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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Apr 1916, p. 3

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i ie thin returned to x cabin, rifl=d the safe "many imporfant Nehibler compelled t first oMicer to hand Jevibooks, containing Captain hi ol 55 bands api one and threatened to ble to pieces with" hom "had placed in differ vessel if anvone ma At 4 o'clnck this released Captain gripping a revolver ordered the steanter jeaded ? bund. "the shore. Other bers of the crew were likewise ors * tlered to their places and told to bh on all speed for the Delaware Capes: When tlie Matoppo eatue within sight' of land about noon Sakiller ordered a small b vd to take him ashor "pilot host Pitan 2 i fuedintely respon de nar pu frnm Lewes in. answer to he 'Matoppo's. signal. Capt. John 8 Lynch, 'coastguard-keeper at this ho was in command. of 'boat, made short work of 1 b pow Thea, which had: ent backers whom | Peas (small). .. wo vy SR Baa N i Tet ¥ i glug and true to label, Oram Schiller; who was placed |. 1s and hronght asho Aacked up din the Later I here 2 | the United States: District Ar-| Wilminhron and the Briss BGeneral at Philadelphia | dd otk were' 'expected sald he believes ect was to oltain| of money which | the' ship's sale, inls Sapratted ahs write yoitr order and furn HR . IV. CORY, Deny of the Minister of oo atorior.} B --Unsuthorized pubiieation ofl ¥ ~ vertissment will not Grain] for: ie om hot {be paid 5 1916. 0 4914, WHITBY = Olerk, Mi Miss *s L. Mae- donell, W hithy an a ¥ a ven 1, April 4 May 2, June 1! uly A Fapt. &, Oct. 3, Nov; 1, Deo." 4, Jan. 3 197. OSH india Mies E. T.. Mae- donett Whithy--Jdan. 5, Fe March 2, April 5, May's, July 8, Sept. 8, Uet. 4 Nov.3, B, 94 By 1 11.7 5012 BROUGBHAM -- Clerk, M. 'Blossan, * Gree reltivood -- Jan, 4, March 8, Hav 4, Jilly 6, Sept. Sr Nov Syden. 4 . me, 7 8. PORT PERRY ~Ctark, J. hata, Purt feevyz-dan.' Sb , July 7, Sept 8, Nov. Jan, 5, hi 1, 7 RIDGF--Clerk, FOR SPRING PLANT YOU: ARE 1 IN WANT OF ANY NURSERY STOCK for Spring 4 will 'be pleased 12,1917, Muy 10, July 12; Sept. 20, Nov, 23, Jan WL, 1017, 8. BEAVERTON --= Clerk, an BOD, Beaverton--J in 12, Mar ay il, bo dan. 10, 1917, 7. UPTERGROVE -- Clerk. ponsed, Atherly --- Jannare 11, h 1, May 12, July 14 Sept. 22, cd: 9.4017, ; ou' the stock us we agreed! he Apple, Pear, Plum and Cherry will be first-class Fires Also Shrubs the Peace "p ort Perey, Ont pated at Whithy, Nov. 16th, 1915, NOTH ra PER THE LATEST WORD IN WRITING MATERIAL Pad and En Envelopes-- with Embossed Flag on 36s both ; S THY? ' Because tlie Greatest Art passed. (Joab should con con RM. Maors, xhridge--Jan. 1", March 10, May |. i y Naty Hl, Sept. 19, * Nov, 24, Jau: 5 CANNINGTON-Clork. Thee H Fos. | tor, Cantington Jan. IR, March 9, | Chis, Ad Jute 18, Kept, 21, Nov Danial' "Beginning of the Germ Theory, Agostino Bassi, a country doctor fa H we north, of Italy, early in the last 'century was the starter of the germ theory of disease. = At. that time a pes cular disease was willing the silk: worms, bringing ruin to the whole silk Fab. 1, | country of italy. Bassi, by the micro scope, discovered the germ which i» the cause of the disease. The gett later Wns named Botritls bassiatia. Bassi belleved and stated that fhuthun diseases were also caused by germs. Bassl's work was sneered at and pooh poohed by his fellow men and physi clans, and be failed to make a lasting "impréssion, thereby losing great glory for TAMA. DISNEY BROS EMBALMERS LONG BLOCK PORT PERRY Bell hone No. 61, Calis answered n prosipily day or nigh : A large stock of Caskets arid Equipment to choose from SONYA ONT. Licensed Auctioneer Valuator, &: Charges. Moderate and Satisfaction ' Guaranteed, Patronage respecfullysolicited. Thones--Dell 68 r 2. Tad. ono, J.B Lundy, L.D.8,D.D.8. DENTAL SURGEON {Successor to Dr, R. lu Graham] Graduate, Royal Collesgn bf f Dental Sar. goons and University of Torunto. Office - 4 (Succassoss To Jamieson Dennison.) PORT PERRY, Ont New Dates--per | The 'Miners' Union are walking 8 new scale of waftes for the ming YEA 3 mipe workers are threatening to strike if' they do 1 increase in wages. ' shusumers must therefef not' be surprised if the increases iti May instead of goitig down. TH esent Price for No. 1 Scranton Coal--THE STANDARD ANtuRACITE a BIN. DEIVERED. $8 00 775 N w/Conl 7 60 Stoae & Egg Ceal i 25 ae BATIONS vor Insurance expiditionsly negotiated and put through ras ea pid transit women exp iusared on receipt of picAtion es Real Estate Agency and 08 Ambar of Firat Agen Farms and Desirable Residental Properties, LIVE STooR INSURANOE---We bave full control in this dis- ; trict tor ali kusurance of the General Animals Insurance Company. wAUENTS ron ORGANS ax PIANOS, a WARD & PEARSE: bin blda RA i a GROCERIES ee AT SPECIAL PRICES Sade Raisins--Grifin Brand--a pckgs for: ..:.. New Seedless Raising--aibs for ie Blue Raisins per ib ... lentia Raisins--per wn. Chace Cleaned Caio Extra Quality (Sut por tS New Cooking Fig=pu I sssesnsddliii Peels --per oe ad Sugar, gd from Laimps--per Ib..: Granulated Sugar "hg Ibs fol ooeiiisa led Alntonds and Walnuts: gee I ib ech Pabtry Flour--b#g .. White . We pups in every respect. THE FORD; as all are are, is giving results and a8 to | prietibitity it is without hence its great populatity, CAWKER BROS. BUTCHER NOTE OUR PRICES ON SMOKED MEATS Swifts' Prethiam, Boneless Backs--by the pies Swifts' Premium Breakfast Bacon. ..... Bwifts' Premiom Stoked Hah .. wifts' Premium Roast or Boiled Hb avies' uity Back Bacon--Sliced...... Davies' reakfast Bacon-- Sliced, Davies' or oked Rolls... is i uality Smoked Hams. . eerless Shortening--2 Ibs; for Davies' Hislien 2 lbs, for.. Salt: Pork... CAWRER B R BROS. #8 Highest Price paid for Fgone and Skins, RED CLOVER, ALSIKE AND TIMOTHY SEED FOR THE SPRING TRADE All Seed sold subject to Govérnment graded accordingly. Prices Rigur

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