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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 May 1914, p. 2

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stwoithy d, © Monday, Joly 6, will ess be polling day for the Assembly Elections. are 375,000 telephones in hicago. Newmarket Era says "the feligion 4 man has the more We s of his wife." J big tent has: been provided to modate the overflow of Allis school population. Ottawa license commissioners ave decided: that. thére wilk-be no information Co Arthur News :--12,000,000 | cans are unable to read. They | missing a lot of exciting war a \ Galt Reporter :--One of the best of forgetting your worries at me of the year is to bury them garden. Forty-four persens were killed in streets of New York City dur- g the month of April, twenty. ree of them children. The Post says that in all propa- ity there will be a daily boat ser- this season between Lindsay 'eterborough. Newmarket will issue $25,000 in tures for the purpose of ex-|handsome gr the town's water mains and | beaded pking artesian wells. white robin is reported 'from! For years Thorah's * has been the pride of and Townshi ustic is propos- the fraudulent sale of tn lands by making fraudu- dvertisingcriminal. It is high There are now in [operation in C da 2,300 rural/mail delivery "routes with 95,000 individual boxes. "November the 'increase in bas been over 400 and in about 30,000. riesian wells on the hills: over- ing the west side of the town suggested as a source of water y for Uxbridge. A grayita- | system from such wells would jargued, mean economy as well 'abundance and purity. 'Toronto Globe reproaches 'ories for their "hunger for * So unlike the patriotic and sh Gritse Thirty-two years frrupted office-holding. at and fourteen years at Ot- still they think them- dly used: : Greatest THRILLER peed fiend riding a 'clip at the Motor the Port Perry Old ion, June 3rd, Can- to-compete BABIES , usually a time of usuall ango dancing in hotel cafes. he ja e {the Tact that "he claimed to be an old Pért Perry citizen, hav- ing spedt seven years of a portion of the flower of his life in its business areda, and be, accompanied by his family, would be in evidence at the Re-Unioni of Old Boys in Port Perry on June 3rd. BAND, STAND ENTERTAINMENT Port Perry Band althouglhonly lately re-organized under the leader- ship of Mr. John Roach, gave their first free entertainment of the seas son on the evening of Friday last] and'the 'music rendered was much appreciated by the large conedurse in attendance. Wonderful profici- encyin so short time has been made, and the members deserve (great credit for their close application to practice. 'Their initial public ap- pearance and the choice music rendered demonstrates that musical talent of no ordinary capacity is possessed by the membership of the new and desirable organization, Bic DeManD For Young, MALE HoLSTEINS-- x The demand for young Holstei Bulls the past winter 'has been phenominally great. Messrs, Walker & Sons, Reach, having disposed of eleved grand, youhg animals for which they received figures. Their herd 'is by King Segis Pontiac Duplicate, half-brother to the §10,~ 000 ball. Their milk shipments to Toronto is one of the largest in the Provinee, 'and what is still 'better the quality is No. i, and they also splendid record for cleanli- ss and promptaess. VE Town Hall, #funderthe aus- pices of the Women's Institute, when a lady, Miss N.C. Trench, of Montreal, who is sent and paid by the Government, will speak on Home and Country Topics, in the after- poon of May 30th. It is proposed to fhake it take the form of general pit-nic where every one will be wel- comed. A/good meeting is assured and a large attendance is desired. Varvasre 'Horse Kirreo ar Rarway Crossing--On Saturday last Mr. Geo. Nesbitt of Port Perry started to drive to Ostawa, and | while crossing the C.. P. Railway track just north of Raglan a train from the east struck the horse cut- ting it completely in two, and de- molishing the vehicle, Mr. Nesbitt jumped just in time to avert a calamity. He. stales that there was no warning of the approaching train, Musnroowms Gatore-- Mr. Robt. Hall of Mr. Linke'sstefiof theconst- ruction gang of the Bell Telephone Company in this district took a few minutes off on Monday last in order to try his skill at ing Mush. rooms, and knowing the lay of the land, he bagged in short-order a bushel of the finest dety obtain- known as able anywhere, p the Aare" Sn hiey were beauties and as 'delicious as they OLD BOYS' RE-UNION DIN- NER AND TEA will be served "by the Ladies of the Presbyterian 'Church in 'the School Room of the church on Wednesday, June 3rd. Adults 30 cts. | Children 15 Everybody com » PORT : grad 23 ty Great and special efforts are. be He will take more pride i ing made to make June 3rd one of business, and in put ag the greatest days ever held in. Port | Product on the market, The p Perry. Letters have been received ed envelope is a traveling advertise from Old Boys and Girls residents |{™e0t teliing its message along 11s} in cities throughout the States and|rouie. 2 58 also Western Canada stating that Parcels post can be made jo: do they will be here with their friends, good service, and thorough adver then there are lots of others 'scat«|tiSing the market will come lo the tered throughout: Ontario, also the farmer. - North Dakota Station. Excursion from . Toronto, besides the local crowd. This 'is one of Port Perry's greatest opporlunities to advertise itself, 'and the com- ; mittee wisli to suggest that the Cot. THE Hew. Sau Hugnes, AND storekeepers and householders: do| Wi. Smit, Esq, M.P., Took all they can to make the stores and ParT IN Day's [Ne8TIVITIRS. homes of Port Perry attractive by way ol decorations, etc, and also that the ceveral [raternal societies in town decorate their lodge rooms so that the old Lome town wil am, ' 3 look its very gayest to the Old pated." The Minister arrived in 2a Boys and Girls 'that are coming special carat 9 o'clock, and was home, = Everything is now in A-1 motored ta tl:e home of H. T. Cars order for the day with the excep- well, where he was a gust during tion of some minor details (his Staye "At, two o'clock ~ Col. There are sufficient entries in the 3| Hughes was cscorted to the new Motor Cycle Races to. make about |3tmouries by local companies of g in all as they will be run oft in the 3¢th Regiment and the Boy: heats, all that is. now needed to cap | Scouts, Col. Grierson presided ati the day is good natured old Sol to put on his best Sunny Smile. The Concert in the evening wil be of unusual merit, a complete change from last year. Lieut. Slat ter has arranged a programme (ofp oo e's requi { ! ; sult Lg Ee Oshiawa-ball grounds during the K J SHADE \ronhye ee ihe, which inaugurated the local seas Eugene Lockhart to assist Lieut.! Dr, Kaiser, SLbiendent o ih Satter as this is bis last public ap.) Conservative Assqoigiom, BIEE 3 . i iE. banquet at five o'clock in honor. of ' the Minister, and a ball ? New Armouries at Oshawa Opened. Oshawa, May 25.-~The fiew a mouries building was opened 'here to-day with a_celebfation in which Col. the Hon. Sam Hughes partici were delivered by Col. Sam Hughes 12nd athers. } After ihe armory function the He also appeatcd [id 7 e Jiam has an extremely = promising career I before him. Tickets for the concert March: are going fast, therg are no rush | scats, every seat will be sold; "re- serve yours at once while the choice mre is good as the hall will not be, large' The farmer to-day ' who dog: enough 16 hold 'much more than believe in the value of the pi half of those that will wish to hear animal as an improver of this high class concert, see to it harder 'to find than was the that you are not among the dissp-_ few years back. Yet ber pointed ones, "| farmers here and '1lere Signed on behalf of Committee, | cling to the theory that a R. B. SmarLMaAN, | horse, a Cow a COW, and so Chairman, the Jing, no matter what tb 'ling my be. These are (hess who nsver get very far in ral the standard of the live stack All of the following 'students ob- °° their farms, We "quite tained the ctanding "Satisfactory" that 1 at, sil pute bred ahi at the Easter Examinations. The 308 a = ives oc jy 20 requirements for this are 40 per ali h Ty bp A cent on each subject and 60 per 2 vi De Ne he cent on the total: : led. eH very poor Form I--1 George Howsam; 2 animal "that is not: betfer Elsie Rose; 3 Wilmot Cragg. grade. in bringing abou Form I1--1 Roy Harris; 2 Fred-igiene, Many of the grad erick Bamforth ; 3 Lloyd Van-|gyer which some claim hi Camp ; 4 Melva Switzer ; 5 Hazel [0d nore improvement. thai Aldred, 6 May Coultis. { pure breds, are 'largely Form 111--1 Mary Watson, and had been improved by Form IV--1 May McLean; 2 Kath-| ¢ pure-bred sites. How: leen McCaw; 3 Nora McLean; farmer who desires 10_see '4 Gertrude Henry ; 5 Nelson : en ent and continuous im Helical: 0 kw Hentyi 7 Elsie 51 the quality of the ste ' must piss his faith to . < sire. He cannot hope t Parcel Post and Advertising. |abou es hm The Pure Bred Sire , Port Perry High Schodl. The pew padcels post law in' the United States offers a fie oppor tunity. for marketing many 'farm products-- and advertising 'will {1 bring the requests right to the farm. Jl th eeds to; do is fo the opening ceremony, and speeches} J Minister was motored to Brooklin 4% 'afternoon, and pitched the first ball} | ally growing weaker, and arcely doanye work at all. sleep soundly at night Id wake up not at all re- Land with a feeling of dread, lias' Pink Pills with much and this" decided me. to try them. My confidence { misplaced, as by the time I sed six. boxes: I was again g quite well." WVilltams' Pink Pills are sold I medicine dealers or will. be by mail at 50 cents a' box ' or hoaxes for £2.50 by sending to Dr. Williams! Medicine Co, dckville, Ont. ' Spectacular Feature for the Oid Boys. SA large contingent of the men dts-of the celebrated Toronto and He Wanderers' Motor Cycle Clubs ll be on the grounds at the Re- ion of the Old Boys Celebration Port Perry on June3rd, and a number of whom will com the races. This being their ib Tun day they will be out. in force, SEBALL in abundance at the Rew in of Old Boys at Tort Perry" on 51d; $60 purse offeréd for a "Tours i 48th HIGHIANDERS BAND will abtindasice of choice music, acest, §ssisted by. an be cored by the great fruit kid- y and liver remedy EI PITLS Brantford, Out., Aug. 13, 1311 1 {Your medicine, Fig Pills, has worked wonders for me. The rheumatic pains have entirely left me and I owe everything to your P témedy- You are at liberty to publish this, R. H. GalLuan, f At oll dealers 25 and 50 cents or homas, Ont. Au Excursion Tram will be run rry Old Boys' Re-Union,' fate so Also reduced rates from other pbints. | £3 Owing to the receipt of my tremendous Spring Stock of 'Wall aper, and to' make Toom' for n making a deep cut in' pric st year's importations: BIRTH. wrkr--In Port Perry, on S 24th. May, 1914, to Mr 501 The' following = Stallio ) ' pursuant to staiutes, all met Gov~ ernment Approval, have passed the Stallion Enrolment Board and : tained Certificates aud the .ownersi ¥years previonsly 1: bad used |are entitled to collect fees. Noj better sires are to be found: any- | where than are enumerated in' the following list : § Duxore Sourar Imp. [980K] (14659) Clydesdale, the property of Wi ik Henders, Port Perry, will during the Sessan be st Wan. Boels, con. IY, Reach, Spintficld, Sain Perrin's; Rus- soll Morriek's, 'Broek, town of Uxs bridge, and own stable, £ ebert House, § Brack Ivory Imp. [7761] (18367) Clydes- cals, the property of Suiith& Richards son, Columbus, during the Season will bea: Myrild Station and Brooks limy and at his own stable remainder of seas div RovAr Repericx Imp. [10655](18573, Clvdesdala, "the property ot Ji M. Maclaclane, "Sonya, will make the Benson at Seagravo, Victoria Corners, Went Brock, Sunderland and Wiek, and'own stabie. Priguc Sarew Imp. [13840] (pron), Clyd sdale, tha property of A. H. Niddrry, Manchester Station tlot 14. von. 2, Reach) will 1nake the Seas » at Peter Christie's, Greenbank, Clai- ence Hayes', north of Colunblis; Edward Webber's, east of Brooklin, Oscar Downey's, and at own stable, Arptaw Crier Tip. [147113 (16437) Givdosdale, tha property of M, viane, Sonya, during the son will be at Puicdale, Sundecland. "Wm. Blanchards, Chas, 4 Mauilla, Wes. Philp's Joi Austin Dowie down stib'e Perry, flincieAp Coster: limp, (11710] (1 Clyd»sdale, the properly of Mauefariane, Sonya, will be at Fi hoard, W. R. Mitchell's; con. 2, May nia, Val ptia, R. Ruley's and John Cuddy 's, con. 2 oka Station, n. Spark's cen. G; Mariposa; Roland McDousld's, and own stable, 5 RiNom oF MmrTOUN Imp. CH dosdale, the prog ders, Yelverton, will by # st Cob 1 con. 8M fH ojailed by The Fig Pill Cos StI 2 ne | Hedussday, { t]3:40--4i25 Pi ntaniatos Gow: na I Gutsy lmp. [U4 nder rey, Ww i ne Blackatook. Bur an, Seu Ops, Clendine, Mari. | Yard Dash (open) © oo Yard Dash (Old Boys) =. A Twa Mile Race (10 wile tadius o Pori Petry) O sce (open) oa. 'Stand Broad Jump (open) Run Broad Jump (npen) © ur x 200 - Old Boys of War {5 man teams) Each a copy of Look of asons poems [Canadian ] by, Wmo H, Taylor, a Port : erry Old Boy. .- GRAND PARADE And Reception of Old ie s in Town Hall Park on arrival of Excursion Train from Teronto at tu am. "GRAND CONCERT , g by ihe 48th Highlanders' Band, assisted by EUGENE I' (Canada's foremost Entertainer) will render a high-class [dmission 50cand 35c.. Plan. at Byer's Drug Store. ApMiasion T0.GRouNDs--Adults 23c; Clilldren 15¢. Grand Stand to EXOURSION TRAIN FROM TORONTO 'Leaving Union Depot ab 8 am. R. B. Smallman, man 3S. Graham, Treasurer; J. By Secretaty § La G: Hall, HG Hutclieson, W. C. Ingram G. J; Morxish, H, Swe : ain . a A $ SP ComyiTTeR Mdrrigh. W. S. Short, W. C. Wilson, - Dr. J. A. Murray, W. Linke, W. Cook: p amp tere - . --_-- sn Bin ; hibition me ited the Ladies Court of Revision de or oni you (o* mei] you in your' homes 'any afternoon year 114, will : or evening exceps Thursday wheii|tlie Town Hall, Manchester, on 1 will be at home lor this work. MONDAY, JUNE 8th, 1914, at A Mxs. R. Hamirron |Lwo o'clock p.m. of which all pers A SRE TRIE sons interested dre required fo take ee -- totice and govern themselves ac- Jsordingly. = d : A NCR DOBSON, + Township Clerk: Court of Revision + OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN that the" first sitting of the Court of 'Revision to revise the Assessment Roll of the ~ Township of Cartwright - [forthe year 1914, will be' held at the Town Hall, Blackstock, on & MONDAY. JUNE 1st, 1914, at "|r o'clock p m., of 'whic all. persons. ol, Port Perry, on Thursday and Friday, "June $740, 480K an 9th. The following is thie Time Table : 1130 0 p.m.

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