B{ of brethren; ir : Tby a bug that discoursed grand #nd bighly appropriate music. The AND AT Low Pric ks Several sums from to $10,000, have for immediate io- je and de- "The hawa sand It Lh Jong fine He ed service took place in the Presby- terian church, the talented" and popular Pastor: oficiatigy, the ser- moh being exceptiona ly appropri- ate to the decasion. Auction SaLk OF ,V. AND Desirasis | FukNiToRe, =: Don't forget Mr. Morley Campbell's -Auc- | tion Sale of npsto<date asd yaluable Furniture which takes glace: to-day (Thursday) at one.o'clock at Prince | Albert. This:will be a g0bd oppor: tunity 16 secure in' furpiture just whal.you want at yout. own price, "| for all will go 'at ~ Auction P ill be 8 of the course of sie war Jong ago have me con- d that the situapion becomes e and more intgrise and critical day. Great Britain is faced ¢ hy outside enemies, but bles and by lack of g immense internal résdurces in 3 ir of foed production that y and Austria-Hungary posses: She cannot feed herself, fis compelled to rely largely on w countries for a supply of the jes of life. In such case of her children is distinctly It is noteworthy of her ene that they are only thoroughly d but that they are enduring with what fortitude they possess Whe rigia military enforcements that : upon them for the con- \§srvation both of food and material. Every man, woman and child, from Kaiser down, have been put on gations." The idea is' three-fold, to {gard against any possible emergen- 'cies, to mislead the foe into over- 'gonfidence and by thoroughness bring such pressure to bear as | hasten the final decision, Brit- is pursuing the same course. not yet found it necessary individually | f; submarine assassination is eavoring to starve her people cripple her resources. With such a state of affairs exis- * tant it hardly necessary to explain 'to stay-at-home Canadians how best hey cau fulfill their manifest duty 'and show the burden-bearers how "gompletely they possess their sym- pathy. But the bugle biast bas its power in peace as in war. all the people, and to farmers, ers and settlers in particular, - Patriotism and Production that is in progress is ing its bugle, or in other words, ing its message. Its object is all and sundry to do the they are called onto play. part does vot of necessity harder work nor increased se ; but it doll imply the ex- of every faculty in attention vigilance. It does imply in to secure increased and im- production, by which alone of the soil can' contri. towards the credit of the and empire, the greatest the selection of seed, in the of livestock: and in econ- Real supply of thé most: celgbygte brand of Cdal for Spring delivery, and his gdotations are such that 'canny fail 10% induce rapid sales. His 'Stock includes all the several varieties th are consumed in this district and is guaranteed to be free from impur-' ities. The Gravenhurst Banner says "there prabably is no animal:jwhich is so active the first day of its life as a good healthy chicken." 'Have they no fleas in Muskoka. The Ontario Fish and Game Committee of the Ontario Legisla- ture has increased the cost of Teer. ses for hunters of deer and md@ose. The license for deer has been in- creased from $2 to $3, and' for | moose from $5'to $7. New regul- ations for duck hunters are that one man may not have more" than one flock of decoys, the limit.to be 36, and the flocks of decoys must not be placed closer than 100 yards apart. ) Hitherto Whitby has been handi- capped by the cost and inconveni- ence of bringing brick from outside points, chiefly from Toronto. Nowa company is being formed to start brick and tile works to employ from 30 to 40 hands. Montreal Gazette :--The Stamp tax on bank cheques may have the effect of curtailing what may have have b : having banking accounts petty accounts of as'low as five or 50 cents. the recipient of the cheque fived ir a town away from the home of the drawer, there was charged for cash= ing the document a percentage that reduced the value received by the creditor. In 'going through the clearing houses, also; the cheque for twenty-five cents required the {same clerical work as did one for $1,000. When a chequé costs the drawer two cents he may 'feel like paying petty accounts with cash. "The last communication from tbe United States to Great Britain on the question of British interfer- ence with. United States' commerce is said to be long and discursive." As untrained diplomacy is apt to be. In this case, however, there appears to be little, fot the United States Govérnment to. do but beat the air. It is under bonds of neutrality, rivited by. the Germag ivete, and cannot admit that Great' Britain, and her Allies are Sighting: for the life of theJAmerican Republicas well as for their own. The attitude is not heroic ; but neither is it unex- pected. RL The mortality of the fighting in France is far greater than it has ever been in previous "wars: In some casualty lists the killed = are 'more than. bh as' pumerous as the 'abuse, of the facilities) ve "financial 3 Sometimes, when Mr. Editor,-- 1 am trying 1o locate: It is nearly forty \eard anything of Is Thomas Hotham, h of Mother ~died-- Ju baby brother; a' taken by. a family, who, Jater mo The child was Samed "Chic "a am not sute about spelling). {the meating of the naither do 1 know whether he went | 5 by the name Hotham or Holmes. | Now 1 would like 10 know if you "ould trace this with litte expense |¥ to we. Respectfully, R G. Horaam, | 831 New St |. Immediately on receipt 'of The! yin some busi above we, believing that Mr, Arthur | i Allen would be the most likely per-| heoume effecuve onthe igh son to know the long-lost brother's | propose analliing : whereabouts, handed him the letter |ihe delivery address which wes had: Jeus- | wom 2 ure in forwarding to Mr. Hotham | Depittment Sutenls 4 1 of Springfield. Considerable credit | ihe law Shall he gig Tred] ng is due to Mr. Allen for the interest |and will in mo ChoumsmmES he took in 'obtaiting the reguired (thes puis avail pay, 0 | information regarding the locstion of | one cont tax wiih has bem the long-lost brother. | #8 fox war purposes. Opposition Beers. In the House of Commdns on January ath, 197§, Sir Willired Laurier said :--* The German peril | 5 | has disappeared, if indeed there the lin alll cases waeme dhe ever was such a thing." On the Jiaw has lneesn Contam 1 same day he spoke of ihe Govern | Gupadiinms Stand Pack aginst: ment's "pretence of an emergency. Great Oads. «Emergency ? Who speaks two-day wir of emergency? Twelve mouths So Fuse Coomsen Tlvocf Sums have passed. since my wight honor- oswy Quuwosssns sr Tien able friend, the Prime Mmister, m t troduced his measure (of naval de- fence), Twelve months and more News have passed since that time when he saw the German peril. He saw) ~ x u 0 Germany almost ready to jump at describing bis porsmall CHR the throat of Great Bintan." | the mation in wiih, acceding to} With the most awful war in his-| Sir. Jain French's negant, the Gar tory less than seven months away, | aii "ved tlhe Sitio." the Opposition leader continued 10 poke fun at Sir Robert Borden. « But," he said, "myright honorable friend to.day may live in peace The atmosphere is pure, the sky is clear. . The light has been let in on that question, and we now | know . how much the country and the' Empire and the Civilized world | ™ ved hat gues. | left," suys the Cmdiam im Whe story told wo The Bvaning News, "ogre Tecsived ards to stand] te By Iy to the worth of Wpres. We set create false news in order to obiain contracts for their ships." J Sir Wilfrid Laurier, his licaten- ants in the House and his coadjutors {in the press, treated the cogntry to a long series of such stornfal state ments right up te July, lil within a few weeks, and even a few | | days, of the war. The sound of | trenches in frost of the wi their laughter at the "Borden emer-| went right. trough, ailing | gency," the. echoes of their jooular | yards to the atiher sds. Thee remarks about Mr. Winston Chorch- | were sunoundid, and bad to il and Sir John French scarcely | to the trends we ad tale. died away until they were drowned we dig oursdives in, mi by 'the boom of German 'ass on |i Sutenday untming, "She Belgian soil and in the North Sea. | illing ws alll the ime wilh It is bécause of the stptesmanlibe] pet We flied anit Setmediny 1 qualities, the prophetic Vision te | sue to wake weom for seis vealed by these deliverances that gems % country. "Alger brewing dhe Foe om gu) ' > sanding forts every- pded by little bands of with machine guns and mam. The official meeting the: following Wedpesday Abert at 220 p.m. Rev the chaicman. of the espucted ta be present. {Bh nigred is°fit here because pwal of Mx. and Mrs. A. (We have just to contest the Riding at the coming Dominion Election Address will be delivered by Hon. W.T. White, FinanceBiniter AND OTHERS. - The several Polling: Sub-D ested to meet oft Friday, delegates each and two alternates. CHAIR TAKEN AT TWO O'CLOCK. E IL PURDY, Pres. J. JMOORE, Secy. GOD SAVE THE KING. ions. throfghout the Rid. 'May 7, to_select five A Four Year War? © Sweeden and Notway to organize a 3 "| system for making these purchases. {There are others who predict that long before the Hpiration of four years the Kaiser and his crew will be in the soup.] Loodon, 'Apfil- 27.--A telegram 10 The Evening News from Copen- hagen quotes the Germac Counsel: lor of State, Her Gottselislk as say: ing that systematic cflorts were heing © inaugurated in Germany fn the purchase of sufficient foodstuffs for a. four years' supply. This is being done, itis 'said. onanstiue tions. 0 the, Gey amber of | ? Huntsville Forester :--We have the following © persanal ~ note- from ciple "MFT: Whaley, & a suitable Delivery Horse, a ung Draft Mace in foal. 5 SARVIS BROTHERS, ; "Port PERRY. GOOD GIRL for" genetal hottse wo Fo SALE or-will exchange for £4 jana that the aid applicurih wil ht AY of License Commissioners to be held . Charles Hotel, Port Perryy- Dated at Oshawa, April 20, 1915: PARTIES indebted to Ls : Ross, lately carrying on the Livery Business ac Myrtle Sta< tion are requested to 'settle their indebtedness before the 1st May, and all parties having claims against him will kindly render their accounts before said date, , A i Ly de ROSS; Myrtle, April 3, 1915. 2 Notice! UBLIC NOTICE IS HERE« BY GIVEN that the Council of the Township of Reach, will at their meeting at the Township Halli. Manchester on $5 formerly | 4 All persons n the By law or wishing to be heard are . tes quired to be present, ' A Dated this 14th day of April, 1915. : W. F. DOBSON, Township Clerk. The Fair. New Guods--Low Prices--What You Want Now received a Large ware, 18- INCH EMBROIDERY' WORTH: 35¢, Shipment of Blue and White Granite- three-coated ware -- Lock it over. FOR 2B¢' YARD. ' 21.INCH EMBROIDERY, WORTH $00, FOR 85c YARD FINE VAL LACES, WORTH BP TO 7g, ~ Our Garden Seeds are Sellir 25e and 10 ce CIAL 2 YARDS FOR Bc g fast at 12 pkts for 25 ots 0c