"More ™ Loan: i 4 aia of. Marriags 'Litnses. mp Ag ree £. PARRWEDE, %.C , LLB, Count; [3 EA "Atborn sy, Barrister; County Sito, &o., Notary ablic and Conseyatiosr. Iffios--South wing Court House, V Yaar, Ont. DR. RR. L, QRAHAM §ycgessor to De. FD. MoGRATTA 3 DENTIST. poi PERRY, -- ™ ay, DENTIST, Iftee gver the Post Office. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and bamily Newspaper i% vUBLINUKD A TORT FERRY, NF, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING 5Y HB. PARSONS RRMA in, Jt pid ie ad H Poi rigs wonton aaksn shan. nha pe 80 paper ud ays ary ap Lac ning pres, Wied sired be ab our rh sovgpe, ADVERTISEMENTS wreived tor occupy. preston « BATE dtl din" A rie A AL Shscornt ai allywod SoMerchants and other |- 5 © fdvertiss by the Your or or half yer. not on Toro Dillon H inge-§! ay Fence Manufactured by the ire Fence Uo. L prepaied to sup i with 1 : NCE pro Coatinent and at pri not fail to satisfy p The Dirroy Fence: itis the BES flexible ; it is a square ;itis a perfect hiuge-stay fenge, herein 5 1posible to held the stay: it is the best fegce made in this or duy qther country. Before prrehasing a Wire Fence don't fail to' ns pene Hho Dirren Funce, * J. H. "Brawn, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL - 1MPLE MENTS AND MacHin "SuaGRAVE APPLICATIONS Por Insumaxo SA expiditinaly negotixted and pat thyoui on the rapid transit system yon a jn oft receipt of applica- tion, ? . ak WE: ARE ALSO "AUTHOR. IZED 10 "INBTAN TANE- OUSLY "ADIUST SMALL » LOSSE LIVE 8TOCK INSURANCE" We have tull'contiol in this distri {or all "'Lusurance of the Gener: Animals Insurance Company. ------ -- AGENTS FUR PIANOS & t ORGANS 5 THEST torma will in all cases be strictly adhered'to | JOB DEPARTMENT, : | Pamphlets aod Bids, Pesters Programa, Dodgers, Dil Tends, Chocks Lester Foads, Wedding Yortation, Blank Forms Bouks Oircalars, Assembly Carle, £: A Apaats, "BeliPhone No. 4t ADAMS & er SUCCESSORS TO DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS FIRE LIFE | N 3S u RANGE MARINE ACCIDENT Real Estate Mortgagé Lodhs ' Steamship Tickets bi: ! hone ? Th ho. 2 ratene, Tie, pe i ST. GEORGE'S DAY By William Henry Taylor, author of *'Canadian Seasons." Saint George ! Saint George! Our champion Knight "Lead Merrie Englands 'men of might ! Thru storms of battle smoke we see '. The shadow of thy steed and thee, Which guides our war-host on its way-- A fire by night, a cloud by day. The Dragon which Saint John foretold Now tears the lambs of Freedom's fald: He rages on the fields of France, And Belgium longs to view thy lance Transfix the beast, whose clays have torn The hearts and homes, which millions mourn. Saint George! We worship at thy shrine. _ This day, when Shakespere's soul divine Was born to liye forever on, Our demigod, our paragon ; We hear his trumpet voice instill Old Albion's soul, old England's thrill, Thy lance led on, his wor + inspired The knights of old, and yeoman fired With patriotic zeal to bear =~ Britannia's'shield, and lend a shate OF her proud tildedt's wide command, iT every race, to every land. The Rose | The Rose! Old. England's Rose 1 ed which ever flows Tlie Sultaniwas greatly de He said he owed -to- the ihg Turks and "their revolution cession to the "throne and i rather not fave reigned than ountry ge, to ruin. he Snitan declared. that he decided tb abidicate in case a fer of the capital became nec tyein fact preferfed now to be lieved of power and would be ply if, Prince Yussol Izzédin uldsucceed him immediately. "Ofher members of the dynasty tciged the cpinion that the pre: nt Was unfavorable for the change thefhccession of the prince who hfstile to the policy of Enver ha conild provoke grave interior mp icatiops." ) \ Why not yy your boy and girl an t BD rmskoth thir Rome \§ study easy afc" G iv 2d - tl the same chances to win pro- motion and success smthe lad haying the D advantage of WEBSTER'S if NEW INTERNATIONAL in his home Guelph dhd return Gnd tv weeks boart. 3." The prize will be awarded to the young man produging. the best steer. 4. There must b¥ six entries before a contest cap be conducted and urless four complete the con- test no prife 'will be awarded. ' It there are twelve entries and eight complete. the contest, two'men will be sent to Guelph. July 1st. 5. Each contestant has the privi- leg® bf selecting several calves at thé time of entering and discarding the léss promising ones as they de- velop. 6. At the time of entry the Dis- trict Representative will inspect the calves and mark with ear tags or some equally suitable way. 7. The calves used in this contest must be born on or after April 1st, 1915. Heifers will not be eligible. 8. Calves must be fed ahd cared for by the contestant. An accurate account must be kept of the Rind and amount of food constimed. Entries close 9. The steers will be judged in November 1916. 10. After the "winners in each County haye been selected, the first prize steer in each County and the & second if advisable; may be sent to Cr § More Scholarly, Accurate, Convenient, sad Antaceiiasive Thar 50 she fu awarded. After the. prize awarded the steer will be sold to the highest bidder, the cost of transportation, etc., deducted, and the balance re- turned to thé exhibitor, If the 3 _| contestant wishes to retain his afni< "Canadian Seasons, Ete," by fen Taylor, he 'obtained 'Observer' office, Port Perry. It 1s autiall- cally boufid in green and gold--oprice $1.3 is. the homciand of ne this book, and it has been onto World says, part: his book will be amply Fepatd By a pictures of Canadian rural lfe, by ta sed humor, by its fresh- alr he 8, warmth of life, ete. t oa nearer the true heart of the Homan life of the fields than ally. Canxdfan predecessor." \ [pe i ° Miss Harrison, Dress and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies that she has moved to the rooms lormerly "occupied by her over Mr. Flints Drug Store where \|she is prepared to execute all or | ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a manner 'unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style . and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with mal, he may do so by paying trans- portation charges to. thé show and animal wilt be returned free of charge.' ' Contestants will please send me their entries. Faithfully Yours, KR. S. DUNCAN; District Representative. vy ROYAL oti ri MAKES PERFECT BREAD $100,000 For Mrs. Fraser Probate of the will of the late Michael Frazery 'of Midland, has been granted in favor of his widows and the fanits litigation ovér (Hé money and property of the aged and wealthy man have been brought to an end. His cousin, Catharine McCormick, withdrew all objection. Tt is stated that Miss McCormick will get about. $15,000. The law costs in connection with* the ' case i" are said to be near $20,000. The . Going North oot 'Soath--10 pm, €state was probated at $69,474.78, miside up as follows :=~Household egects, $500 ; mortgages $15,632'; cash in bank, $23,342 ;. real estate $30,000. As soon as the Michael Frazer will was probated Mrs. Fraser fell | heir to the big estate of Michael Frazer's brother John, who left 0 everything to his brother Michael. il 'This estate was originally placed at 8,000, but with. thee years' ac-|* "orders to the ghinner RS 9 you some time sgo 1 | suffe to go through refused todo. Pinkham's.V ble Compound, and fom after u three bottles of it, I eel lik¢anew woman. I most heartily fecor medicine to all women hosel female troubles. Ihave taken' Lydia E. Pinkham's Liver Pin, and think they are fige. I will never be without the medicine in the house. Mrs. FRANK EMBLEY, 903 Col- umbia Avenue, Edmonton, Alberta. } The Other Cake. .. 'Beatgice, Neb:-- "Just after my maf=, riage my loft side began to pain me and the pain '80 severe at times that I suffered bly with it. I visited three doctors each one wanted to operate on me but I would not consent to an op- eration, . I heard of the good Lydia B. E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound was doing for others and I used several bot- tles of it- with the result that IT haven't *been bothered with my side simce then. I am in good health and I have two little girls."'--Mrs. R. B. CHILD, Beatrice, Neb. a ee was heard and judgitient reserved on a number of disputed items. If $15,000 was eaten tip by litiga- tion, an a similar amount conceded to the McCormicks, it would still leave Mrs. Frazer in the neighbor-| hood of $100,000. The settlement came unexpected- ly as the case has been bandied ot t td court. for than There is quits. an agitation in some of the towns and towhships along the lake shore in regard to the Toronto-Eastern Electric Rail- way, Nothing has been done on this line for some time and frem the present outlook it will be some time yet. before anything more will be done by the present owners of the _| franchise, unless they are compel- led to carry out their agreement with the country. It has been pro- posed they be urged to complete their road at once and, if necessary, revert to their original survey, that is to" vonnect with the C. N. R. at Chefrywood. Another proposal which would be very acceptable to the people is that of approaching the Hydro-Electric Commission with a view to their taking the line over to make it part of their system. We aye inclined to believe that Mc- Kengie & Mann 'cottld be persuaded to: part with the line, and we also understand that the Hydro-Electric Commission would give the matter their serious consideration, but of course they wounld- take no steps in the matter unless the people appro- ached them in regard to it. , We it would be advisable for the people in the southern part of the township to meet to discuss to situation and, if necessary, to ask the township coungil{ to take the matter up and co-operate with the other munici- palities=Picketing News. CROSS, SICKLY BABIES Mrs. Chins. E. White, Waterford, | N.S., writes :--"T have used Baby's Own Tablets for both my babies and find them excellent. My baby girl was 'cross and sickly but alr giving her the Tablets she became strong, healt and hppy." Baby's wn Tal never fail to make ell and the mother her children with They are guaran- pment analyst to be us drugs, d. by medicine deal 25 ¢ cents a box from icine Co., | side through a tegaplione; then it is doubtidl" if 'the heard, The British infantry | Wives prone on their faces. {or hdwrs in the open, firing | their rifiés got too hot to hid they would wot give in. Shrapoel burs} over' thHém & | ually. "Hundreds were wounded} in the back, but still, they and whenever there was a chance, to charge or' fol a "slight riish for ward they took it with maghificent nerve. : The deroplane warfare mined) The enemy flying high over the flung hundreds of mcendiary bombs upon our temporary entrench ments. By nightfall Hill No. bo spectacle indescribable from thousands and thousands of shefl§ which 'have been rained upon t= The Globe. i Spring Work in the West is Two Weeks Ahead i Saskatoon, Sask. April 23: | Seeding operations are not so far' advanced along the more n lines of the rail which exténds bed tween here and Edmonton as they" are'in 'the districts further south," but nevertheless conditions are favorable, and the country is further' ahead with its spring work by twig weeks than at this time last yeate Along the mainline of the SN. best of last year's? | crop was to be tound, one 'findsa' ., where the | largely increased soxcnge propane for this year's grain, Saskatoon the same Cf much work is beitig done? 'but Mr, Fred. Engen, who came to this gity® from Rosetown this afterooon, your correspondent that too wach? seed was being sown on stubble ifr that district There is pretty good * evidence that farmers are making use of every acre of land that might : be expected to yield a harvest next' August. i$ Moisture is needed all through? this Saskatoon territory. It is saad?" that about 40 per cent of the seed~» ing has been done in this district, £ and with: continued good wesbrrs the bulk of the crop should be in the soil by May 1. » From the scarcity of comphinteg it is concluded that the supply of seed grain in: this part of the Prove ince is adequate. Wheat. of coursé;* will be the main crop, comparative- ly little flax®being sown in the ; Goose Lake country, where so much of 1t has been grown in former years. i o Provincial License Board The Ontario Government uifis nounces the' appoiniment of Provincial "Board Pf Lihue missioners,' Who "wi administer the Frio license Jaw of Ontario, and who'will' hive ~abso= | lute control of the 'regulation and restriction of the traffic. + The Commssiogrs are we lows: Chairman--}. D Flaelle, Lind say,' Vice-chairman--W. 5 D of Stratford. Frederick Dave of Totoute. George T. Swith of F John A. Ayearst of Toronto: | In making announcement of ¥ appointments the government particular in stating that wo & cation had come from anyof$ but that each was chosen dn