HUT 8 BOS, my = (NSURAN Roa! Estats : ~ Btestushiy Ticke § JR ; dK cL The Dirrox 'Befonis without : Aid 86 we give he } AE Bs peer. Tt 2 the BEST because it - | - Men and Momen of Ontario! We whe $tand for good will among niet ahd 1 nations} « opi wing Pow CE Roxie! it isa square 3 ohh * Hm a Wve whose men fight that there may at fast bé real peace on earth--let} ake this a : } Chiistmas siotthy of the day it commémorates--Iet us lay aside a genegbus proportioh flour Christmas money for the families of those who are fighting the geod fight. "Give to the Canadian Patriotic Fund hi tic that guards'the soldiers' familiés from want. wi ie Wor A Wacoal DEALRR IN fry Tupi: Ra ES! : ima d +3 Ha § 4 Gredt gs the result will be among the families of pur soldiers. greater yet:may y did eho Hlomisum MENTS 4ND, Mack NERY. ha a : : : Sd ai Slessing bé- among 'us, the givers, Christmas will have a more vital meaning for us or Rubber; : GR i os Bh 2: 'than perhaps ever before, and as for the children, who can measure the impression they 1 CM i : : LR Will receive and keép of that Chpistmas Day when they shared thejr'Christmas with igved ones of the men who saved their, couintryt' Tet each Canadian boy sid git gi lesson from this Wistorio Ghirisemas which dor the cause which so rg: "Somewhere in France" he is fighting the good Bebe 3 Soméwhere in Ontario all tHat he holds dear is depending ups decision. Truly "It is' more blessed to give than to réceive." Ontario will be ask- ed in January to ee sure the Canadian Pobriotic Fund that it can depend .on having 'six million dolore: jn' 1917 for the families of Ope 3 pec Soi hag ot | | 4 J J 1 | ' 8 el