Johnston and son of Toronto ; and Mrs. J. C. Matab, of Ux bridge. Mr. a their daughter, Dorothy, are guests at the St. Charles Hotel. Mr, Irvin is a representative The Stone, Lim- ited, Lithograph Company, of Toronto, which is famous for its produetion of Lithographic Illustra- tions; ete: On Monday last Tre OBSERVER had a pleasant and interesting call from Me. Walter Williams of To- ronto; Mr. Williams is a 'fine specimen of manhood, of fine pro- portions, and tips the scales at over pon and, is out of ~ caller is a prominent and efficient member of the Fourth Estate and has the honor of having been a proof-reader for nearly twenty years on the Toronto Daily World, a position that he fills which much credit to himself and for the best interests of a daily publication of ~| World-wide fame, and .one that is e | noted for its practical and up-to-the- moment orthography. Mr. Willi- ams is not only an expert at his pro- fession but' he isalse 'one to be dreaded as' 'an opponent at a game of bowling. He is also an athlete and is possessed of wonderful strength and endurance and he despises anything easy ; in journey- ing here, he mounted his bicycle and made record time. Tug AMy CHRISTIAN PIANOFORTE RecitaL.--A Concert, well deserv- ing of greater appreciation, was given in Port Perry town hall, on 'Tuesday evening, July 7th.. Miss Christian was assisted by Mr. Leonard Richer, L. R. A. M,, Solo Violinist, member of Toronto Sym- phony. Orchestra. Mr: Richer de- lighted his audience with his num- bers, and should he favor us by again appearing in Port Perry, we feel sure he will be greeted avery enths- iastic audience. All pupils, with. out exception, played admirably, displaying care and patience in preparation of their 3 terday shipped by express, to T. Ephriam Scott, Esq, of Bathurst N.B. (near the coast) a grand young dual-purpose Shorthorn eleven-months-old bull, one of the primest youngsters of the herd This is the second purchase of the same gentleman from the same herd. The demand for young breeding bulls from this farm is constantly increasing while prices are correspondingly ranging higher. It is a frequent ocCurence for 'Mar. della farm to receive orders for "animals of the same kind" from former customers, and they will not go elsewhere when requiring to replenish their Shorthorn herds. DECORATION SERVICES. The Decoration Services announc- ed to take place at the Pine Grove Cemetery on Sunday was unfortun- ately interrupted by rain which brought the proceedings to a some- what sudden termination, not, how ever, before the several Lodges had e | completed the services of decorat- ing the tombs of their departed brethren which services elicited the devout attention of he Jory arg of nificent stock of Wall | official J Mechanica ing, and that gentlema: record is a sufficient g he will do ¢redit to the plying the funds to acco object in view which wi over $600,000. His agi ability to climb the ladder on the rapid-transit pringi the that attends all hi at the top of just completed a five stitutions in the A S where he won enduring fante, and || is lately he supplemented his succ by taking an Honorary orn Degree in Toronto. FatAL AcCiDENT AT Barn Raise took place at a barn. raising in ® Cartwright on Friday last, 1eth ing July. The frame of a fine barn was being taised qn Mr, Glennie's farm the in the 11th concession and when @ about completed, in fact, the last|gl rafter was being placed in positiofi{b by some means it swerved 'around sticking Dir. part at the raising, on the hea killing him instantly, Mr, Johns was one of Cartwright's noble sons, he having been born and had fesida| ed in that township all his life, He was honorable, industrious and had J§ the esteem of his fellow man. Iu religion he was a Methodist and he was a staunch Liberal and had the F courage of his convictions. Uni 1 versal regret is expressed at (hi sudden and sad termination of sb valuable a life, while 'the disconsa:|} late widow and two fatherlass little The Penhall Block lisving through the hauds of the pi pearance. -Mr, - W, F. Nott the artist. Auction Sane, --# will be by the posters as well as by & vertisement in another colu Mr. J. W. Meharry has fixe Thursday, July 23, on which his Auction Sale of the con his home in this place. The a large one and embraces ra valuable articles of Furniture of a stamp that are Se dom placed on the and all will be sold a tion Prices. The oppoftun secure desirable and valuab niture, etc., is a. good one the list and don't fail to: be at the sale. His valuable property will also be offered. Jackson will be Auctioneer. "A United States cle gests that girls stop for ye disgusting practice of ch and give to foreign half the twenty million dol! 100 ING.--A sad and fatal 'accident |"%8 Richard Samuél|# Johns, who was taking an i ip tio ented took part - in the pro- It wasa sight, from a able elevation, to look upon the ; moving mass, filling the {li the ve air ant © ess, if you will, | "and we only} when'we assert that, g intelligent, active," good= fig body of young men would ficult to find The Orange ny. not having any uniforms ess, and beingmore advanc- dife, make less, display but i: like the | veterans of an heir's is the : 'position of the honor; to them especially the duty of standard bearer e defence of the fortress. . As {je ple, allthe lodges participating | 3 ession, were a recommenda-|g the Order, a credit to them- and an honor. to ths town of y by their presence and bears The Port Perry contingent |a large, about 200 strong, and Edward L. O, L. was the|gra ration of all being one of the st present, Some' idea of the tions made to suitably and ively supply nouishment for|a menses multitude may be had t is known that one church |S before twelve o'clock squelched appetites of over 1000 of the and true men, It was the d grandly entertain its innumer- host of visitors, nt fest OF THEIR HEALTH naemia Unless Checked Pas- ses into Hopeless Decline. x i Happiness out of existence. lisa thief that robs you of life and _ = nergy. Thousands of women in this country are the victims of an. {8 flaemia (that is, bloodlessness); which food, prostrating headaches, ex< | treme langour, loss of weight, ner il vousness, gms, heart palpitations, di and a constant cling of wrel hed. ness, 1 The only way to cfsct 10 increase the blood | Williams' Pink Pills if thousands of young girls pale cheeks, lips and | il men from the carly fate tha thre 3 ened Ravages for these pills 'en e AT McCAW'S a «choose from--the roost} them thre imujate