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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Aug 1914, p. 2

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Colborne. . casnas xOBPL 20 Cookstown .....Sept 29, 30, ec : Feuelon. Falls +» aves .Sept 10, 11 Kingston .....cuues Sept 30, Ont 1 Lakefield . erp ees ans, OEPLIS 16 Millbrook ..... Oshawa ..ceeeveoaese. Sept. 14-16 Oakwood . .. Sept 21, 22 Orillia... ept 17, 19 Orono ..... «Sept 24. 25 Peterboro ........e.ee. Sept 17-19 Port Hope ...... cot veeiOct 6,7 Sor os Agi). cree. Sept 23 Sunderland... .oianee SUtEOD ..viveanes ena. Sept ag, 25 Woodville «..v.e0.... Sept 10, IT ee cere THE OBSERVER _VHaS A Sats CIRCULATION, and is constantly. in fi AUG. 12 T. CUSSION-- 18 & 14. Reduced Rates on all Railroads. WHITBY--SECTY. "GOING TRIP WEST." $12.00 TO WINNIPEG Exel Sak Ningston. kd August 2er--Som all stations east of fate Siiarie lo and 9 ebeo, to east Many Thousand Farm Laborers Wanted FOR HARVESTING IN WESTERN CANADA GOING DATES inta fa So 1a brs wh 5 8 Reston, Bharbot points in Mantrob a. points fr "Mialtons and vo certain polnts in Saskat- "RETURN TRIP EAST." $18.00 FROM WINNIPEG per cniTew and west to Asilda Bnd Lake and Renfrew, in the Provinces of and west 10 Astida snd EE Lake, Renfrew arbot Lake ae 7 Reutrew, fn the Prov of Manitoba and to certain points in A TET URDEE, Rat: Bop Ae Toon west of Winotpeg. icy, oe Dearest Or. Agen Of du TRARY, o.F As CPR Fovonts. Mail Contract EALED TENDERS, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be re- 'eeived at Ottawa until Noon, ort Friday, the 28th August, 1914, for the conveyance of His Majesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract for four years, twenty-four chair week each way, between Post Office and Grand Trunk Station from the Postmaster Bloc och Ms € te itions Sropog- n may be sean aud "bi r 8 of Tender may bo obtained at Post office of Pickering, and at the Tonto. A. SUTHERLAND, Post Office Inspector. Post Office Inspector's Office Toronto, July 17th, 1914. striae AE the P of the Pos Office Iuspector, To-| Tp VOTERS' LIST - 1914 Municipality of ghe Township of Regch County of Ontario OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have transmitted or deliyered to the persons mentioned in Seetion 9 of The Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by said section to be go trans- mitted or delivered of the sald List, made pursuant to said Act, of all per- sons appearing by the last revised Assegsmeni Rou of the; - Said-Munigipal.. staid itl Ie in; tl i ia, a Pol Jecons i he" SE on lity w cheater, on the 6th day of Augusi, 1914, and remains there for inspeetion.' And 1 hereby eall upon all voters to take immediate proteedings to have apy errors or omissions corrected ac- cording to law. W.'F. DOBSON, Clerk Township of Reach. Dated this 6th day of August, 1914. Notice to Creditors Of Robert Hodgson late ofthe Village of Uol- umbus in the County of Ontario in the Pro- vince of Ontario, Gen- tleman, deceased. Porte su to Section 55 Chapter 26 of the Statutes of Ontario I George 'V, Notice is hereby given that all cr tors and others having claims against the estate of the above named Robert Hodg- "son, who died on or about the Ninth day June, 194, 2 are required on or before a SE Sepmshibes A D. 1914, to send Db id, or deliver to Hubert 1. bel o the Village of Port ny in the County of Ontario, Solicitor 0 Robert Edgar Hodgson and William HExecutors of the Will of the de- a descri ol fogethe ; iddresse: ions, er With full particulars of their claims, a 'of "their accounts, and the > of the Sesugty, any, held by that after} VOTERS LIST - 1914 Municipality of the Township of Scugog County of Ontario OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in Section 9 of I'he Ontario Voters' List Act the copies required by said section to be so transmitted or delivered of the said List, made pursuant to, said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised Assessment Roll of the said Municipal ity to be entitled to vote in the said Municipality at Electi for M of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Flottiong and the said List was first posted Sham Pi office at Scugog,on the 24th day of July, 1914, and remains there for inspection. And I hereby call pon mall voters to take immediate proce gstohave any Errors oF omissions corrected according to law. THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk. Township 'of Scugog. Dated this 24th day of July, 11914. = » VOTERS LIST: 1814 Municipality, of the ':| Township of Oartwright| of ,schemers, d es; it is the Oldest and 'Best Esta lished founded in _1857--the most original and best in its Tocal and general news depart- ment and is printed entirely in the place of publication--Port Pe: TERMS--$1 per annum in advance, f not paid in advance, $1.50 will be charged. JOB PRINTING -- THE Most MODERN STVLES AND AT Low PRICES, Several sums from MONEY. $300 to $10,000, have been placed with me for immediate in- vestment at lowest rate, HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Port Perry. North Ontario Observer. (The 0Meal Paper of the Peaple.) FOUNDED IN 1887. only. Paper Printed and Published in Port Perry. PORT PERRY, AUG. 6, 1914 War, Cruel War May the war that indicates ter- rible destruction of life and proper- i into which Britain has unwil- lingly been plunged, now raging in East be short and decisive. the "Lord of our far.flung "battle May line give British soldiers and sail- ors the world over the mightiness of the Yighteous. May their blood 3 [be pot-apent Swithont aid i the life 'struggle upon which' Empire is now entered may the issue be swilt and certain, and fail us not, that the liberty and [reedom which the British Empire holds dear may be widened and strength- ened, and its ideals remain an in- strument for the advancement and glory of Christianity. WEITBY HORSE SHOW NEWS. Prizes for the second annual event of the Whitby Horse Show, August 12, 13 and 14, aggregate $3000,00. The Hon. Clifford Sif- ton is sending his best horees in- cluding the greatest string of high Jumpers in Canada. Mr. Jos. Kilgour's splendid hunters and jumpers are coming. Crow and Murray, Sir Henry Pellatt, the minjon - Transfer Co., are other leading exhibitors at this three day show. The "Pig Pen Jump,"--high jumping over tied.poles and all the fancy jumps that go with ~ this' 'ex- ceedingly difficult but most amus- ing featiire of 'the programme--will iven ari elaborate setiing. The beat tiful' town, par where She 'County. of Durham PORT PERRY. os Spt 24, 25] Blackstdck Sept 2 i \ Bartie. «.. + Sept 21-231 he Rev. Mr. L.Sept 28.30 g a Sept 7g Pastor of the Here, on Mon ciated atter a' somew Cumberland Stables and the -Do- % determination of a occasionally fills v | his services - will de On Sunday last, « the Pastor, he oc of and magnificent Methodist Church in"O present, i Copeland, he is the H. Fralick, Scugog. Sept 23, 24 | - accompanied Mr. J. Bates, sonthe Ri is visiting under the pare where his presence is. absence. The young m right stamp to succeed 5 onMonday last, wast brio from an auto' tougét pa been "takingin"3 argeradiousof tk ¢ district east of this, place and w L delighted with the 'trip. While eminated from the progressive prosperous town of Oshawa ; 'they pronounced Port Perry the mo beautiful 'place yet visited. party consisted of Mrs. A. E. Miss Annie Hyland, Miks Cathariri Cornwall, Mr. H. H. Hyland, Ma ager Bank of Commeyce, and M Geo. Hyland. Our enterprising, energetic tow man, Mr. H. L. Cdlacutt, who for the past month has been on a busi ness and pleasure tri to Winnipeg Z) returned a few days ago, looki much better for the outing, i speaks in glowing terms of wonderful and progressive ciky the West and the astonishing pr gress it is making. While sojou ing there he came in contact wil h many of his particular friends, fi mer residents of Port Perry vicinity, and reports that they aj all doing well in theif new place abode, and are perfectly satisfig with the outlook from'eyery point view and are doing their utmost make the city of their adoption tf better for their being located thes . Mr. Collacutt says the trip wi pleasant one and he bad time, but important. b sitated Hi§'to0" early a | The Sunday services in odist church, Greenwood, ; day last was a decided succi R. Bamforth, of Port Pe ducted the 'services mo evening. His sermons at bt vices were interesting and" k The home choir furnished music. Our Methodist fri highly favored by the Assi Miss Edith Law, soloist, of whose singing was highly ated. Rev. E. W; Tink plying the Methodist work: Perry.--Ex. Na Port Perry High 8 ok The following students sed the Middle Sghool Entrange Examination : Irene Jack Clifford Jackson Gertrude Munrd Charles Samells- Mary Watson Chalmers Weir : "The following have _ pa Faculty Entrance E. Part I: fo Nora McLean | Learoyd Tennyson Elsie nS " Kathleen or 1 1 x SUMMER COMPLAINT, 8 Ie Lr HE ONES| } | Dr. Henders | Jos. Holdershaw '| Henry Samuels gy ratio eno eds Set ed} ¥ [host dir "8 ltending settlers. "#1 instance of the. Borden Government | being - alive to.the best interests of new cars, and one, tter, all the the best: -- ex. McDonald David Malcolm Jno. Miller, Thos, R. Price emptions, ing four a bi| the country. atent, the pre it The and what purchasers bress entire satisfaction with their purchase --they all deem the Ford, Ever on the alert to encourage, protect and otherwise help settlers, the Interior Department, Ottawa, has issued a circular to all its Agents, Sub-Agents and Homestead Inspectors the purport of which is regarding main changes in the Act with respect to homesteads, pre- and purchased home- steads, inorder that they may be able to deal with all cases coming before them 'in "accordance with the | new provisions of which the follow- the most important and tly affects settlers and in- This ; is another 4 big b 0 to $60 on every car | d ducing the year fr nia sig of 30, cars. ythe increase sale will doubtless bea stu-|' dous one add will without doubt tation of this generous and pop- far Motor, Company. 'multiplicity of sales of the Ford t have been been conducted at Graham's Garage; Port Perry, d indigate t that the Judging by limited (30,- than the progress already made: towards gave cousiderable' inform: manifested much, infer by the prémoters E The Sécretary also heing versed in] theaccamplishment of the fact, . both gentlemen who fave success of { in the : in the post the p perty t Company' s immense estab- ment-- the largest in the world. ---- ee A Grand Sale Record | IE FORD OAR ON TOP So far, the present season, about 0 ne-third of its duration, the Graham rage, Port Perry, has negotiated ollowing sales of the Ford Car, during which time Mr. Graham has been master of the situation, there pot having been a sale made in his trict of any other new car, in fact, juring the past two seasons he has had a monoply of the sale of all was a Ford record is a is o. A. Rose.......... Pott Perry V. G. Monet... ,...... Rort Perry M. Dean, Jro........ Port Perry as. Dean, Sr....... Port Perry i C. Nasmith........ Port Perry rahams' Garage (2 cars) Port Perry . Manchester Manchester a Practical and Important In formation to Every Entrant A. Upon earning a : tomoskead = er _ ONCE, full Epsom Nestleton y ..Nestleton ",4» - - Nestleton Station AIL Henry li... 2... Buitketon 6s. Beare & Son . Saiptfield Saintfield still exe and Port 1 Perry on the advantages that will accrue should the Radial mination at Port Perry as proposed. A long and interesting discussion as to the best mode of procedure tock place which finally resulted in the appointment of a joint committee of the municipalities of Reach and Port Perry to 'take the essential action for 'announcing speakers and meetings and giving publicity there. to.. A pleasing feature of the meeting was ithe unanimity that prevailed throughout the entire proceedings and observe the solid and enterprising men'that are at the back of the scheme that cannot fail-to revolutionize the business interests of the farmipg community as well as commercial and financial interests of this entite community. - Cartwright Council; CARTWRIGHT, AUG 3, 1974. Regular meeung of Council. Members all present, J. G. Hooey. presiding. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. } Communicaticn from Cott: Clerk stating that a 'resclytion was passed at last 'session of County Council-requesiing' thasthe Treds urers and Clerks of the diffu 'municipalities' meet the « Cou Clerk at a place named by big. On motion of Councillors Van Cunpp. and Devitt the Treasurer and Clegk was instructed to; be present a said meeting: : Communieation from' 'Municipal Association stating there would be a meeting held in Toronto in Sept ember, requesting delegates to be sent, On motion the communica: ceipls. Communication from the Public- ity Association received and fyled. fixing the rate for all purposes' ex. dollar. 2, $300.00; No. 3 3 No. 4, $300.00; Ne $250.00; "No.6, $250.00; No. 7, 332540} 'No. '8, No. g, $a7500., |. reported that they had 'allowed Jos. c No, 9 9 school at $1 per rod. "Reach SY Road be constructed with its ter-| tion was received and fyled. = © - Treasurer J. R. McLaughlin pre- sented the council with hall year's: statement of expenditures and fe- By-law No. 574 was duly passed cept Trustee rate at 10 mills on the By.law No. 575 was duly passed tolevy and collect Trustee Rates as follows have the different sections as follows : --S- 8. No. 1, $250.00 ; No, Councillors Forder ali. Hypa' bell to repair road north | lof} Also al By Amatrong | to dts increasingly evident frost which killed the peaches ¢ not touch the tomatoes, HT * "THe claim that bald headed men make the best husbands looks like cruel blow to the wig-making in. dustry, The army worm is said to be eats ing evéry green thing. Let certain newspaper offices in the county town take warning. - Montreal News:-- A Chicago man killed his doctor because - the latter had failed to cure him, Most doctors get in first blow. EZ My Spring Stock of' + Wal "Paper is rich and rare in all per taining to Choice Patterns and Quality --its superiority over' for= mer importations is visible at a t Britain declares war on any. Capture or destsoy the enemy," Following this order King George sent this personal message. to 9 thea fleet :-- ¢¢ | have confidence that the Brite ish'fleet will revive the old gloties of the navy, Iam sure that the navy will again shieldBritain in this hour of trial. . It will prove the bulwarks of the Empire." GERMAN FLEET BOTTLED UP it is learned on the highest auth- ority that the Admlrality bad re- ceived a wireless despatch stating that the German fleet had been bottled up. by the British fleet north of Denmark. mance, and the prices¥are right. Bs 2A wipes W. H. McCaw. oy Ottawa, Ay 4.-=A brief cables gram to the Canadian Government from the War Office announced the 'nibreak:* "of war between Great Biivais' and Germany. "Themes. sage which. was received at the Gov: ernor-Gendral's office at a few min- | tw 38 Opel cle neti the general "chéme of defence for | Caada adopted some Hime ago. 'The fecicpt' of the message was fol- lowéd immediately by a long night session of the Cabinet, at which ilie'defence scheme was under con. sidération * and eps taken to carry it 'Gat, Eo The mémbers ol the Government were' in'council three times to-day, At the morning and afternoon sit- tingshis Royal Highness the Duke of Connaug!t was pres nt, follow- ing his retu n to the capital early this" 'niorming, The Government during the past four or five days has put into operation several branches of the scheme of defence, under the direction of the War Office, and with the outbreak of hostilities practi- cally the whole scheme becomes effective. Under the provisions of the Telegraphs Acts the Govern- ment has taken over all the cable stations in' Canada. This makes possible a rigid consorship of outs going messages. The cable stations, | Mark~ In Chicage, Ili, on Monday, day, July 27th. 1914, L. G. Mark, 1u his 320d yar. PASSING OF ST. ST. HELENA. Made Famous by Napol Napoleon, the Island Appears to Be Doomed. When the great Freuch emperor died In exile in 1821 there was pi 8 In valle te here ve rub - the wiped from the face Whether or no such a curse clirse was ever cast npon the island, it is certaln thas St. Helena is doomed if not to extines tion st least to become an uninbabit- able rock. With the advent of steam pavigation the island ceased to be § regular port of call, so that its always scanty exports dwindled almost to the vanishing point; plagues of insects de- stroyed its vegetation; rats, brought o the sens. - less controlled . reduce the eity of _ Jamestown to a pulp of sawdost--~New York Independent. Possibilities Overlooked. He was a suburban garden faddist, ~ "il 2 akan will be {made at alling of Parliament, i

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