¢ Stralia Teft a St doin, thors . Bare two ul io the 8 "A, ) of Holy (he has the Best eye amant in the nce we fought against now we fight with you." SA .Bcot, Stewart Paterson, a member, 'ofthe Rhodesian Mounted Police, who knows Africa "from the Zambesi to the Cape," is one of the " non-coms. He had been on furlough a Canade three woeké when the war he He amediately applied Bot leave, nptly enlisted hr The Pree ram Vill be hig third' Sampalgn. He is a "hard case." So is Jim Lee of Toronto, late of the Rolin ik Burreys, another non-com.- comrade of him: = "Welt" Ha * touldn't kill "Jim, 80 we're sure thi Kaiser can't. Fg r "Sgt. Major Hoad, though ~~ B8 years of age, is one of the tough- = men in the Battalion, will be his fifth' campaign.' of his four medals is for eS Egyptian war of '82, when he was troop sergeant-major in thé Ro Irish goons Guards. From Saskatoon comes: A of the marvels of modern surgery. 'That is rgeant Dudley Wardy of the Amy lance detachment. ~ He n e 8. A. war in the Queon's West: urrey' Regiment, and he was ter-' 2 ed by a Sicer: shell, Ly 5 Bem sslyes. "Not all the caumes by that Boer shell eouid ¥eep 'Ward, back, I believe "he was well known on the Rugby football field In the nineties. There ate several othr individ- "uals of note of wits J the bale len is proud, They will tell you gusto. that they rol as comrade Jack Munro, who fought Jeffries and Jak. Jokuson.. ey also refer prou theiy, Plies | 'mascot: "No aly © Tus," they say, but most of all they boast of thelr huge Sh ds mule, 'dubbed "The Kaiser." 'say he is a fine to 'think, and his brain, - works "Piper band wishes to on 'Will T enlist them?" With brevity No hy of Napier came the : reply, you not?" = wa battalion claims to be as fit od any in the British army, and an absolutely lo Booiace. va unit, ts equipment, even to turn thelr hands to any- h master with Aderanot a tes suf- staff 'a dozen ten Dettalionss Fa any Tne machine-gun- 2% be used, and the samé * There are' "Bt t sul ering By-law "was athmasters and Fenceviewers for 'Road Division No. 1 Chas. Whim sett; No, 2 Earnest Hants. No 3 Frank Dowson, No ¢ Wm. T Reader, No.5, Robert Jack oe No. 6 Geo. Shui¥%, No 7 H. 'tmara, No. 8 Jonathan Aldred, No.9 Geo. Jackson, No- 10" Neb, Sweetman, No. ir Oliver Williams, No. 12 Fred Crozier, and for Poundkeepers No. 1 Isaac Rodman, "No, 2 Henry Demara, Na. 3 Geo Crozier;i' On motfohs of Mr. George Smeetman a By-law - was 'passed appointing Mr. Hiram Fralick. a member of the Local Boad of Health. On motion of Mr. George Sheet. man the Treasurer was imsitucted to ply Hr. Jamés Jackson 8330 for gravel, and Mi Heney, Dgmara #r,50 for shoveling sn wi also Mr Herb Hope 50, cents for, Fane. On mations of Mr Wm jeffery a By-law .. 'was passed Aplin Messrs R D Burnham ¢ 'atids L w Stephensoy he 50° lor: emeri{! ike On motion of Ne Wi, Jeffery the Clerk was instructed 1o purchase wo car loads crushed stone for lus corporation 1 Ou motiops of Mr Geo Sweetman 4 By-law wat passed authofiZing ihe Reeve and Treasurer to borrow money from lime to time up to _six hundred doffars from the Standard Bank to mettthe curient "ome ses sf this corporation: 3 'M:. Earnest Hance came" A Before | 'he 'Council asking them. to sell the unapened part' of road allowance |" etween: concéessidng 7. and Geast- $f | ward trom the line between. lots 3and 4 con 710 tie 1alte. Qu motion of Mr James Davey a By-law' was introduced and read af first time to close up and sell all that part of the road allowance un. | opened lying between' concessions 7.and 8 'eastward from the | dine] between lots 3 and 4. con 7 to the lake: ~The Clerk was instructed to: have the same adueftised + as the law directs. . <The Slesk ting hi id aa ary too small. passcd appuiiit ing], CAWKER BROS' "1. New and Up lu Vebi g requirements of Commercial Travel ge of hich is cleared, the balance FEE {1s in a capital state of cultivation in his district and for Variety and | Toit nd it tequires ouly to be inspected to Gerry of eve) tring.d in our line, qin Quanity and 8, Qualiy, Appropriate: a 1 1 'tvould embrace the present opportunity of returning thanks 10 "my numerous customers_for their liberal and long continued patronage, and would inform them, and the general public, that k. have disposed of my business to MR, L. G. HALL, who I have great pleasure i in' recommending to my former patrons and the public "in general, and I have every reason to feel proud of him as a successor knowing, as I do personally, his very many recom- mendations and qualifications for the business he is so competent to carry on in the best interests of all concerned, and I predict for him an _extensive ard tonstantly increasing patronage. Again taking my patron, by the hand, I cordially thank them for the kind ahd gedetous support during my business career in Port Perry, and, at the same time, I must confess, that the very large volume of tradé¢ that I have transacted has far excecded my most sanguine expectations, and I feel that I owe a debt of gratitude to the good peqple of Port-Perry and its surroundings--one that I shall never be Able to repay. . } W. A. Boyce. BK Port Perry, Nov. 25, 1914. (Successors To Jamieson & DrnnisoN.) LIVERY Having prrehised the Livery | business carried on by Jamieson & Dennison, and the premises coun- | nected therewith we infend to. RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and install oy PERRY (€atirely under New Management) G. A. COLE i. . PROPRIETOR, [Late of Motel Falconep, Toroiite] FCommercial trade solicitdd * Special atfention. paid fo He hs To ns New and 1a dso nely pointed OPTIA 1141 LORS the NEW DOMINION B BUILDING. 70 YunGe St, King, TouoNTu. Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons, Patronage solicited. £7 Phone No. 2. CAWKER BROS Farm tor Sale. HE undersigned offers for sale that excellent farm befh# lot Is, concession 4, in tle fownship of Reach, containing. 200 acres more or less, of ghoice land a large por- Sittings of the Division COUNTY OF 'ARIO: na 1. WHITBY =-Clerk, Miss E, L. M donell, Whitby Jan. 7. - Pel March 2, April 6 May 4, Juna Julv 6, Kept 1, Oct. 4, Nov, 2; 2, Jan. 4, 1918, 0SHAWA--Clerk, Miss BE. T done! Whithy--Jap. 82 Fob, March 8, Aprit 7, May 6. June July. 2,.Sopt. 3, Oct. 6, Nov.8, 8, J¥n, b, 1916. 22, BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. GI Greenwood--Jan, 11, March 4, 6, July 8, Sept. 8, Nov. 4, J 1916. 3. 'ORT PERRY --Clerk, J, y: 1 bam, Port Perry an, 12, Mar N Mi g splendidly wooded. The land There is on the premises an orchard and a complete supply of water. There is a large barn with cement floor stabling, and 4 smaller barn on the north eug:of the lot; also a fame dwelling house on the couth|: aud. The, Jocation of the farm is apitalione, being abouf 1} miles Port Perry. on a leading road. This farm is, in every respect, a first class dairy farfn and is only balf a mile frost Maichester rail way stat¥on.' ri For particulphe and terms, apply '0 the proprietress on the premises #, S. A. PHERRILL- Prince Abert, June 28, 91, ofr fest May 7, July 9, Pt 6, Jun. 7, 1816, 4. UXBRIDGE=Clerk, R Hl, Ujybridge--Jai. 18, -- 12, 115 July 13, Sept. 7, Nov. 20, 14, 19148. 5. CANNING re 3 torg Cann --Jan. 15, Mare M#y (2, Inly 1}, Sept. 8, Jan 18,1918, 5. BEATERTON -- Clerk, Paterson, Beaverton--Jan 10 May 18, July 15, 18; Jan. 12, Bo. St. Charles Hotel First class Sample room fF RES New Raisjns--Larye and Clean .......c..0n New less Raising. .useveeeenensennes 106 pek New Seedless Raisins ..........16 0z,--2 for 26¢ Seeded Raisins, Griffin Brand..........0 2 for 28¢ Extra Quality Currants. 10cilb: Beautiful New Dates..................«. 10c1b Cooking Figs. cusses si encr errs svicssvneee x TCI Lemon and Orange Peel................. BOclb New Shelled Almonds............coe nei 50c 1b Shelled Walnuts, Best Granulated Sugar........... 13 bs for 1.00 Ibs for § Soft Yellow Sugar................4 Pure Spices of every description' Fancy Grape Fruit........veeveeeimeens 3 bor 25: Choice Apricots. ..uveeeeseansnss wee 18c 1b Special. Onions ....v.vvvvivieens.....@ Ibs for 85c E olasses, Table and Cooking Syrups, _40c 1b FOR LUMBER your Out Buildings, Barns eo direct from the tory. _ _ /stantly on \ hand at Lowest Prices. ; Wholesale Lumber and Fruit Baskets a Specialty. M. MAUDE Has just received a Fall Range of Overcoatings {Chincillas and Rough Goods) to 820 miples of Suitable @ogds_ forkadies Coats eh will be. made up and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed In refirning thanks to the fhublic for the extensive pat- onage bestowed upon them ould intimate, that asin the past ghly choice fat animals Iwill be slaughtered, so as to nsure the 'choicest and ten- erests Cuts possible, and wo ntend at all times to have an mpe supply of TENDER CHOICE MEATS cut TF Mak and deliver promptly, A Lh 1 D SALT MEATS & SPECIALTY. ED A a which gr SX OF EVEYTHNG IN THE arness Line oa BNE) be rad n the County; % emer lankets, Bells, fridks on of Prices Odtifted BEATTY FLOTR We haye a full Stock of Flour of the following Celebraf Popular Brands--PURITY, REINDEER, x Cltris and as well as MONARCH ano DELAGHT PASTRY FLOUR. BRAN & SHORTS . LINDSAY BRANDS. EZ" Farmers and others before contractin quotations, for which we make Special Prices. | SELL DIRT CHEAP. THE MAN WHO SELLS FARMS Kor Sale at x of First-Class Farms ; all of them my be obtained 2 BARGAINS I AM ALSO PREPARED TO Book | Farws FOR SALE WHICH I MAY BE ENTRUSTED WITH MOTTO-- Rarip Transit NEGOTIATIONS AND SATISFAC TioN GUARANTEED. W: Meharry ; PORT PERRY March, 1914. FLOUR, BRAN AND. SHORTS f In Bran and Shorts we have Best Brands--PURITY ob a g for their Sutimer 50 of Flour will do well to obtain our GpoLations for 500 Ib, and For IE Ingrams'. fa ED CLOVER grade accordingly. Prices RicaT ? : Ciadhy Red cian, Alsike and Timoth hy 8 Seed. hes. theo: {Seed sold sub, edt - to Govertment Taspeo i ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE