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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Aug 1916, p. 2

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#5 British possessions. # United Kingdom in the year 1914-15 imported meats faving a total vale of §311,000,000 Only $81,000,000 of this came from Out of this fatter amoant no less than $16,000, 000 was for frozen beef from Aus. tralia. It willbe seen from this statement that England is to a large extent dependent for her meat sup- plies upon couatries outside the British Empire. = The Argentine .. sent no-less than $70,000,000 worth _ of chilled beef, frozen beef and ¢anned beef. Canada contributed little outside of bacon and hams the war broke out there. have been continuous 'demands for meats of all kinds, Enormous supplies bave "been sent forward by the Argentine, Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Urag Some fairly large orders have'also been placed '* in 'Canada, . With a view to studying the # ation on the spot and acquil fpoformation for the direction © production Mr. H, S. Arkell, Assis- tant. Live Stock Commissioner; early in the year went to England and France, and on his return pre: pared a report which is amongst ithe mast valuable and suggestive 'Contained in Pamphlet No. the Live Stock Branch, * Eccs.--The shutting off of the "big Russian supply has made a big opening for Canadian eggs, which 'will continue as long as the 'war fasts. After the war Canada can 19 of ~ whold her trade if we pay special at- ee ention to quality and grading. "Bacow. ~--Through a lessening of e¢ Danish imports, due largely to ~German. purchasing in Denmark, 'Canada bas been enabled greatly to. increase her exports. The war de mands have been great, and ihe British workman, has been able to more freely. Canada can hold' sed trade if we keep up' he quality and carefully look to fhe d or curing. The outlsok for the feed time, Ane, - After an ioterest. ] +t has been found [of the Domid Fraice js, and will continue to] With | egret e; &: good: market for out meu eo nly. Segpea FACULTY ENTRANCE EXAMINATION 3 have passed the Examigations fort , Melbottrne ard (hon- Farts I and He Maty Watson, PORT PERRY HIGH SCHOOL PROMATION EXAM ATIONS The following students ' have been promoted from 'Form II to Form III : » Leslie Berry, 'Jessie Johos, Mar- garet Johns, Ruth Marlow, Lexie Munro (without Latina 'and French), Mayriene Short, Worden Sonley (honours), Clarence Stainton. Unable to take examination be- cause of illness, but: promoted on years work ;--Helen :Cryderman, Mildred Jackson. & 182nd Battalion, This maney wi purchase of of railroad fares, it meats all grade of 3 on the last non leave Canada. of time by its Cs of rail{" Straw hats are now the regtla: tion * head-gear at the 'camp at Heydeoshore Park. Lieuts, Drew and-Steckley are studying for their Captain's cettificate at the Provisi- onal School of Instraction, Camp Borden. * Lieut. Drew is" assistant Adjutant, while ¢ Lieut. A. B. Cobourg, officer. chargé of the Base Co'y., has been detailed for a three week's course in' Musketry,: at: Rockliffe Rifle Ranges, Ottaway 3 Every map in the ranks at Hey: denshore Park, is now the proud; possessor of a rifle and bayonét and belt. Thelr responsibility for the care of their arms, makes the men feel more like the soldiers they are supposed to be. The patriotic meeting held on the Rama Reserve, recently, was well attended, Addresses were deliver- ed by Mrs. Parsons, Sergt. Gibbons and Lieut. Chappell, which were given close attention by the Indi- ans. Severn Bridge and Rama Re- 300 $ix companies; 1 regulation four, and As Cols Saiyth wants enced Th hie woo Steckley was | & wh some aril, atid men picked out asm sent to Ottawa shortly gaurse of instru . all may ready for to leave for BEugh first of September, battalion promises to be 'qui irom all the heavy fatigue dri apd the long marches so . in the fraimng of 'other ubils; && slogan adopted isi=We want gute) work, not to fight--so ~any pel whoifeels that lie is able todo al of work for the Empire, asd still does not feel ike taking hazards of war cannot do bed than become a Forester, t Doubtless hundreds of mena realizing the opportunity whi come to them for service, for? 238th Foresters: are filling up 86 decidedly rapid rate, Right {el centre of the mid-summ: sh recruiting in this city, | Those wishing to take the Lower | serve have 'done well in supplyifg|44 men" attested to' tha fa3h School Examination Wilkheé requir- ed to remain in Form:Iidhe whole | which have been raised, there being bs ear. The repairs on St. Mary's Cath- olic Church being 'Completed, the sacred edifice will be re-opened next Sunday, Aug. 6th,;at 10.30 a. m. His Grace, Archbishop Mc- g | Neil, will preside on that occasion recruits for the different battalions left but few eligible men for mili tary service in either, of these vil ages. A mass meeting in the interests of the 182nd Battalion, was held at Washago on Monday, the 24th inst. A crowd filled the street in week, the record by a wide ma but the peculiar part of it is th det to get 44 men Ast the ical board there weré 156% plied for a place on the nit, would indicate not only the arity of the battalion, but all it 1sn't a case of "any old catching a place with them. matter of fact, while "the phy] standard has been somewhat in special cases, the gage hand preach at the Mass, 'It is much | front of the Northern Hotel -where physical qualification ol the td, be desired that a lgrge atten. (speeches were' delivered from the | who.become Foresters is abovg dace will welcome His/Grace on his first git to Port Peat and superior hie: ' Barrie's license fee for circuses is $150. A weedy and neglected roadside battalion truck by: Lieut. Patton; Sergt. Gibbons and Mis: Parsons, average. This is: accounted (d the 'fact'it is 'men who ar: a tomed- to outdoor hfe. who are fi a1ing to'the colors of Col i i re aaBces - were carried ou The recruiting meeting™, (4 at Sebright was attended by a nu of the young men of the ¢ district, asy well as the older ples They soon means a dirty fa: : y : ; ¢ gave careful attentlon'to- the ad- <fUrbeidge Tepotts: n '"cpidemtiic" | dresses of the speakers; and a' stir- ot. oe Wet weather: is | ring appeal for men was made. by . Lieut. Prueter ot the: close. "Se p ° another | bright has provided a' number "of on west. this men but there are still: more who A series of 'meet gs Athedley, Rathbarn of hogs is promisiog at a as these that the meetings jog held. Itis'to persuade : of My.. Robert sacrifice the pleastires and profit Bot wi branch | the present-time, for. the. lations, ole, will Bs heritage of the. future, which de- efore men 'who are ian and a Poli§ an 'additional -depot. has: od 'at. Hamilton, Pr under way for a. grand § paign to secuce the bata 130 or. three weeks 80 n can Burry: ov rae inti essentie} wor the: IP to keep iad 0 well supmied with: th has already "wiven 125 rapidly; nearin¥he™ moresremote de pd ® results from _ Winans 4 #0"that on: tha wheln the the wonder of recrul envy of-bthier-ani this district. . Ii 1s well to remind athesoms "ol completely desttoyed, bodies haye already been n etn Ang ? | This meeting will | usual interest." ! | inspected before. 1hi | Govetiiment' 'Officia net in he Get; all camps in by "have: fallen' victim to the mes, It is 'reported that 13 ped li Vegetables - and. Fruits. nuthbers will be rendered by en news was receivediin CQ | yore of the Soceiety. + if of the Catasthrope a meeting town council was held, and fal prominent citizens ors d a relief 'campaign in the The tows voted "$500 forf. ns, and the townspeople and ere thoroughly ranvassed yrning for food and clothing: wn was practically depleted he bread" supply, and butter, gits and various provisions were cumulated and shipped by special 0 leaving here at 3 30 o'clotkefbr north. Four doctors and four ty, rses boarded "the special, and ; aby invited fo' come and en afterbioon. Luncheon will be ed. Collection in aid oie C JOHN BEACOCK Deseased was a. tative lifelong resident of the township of (he tate. Win. Taylor of that no wealthy ahd prosperous towiish he being one of its sadly. pionee aswell ove of its mos 1 of TO 2 c and has aE pro s; together' with sip fe Beacock Was shee | plies: collected i in these towns. Local q undertakers. were 'asked to supply vias many caskets as they had on THE LATE MRS. WM. ip of [my Cartwright and was third: @8nghter day of Ju fo hike a are od this 24th day. of fe wns { THOMAS GR Klerk ohithe suid i in hand, and two baggag e ed to the: en ain north. At Eiglebnst 6 arrived with: vy clotling, havi their beds Nushka at * "of relugees 1 sto Cobalt, Hailebuty Liskeard, , wher &y Tope : <3 To-day' 's National train 'was b at Eoglehart f0ing later Liskeard, wh of refugees. mostly wot brought dé night, = Rescue, ra

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