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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 May 1914, p. 1

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. 0} NT. 5 fnpluding fly A Woakty Political; Agricultural and Family Newspaper "18 SUBLISHED AT PORT PERRY, ONT. 1 Hexible it is a square lect Hin e-stay itis impossible to bend the stays in fact it is the 'best Terice made in ths or any other conutry. 'Before purchasing a Fen don't * fuil to Iuspect Lhe Fence. \ PPLICATIONS vor. Inumas expidition 1 y negotiated lt through on the rapid travsit system i are fusired ou' receipt of Appliva~ WE ARE ALSO. AUTHOR. FIRE LIFE Rea! Estate Sten ship Tiekols t "will p permit you. to put your Sdn pA P Concrete Roads 0k 10 more to buld shan any ober gond ro road, and their upkeep expense is practically nothing, which makes spindly thems Concrete roads benefit the" farmer, consumer, merchatty hewspaper, boned Sond of ads and fuliond, Th Proats produetion; : 5 or nda mor er Ere choy owen to himself to inv of concrete roads and learn how inven him, This information is free for the asking. Write dny when | bad already ac- ore Phiys than | cotiid use iu SUS to sub 1 ted her that it would be or me. tf rend any play, anless prongised A phenomenal success, pretipon she looked at we out of a of very beuutiful blue eyes and she win quite sure her pty would _phenonenal snceess. 1 eouid not ¢ wmite ut ber Rati me, since it 1 took ber maou- it from ber, agreeing to look it and If 1 shonid ud it merfiortous Md: rend it earetnlly. The young Kod whe she wight call for It § would drop ber a line pr : *pare nioment 1 fo got all about her and ber piny. A H mouth passed, and one day [received a pote trom her reminding we (hat she bad teft #1 manuscript with me and wontd be pleased to be Informed what had been done with it. 1 determined to return it with the usual thanks and a few complimentary words, but-- We who must decoive anthors have so many buts that it would not be worth wille to specify this one. 1 went to a' (| closet where ! kept mannseripts hand: il ed tu for my Inspection: but, although 1 went r all of them carefully, | did vot ot "Constancy." the one | wanted. Tuer | reriembered that | had taken it to my home. But F did pot find It there. 1 uxnally stopped at my club on iy way home und some times at other places, left It somewhere, but inquiry failed to ellclt nuy trace of It. However. hoping that it might turn up, | veotared to put the authoress £ | oft. 1 wrote ber that | had read enough of ber play to become interested lo it. but had been so busy with those | was prepuring for the hoards as to prevent my giving ft 'the attendon it seemed to deserve, The truth. was that F was having about that time bard tuck with the pags | had brought out and was losing money. Indeed, most managers were tn the same fx. There was but one play, "A Sylvan Butterfly." that was anccessfuly bat 'that had evongh suc- conn to 'make up for all the fajlnres. Hearing of the new attraction, 1 went to see It And was delighted with it ite theme was one that will always appeal to human sympathles. 1 won dered If the manuscript could have gone the rounds, as most manuscripts unheard of authors are i certainly would never d 18 Why she shonld not do the entioning "A Sylvah Bufter- said that ber own play Was good and if produced would (| ] must have are four ways of finishing a floor -- Painting; ing, Staining and Waxing. No matter which method you prefer, you will find here the right "Spic and Span" Finish for! every purpose -- for every surface. Four Kinds of Best Four Best of Their Kinds SENOUR'S FLOOR | PAINT --the old reliable--it wears, and wears, an WOOD-LAC VARNISH STAIN produces the beautiful appearance of hard wood on soft wood. } «"MARBLE-ITE"~the floor vafiiishi that stands the scufi--heel-proof, waterproof, almost wearproof. LIQUID WAX -- the new and easy inetliod of applying wax to floors. Retains its polish and is economical. Let us tell you more about it. W. Li; Parrish = PORT PERRY. Ride A - Mile - a - Minute Motor Cryo e Races PORT PERRY Best Riders in Canada Will Compete. It ibecnuse 1 bad not bad the heait to . Whigs attach to' thélr plays, ir 1 wad | tell ber the truth. Pibed DY ADA, seeing we, ¥ spoken my mind | 'would have told her She seemed quite overwhelmed at sald: that there were ninety-nine chances | this, aud I touk advantage of the sito- "It seems that you and 1 are In a bundred that if her play was pro- | atiot to tell her that 1 desired her to | the same thing." be sald' @uced it would be 8 lamentable fail: | Make me buppy instead of pleasing the "The same thing! What do you was, 1 could only ldbk wise | {| world by her plays, There Is nothing 3 But when | saw dke-such a sacrifice as | bad made to "Cotte. Don't pretend to be sth ere wet I broke down | Produce love, and | was rewarded by You! KtioW wird hwies you' st wu acceptance. our engagement my fancee Certainly 1 dot for te I a : h 2 ut: 1" 0 the manuseript. ' | it to you sald. "Aftee your uo- "I've got It all In my own outed the idea of ge. | ble net luipaying me for a play that there's no use fn your Hitech a & wm for a play which | wus Worthless' rather than burt my tant do anything." #8 most young authors. feeliugs It Would be a shame for m8 "Poti spbak In riddles ould make a fortune; but I | to pnt Jou fa such a test again." "What - nonsense! Own 0 "You will_permit. me to read it sim- i You're trying to get aliead | ply as your eritle, will you uot" 4 re- baying been frst In the fleld.® and she finally consented to mccept . lied 'See here, Parkinson." I sa | | Hsing color, "Miss Woodruff my offer, but stipulated that, since | "We'll see 'about that when I have sho had never made but one copy of 2d to me, and there's no use fuished i 4 play. T must not call on her for | One evening soon after thls whew I try to get ahead of me Ju! *3 another: Glad to get ont of the scrape | miled on Alice I met a theatrical man- 'by paying a stipulated sum, 1 agreed J a i] The most singular express ger well Known to me coming away to this and gave her a check for $800 | frou her 1 wondered what be Stat hip face 3 pave pos . 'in payment fora play that | tad never | tnd beer dofry' therd aud wisted 10. gaping at me for a few io read and did. not possess. | wk him, but refrained, 'F-thought he. | "bis * embarrassing matter biving | '0oked Ab me with something akin to been: prit- ont' of 'the wav | bemp 10 Ww the * youtig indy sane Attention. ed, Miss Alice Woodmill nin 1 be | nihiy fond of énch other. | about her play desi to Tee at | Toe sornh time. my devotion | al fo bear a i Cher (hat. the | |e ro all Leu ie

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