os ¥ a a me what the An pt 'they. are pre fa i dhe ire in. duc an' HAIRY SALE "clos By A oH « x produetas at give well worth yopeating In DUP dt, all are agFoed} we COMIBE yard ahoulder ta' shoulder with Bek ad ain and the other British' Dominions n-th quarrel. And that duty we -not fail to fufil as the honor of a ds. Not for' love of 1 statistics show 'also that the ¢ has - reduced ~ma~ Baty without 8 sacrifice of neces: national undertakings _ Placed: § ) under contract. - This re- ni has hoen effected in spite of "heavy payments which the pre- voDYeR "world into ah 'armed t Government has had to make om CAD; yea, In the very name of th8 ¢ completion. of works undertaken peach that we soight at'any- cost save "the former Ministry, the National 'that: of dishonor, 'we have entered ntinentel Raflway, the Quebec this war; and while gravely con- of the tremendous issues in- Belage. tie Hudson's Hay Rallway, oo) volved and of all the sacrifices that 'How It Was Financed | they: may ontatl, . Ye io ot shrink The method adopted by Hon, W. 'f, from them, bot with firm learts we White, Minister of Finance, in provid abide the event" ~~ . "the war expenditure, has bee hted, to a degree which 1s a "CANADIAN WAR YAR LOAN a a ra aria ol pa I TO BE LAUNCHED SHORTLY y During the Bret period of the war bs, 'White paid for the organiza: Fr---- D Minister of Finance Meeting With Great Encouragement a TR of tha Canadian frmy h money borrowed in Eng- Hon. W. T. White d this t for I f' conquest, or lus: of ept, not of possessions, but for the of honor, to iMaliitain'.solemn oo, to uphold principles of liber- Canada battle; for 5 0 fe withstand forces "that would : » YIRAYED femies Pp 4 Holstein Heifer, | years {large for a T, x ge a 28 fe! '| be given for information th 3 d'to 8 recovery. 4 3 5 sos, A, SNY 3 agrave, Now, 8, 191 5 0 40@ i110 @ rhe NOTICE TO Fora 006 @ v oo rps 18 TO FORBID 750® 8 oo parties trusting anyone oi '2 00@ 2 20(account as I will not i sisers 4 00@ 5 o00ffor any. debts Te v e Clover...... 7 00@ 9 oo |name without my writien arde Red Clove oo 11 90 13.00 HENRY DAVIDS | Peas_Small....... 1 300 1 78, 0 Perys Nov. 1, agrs. Buckwheat, , 0 725@ 0 Bol me 5 13@ 0 22 3 Eh Wi J. ey SONYA ONT. - Licensed Aunuhion A590 Anulic _ QUIET ven _ Disney Bros' {EmBALM ERS AND ----. | FUNERAL DIRECTORS CALLS ANSWERED PROMPTLY. BELL PHONE 67 DAY OR NIGHT. he FIRST-CLASS OUTFITS AND EQUIPMENT. FERNS EAE TR TER SE Fobionable women know most talked about" shoe to- San on the bottoms of «dey in Canada, luing sary fi is rantee, ting, very Rexible and the most wor Sc re of hioned soefortable shoe made any- Mest S12 In We have 5 Where. It is made also in ge vatiety to select and Bluche: laced and Oxford styles. : u will find a We are agents x this comfort . RT COAT, UY) YOUR GOALNGW! US FILL,YOUR BINS FOR WINTER, EE OUR GOAL TO BE NOTHING BUT WE GUARAN- The: Standard Anthracite. : The Best Coal mined, Considering the ad THE CHEAPEST. We Guarantée full weight and that our coal Is is [ree froth dirt wit Bmperfections as it 1s possible to be. Orchard THE COAL MAN ies was Sound Saance Sader: ne. 'conditions then. existing. Those | tions, however, changed. Tho Week that the Canadian' War' Loan @ balance which formerly 'was ad~. Which will be offered only in Canada yerse to Canada, swung -in the oppo. Will be advertised "during the last site direction. Canada began to pres week of the present month, The loan duce more and sell 'more. Tho ex: Will be headed by His Royal Highness, porta" of 'the Dominion began to ez» thé Duke of Connaught, who has in- coed the iniports. It became postible timated his desire to subscribe.' He to borrow anithis side of the ocean 18 asking all financial institutions and mad Mr. White went to New Yoik. the' public' generally to. be. prepared He succeeded in borrowing $45,000,600 to participate. A .few_days.ago he : there under 'exvbptionally favorable saw the officers of the Canadian Lif terms, That 'was before thie British - Assurance Companies in = Montreal ahd French gommissiouers entered 8nd-later met with the fall Executive ue New York money market. Committee of the- Canadian Banpere 2 Effect on Exchange Asshoistion: -at: Ottawa, respecting wi t how much was feally'accomy' lt il i important OF ant: next three' Avecks Fy ithe! {an loan was | partictpativg in New Yorz in: Augist was | "understood, at the time, Lut the: wile epics to be Soostimusisl die 'wisdon gop has been amply n o ore 2 at 'the. end of November in. ileh Canada will demonstrate her ty -to finance a substantial part of her large and rapidly. Jrereasing wer ox penditure. nin: 2eoRDt developments! The nd tle sale in New York of f Bilis," 'drawn ¢ galnst ship of Canadian whezt to Great a . iiurope, fave restored the ange on New York prac- es Tp par. This is of very mater: "importance « to Canada. "threa onthe 8g0. exchange between this try and the United States was jyorgble to Canada, a preminm of 'nfie: 'half to one per cent. having to aid on Oanadinn monoy ty 'obtain J tion: ag to the amount of the loan of the price or terms of issue would 'be mere "This "will be given in the prospectus when the loan {8 advertised and not before, "Mr. White will be at his office, only otcasfonally during. November: hf In ctlier words, neatly all his time will be taken up : in" organizing to make the issue a the Canadian dollar. The Can- | conspicuous success. Be states hat (loan 'at' onus amclioratpd this ; the generous offers. of Sopa The proceeds of the loan | Witieh he. is receiving from not brought to Oansda at once : and investment houses are |.most were withdrawn gredually sq as | gratifying and augur well for the suo- Yo stabilize thie exchange and gradually | cess of Canada's first war loan: © Feduce it. - Upon the trantfer of the oul of this loan to Caaada 'the Boe ce Depasiment madd over $06, exchango. What Was Accomplished Financial developmenis stuce the "Was jssued. show that it Secon: the. following pu; : neat 3d stabilized: acd fhe United as ts vorehle: to" Canada.' pe siated "the sterling cschange ation by givitg Copada - funds ch 'otherwise would have been! ob- BES Oanada's war expenditures tors next yeat will be very large. About one thousand dollars per man per ghpum 1s Seloutated as the cost of raising, our at: the front rr under 'arms. fn. Cans on the enormous expenditure of' a nition and the heavy ptrain upon ar tillery 'and rifies. Canada's war. ex- penditure next year on the a force of t pendted 28d A Fondon. | Bbdrea too od - ty 1a Toserros of ia Fi Gorin ite 'uo lion dollars" aved the way for the Anglo: | loan. 3 g Finance, Minister hos Intterly 'take care of the whr "Canad! 'niake 'hea; advances in foun el. 10. Purchias; WwW. UY. CARNEGIE "The Minister sald that all. aerales ada. In fbn war this estimate: oil I i : + [8uoaszsors, to Graham" & Carnegie] Sole Agents for We purpose rushing business and guarantee onr patrons satislaction in every respect. TH FORD, as all are aware, is giving satisfact hence its great popularity. H. CARNEGIE Ih RRR a fangs results, and as to practibility it is without a peers (Successor to W. A. Vs : Hae ©. m= Ie i o & OULD ANNOUNCE that in succeeding Mr. Boyce he intends supplying the public with Meat which for quality cannot be excell ed anywhere. Only the Choicest Animals will be + purchased so that customers may rely on all occasions on on obtaining Choice Cuts at my shop, which constantly contains a full supply of the Most, Tender and Best of Meat, The Best Brands of Cured Meats constantly in stock. Prices moderate. Sf 3 Frosh Fish received weekly. Game in Season Se ss Site) Advts Order Your SSPRING SUIT NOW | Phones --Bell 68 r 2. Ind. goo. B. Lundy, L.D.8,D. DENTAL SURGEON Ws ExssinEpe J. wl Gist Ou Om Lina Ti Ya, Office ~ PORT Lad : Graduate, Royal Culléga of Dental [Sucecssor to Dr, Ri LL. Graham] goons 'and Uviversity of Torunto, We have the Largest and Most Complete Stoclt of Spring and Summer Suitings ever shown in this District. A Nice Stock to choose from, Bt and Tinish Guaranteed Far better and cheaperthan Ready:to- Wear. i i hi Bren. ny fi 1, SE Ho Re Yon a gh invited to inspect our splendid : The Solorings are rich and: a STOCK ness Line N Ness STYLE 'should 'cat: more than three dt & men) the amount to. be beived ; ench course being also pre scribed.' ivy fines were imposed' tor any breach 'of this dgw.--~Pall. Man Gazetts, % ES yours whd was gofug to wet the world on fire one of these Nays?" "He has gorierfnto the dice business." =Boston Transcript, ear pnpremibaen ifivincible. J "What Is a, triple alliance, Tommy?" * "It's when pa an' mia an' the school teacher agree tliat I onght fo have a Nekin'"--New York Times. q Bpringfield, Montreal Gazette i-- Tha, Very Becoming. Husband--Do you think my full beard fs an improvement? Wife--How much does {t save you a week? life for ahte rey sake is g erally the one which finds its Elite 4 increasing in vigor and usefulness. "About a doliar BOOK NOTICE i 5 "Yes, it's an improvement." -- New "Canadien Seasons, Juma H Ts York Weekly. A I 1's ; - cally bound in green and gold--price $1. Aoug He Ontario County !s the homeland 1 -- Bifih Syre 8 J] ono yore greater part of 'his book, and it ey v adv, commendsd by the best Judges 'The turtis to the sréind ok his erime. Ju ff I'he amaiy paid Sy t naa What's thé good if Le gets all the | piciures of tana treshoalr, heartt fino" And swil} the first time?--Yonkers States worm ot neater the Sra BedtiSo the Human | the fields than any "banadian Ee. Get"More Money' for your Skunk Muskrat, Raccoon, Foxes, White Weasel, Fisher and other Fur bearers collceted in Jour section cessful record of sending Fur Pers promipt, ARIS FACTORY. AND PROFITABLE returns. Write for ""®be Ea the only reliable, accurate market report and price list published. Write for it--NOW--it's F| "1 A.B. SHUBERT, Inc. £527, Viiausn ave. "ih Ta RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED ° FOR THE SPRING TRADE All Seed sold subject to Government, Inspection graded actordingly. Prices Ricar We are Still Buying Red Clover, Alsike and Timothy Seed. i Highest Price paid To BE. PURDY FRESH & TENDER CAWRER BROS. In returning thanks tothe public for tie extensive pat- bestowed upon them Sods 5d 3 as to ¥ i ensure 'the el ot nd bs ten- gi oe derests Cuts p ily and we = v: intend. atall:| to have ap | _ ampe supply of a - FRESH AND TENDER GHOICK. + £7 SMURED nk MEATS 4 seattle i