A] 3; r d y Public and Gouveyaioat. "wing Coutt House, Wiithy, Bridges Work pclydms or uccessiul spigot ' Yeeth on Gold, Silver, : #laminam - or Rubber Plates. 2 Gold, Silver or Cement traction when required Political, Agricultural and: Fatily Newspaper +48 ebautsurp AFC fix. FERRY, OAT, LVERY THURSDAY. MORNING i , BY . PARSONS a papor discontinued when addressed io this will be at our risk. GSE | Will it lf Gants ho striotly . adhered to PARTMENT. | Hand Bills, ~~ Posters. {Patronage % 4 # 0) Y g ) 2 ' Dillon Hinge- tay Fence anufactured by the OwenSo Wire Fence La ad prepared .to "supply "this* whole _ Gommunity witli the very BEST SIRE FENCE prodiicedy Continent apd at prices a can rot ail to satisfy purthilers. "The DiLron Fence ds witl peer, iit is the BEST cause i fs Hexiblej it is a'square meshiit isa perfect hinge-stay fence, "thetefore it is. impossible to bend the infactit'{s the Lest fence ohside this or any other courtty, ¢ Beloré purchasing 2: Wire Fe don't fatto i t Fence. TE te DA z "J.H. Brown. i DEsLER 18 hails, Tyrin. MENTS AND Macuinmry, + 3% mia WARD & PEARSE FIRE INSURANGE AGENTS PORT PERRY, ONT. hs PLL 2 eX throut # yous JATHING por. Tustin itlously negotiated and Son on tha rapid "transit system nsured ou receipt of applica- LIVE 8TOOK INSURANOE We haveifirll control in this district for all nsurance of (he Gineral Animals lusurance Company, ----_AGENTS FOR---k PIANOS & ORGANS respectfully solicits i '" WARD & PEARSE, "{'sh ause il ist stays 5 Pu ALADAMS, BellPhotie No. 41 ADAMS FIRE LIFE SIEM TIME TABLE. PorT- PERRY. GOING SOUTH, - GOING NORTH. 6.40 a m. 9.07 a.m. GAaANU IaUNK n'r SY 14. §5 a.m, 5.55 p.m. 1.40 p.m. 7-33 P C. P. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East' Goma West 8: 8.50 a.m. 5.50 p.m. Town Agnot. Miss Harri Miss Harrison, "Dress. and Mantle Maker ISHES to inform the ladies 'that she has moved to the raoms larmerly occupied by her over Mr. Flict's' Drug Store witete s prepared to execute all or- ders for Dress and Mantle Making in 4 manner' unsitipassed for Correctness of Style - and Charming Effect. Our, charges arg consistent with the value given Port Perry, April1, 190g... . 9 - Directory Em se oni SLA llempnner, Thies, vho jars dE The Telephone Co. of Canada * H.G. HUTCHESON, Bell Phone Uffiexo. 6 & HUTCHESON || |i: SUCCESSORS TO, DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS INSURANCE 4 Roal Bstate be removed in These imperfect guiumod in the great newspapers 'say reat conflagration in ent wat, The things Order---ecclesiastical, political--will be- haff of summer and the Wind shall ay' fofrever,--Daniel f Order will come in, of God will be the ~all of God's saints. "new earth""-a new This will gradually in perfection. Mankind will be ed from Min and death. Christ will always be th) Head, of the h, althougHafter their glorious re (1 Corintjjams 15:51,52) the ch will not nded the robe of His pousness--impuied justification. @change of the Church, the speak- jlieves, to Le Fery near. ter-Traits Necessary to Saint- gE ship. Telephone jl remainder of the discourse was d to charficter development. | pe to attain the 8s of Christ. He had spirit in all things. He r's will His own. So | They are to have the f-- Philippians 2:5. es instruct us that the Logd's Spirit manifests itself ness in our intercourse with the en, in a humble appreciation of in contentment with whatever gives us, in a delight to have sf ad our Teacher. God is now only those possessed of a individuality .and a love for They muet hive, real tained to Residence No. 4 iteousness. cter, a strong wit! obedience to the Lord. MARINE ; ' agg re A New Whale. ACCIDENT 5 Wine w species of whale was discov- . 4 recently in the South Atlantis. Mortasgo Login Lg RE GREAT DAY OF 600 ALREADY BEG GEORGIAN BAY. Franciscan Priest Reached Arm of Luke Huron Nine Days Before the | Great Explorer--{hamplain _Fol- lowed and Visited the Huron Io- dians. T a gathering of Toronto Uni- versity professors apd others, members of the Madawaska Club, at Go jans--Present Heavens and : Home Bay, to celebrate the Aboiié to Be DissolyedsNot [300th anniversary of Champlain's F¥oyage of discovery down the waters ge | of the Georgian Bay, one of the . akers, Very Rev. Dean Harris, in his address, told the story of the dis- ery of the great bay, which, in omewbat abbreviated form, is here ven: I The three hundredth anniversary fot the landing of Champlain in Can- da, celebrated in Quebec City in i$ 1908, revealed to the world a spec- cle new in our history, With one ccord Great Britain, France, the United States, and Canada united in olng homage to the great statesman, pavigator, ar explorer, and in ex- nadie foiling his achievements. Rightly, looking for herefore, hava we assembled here Bfo-day by the shores of Georgian Bay fo pay tributé to the memory of muel Champlain, who, three cen- ries ago, dared the wilderness and ppened a path for Christianity and foivilization through - seven 'hundred miles of endless forest. The reading public Maturally asso- ¢ the founder of Quebec City with of the great regions in the Provinces of " , forgetting that in 1509. Symbolic--Shaking Process ready Begun -- "Peacel. Pe Nov, 14.~P tor Russell an impre HEASTORTRUSSELD) wherein the heavens. befid shalt be dissolved, and the el shall melt with fervent heat?'- Peter 3: 11, 12. : The Pastor suggested thai phrase, '"'Hastening: the oa otf i | oar] io Apostle's = thoug] 96% the Common ron d it is appare) nor, painful spot. , . "category the uesti "They hugge by. Byng Inlet, Politeau Hart, 0 of and, sweeping oft past the gebefi-mile' Narrows, Moose Point, and Midland, beached their canoes on the shore of Douglas Bay, to the west of the har |° bor of Penetanguishene. Striking an Indian trail, they plungéd into the forest dnd phased by openings in the woods, flelds bf Indian corn, beds of melons and beans, and at last enter- ed the palisaded Huron town of | Toanche. Here, in what is now the northern and eastern section of Sim- oe County, embracing the peninsula ormed by the Nottawasaga and Matchedash Bays, the River Severn, and Lake Simcoe, were the fishing and hunting' grounds of the Wyan- dottes or Hurons, supporting a popu- lation, £cebtding to Champlain, of tWwetity or thirty thousand -- a con- federacy of four distinet tribes, in time increased to five by the incor- poration of the Petuns or Tinnon- tates. Perhaps of all the races of redmen, the Hurons, "living like brute beasts," as Sagard tells us, "without law, without religion, with- out God," were the least inclined to attracted to the self-denial of a hristian life. Father Le Caron, bound by his vow to a life of poverty, | was, however, received hospitably by them. ~ A wigwam was built for his accommodation and food furnished bim, When, nino day after bis arrival timong thé Hurons, Champlain and hi# méfi greeted the Francisc.an the diass was celebrated. Windsor"s Population. According to the figures compiled in a new issue of the city directory, Windsor has now a permanent popu- lation of 23,013 souls, an increase of pine per cent. over a year ago. ' Arench Experiment Points Way to the Canadian Government. The Dominion Hospitals Commis- slon the other day announced that it had undertaken the work of teaching new trades to the soldiers, who by reason of injurtes received at the | tront, were rnable to resume their former occupations. How are they going to go about it? How can life be made supportable for the wreck- age of humanity war leaves in iis wake? Here is a story from La Nou- velle Revue of Paris, showing how the problem is being handled in France. Mr. Eduard Herriot, the Mayor of Lyons, has established a trade-school for the wounded--an institution which is being copied all over the country, and even in Algeria. In the Lyons school, which was opened on the 29th of last December, soldiers permanently n aimed are taught such trades as shoemaking, cobbling, tail- oring, gardening, carpentry, toy-mak- ing, bookbinding, bookkeeping, sten- ography, and typewriting; Courses are also planned in harnessmaking, metal working, coopering, and pos- sibly jewel-setting. The school day 18 eight hours, and those whose trades involve manual labor also have courses of primary instruction in the evening. ~ Candidates for admission are #¢- lected with care, each mame being propose} by the chief physician of the formation4o the director of the Service de Sante, who transmits it to the Governor-General of the region, who accepts or rejects it. The candidates thus presented are the "amputated" and the "wounded," the latter term including all infirmi- ties consequent on a wound received in war. As to the first the task of decision is easy. Examination is made to see whether the cicatriza~ tion is solid, definite, with no fistual In the second ; Jon toma ive n he fl eal resson Pills, 'Thousan Dr. Hamilton' thousands have ife by this ines, Mrs, well-known a years the! ! Rs on wie i A , Rossiter, wife of a merchent in Kensington, writes as follows: . "Ten years ago my kidney trouble started. - I suffefed dreadful pains in yny spine and around my waist, my back feeling as if hot jronsé were run- ning through.: k dn't sleep, had ng appetite, was pale, Min, and very ner- vein, Cruel headaches and despond- ency added %o my rden. Not untit I had used Dr. Hamilton's Pills did £ get any relief. They proved capital and helped 'me . immdaiatély, Eight boxes made me well and now I do my own housework, feel and picture of health." . 21 Your complete restoration to health is certain With 26c pet box at all dealers, presérved fn the Crown Lanas Le partment at Toronto shows. The Ger- nan soldiers who were employed by the Britisli-Government to aid in sup- pressing the rebellion of the 'Ameri- can colonies did not all return to Ger- many at '~6 snd of the war. Many came as United Empire Loyalists to Canada and received grants of land ih reward for their services to the TOWD. It 1s to be moted also that the list from which the following names werd taken is not & ¢omplete lst of all the United Empire Loyalists of Canada, and a complete list would be much Even in the list itself were many other seemingly German names which I have not listed here, as they were 'not indicated as names of Ger- min soldiers. It is Interesting to note, too, that of these names, mark: ed in the fovernment ist as names of German soldiers, all do not seem be Germgn names. Neverthel hera listed a mae of the German troop." One or two of these names are given as names British soldiers also. Here is the list: Abrahdm, Angle, Benth, Borman, Bungar, David, Dor- des, Duynes, Eldam, Freke, Gants, Goeberg, © Hek, Hoffman, Huffman, Imendeol, Ingleliagt, Keaning, Keller, Kesler, Lotz, Mauk or Mark, Menske, Merckle, Motch, Meyers, Miller; Myneher or Moenucke, Newalt or Neuwald, Orval or Orbel, Otto, Pat- tingall, Rimmerman or Roemerman, Ruttenstine, Saupe, Sweet, Viger or Visier. Almis, Brant, Bewther or Beuter, Bents, Taker, Brinkman, Collen, Claick, Chriten de Fitzienstin, Clen- genberner, Dandoist, Darder, Dyce, Estdo, Fridel, Faulstroth, Grichel, Gerhart, 'Gorman, Houff or Huff, Hailman, Haveline, Hoppenad, Hock, Haner, - Hameria (Hessian), Holo- wager, Harman, Klenzmann, Koenig, Krickel, Law~, Linch, Lans, Mines, Miller, . Moenneke, Myers, Millon, Porty, Pangart, Poyer, Roggie, Rose, Resh, Siebetslie, Staggman (Lieut. Hessian Corps), Schel, Schudlett, Schnitter, Semler, Schuman, Scheffre, Sherman, Schelsted (a German), Slieneman, Sayer, Staughmill, Thim-~ bler (Templer), Tarlouse, Wyley. All United "mpire Loyalists, foun- ders of Canada. If these men are not Canadians, who are ? If their names are not to be called Canadian, what pames are Canadians? BULGARS DISAPPEAR. Toronto Colony Has Dwindled in the Past Few Weeks. 'Where afe the Bulgarians of yes- tereut? Although number of Greeks and Macedonians in the colony on King street east, Toronto, stated re- cently that Bulgarians would under ces returft 'to thelr no country to'take part in another war, 'which ie more del | called; \ look the | Balkan States flying at each of . ., | throats. Hamilton's Fila. ing with Germany, | | | . | low. | To ls. aihons ! " ot ills ayy placed the number of his fells here at two thousand. garia has no Consular agent in ads, fio Minister or Ambassador. = i thé event of war the call for what few pecervists are in this would bly be made, it 18 clalme through some of the merchants. *% At present there are only .a Very: tow Bulgarians in the colony, Whetd 'the remainder are, men of other nas tionalities do not kuow; and do nof. seem to care. In broken English, by, their statements they give an ob server the impression tbat there is' still the possibility of the differs One man indeed stated ues there was na danger of Bulgaria : and that would prefer to fight with Greece. " Brome Grass in Alberta. L The grass that is giving the best results in the southern portion of Als berta is Brome, and a8 a plant {0 crowd out weeds, it is probably of the best, as it forms a very heavy. i 80d, thickening up by means of un derground running roots. It: should' be sown about ten to twelve pounds' per acre some time Detwesn the I5LH of May and the 15th of June. the" 7: land has mets summer Sarawed year previous a nurse erop. of " tay also be planted, but {f it bas not, better results will be obtained hy seoding alone. Where this is praes. ticed it will be necessary to mow the ground two or three times during the" gamineér to keep the weeds in fhecks In a case where Stinkweed is 80 > thick, it would be advisable t0- only on a well-worked summer. ~ In the spring before the: is sown it should have two or hreg cultivations to kill the winter annual. make a good stand and the ods would not give much ible. Ho J. in Family Herald. » "How Ave You, Captain?' =-""% An interesting incident cccurredtat Niagara camp recently, whex : Sir Sam Huthes was reviewing the troops, together with a number of officers. ga Turning to Lieut. Leprohon, 1éty Battalion, who returned on the Corsis ¢an a few days ago on leave y Flughes sald: "Well, how sre you Captain Leprohon?" Ter The officer replied: 'Pardon me, sir; I am a lieutenant." i General Hughes: "Sir, I know what I am talking about. Go and ge &hother stripe on -your arm, aud PUES ahother star oh your shoulder. You look almost like a private now. sie Thus did Canada's Minister of' | Militia give well-deserved promotipm' © to one of the Dominion's - fighting heroes. Captain Leprohan's son 8 a§ Heutenant and is now in training sf Valcartier for overseas service. Fashion Changes. \ e Mrs. Nuwed--When we got married didn't you promise me a new bat every'. season? Nuwed--But you never told' me that there were ahount a dozen ha$ seasons in a year.-- Life. ! x JUNRAETPL MILT Foresight is very wise. but fore sons]: row is very foolish, and castles are nny rate better than dungéods in air.-- Sir John Lubbock. WOMAN IN TERRIBLE STAT Finds Help in Lydia E; Pi ] vi