizans attended to that. * The Trent Canal is to be rushed «to completion by the Borden Gov- ernment, minus that historic tribu- g | check cashed in a store at Washa {other country. of | Lofitic tent to jud t its | Of last month the weather of Jul Few Zaslenn in reat Brien (a ot ars of the . STRUCK BY LIGHTNING. The electric storm on Saturday evening last is ponsibla for the destruction of Mr. J. J. Murta's barn (lot 1. concessi 11, Reach) = t ) Kay's advertisement in another colum@l that. he is prepared to re- ceive tenders for his tine farm in Reach known as the Andrew' Sco fn. This is one of the best RESItm. 1D . D 18 bt sympathy is expres Murta in his misfortune. As Ata meeting of the St. Thomas Council the other day one alderman threatened to kick the liver out of anothet member of the Board. His ire, no doubt, had been excited by his confrere's gall, bs A North Bay resident was up in the police court for leaving the care case of a cow to. sot in the street. The Despatch says. "He was rem- anded." In some communities he might have been hanged. AvctioN SALE oF FURNITURE, LEtc.--The undersigned has instruc- tion from Mrs. F. Dalton to sell by auction at her residence (North-end Bigelow Street) Port Perry, on Saturday, Aug. 23, 1913, the fol- lowing desirable Household Effects: Range, lleating Stove, 2-burner Coal O1l Stove, Sideboard, Bureau, ir. The invest- erty of this stamp cannot prove remunerative. Dur estimable, efficient and iv- defatigable County Crown Attorney, Col. J. E. Farewell, K.C., made Port Percy Yesterday a flying visit, he was his return trip from Washagomibere official duty called him. He had been called there to represent the King against two men who are alleged to have assaulted and robbed an Indian named John Big Wind. The evidence before the presiding magistrate was to the eflect that the two men in question had witnessed Big Wind geta $29 go, had followed and overtaken him on the railroad leading to Faugham and assaulted and robbed him. They were committedto the County jail at Whitby for trial at coming Assizes. Owing to the large number of pressing cases lately the County Crown Attorney of this County has, thus far, been deprived of his usual summer vacation. This is not as it should be--he richly de- serves a respite from his constant and arduous work. 2 Tables, 6 Dining Chairs, 3 Cane Chairs, 3 Rocking Chairs, Dining Rocker, .3 Kitchen Chairs, Arm Chair, 2 Bedsteads, Mattress, Wash Stand, 3 Pairs Curtains, 6 Curtain Poles, Clock, Floor Rugs, Carpets, Pictures, Washing Machine, Tubs and Wringer, Gem Jars, Dishes Pails, 2 Rain Barrels, Number of Stovepipes, Garden Rake, Hoe, uantity Hardwood ready for stove, uantity Coal. Sale at one o'clock Terms Cash. G. Jackson, Auc- tioneer. A Born Pogr.--We are in re- ceipt of an advance copy of a Book of Poems, the cover of which bears !the title 'Canadian Seasons and Other Poems," the author being no other than William Henry Taylor, a native of this County and a long resident of the vicinity of Port | Perry ; itis also his product typo- 'graphy, and it is highly creditable : in that respect; it is neatly bound Ottawa, August 15.--In a bulle- and makes a good appearance dnd} tin issued to-day the Census and it cannot fail to" prove highly val-| Statistics Office reports that accord- able to any library in this or any Ing to the returns made by crop- As to our being reporting correspondents at the end Latest Crop Report. Pontents that would be out of the | Was on the whole favourable to the question, but we might bé permitted growth of grain crops. The jot ax authority * as' to their [tions r 'Valle to mankind. Mr. | Were reported 'as generally ex Taylor, 'some years since, was a lent. * Representing a standard 'o vised by a pgmber of friends to give full crop by 100, the average con- Pablicadonts ispoems, but owing to ditions throughout Canada of fall Bis extrem modesty he declined do| Wheat is expressed as 77.75, of so; but some time afterwards, after |SPring wheat as 87.72, of oats as considerable consideration, he de-{E7-45, of barley as 87.58, of rye as termined to submit them to the late | 83-00, of mixed grains as 89.33 and Goldwin Smith, and that gentle- of flaxseed as 83.85. man said * their great worth will] The percentages of the standard justify their publication"; still Mr. condition of spring wheat, barley "Paylor desisted from taking action, |and rye represent the promise of and it was only lately. that he yields per acre for spring wheat of: a 16 the requests of his|siX, for barley of five, for rye of two friends and concluded to give pub-|and for flax seed of .one per cent licity them ; thence the production above the average yields per acre of fis handsome book of poems. of the last five years. The condi- That the author is a heaven-born tion of the oat crop promises a yield poet cannot for a moment be gain- equal to the average. sayed ; we well remember when he,| All the field crops of Canada on only a kid, while an apprentice in| July 31, excepting only fall wheat this office, couplets galore on every | (77 75), hay and clover (74 57) and event imaginable were laying | alfalfa (76.35) are reported as hav around the office in profusion, and |ing a condition above 3o, the ri hey were of no ordinary character, | being from 82 beans and corn pe | the then editor who was versed | husking to 8g for potatoes and in nr equently desired to|mixed grains. . publish specimens of these poetical | In the the three Northwest pro- cfusions, but he always objected |yinces spring wheat is ted as so strenuously and piteously, with|g8, 60 in Manitoba, 89 in Saskatche- tears streaming down his cheeks, | wan and 88 1n Alberta, the other that the editor had 10 desist. That |prain crops being correspondingly all kiowing Mr. Taylor, in Port| high, barley, especially in Saskat ry.and. vicinity, wish him every | ewan and Alberta being per 8 in his enterpribe is a fore-| cent or over. Root crops in the conelusion, Northwest provinces are also par: | ticalarly good. right, | The condition of 'buckwheat in | get [the Maritime provinces .and in is go. and over; bet is i to' 'Flax in the Northwest skate) t "for Mr. | yi Glass Cupboard, Extension Table, A very gquie nized on Thur Simpson ave Toronto, wh | Waddell, oniy d ecil| Mrs, James Perry, Ont. Leslie G. M. H The ceremony. Rev. S. S church: The bride ing costume of cloth with chai match. Mr. and M a trip thropgh tl lands. "The intel have the bes circle of friends happiness and pr 000,000 bt the Republic wh surplus of about 1 for export, will have tity to spare from vest. : +. No wonder that tions at Minneapols ha cents a bushel below ices and no wonder t ittle these days from about free trade in whe neighboring country. procity been in force Canadian flour mills filled their bins with ch can wheat before the lal an crop couid be har the Western Canad would have lost bis E. dian market. And this evil that would have ment.--The News. rid Laurier made a gi having a naval policy Hyacinthe he did po had one. more helpful to Brita Hyacinthe he kept h: words that "Canada is with her own affair to stand he made against Lord of the Admirali of course he had nol about that in Toronto. ever, easy fo criticise for having one speech] but let anybody in his to gep along by facing the time }--Mail & rR Gibson became a Tum turer at Marysvill ericton," which founded, building houses for his em years he cut and m average of 30,000,006 a year, mostly fo European markets. and incorporated the Mills. Mr. Gibson is | two sons and three d BABY'S GREAT | More little ones weather than at the year. Dia cholera infantiind when a medicine i ive promptly the fequently means beyond ablets should the home where children. the Tablets wi and bowel troubl comes suddenly th the Tablets will In St. Hyacinthe he'boa 4 the ill-fated Tafi-Fieldin --_-- ee Ia his Toronto speech In Toronto he pre that his naval policy would be the In Su Secretary of War and and another for the rest psite. . Fred- unity he filer row of gs. For 40 ctured an it of lumber glish and e also built nt stoprach I he trouble wpt use of baby. The ine deal- | ts a box | Medicine At Revelstock, B.C., Mrs. E. A. ke, « hter of the Rev. ber fathet's con en * | Rowell. {the party platfcrm of | cees the outcome did not prove so. This spring Mrs. Cooke and her two daughters came to Peterborou to visit her father and brother with returning home she found that the cancer was growing again, and on reaching home she went into the peacefplly ; the { § whom she spent five weeks, but or' attest the superiority. of fis ability and workmanship ; 'a great deal of the most iliportant part of buildings, 4 the interior, was where his good judgment, and far-seeing effect were displayed to the best advant- age, as regards style, stability, con- oh hospital and Mnderwent operation, but this provedineffectual. She leaves # husband and three children afl at home ; dnagedfather, four brothers and two sisters--W. §. Kenner, Pearson ; J. H. Kenner, Melita, and Mrs. Forder, Pipe- stone ; all of Manitoba ; F. C, Ken- Peace River, Alberta, and H. R. H. or] Kenner of Peterborough, "{ *"Parted friends will meet again When the storms of life are past, And the spirit free from pain, Bask in friendship that will last." Ontario Liberalism [Montreal Gazette] The election in North Grey to fill the vacancy in the Ontario Legislature caused by the retire- ment of Mr. A. G. MacKay has been followed by a somewhat free criticism by Liberals of the leader- ship and policy of Mr. N. W. At the general election'in 1912 out of a hundred and six members returned only twenty. three were declared Liberals, and the bye-clections since occurring have reduced this moderate figure. Those who are eager for results do not regard such a situation a% happy, and Mr. Rowell is by some of them regarded as the man to Llame. Mr. Rowell's chicl accomplish. ment has been the 1acorporation in an. "abolish i- | ner, Bluff Centre, and Mrs. Foy, of or t, and it will be many 'generations ere they will be extinguished or surplanted by any thing that Wiil be more advan tageous and beautiful. A cofitrac once signed by deceased meant the} strictest integrity as to the perfor mance of every part, important and unimportant, and he never digressed from the fullment of all particulars. In all business transactions his word} was as good as his bond, so that, strict ability |. every difeetion with greater ease than a swallow, gi SEE Program of Sports. --®g AS in reality, a contract was superficial. Although he persistently decline public and municipal honors, he was nevertheless public spirited and both by means and influence su ported every public improvement and did his utmost to benefit th town. That by his persistent per severance, and industry, together with his skill and thoroughness as a| mechanic he long since acquired a competency, but he still persisted i applying his vocation, believing be busy isto be happy, and certainly was 'an ideal exam that respect. |e Deceased leaves behind a loving and devoted wife and one son, Mr. George Powers, of Rochester, N.Y. For néarly fifty years he was an exemplary and consistent member of the Methodist Church, The funeral took place on Tues- day, 19th inst., from the famil residence, Ontario Street, family plot id the Pine Grove Cem- Dom } ponents of the licensed victuallers' !irade. It doestiot seem to have won anything else, however, and, as was noted in North Grey, even where the prevalence of local op: tion prohibition is favored, the majority of the electors would not vote for the Liberal-Alliance " nom inee. The free speaking ott in meeting that has since been heard may be taken to indicate that the Liberal party as a whole is far from being prohibitiohist. One Western pap- er, The Simcoe Reformer has advo- cated the calling of a Provincial party convention, practically in order" that the present seeming connection between the leadership and the Dominion Alliance may be cut.. Another, The Windsor Record suggests that the party should stand by the guns that have been given it till the next general election, adding: "It is sale 'Liberals will be beaten, beaten : . and will bein a position to throw off for ever the millstone of the Dominion Alliance aod proceed with the real policies of Liberalism." - There is "more of the same, kind, leading up to a declaration by The Record that the ed, and providing mild stimulants from that of hard intoxicants, is the olicy the Province. erals and surely n | will agree that The | are those that in bring the Peas for: the sale of : sa t Grand, buried with the honours fraternity.. Six Past Grands offici- 'ated as Pall-bearers :--Bros. W. H. Letcher, J. H, Brown, E. H.Pucdy, T. J. Ash, Geo. Kilpatrick, Jas. Hortop. 3 TuaompsoN--In Cartwright (lot-20, con. 8), on Friday, August 15, 1913, Robert Thompson, aged 64 ycars. In the demise of the deceased another important landmark has been removed, another important personage has left the stage of action. Deceased was born on the lot and concession on which he died, and was a "resident thereof during the whole of his life. He was honorable and upright in his deal- ings, a kind and obliging neighbor and reliable friend. He was a lov- ing husband and indulgent father, and his many good qualities won for him not only the r and esteem of all, but they acknowledg- ed his abilities as a public man by returning him fora number of terms{ * Bia to the Council Board of the Mun- icipality and in. their estimate of "5 his capacity they were fully justified for he proved a legislator of nol ordinary scope; he was liberal, agressive - and public spirited, and . all measures that were |; su likely to prove beneficial to his native towns which he $0 proud. of the Lehool Dn 'of that i finally rd | SidOE | utmost to| rpmour ation of Dealers and" Absolutely False WALKERVILLE, ONT., Jury Sap, 1013. MR. P. C. GRAHAM, % : Port PERRY,-- We have heen deluged at this office with inquiries frome Ford prospects regarding rumours to the effect that the Ford Company are selling cars or propose selling cars at spec prices, these prices varying anywhere from $200.00 per car to three cars for $1000.00. : SR > ; We quote you fterowit) ad rem Soen No. 142 from our July newspaper copy, reading as follows: iy You Pat Fay gold dollars at a dis- count nor Ford cars at special prices-- i 'e'vé never ade en to satisfy the demand--at regular price. Don't 'be . deceived, Ford prices are exceedingly low--but absolutely net." ) We firmly believe that the yumours that have been spread throughout the Dominion of Canada have been start- iy persons outside the Ford organization with malicious , take this opportunity of stating defi tely and hat we have not considered ior are L to con sale of the Ford cars at anything BL Pree Hither gs there any fu the Ford Company is going cell direc to