with the re fidence of G. L. RB Port Perry, Nov, 15, 1804. VATS BALD Buccessor offices of the late F. Port Perry, - Qrozier ant of the to and ig im JOS. BATRD JCRYSED [AUCTIONEER for "the tnintv of Ontarin, Sale Regieter at the OpxeRvER Offion. Patronage a ,« Manchester, Jan. 19, 1899. RRISTHR. SOLICITOR, CONVEYANOER, 2 I) &e. Office at, residence, Ath Con. Reach (ome mile weet of Port Perry,)-- - Monky 10 LoAN. * Tesver of Marriage Licnses, R. FAREWELL, K.C,, LL.B., County +) . Crawn Attorney Barrister, County Sel: ritor, &c., Notary Pullic an Conveyunoer. Dffice--South wing Court House, Whitby, Ont, eet DR. R. L.. GRAHAM Suoosssor 10 Dr. F. D. MEGRATTAN DENTIST PORT PERRY, -- -- ONT. J. A. Murray, DENTIST, Office over the ost Office. : PORT PERRY. All branches of Dentistry, including Crown und Bridge Werk successfully practiced. g Artifical Teeth on Bold; iver, Alimioum Pataloss gxtraction when required: ! "6 Prices to suit the times® North Oatario Observer A Weekly Political, Agricultural and banitly Neavepaper 15 PUBLISHED AT PORT PEERY, ONT. Hinge-Stay tence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Co, Ltd., and am prepated to supply tis Whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE Proto on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers, The DiLLon Fence is without a peer. It is the BEST because it 1s flexible; it is a square mesh ; itis a verfect, hiuge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country, Before purchasing 8 'Wire Fence don't 'dil to inspect the Ditton Fence. ) J. H. Brown, | DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL lye 3 3 pl 8 AND (GH RY. 12 Magi ny a April 6, 1905, x HARNESS EVERY THURSDAY MORNING BY H. PARSONS BRM. $1 per eanum, if paid in ndvaace not $1.50 will bo purged, No subscription taken for Joa then six wegths; sod to paper disoouts reatil arrears wre paid ap. i SWATERS ooutsining money, whea addressed to this Oiie, prepaid and red whit be at our risk. ADVERTISEMENTS mi charged according to the space ADVERTISEMENTS received for Rie a unt Noupariel, and occupy. ER er i 1 ment, wiil be taken out woul] paid for. @ LIBERAL discount allewed to Merchauts and other 'who adyertiso by the year or half year. WHESE terms will in all cases be strictly adhered to JOB. DEPARTMENT. Pam Hund Bills, Posters Brograma, Dodgers Bill Heads, Checks va : . fi It toturniuy tuanks to the public for the patronage extended to me for over 3" years, 1 wouid respectfully intimate that I aii, a8 usual, now ready for business, snd have a Large & Assorted Stock OF DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS which I am determined to sell vory CHEAP As an inducement to Cassi purchasers -b Dood of [or ih will be allowed on'all Sales from: now until. Jun. Tat pext, All work belog' 4 MADE BY HAND®3 and no factory work kept: in stotk, the aper drity of my goods will'at onde beoome | t. x ding purchasers will find that by ving mea oall before looking RELL ULE PACIFIC Se) x Ee Licensed Anctioneer, Valdato FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TQ Jos OF CARTWRIGHT, ISHARES at this the commencement Season another Auction Sale turo thanks to his namerons r past favors, In requesting the sad continued patronage desire state tha ffork.or. pains will be It axles entrt xtonsive pi a Hv and © ; atenth metbing that als niore y to their every-day fife. This t thing is vastly more preva- B cities and towns than in the try, and the reason 1s that s of all kinds are encouraged the one case and not in the her. Thequestion then arises uld sports be ecucoursged as among people ving 10 the ty as among those living in fty ? Droadly speaking we d say that il sports are good he people 10 cities, they should ood lor people in the country. IS be true there 1s room for tellcnt work ou tite part ot some- B10 promoting legitimate sport all kinds in the country. It 11d not be made a fetish of 'as 1s ase in some cities and towns. a goodly amount as time and c on the farm wiil permit would a zest to farm life and make it h nore attractive and just as stable. There is no business on iI) in which the man engaged in on its declarations, 'if the issdeds , the Dominican revolution will disappear.' As one official put it to-day, "There is no use stealing a purse if you know it's empty," and it is expected that even revolu- tionists can be counted upon to throw down their cards if they see that there is no longer any pot for which to play. So great is the confidence felt in (he success of this plan by virtue of its intense practicability that offici- als hese familiar with Latin Ameri- can troubles go as far as to venture the prediction that the days of revo- lutions in Central America and the West Indies are nearly over. | FARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK all former Exhibitions. TICKETS TO ALL PARTS OF THE WorLp.--Mr. W. H, McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the world and to supply all necessary information to parties asto the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail- road 'and Steamship: lines, he has been re appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties ntending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. McCaw before embarking on a trip BEHOLD A NEW AGE ALREADY DAWNS Restored to Health by Lydia pastor Russell's Address to Re: E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound -- Her Own Story. London, Ont.--*'1 am a farmer's wife and a very busy woman. Last summer . 1 wea taken with severe pains in my i back so bad that I could not get up or scarcely move with- { out pain, and my periods were pain- ful. My husband called in a good doc- tor and 1 was under time, but he did me little or no good. soon got well, and my periods b yh Sinee then I have had perfect health. In fact I have never felt sowell in my life. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is a medicine many women need. If you think this letter will help other women please pub- lish it."'--Mrs. K. C. YOUNG, Tambling's Corner, London, Ontario, Canada. 'Women whosuffer from those distress- ing ills peculiar to their sex should not doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. . If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta~ ble Compound will belp you,write to Lydia E.Pinkham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass., for ad- vice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman, - and held in strict confidence. Increasing Production Is it any wonder that men who have studied conditions in Canada are getting a bit anxious about the cord Crowds. The Wonders of the Past Century Be- hearsed--They Are Foregleams of Messiah's Kingdom--The Blessings Promised for Thousands of Years wise--Lift Up Your Heads and Be: joice--The Blind, Who See Mot the Source of These Blessings, Discon- tented, Are Msnaced--The Danger raid, Bebold, T mak Revelation 31:86. The promise of a New Day bas long been before @od's in the Bible, said the Pastor. It was hinted to our first paeremts, six thousand years ago, that eventually the Seed of the woman should bruise the serpent's head. is understood to mesn that Batan's or will be crushed, and mankind de- death. the blessed." coming of David's Hse, who would be a Priest, after the order of Melchisodek. Evea Jesus' rosognised Him se the 'Seat of ') were dis appointed thet His was Dot immediately revealed. the - respesting: Messish 's n take a day off, and not miss | ga" cutcome. The one thing that | were repestsd and smplifed in Jesus' o readily asin farming. Then fl.c days work on the farm' were Bulated similar to a day's work in will save the situation is a larger development of our agricultural re- sources. But how is this to be vusbley sad family ©» the Sortie: Nah gave His Church through St. city, there would be plenty of} 350s Farmers are being preach goin hye | #e (or indulging in local sports to advantage of all concerned. bst city people are onlookers of pris By organizing local clabs, ry young man on the farm could fiicipate in sports and re. ¢ double benefit. -- Canadian hrm. b Recogmtion of Rebels in Latin-American Republice hiagton, Sept. 18.--The 'Bi Dollar," "Drumstick," an orms ol diplomacy exercised united States in its efforts PE butent of Latin 'Americat have idone by the present Ad- n of the Democrat party, s vigorously attacked the liciesofihe previous Admin- astooradicalandhigh-band- srevealedto-daywhenthe he State Department with te tho revolution now in the Dominican Republic inistration' determine to ed at every day on this topic, and we believe they are trying their level best to keep up with the game. But they are handicapped. Effici- ent farm help continues to be scarce. The cost of. production keeps up to a high level, and the farmer 1s in need of a little ready cash to develop his business finds it hard to obtain at a reasonable rate of interest. This last condition is especially applicable to the West. The Western farmer is realizing more and more that if he is to make his business permanenily sucsese- ful he must ho 'beginning. stock good breeding stock 1s neces- sary. But this cannot be secur d without money, and money is abou the dearest commodity going io the West. So the day of increased production of meat products in the West must be postponed for a . And in the meantime Cana- da's exports will gontinue to drcp and the cost of living to mount up- wards, Then along with the othr reasons mentioned for reduced pro- of a I a precios 0 roa ot - av or pamit a corse with ' axibe, TE oft thesy eante J eh answar?'!. 'Bing off}? " ATTRACTIVE HATS, Black and 'White Correct Millinery, Colors This Season. ° 3 She Is a very foolish maiden who ale' lows her vanity to induce ber to Wear: a tulle bat on the Leach. Once of' twice, on clear, fresh days, when thewsi is a land breeze blowing, with safety wear a tulle hat o sands, but if sbe continues to the tulle will soon lose its crispnessy a strange odor will cause her to Wi der If a glue factory is near, the tulle hat will become a lmpg sticky, pitiable object. To be sure, &/ malines is offered for sale which the: manufacturers claim is impervious to salt breezes, but how Is one to be certain that the milliner has used this; waterproof malines? Better keep the' tulle hat for the country or the trip: to town and choose one trimmed with, ribbon for the seaside. The all black hat is the smart, gear of the hour, regardless the THE GOURA TRIMMED MODEL. i shape, and it is a practical choice for the beach. A black bat does not look, quite as summery or light as an ¥ white hat, but the sun cannot damage' It as it can one of colored straw, or even one of the natural tone straw, which may become actually sunburnt; There is a fud for trimming some the black hats with blue ribbon bows, and a few of the bolder spirits among, the fashion leaders are appearing in.' brown straw hats. When the Iattesf are worn with brown shoes and stock-,' ings and a sash of brown moire or tulle the effect is really artistic. The, hat pictured is a black creation made, attractive with a wreath and a moun§ of gourd feathers. THE KITCHEN SINK : Keep the Pipe Hidden From View Abs solutely Clean. : y One af the things that every house- wite should look after carefully is the!' kitchen sink. Many a good housewife, keep the enameled part of the; sink spotless, the woodwork polis as white as possible and imagine that, her sink is clean. This Is right. The: sink should be kept spotless from . every stain or discoloration, but the: cleaning must go further than this. The pipe that is hidden 'from view should be kept just as clean as ther) and greasy water, matches and Merle! little that ind, a 'revolu= duction should be coitpled: that "of | to