SU TMeNBY 8 MOAN Private Funds at § ptt E08 REeBiR- Sotion CoRVEYANCER, : Office. at sestlonge, thy Con. . Reach (one mile- west of Ee arty PTET Money 10 Loa. J E. FAREWE Lt ' DillonHinge-Stay Fence J; Crown At | Manufactared by the Owen \ ' | Manu ! outid h: | "prepa y this. w Somimniy very BEST | WIRE FENCE produced ou this - Continent and at prices that can not fail tg satisfy purchasers. The Ditton Fence is without a peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh ; it 1s a perfect hinge-stay 'fence, therefore it is lmpos-ible 16 bend ibe stays infact it is the best fence 'made 10 this or auy other country: Before purchasing a. Wire Fence don't fail to. inspect the Faneg. i LR 'North Ontario Observer Peakly Political, Agricultural and kamily Newspaper "IS PUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING . «rv HE PARSONS ks to the public for th ded to me for over 3 wotfully intimate that dy i business, 28 © JOB DEPARTMENT. wil ba allowed on all Sale ie aw ant The. Jam, 1st next. - All work "#&" MADE BY HAND"E3 no factory work kept in stock, the a sapet ority of my goods xii at once beoome | that b 'saves; and by bringing new tries to the * enable & larger proportionate atflouit to be - will benefit You. HEY BENEFIT THE FARMER, because they incfease the value of hisfarm; en- able him to raise: mote profitable cropsy his cost of hauling will be low; hecafi reach mar- kets when prices are best; his children can Volt school every day isi the year, and he will have more i i te and bier cmbions gemerally. | uo) the commun! paid out es, and with increased population, more antusétriénts aid better stores i Public foads are commercial feeders of the city, and every improventent of these roads means a grester prosperity through inciedsed agricultural production and greater stime ulous go all industries. Economical Good Roads Conerete roads ate best from the start and cheapest i the eid. They are free from futs, thud and dust. They give good footing to horses and caster traction to every class of vehicle, but most important i¢ the fact thas they fequife practically no expenditure fof upkeep: 3 Complete information of concrete rosd Construction fs yours for the askitig, without cost of obligation. : Write to-day for concrete roads literature, fo Concrete Roads Depetftment despatched from the Pos L EET. FIRE INSURANOE AGE orth-- 5.15 pum. PORT PERRY, PPLICATIONS wor I expeditiously negotiated through on the. rapid. tr ; Jou are insured on reeeipt of | tion. 5 Office Inspector's | pronto, Dec. 17th, 1913. MAI if i s '? -~ 9. ? i: af! TH Hig pre: ie eft E ei discussed, verse by verse, tive judgments as a fire will & unrighteous i PRE t2eks institutions from ther these