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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Apr 1916, p. 2

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to the amount of the grant | $6,000 has already been - The site Selected is a de- one. being the southseast "Queen and Joho streets. | Cary PERRY, APRIL 6, 1916 Tho Testing of Daury Products _ The price of success is attention 10 detail. This fact is distinctly emphasized ina bulletin recently ment of Agriculture under. the title - of "The Testing of Milk, Cream and "Dairy By-Products by Means of the Babcock Test? and written by JF, Singleton, Chief Inspector of Daity Products. Without being Mr. Singleton tells in plain langa- age about all that is to old of the practical application of the test, the care that should be taken of the component parts of the apparatus, the measurments advisable and the methods that should be employed. The qualities paturally most em- phasized are exactness, cleanliness and temperature. © The Dairy Com. missioner in his introductory says there is nothihg fundamentally new in the balletin but that the contents are presented with such clearness "of diction and the processes so aptly set forth that the result is a reliable hadnbook for those who value infor- mati the testing ot milk, cream and 'worth to a notable bulletin, the number of which is 45 of the Dairy! br Series and that 000. Nothing impresses the great Republic so much as size, BISHOP ARRESTED a of Ballart was arrested on a . serious charge and taken to police station. His adventures and, troubles were numerous, Don't 'miss seeing them vext Tdesday when the Bishop visits Port Petry, AD ION -- 28c, 35C, B0¢ PLAN DAVIS' DRUG STORE ames Homan" Harris, who of the pioneer work for Church of England in Canada he district north of Orillia, and] for twenty bent i incumbent of | ithy, died yester- aie Home of his daughter 'W, Connor, of 106 High venne, Toronto. on in d, in 1846, he came to h bis parents in 1850. Trinity College, ordained in 1873 as p Bethune and two ive Hagia hile there he Fg fair Hu retived A number of exact and] plain 'illustrations lend additiotial| Yeats 1 this commendable addition to the best town, and whatever it that gentle. is the principal |' would spend Sunday and Monday | Seat in tos] march to Cannington HQ i remain there over . | mighty Wednesday afternoon match | Electric " Railway Association * of QOatario.. We publish it in full in aother column of this: issue. To koow that * Poirt Percy ithin ten years is to be identifi with, an Association that will have an iva vestment of ON. HUNDRED MiLLI- oN Dorrans is a pleasing. feature acd one that cannot fail to ade our future as & town great, Already Port Perrys beginuing to feel the early consufiiation of the HydrosElectric road, property is climbing sky "a but wait till the whistle blows t prices will be gut-8f=sight. AUCTION, SALE Mr. Hooey, lot 17, con. 1, having disposed' of his bas authorized Mr. Jack on the premises, on Friday, April 14, all his stock of "horses, cattle, swine and implements without the slightest reserve. This will be a grand opportunity tf farm stock, implements, &c., at Auction prices. 'Don't fail to make a note of time and place and attend Robert J. Cartwright, | the sale. Uxbridge filled its large hall twice to see them and voted. the | Bishop's visit a big success, The Bishop, the Prolessor. the Commer cial Traveller, the Policeman, Lun- atic and a bull are mixed up in the most laughable manner in. The Bishi®p's Visit. Itis worth a food eal 10 see how the mixup works out. A DSSI0M 26° asc sos, ; sibility of providing accommodation iseciire "pond. to Sunderland and remain there | Thursday; from thence on Peo g Setuity, . spending he anuda tiring t iy ! Te g 1 To an opportunity. to sce the afterywe took over a jun County Battalioh on a Route March | 1 inst thagaus fs mpire jut his and doing its daily dill. + 1 ir The Battalion' would be. fed: by! na its own cooks, operating with Field oi Kitchens; the Battalion would be Slackets and _dsinquen % . uty to perform' To those (fig supplied with blankets but would | battles -in the. have to be housed in the drill sheds,4.5°™ ! public buildings, etc., as during: the early part of May the weather' i¥ apt to be too cold to sleep ou 'the ground. The towns interested this Route March should immediate ly thake an estimate as'to. the pod eal fold £Pp! y AP to strain every effort to fe evel, triage those fories Wa or wer Eh ey Shiv ny fruits of our greal victory of pi brings Ao me 2} tion of more re pole the fos rthier sé of Ontario's asset in such a as to service to-Onta Canagla, anid t Empire, during fe critical fier adjustment wiicl will begin when, wir is over. "I will endeavor fo ive you some teasoh why the. of should | La sources siiould be by and for the in sheds, buildings, etc, for about 1150 men. The people of the County who have discussed this march are yery enthusiastic over it, as it would be the last chance of bidding the boys farewell from the County, #nd to see the whole: Bat talion together would interest. many | his who would not otherwise " see the Battalion in action. under 'the most he developmen how short ticipation 4 used 750 horse-| PRESENTATION TO HETH BATTALION "i 8 .. As the 116th Battalion is how | rectuited up to full strength, people are wondering what is fiecessary for its proper £quipment frst: to have the honor i hig, The 0 ihe shee Baitslion with part' of i Lo amr LEN 3 oe In 1915 110 Monel horse-power and in 1946 130 Havin Niagara, district sor will horse-power. n we will 'féqbife'io to mest th X . Bea } "| dents of the County: and fowl Of I re hy "und 'Implements by" Auction on Thursday, April 6. The opportun= ity is a good one to. obtain choice apithals'and implements at bidders prices. Mr. Jackson will conduct the sale. "No mah can serve two masters." But the Signal Hill Sage says it is not likely the text is often quoted by the Mormons, "A New York millionaire travels with three detectives, fiveattendapts and a private nurse." How thank- ful {oe ought to be for poverty Montreal is said to be the only city, in Canada or the United States in which begging is given a status by permits for it being granted. Toronto Star:--Lots of people who did not "raise" their boys to be soldiers did pot raise them 'to be anything else identifiable, either, old world. Dancing and "bridging" for war at home, while otir boys are shooting and dying at the froot: harp "Tlie Globe complains that Solic- | riotisa ie itor-General Meighen is a hair-split: Worse than that. He splits the "heads of the Grit, a8 well 8 Uxbridge, | and are presenting the Battalion with a Field Kitghen and equipment costing. $550.00. This splendid donation will be greatly appreciated by. the Battalion and will be presented by a 'member of the firm on the Post Office cofner on Easter Monday. "at 2 It ds)! hoped that other , patriotic friends of the Battalion will come forward and help the unit to procure full and adeqiate equipment.' : SEVERAL. LINES: "Many Yrummers i several liges of samples, but very few. have h¥fmn books with playing-cards asa' sideline." Ycu should see how the coinbina- tion works out "in the Tow. : next Tuesday. ! etefore it is $ ture to puss he! ater Lis 1 pds ion, ons unfavor- ii sanctioning incurring a ly the develop etard the em- | will return | tive lives of ment or this coun ployment of the with a blank i one, two or thee '"Ufider the § IW Known as the d to which B the Gov- ! porn will 'be L permit, al I' undertaken of Rev. Rev. Anthony Goodly, Bishop of Ballart are £1 of joys! an audience. d be Tabi tol' ower, whereas ag gene b y{ mourning, only ing that can a. would |. arm; ir: to the strains of Memlclsshion s the | wedding March, played by 'Miss { Joan Watson. ! 'gown of white satin triimed with She wore a beautiful becom | Georgette: Crepe and silver. lace with Juliet cap and wreath of orange blossoms, She carried; a large Bouquet of hiridal roses: abd hilies. Miss Lorna: Dure, sister - of the | bride, logked charming in pink silk | crepe de chine. i «Fhe ceremony was performed by Rev. T. Dodds. « During the pign- ing of the register Mrs. Dodds sang "For You Alope." Alter the cer- mony @ dainty luncheqn was served, the table being decorated with pink and white carnations and white silk abhbon, streamers, The groom's gift to the bride was'a handsome pear) necklace and pendant, to the soloist and accompanist gold brooches set with pearls. "Thglyoung conple left for Toronto ont the evening train, the bride wearing a handsome navy blue sunt and smart hat to match, . Owing to the families being ia immediate relatives were prnsent. On their return they) will reside at 'the beautiful shome '| stead of the aye Janes McFarlane We wish the young couple 'a happy married dle. Blackstock. able' activity all the while, The tasks of the soldiers here have been' reinforced by the coming of Lieut. Welsh from Montreal and | recruiting agent Sutart of Toronto some expect there will be an in. creased enrollment 'of 'privates as soon as the weather gets fit. The concert in the Armouries on Friday, evening, the 24th inst, a great success and as expenses Ww were light it netted' a "cortsiderable sum for: the Women's Patriotic. League of the township upde whose auspices it was so: success. fall launched, ne Shon fini! "not 'aSpverei) : 11 8kat ee fa ig hould 4 her laud, ier reall jn away © sant shanld And her righteduy laws was raved] nnRiiL teoamed o'er evi y sea, Eni whereso'er her ensign waved All fovters toll and Man was free, To-day bs nll her faults forgot,-- J) hi mrrars of. hor hakcent wee, Or wily politician's plot, : Or flu der that was Almost crime, Toiday, when deaper ie y AriYs strains By treed. 4nd Fear aud Hate com- x DIF To blast hor power awd rend her reign She fights thie fighy of all mavkind She fights fev ns for this fair clime, Our home belov'd, whee {riven » dwell; LCadlimbia, grandest born of timay "That Teuton halide burns to quell, My Foginnd! ebould the hope he erost fi which #he taught the world tastrive, "Then ail nf vivian wonld he lost And naught of Mavhood left live. 'But 'tis not in the Rook af Dom - Thar Justies, Hotor, Truth should fail; That oarth ha made a {living tomb. Aud oul Wal Wenig prevail The bam blest The sheite Pu ev'ry land that knowsithe ills Of Bondage, atl has hora its aches, The deathless pulse of Freedom thriily: And Reuson's noble rage awakes, See splendid 1raly sdvanes, + Aitl grimly issuing (ron his tir, To grasp the hand of glovious France, Stalk forth th' inteepid Russian bear! My Eriglandi patient, viliant, troe!-- iAr-fors without nor frauds within we shake her porposs ta xubdns The coharia ol embattled sin. The finish hotda, tha gilded beasts, In whom no touch of truth'inrvives, ravish women, mitrder pricsts, Sirew the sea. with infant livess vad of { War, what iit "od maim. T Exnltaut, while the peapte groan, ugh house 1 see oh field glasses what i i 'happening on two knolls known as Peppse. and. Sis { Talou Hills, The soil seems to pas and then sink under the terriffic'oncus- sion of , numberless shells. Now and then the projectiles gash huge furrows out of the: ground, tirow. ny yp clouds of dirt. : There is no hving soul on these 'Ihills. Neither the Germans | por the French can retain a foothold on the slopes. = The patrols which have tried to search the 'hills sleep' their last sleep there. And what a frightful sleep! Shells biirsting near the bodies throw 'them high in the nif. As seen. through field glasses they seem to be perpetually suspended in the dir owing' indescribable palpitation of the hitl- side. Now and than limbs which |) have been torn off leap higher than before. Never was there such: a dance of death as this. "Af thé foot of the hills' the French and the Germans dug them- selves in, waiting till it is possible to storm the summits. "The Germans several times have tr turn the positions, but alibays haveijeen thrown back by hand bombs. - "The men occupying. these dug: outs appear to: he in. h perpetual eA officers have the greate L in preventing them from delivering wn assault or. th erman lines on the 'other cide of "the bills, ' which fvould be bound fo fail. 1 1A week ago a sort of delirium seized every one, and even the of ficers caught the contagion, By yome freak the bombardment seem- ed ro halt, but it was only a' cruel illusion. The troops implored their officers to let them attack and the latter. finally allowed 'the first saulting Wave to go out. Sigfring themselvesin erring and shame, | 0 koup a despot on his throne; That hizm¥, to whose 'wildered brain ~ Himself an Attila appears, Who takes tho nnme of God in vain, And grown the earth. in blood and _ tears My England, strike! Dro not, nor ¥ pase, ill trigmph on your {Then take a gratelnl wor local pril oh Millions of hears that pies 1 i and accumulate n petensy early in life. Déeceased's wife pre eceased him by twenty eight years." He fived af"peace = with all "and died happy at old age, Four sons and: four daughters mourn the Joss of father Mr. Jolin McMillan, Cal et Rev, Archibuld McMillan, Elgin, M anitobs; ¥ + Alexander McMillan, McMillan, Sony: Clarkson, Scarves M whom are worthy of their estimable departed 'parents: and 'all are doing their utmost to' 'propel the car of progress and enlightenment to ite legitimate goul. A brother of deceased, Mr. Wm, 'McMillan, | also survives, t The funeral took place on Tues. day, 4th inst., Rev. Thos, Dodds, B. A, conducted services. The very large number who' joined - the funerdl cortege provid the high re~ spect. in which Decensed was'a lady of fine ace complishments, physically and men= [tally active, was = 'exceptionally schotariy. As Miss McCau and while quite young Hi one of the most accomplish

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