Jared gogkies, a and » 'weight. The goggles Skilled Sp roin the mit waier, ohani- {06 BY_and, 6 diver to see cle To the 3 hiring ag, la ing grounds. Entire to the scene of o 0! ) aig for the navy, is: dogs and other pets along. "15 here The divers use manila rope, one We re. | end of which 5 fastened securely to After 'a.naval his ais | the anchored canoe, while the other is | several methods attached a weight of from 22 to 26 | coming-water when g pounds. When ready to descend he | been hit below the takes two or three long breaths to | instance, if a small expand his lungs, fills bis lungs with | made in the ves: air, takes hold of the weighted rope, | tus like an umb Jumps in and he is carried to the bot- | is thrust thropgh tom. 'There he lets Eo of the rope | and then 4 b and collects the shell, which is placed | open like dm 20:16 in a woven basket made from fish | canvas outside. c ; The Pastor de-| Ret. This basket holds from 66 to 77 Of course, the pres: be at Seagrave on EID} elared that by pounds of shell and takes several | ter effectually ' fore Monday. evening om 6 to 4 sature we are all divea to fll, as the diver can remain | 'against the ship's sid ly: evening 9 sinners under sentence of death, | Under water only one to three min- | the leak; but te make Raglan Tuesday But God tells nl He purposes | Utes at a time. When the basket is | the handle of the um evening from 6 to g o'clock, and beg ang $d. by and by, | Bled it is drawn into the canoe and | formed like a serow, at Blackstock. Friday evening through the gre 1 y iat King. | the shells are opened. | a nut inside. 1 ing from 6 10g o'clock. Ee lenny up out | Native divers descend to consider S : 5 n. sini th to full | #ble depths, more than 130 f Pousaor's colts this spring are com tg '8nd dea 8 ul frequently uttainéd; but sh ing in good shape and are grand | Perfection kod: from nature. o infrequently pie of te roadster class. | "08, i obcinind with | Ser a0t so ' } ore