| percentage of 33 /for" Manitoba on Jishes | mate of the yield 'of the principal grain crops of "Canada in 1915 (wheat, tye, barley, oats and flax- seed;) as well as a 'report on the con- a dition. of all field | crops at the end of | BFFECTS OF RUST DURING Vis AUGUST. Correspondents report that the in crops in Manitoba.and Sas- katchewsn; which were highly pro- mising at'the end' of July, have been so seriously aflécted by rust and bot winds during" August, thot large areas sown: will enther fail to produce any crop at all, or have Been.cut green, whilst the yield of grair faom produpivg - areas will be yery low both in quantiy and grade. Whilst the whole of Manitoba and ~ Saskatchewan is badly affected by . rust, the conditions 'are distinctly worse in the southern than they are ih the northern parts of these pro vince . Jo Alberta, rust, though present 10 a certain extent, has not proved destructive, snd the grain crops continue promising. Frosts however of August 11 and again faté'in the month did considerable damage. InOnfario and" Quebef grain yields bave been greatly.re- duced by drought in. August ; bat Maritime. toyinces and in "Colum condition of og OF PRINCIPAL ~CERALS, 1916. At is estimated from the reports immo that of the areas #owa about 13.7 per cent of spring t, 8 per cent of oats, 5 per cent "harley - and 1.8 per cent of Sax will fail te' produce avy crop of spring | wheat, 8 per cent of oats, 5 * per cent of barley and 1.8 per cent 'of flax will produce any crop of Of fhe areas sown, howevef, per cent of wheat, 5 per cent of oats and a small area of barley have been cut for green feed of turned 0 bay. These percentages re- t deductions from the areas p of 1,432,300 "acres of spring 'wheat, 841000 acres of oats and 'acres of barley. "1tis con- tly. estimated that the total wheat this'year will be 168,» bushels from a harvested ders. I in this sale. : +| looms up in great 'style--the Pur a Chicken~Ple Sup '*| Breds and High.Grades are beauties. | in the Hall ftom ; I oli Sop oo int ss nguitnt 4 |! 10 better to be found anywhere, they Excellen an 'cent at the endef July The wn then. The. Horses and Swine good and the Implements are pda Remember Mr. Aldred bas no further use for them and {they will go at' auction prices. Mr, is the Jowest on sesotd) Hien SCHOOL : heii abe]... FIELD DAY i cil fen : The Anpwal "Sports 9 of the Port wilh: | Petty High ~School will be held: in but merely charges a small admijss lob fee of 15 cents. * A Javge aflen- a Yimb of sone of the Beautiful dance of citizens of Port Perry and "| tides if *Mapléwood," law. fn the. | the surrounding country is asked. fing eesidental property of Me, W. H. 'Come: arid 'encourage thé students, | Létcher of this place isto' be' seen|spend 'a 'pleasant ' afternoon, and a lately constructed wasp:mest of | help the school. very large dimensions ; it i féct masterpiece and most delicately 'MAMMOTH and wonderfully woven, and demon. ; : strates the I ggity of that, At cer: AUCTION 'SALE tain times, noted vicious: litle)". Mr. F. W. Bradley, lot 23, con. insect that never * lets uf; natil iv|4t, Reach, (13 mile south of Sea- has accomplished its obijést, = grave) ope of the most extensive and Mrs. Harry Fitzell of New York successful breeders and owners of city is at present the guest of her Pure-Bred Stock. anywhere to be |sister, Mrs. George Brown Port found is giving up farming, and in Perry! .'lorder to make a complete clearance of his Valuable and Desirable An: N imals and np-to-date Implements, he oa ol he wat rpbut has authorized Mr.' Marquis to sell the future. There is gflltimé for 2lh: on the. premises, 'on Thurs- effective service at the front. day, Oct. 15: This will 'beone of |. Fire iv Prince ALssRre=Abont|the most important Auction Sales one, on the alternoon ap Sunday ever. advertised in that section of last, the rear of John Fortester's {country, * and the list, which is a fine residence was discovered tp be large one, embraces four Pure bred, on' fire, there being at the time a Registered Clydésdales: Lady Jes. stifi breeze from the north conse |sica" 19776), Minnie Favoirite quently: the fine building' was'coo-"[31267], Queen Favourite [33587], sumed; a portion of theiconterts of and Owea Smillie [17367] --all prize the south part of the building were winners and animale. of rare merit, saved. Much sympatby;isaxpress- aod. pronounced. by- competent ed for Mr. Forrester in his great judges to have few equals in Can- loss; the cause of "the fire being:ada, ;.dn Cattle, Holsteins predom- purely accidentals' -13 Cows and Heifers-- many small insurancepll 4b of the, Cows have milk {ests of great magnitude; ope, a three yea¥ old, RIAN has a record of 108 days, gave 4280 The New York press "begins to, pn milk average test 3.8, The Yotschs - are also top.notchers; one cow, Sabbath School ted the aie Ser. Official record of (9250 tbs: ig milk, vice and deserved much praise, Rev.} ;avefage test 52, making aver 570 Mr. West . addd d thie Sabbath 1bs. butter in ther laxative period. School, in the morning oh » sink Rarely are such animals to be ob- Our Bit," and in the evening bis ined --theopportanity is a grand abject was Obedience." The ser- r-| ome: The Swine are also of the Nicos were: very much enjoyed by| tight stamp and lo}s of them, while the large 'ongregations present, the farm implements are mod Mr. Bradley's great success i ANNIVFRSARY SERVICES. prize ring at the most _im| will be held in St. John's (Presby- | Exhibitions is a sufficient gu terian) Church, on: Sabbath, 8th |g to the superiority of tlie & als the admiration, of all who have given by the Artists % Miss Myrtle, M. Toronto. : ing! ok eB in mee, says that the Fre captured - 180 "&qo (about seventy square ritory, captured 30,00 ptisopers, temoved 4 and taken 144 pln 10st of thet of heavy cahbre, goo diachive ¢ guad and other material: It is pointed but: i have broken the <p mans, defiuitely de] their own favor. of the battle the ad : Germans have thrown: tle sixty-seven ncw seventeen baltalions; thirty-four divisions British frontj'and thirty-three di¥ ions, with seventeen battalions 6n the Frerch fron The prediction of two years mo of war will sttprise. host people yet the London Daily | ail. sagsif London is settling down | to her p in the work of the gutumn came paign. Everyone is very ipeful! and very cheerful, but the extfavag: ant anticipations of a few "weeks! ago haye subsided: T still heat a! people who are talking of an wi peace, and of - tradestiien who a recommending theif cistomers 36 p buy freely because war will be._over by, Christmas. These people nest live in a world of (heir, OW! bly, : sorhe unforseen cur this ig ios: considered' The expectation; tong" careful If | are short' of" food, and short indeed in 'some lings, notably meats and : the abundant lrarvests this i have scared them from -8 for many and' many &° come. They will have five upon, even if they:do the old-time iii fanorizn, Zeapetm® Oct., when Rev. J. H: Edison, B. je; is offerin : gin fact 'he would net| The ost Doman. O: D.,.of Toronto, will preach at 11 a.| have an inferior animal" abst his} This Trouble 18 POOE:E m., and Rev 'Geo. BA, off place, Be Being a competent judge| All conditions of depressed Oshawa, at jy p.m." BVEiyoe is | of essential t invited to attend these services. plortion, He > 2. pl The Sacrament of the-Lord's{and place of sale and dont Tail to Supper will be observed next Sab- [be present. bath, ¥st Oct. Orilffa Packet: fi conng ion *Hamiltdn 'Times :--1f 'President ity tend fo disturb the digestion, = There is np condition of life t os digestion. But Craanle ave 40 commen al bload. It affects. di _ {once the process of. ction only is the piestinal This new crite. is not like cted against the women of Bel. | differs from the murder of chapel iz childreq, 1t has. | afire. WW he etiminal "idea. that [casi dalties are seported to 'their own people or to children red. It is a gigantic manu. sind shops were Shspotshed or = ith' Tiving toatetial. She | aged dnd trucks were destroyed, and permanent ways slightly' damaged |intwo places. { | . "No reports haye been Tegsived hundred of them--known | of any military dam camps, tucked vay in : trier Corner of he Empire Combles and Thiepval, at ope. ne of these' secret catnps, a [tite extremities of ihe ridgs't tiarth'of "doctor, after mixing tuber. |the Sota Har have been the scene with convalescents. from {since Jaly x of the greatest series of diseases so AuAlithese, too, | battles iff the world's history, fell t before the France-British assaolting aufacturers" idea: bus d6 1] pofumns yesterday. British troops 'war in my own fashion. +% ~amang whom woreiprobabiy some of the Canadians who took Cources Ehereare.now 13.000 French and | 1 iq and the Moguet Form, immedi nd British consumpfives iu faely to' east Thiepval~stoznied erland, recently dumped out of | and occupied that strongly-hald ayn sich ax adyi¥ced stage village and a -high ridge to cast of : disease that they tio longer an viol elabprately Juhi aectal ns, ppfloners. Thou ed and defended with.desperation : : "=11n the centre the other tubgfculars ejected in | Gnendecourt, about ing conditingate already dead, bh Govegfment has'tranform-| Ger 5 old ponvent into a 'sproial vight: General Haigs ne J "1211 with the Frencl chy 7the Ba A small percentage of thelDomples, TF ty Roast heen taken 1a their i ha Fafacks were, off lass 'to the ~ enemy: "Ihe Victories ew. instances': fram" Swiss | Monday and 'of yesterday are the 4 factors who have aceess to Gers | most important-in ther feckon the many, we bave made the, Jiscayery [Kenetal $i he iv do lof the secret camper. « & majority of [7 Mie [them are in salt, coal and iron mines ; d in drainage aod marshreclama- | German defeat is #5 essenti on arear, The stories of hundreds} United States as to Europe, | tuberculass anit dattony have all|ought to. have been plain tw omic year ended June 20th, 1916, the odon, "Sept. . 2 Of; twelve | amount af : .oleomargarine used Zeppelins which i he U t 132,123,725 tish Totes fst nights deat deat 1 ds Een destruction fro Ee i ve I nitions to breed: contagion sieber of 'smal dwelling-honses 0