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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 9 Nov 1916, p. 3

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AY 6 ike Sotho fis ory of the injor { fizs.the nec oultry Pheer more apparefit ¢ present tife. THe demal unt eetented Thisis true wheth!|~ r for export or for home sonaunio? more - ergs. The ita consuntption of in Enis this 'year will bel gi ¢ 'before. Canadian epg 'firm. Prices to mely high, but es trade is nchens: cospects for a continued de: Aare very bright. THe coun? is facing a shortage, not. on'y of Cleurrent receipts, but of Canadian Jorge stocks as well, So great as been the export demand that we shall be obliged « to import . to meet. our: own' equivements. In In- reannd production ds fevet pon a secure foundation, . That ltry on the farm are rofital dy no RE Egus now fuok as "ins products. of. the fit; ltr ~ofuhrisante, increased mate. Gully ¢itho much additienal y fi ings and equiprient, "and 'the increased labodt invelved: is not Such as will bear heavily upon the tinde of t charged with the care -= of the stock, Some object to the : hen i is Phin hn higher than it was': Iwo years ago, t! & margi rofit: "yan as' will ee {a9 Fourably with at obtainable elsewhere on the farn na vi'egy producers have re. _ spdaded to the call 'for. increased: as. i porting: eggs a fow "years ago, has, gate, produced more than sufficient' quirements this yedr Le seven and " is going hin this year, nearly fa one. 'million - dozen, were Shipped during the first week of Oc oly on the: Bri J wal iy ; formerly: occupied: by 'thérewftef ; or the sum ob $800 may FLORA FERGUSON, "DECEASED: ECUTOR OF" THE of Fipra Fergason has» in- structed thé dndersigned ; to offer For Siile by Publie Atiefion the premises « on SATURDAY, HOV. JI, Joi AT 2 0'CLOC thé following valuable. sidence Property shiuated ° in the centre of Gleenb: scribed as follbws i Lot No. Thitteen. in "the Concession of the i Reach described as' commencing on the. South limit of said Lot at the dis- tance of 1 chain'75 links #om the South-West angle of the Lot, thence - North, 16 degrees; West 3 chains, then North 74" ees East 1 chain 38 links, then Bopith large, comfortnbie und com odious Shop and Residerice!in oad con- dition, with bard and até, being. the shop nd premisés Bundy, and later by Miss Carnégis nd the deceased as" a Genyeal Store "id part af Henrietta -Strect lying South aid "balange ii with the eonsent , of present mort- The "sale. x rticulars can"he ob from H. Gi HutcresoN, Stay Bank, Executor, 8. Hu EBBELS, Saligitor, Port | GEORGE d ACK. E gr G & UpHoLSTERER, Boing 2 moderate. Port ferry, Sept. 19, 191 CC | Fall Wheat . v\ Seagrave; a¢ 3 Plan of the Villkje of Seagrave. ct : Sesmssstnnsssinictsiisensg never failing 'property isa small family oR Tile is. firstclass hrances. Applicants» for any information: regard] terms, oe. ue PORT PERRY MARKETS, Correct weekly by Hogg & Lytle, Grate and Seed x & Lytle, 14d AE "Nov. gs 19:6. i 6o@ $t. 86150 s0@ * ~ OWT BY --Cherk, Migs: Beans dager), « W hithy Sam Grass See : x April 4 Alsike Cluter Red Clover... Peas (blackeye) Peas (sm. diy. Bu. kwhedt Cattle; per i Hogs, per 100 1b. Butter ,... HC BO me OSHA WA---Clerk, done Juicy Moreh 2, April 8; Mk Julss, Shae 4; Vet, "dy Jeals 1917, 2 REOUH A Wee Olerie i Qresnwood--Jan, he La 4, July 6, Sept. T, 10117. 8. PORT BR HY (lagi hath, loft Brey ga 7: March t May b, Joly EOIN» a, CANNIROTO OTICE 1S HEMEBY GIVEN] Wii Uanuhugie May 10, dh that the Muuicipal Counail ol Jan 11 1017. the Towel, tp, of Reach propose avg BRAVRLT He meeting te be held on MoNDay. To Consider 2 a By -Law 10 stop up and close as a "Public Highway and to lease or sell that Cir 3K nh portion of the allewance lor Road, Whithy. N : bedi that. patt of Tothship. Lot No. Dated at jth v,. Nov. 15tl, 2%. in the B35 Concession of the Toienship of "Reach known as that cant of River Street in the Village pf | ag shewn on the, Registered DISHEY BR EMBALM AND © DIRE! "Dated at Manchester in the Township of Reach, this 11th day ob October, 1916 : . F: DOBSON, TA Township Clerk FUNERAL BLONG BLOCK P Bell Phone No, 62. Promptly oF wr A large stock. of Ci Equipment to ¢l $ He SEAW'S TELEGRAPH SRL : RRA SG thorough, coiirses in op- i rs k by Home 8 y Plans or those whoatteud £ lht sessions. Fall § sént on request. § +H. Slaw, President *§ $3 By g Fast Tanto. +. Pept 8 'Nov, } THE QLD. os ro Assortitient of Men's and Boys' Boots for everyday Wedr lvays Reliable CLASSIC BOOT hy V. i hg: Children is He Best for Everyday Style FRESH FALL BULBS Wipter,or Spring Flowering in HY ACINTHS; 8, DAFFODINS and CHINESE LILIES, W. 8S. SHOBT. 'en Per Gent Discount All Eyeglasses & Spectacles _FROM 16% TO 31ST ne an Optonietrist and be| Te ea'of getting satisfaction. Spend your §s IN PORT PERRY land {save money. You get the same goods in large centres but you pay "more for them. BOBERTSON gives you the Greatest Value in ithe Optical Line, ask those who are wearing his ii Glasses. and they will tell you; J. RD. ROBERTSON JEWELER, OPTOMETRIST, STATIONER OCT. PRICES FOR COAL DURING THIS MONTH THE FOLLOWING PRICES WILL GOVERN DEIVERED IN TOWN Nut Coal Stave & Egg Coal FOR Piizens xz epiiitionsly negotiated. and 'put through TAIL system --you are insured on receipt of application. LSO AUTHORIZED TO INSTANTANEOUSLY ADJUST ~ We have established a Real Estate Agency and 'now have for sale.a numbey of First Class Farms Fand Desirable Residenfal Properties. INSURANOR We have full control in this dis fice of the General Animals Insurance Company. AGENTS vox LEBANS Ax PIANOS. gi WARD & PEARSE. THE FO results, and as to practibility it is without 4 foet-- We-purpose rushing business and gunrinten our trons astisfaction in every respect. D, as all are aware, is giving satisfactory. " A .~ hence its great popularity. St. Charles Borel" PORT PERRY Since embarking in ths Hotel business the patronage. of the i Cuarues Hotes has far exceeded my most sanguing ons and 1 wish a roturn thanks to the general ub an Forte farming community in particutar: for thelr gener: ous tid kind patronage, at the same time 1 would fitimate that the ST. CHARLES now possesses far superior facilities: for entertaining the public and no expense will be spared in making it still more perfect to meet the requirements and win still further approbation of guests. The comfort of its patrons will always be 'of firs consideration, so that thelr good opinion of the ST. CHARIES may be heralded thitou ugh out the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus mi intimately acquainted with the fact tliat Port Perry in being posesssed of the St. CHARLES is in the swim as regards firs class éind desirable hotel accommodation, and at the same time to admonish all that it is Toe HoreL that is doing its utmost to make hotel life what it should be, and that my charges, as in thepast, w be noted for moderation. The table always supplied with THE BEST in the land, and legal beverages of the finest qualities served at all hows ; imports ed and domestic Cigars. Autoand car tourists will find the St. CHARLES a desirable refuge for dainty and' substantial meals.and every convenience during their sojourn, and their vehicles will Le placed in charge of 'careful attendants. - The Commercial Trade catered to and first-class Sample Rooms are 'at instant command, GS. MOSTRIE, Prop ~Wool Wanted~ 20,0000 LES.

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