tain incredsed by 'mitie kriots, sigizagged the course and' thus avoided trpgble. a Rev. W.]. West, M A, was in ah Season ny esdep on Sabbath, 13th June, 'recent copious rains appear have. bee. ample for present . " a Ina "whirlwind campaign" of - ope day Bracebridge raised $3,700 for the Patriotic Fund, A number of speeding motorists . have been fined by the Collingwood police magistrate. The London Times fund for vari- _ ous purposes in connection with the war sow amounts to more than + $6,000,000. Port Arthur News :--Prof. Steph- * en Leacock made .a_Fort William audience last night. He must be * #ome great humorist. The Liberals of Muskoka have "Sominated Dr. James D. McDonald "of Huntsville as their candidate for "Commons. | 'There are only five prisoners in the Cobourg gaol. A good show- ing for two such counties as Nofth- 'imberland and Durham. 'After Hamilton players had won pall game at Guelphon Tues- scrowd mobbed the umpire ng stones at him and spat- tering him with mud until he es- _¢aped in an automobile. One hour after a bandit had held "nip and robbed a bank cashier of $304, at Dodson, a suburb of Kan- "sas-City, he was on his way to the penitentiary to begin a twenty-year "sentence. A contrast to the Thaw case. : . 'We have to fight that the lights of liberty may not go out all round the world," says Rev. Dr. Herridge of Ottawa, who has two sons in 'the war, and declares if he bad more he would gladly send them _ According to.a Methodist Church survey of Saskatchewan, 240,000 of 'of 600,000 inhabitants are non- nglish. speaking -- Bukowinians, licians, Poles, Scandinavians and nders. The Province has a serious problem to face. The police magistrate of Midland been petitioned against on the od of alleged German sympa- Every magistrate no doubt his troubles, but this is one that will never be brought t Col. Dennison of Toronto. old Kansas, when 3,250 ed men, who claim Tami conducting Decoration Servicess for the Fraternal Societies of that town. About three thousadd peo- Re were present. Mr. West and F. W..2tsdotyre attended the High Court of Camadian Order of Foresters at St. Catharines last week and Mr. West was Weslested High Chaplain of the 'Order\by ac- clamation, The Order has.3,300 of its members at the Troot, whose premiums are paid and, in case of death, their insurance will be paid by patio ic (contributions, #® The famous fishirg grounds ad- jacent to Seven-Mile-Island, Bg \ are again becoming replenished wit 'Lungs, both large and numerous. The other day quite a number. were caught there; among others hooked wae a 10-pounder that became attached to the line of Mr. Sintzel, the gentlemanly and popular progristor of Delong Cot- tage, Summer Resort. Decoration Services :-- Will take place in the Pine. Grove Cemejery on Sunday afternoon; next, June ¥7." The members of the several Fraternal Societies of Port Perry will meet at the Town-Hall at two-o'clock, form in procession, headed by the Citi- zons' Band and proceed to the cemeter; when Decoration Services will beheld. A number of thé ministers of the town will take part in the exercises. WHO Wants A Goon Faru?--Tt will be'seen by the posters and the adver- tisement in anothér co.uma that the Executors of the Eli Jones estate are offering for sale by auction a fine farm the property of the estate, being part of lot 6, concession 6, Reach. , Bell: Telephone 'The following are new subscribers, not in the Directory, lately installed on the , Proapect; O Downy, Myrtle Station; A. Devitt, Cad- mus; A. H. Niddery, Prospect; Henry Thompson, Nestleton ; Dr, Lundy, Port Perry (res); Geo: Hooey, Cartwright; Ira All , Scu ohn Satuels, Nes- , Cadmus; Mrs. [a Wy Perry, (res): D. Munro, Manchester; Jas. 6. Hooey, Cadmus; J. H. English, Cadmus : James Ginn, Cadmus ; Dickey, Nestleton. a ie. Coming to Port Perry Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, June 28th, 29th and 80th, unde: the auspices of the Port Perry Citizens' Band, in new plays and select vaude- ville. Tom Marks the clever Irish Comedian and his big pany will play such Uramas "The Golden Rule", "Peg O'My Heart", "The Irish Attorney'. **My Boy Jack", etc. This company has played all the larger cities and towns of Canada and toured the State of Michigan and New York State the present season and come highly re- commended. Prices within the reach of all--26 and 35 cunts--and seats can be secured in advance at Byér's drug store. A complete change of drama and vaudeville each night. Doors. op- en at 7.80 performances at 8.80. 19156 Edition of McKim' "Oanadian N r Direc- - tory" Now Ise It is now nearly a quarter of a century since - Mr, A, McKim, who established the first 'indepeadent Advertising Agency id this country, completed the rather amBitious task of publishing the first Diréctory of nearly at an end. lided away sll-to0- ace to face wi changes than inevitably comes to us every four years at least. We have learned to look to 'you for counsel, advise and encouragement in the differ- ent phases of our Church Work. many of us in times of bereavement and sorrow Mr. Bamforth and yourself have come to us with speedy feet, with words of sympathy and comfort and have mingled your tears with ours. We also fegl deeply indebted to Mr. Bamforth fog the help and enchurage. ment that hehas given to our Society at our Raster ank-Offering Services, as well as at_dther times, and, indeed, at every service during his entire pastorate among us. We feel that our appreciation of your valuable services have increased as years have gone by, ially the sweet songs with wisich you have cheered and | delighted us, and we know that your) place will be hard to fill. We are glad) that you are not goirig so very far away from us but that we s! bave the plea- sure of meeting at somie of our missiona: gatherings. Also our sorsow at with yom is somewhat mitigated by the | thouglit that your usefulness will mot | cease with your removal but that you will be to what you bave been to us. And we trust that you will visit us whenever an opportunity presents itself, being assured of a hearty welcome to our village, our church, our homes, nay, to our hearts, We hope that when the ings of earth are over we shall meet in the Par- adise above hers, in Jove'ls unclouded reign, parted hands sl meet again. Dear Mrs. Bamforth, we ask you to to accept this gold necklace as a very small expression of our love for you and wear it in remembrance of W. M.S, of Port Perry. Signed in behalf of the Society by M. PEARSE, Pres. A. B, JEFFREY, Treas, H. DAVEY, See. E. Rosg, Cor. Secy. Mrs. Bamforth replied in a graci- ous and highly becomisig manner; cnn ti. Saidtfield ~ STRAWBERRY SOCIAL AND CGNCERT The Annual Strawberry Social Concert of the Epworth League and Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church, -Saintfield, will be held on Friday, June 25, ono Dr. Henders' beautiful and spacious lawns. From 5 to 7.30 o'clock--an Excellent Tea, including = Strawbersies - and Icé Cream, will be served .on tables on Lawns, Ice Cream and Candy Booths. Greenbank Band will render choice music. co CONCERT - Following Talent has been secured for the Program :--Miss Carrie Spencer, Elocuticnst, one of Toronto's mostfamous entertainers; Mr. Barker, Euphonium Soloist; Rev. E. W. Rowland, Soloist. All welcome. Tea and Concert 35 cents ; Children 20 cents. E. W, Rowland, Pastor. Sh Fiscal Aspect of War Orders Exchange Coaditions Affect Canada's Ability to Secure Contracts HON. MR. WHITE'S STATEMENT Ottawa, June 17,--The influence of the exchange conditions upon the Dominion as a market for the sup- ply itions "to the allied : today' munitions. Unless such credus in the United States no Estopesn 10 stablished or such gecuvites sold [8 country could afford fo expon fhe] vast amount of goid required, as} aggregate woud amount I0 dreds of millions. Applymg these priv ciples, it wil| be clearly seen why Canada isa present disadvantage in obtgining orders on g vast scale from Great Britain's allies. Exchange is swe | between New York (which js ows axchange centre) and Londow and | Hi : ® other Monetary centres, Shit she| i @ Jishing credits or selling sccovities in America to the amount necessary | 5 to liquidate the unfavorable balance} against (hem in their ssade with America. Add to this tne fact thas | ada as between us and New York. One reason for this is that where as formasly our borrowings in Low-i§ doo were adequate to liquidate rhe interest payments wpow our Brivish ind-btedness (amounting to some | one hundred and forty million dob- | 28 lars a year), we mow pay post of aoa United States what ~ we owe Britain, 'snd in this way howd pro tanto Great Britain's im ness to the United Seatesn.: sult is. that an exchange United States is . Carada. All this is the purchases of food 9, fous the United Sates. The first - question that when a belligerent power dei > - cumulated savings q rel mens. New York has 3 an international ey cond to-day ker standing fo shis ny ring allies can only purchase byestab-| " #5 | exchange is decidedly againss Can | #EH re