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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 28 Dec 1916, p. 1

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~ Blook, Port Perry. aphoue connaction. over Bell dnd |- > 3 f hopin lines. Tages 3 2 WI. HARRIS, BAL | © _ BARRISTER, &es - . te 0. le EMR) = H Port Perry, -- gat. ; MONEY TH THAN. : ptm tpn {Dillon Hinge-StayBefice z reba Ti lr : Jno. W. Oroziet Manufactured by the Owel ound : ia Wire Fence Uo. Ltd. aid am § VEY vA anes, Bah Con | Prepared" to supply "thi avhole Resa fone mile west of Port Perry,)-- commuuity with the verysBEST Moray To LoAN. WIRE FENCE produgedion his ' rriage Licenses, Continent and at prices that "can Jusder of Marriage Temps: o not fail to satisfy purc S. E. FAREWELL, K.C, LE. B,, County he Divron Fence is Withott a . Crown Altos, Barrister, County Sol- { peer. It is the BEST because it is sitory &o., Notary Public and*Conveyancer. [foxihle; itis a square mesh ;9t is a Dffes=South wing Couck House, Whithy, |, fo y hinge stay: fence, therefore Senn it is impossible 'to bend the stays A > 2 , _"~. | that for 2 : Rl h mustard has tonfined 18 tne INSURANCE (i: Real Estate 5 0 I Steamship Tickets 3 Ee : Fg. de | ; had, I Rats / ' in his geighborheod. a ER. at 1s generous giving, tin't 15 Bur tg i .| had become infested {mn the y 3 fb 2 ; is oHll at war; our armies ars still r days, They were owned by men who." =F =r LE % a) 3 \ g did bot live in the neighborhood, and. i x = 2 LA soldiers' families are still in feed) i A) & . yours wera the only rented farts: = - - ~ 7 --_---- = A Tomb maintained. And what \ 0 3 es within several miles. For these reas. - WE Eo i Pas ZEAE E. © every part of the country men = sons they had becomes very & hi A. ADAMS, Hc. HUTCHEON, Bell Plots om be 'ayyig they Rave. given enough 4a the 2 contaminated, snd. at a certain sea Phene Nu.41 os . oa idence 6° Sh Fw SHimient shostd doe son of 'the year each was ay G : : - ar 2 | i now take the flower gaxdén, Bu' these farms werd: ADAMS &. HUTCHESON || ==" fr DN SA ; % * d 4 : ; i 3 Giver enonshit When the Casadisn g ta ! | tenants had'to wait for the threshing, i : SUCEESSORS TO | + & ad'in the trenches isd . g | machines intl the end of the in, DAVID J, g OUGLAS ADAMS % es ig dead tired, réady t@drop | and after the thréshing "was 'dome his 3, docs he chuck his job, declsire he the machines were always run empty: gi enough, and call on Guvernmebt to | ; a | for half an hour so that all the seeds f g | would hé 'shaken out, The 1 { 'miller would not chop grain from al | those farma for fear of losing the cus- | | tom of good farmers; As long as ww i these precautions were taken the get angther men? Given chotgh! Taithese a ehildeen are in need' while he, the wfay-dts homé, has a dollar to spare? Mortgage Lioans Fill in the following blank and send it to PORT PERRY % a | { | man 1g da has given enough if women and { i | 1 | 'mustard never spread beyond ths {| Une fepces of the contaminated : | farms ry i "OL late. years no sueh «care hss | bebn 'Xeroffed; with the résuliithal | the mustard has how spread -larobigh | throighout the neighborhood It ji Nol. This Fund, above ali fundé has on every citicen who is not himself & The fact that Government higsthot med r#¥pbnsibility for it is the fact that i : ' : DF oN Ss 8 every man responsible for it-----gven if <P AR hf Sinks the Fund should be muaistal / : : | brok ] : or t 0g maintained by Ate YOU Lelping to insure this home agairst need? broke a Terman Ditees UJ i: | moving away and selling their farms. GOVERNMENT SHOULD NOT CONTROL, BECAUSE-- The Be Qhers ware sot aq caretal of the land as the men and the sons ak Ra I. Governthent would have to tect ali alike, The Pond helps only those in nied. IF Government paid the of 'thie "mien 'who clearsd ito. hey fanilies of each soldier the averse i : : | would take the threshin machine STAGE Sutin 34 x > aa : al Eg =} nine millin dollars yearly, Paid by the Fund the extra burden on ¥he coustry would he between sight whenever they could get it; with the mes ri An Cn rn Ce ee . : ERB - | result that the mustard soon got = JA Mdrray, in fact it is the "best fence ade in RECRUITING LEAGUE; =. By puying the average sim those families in districts where cost of living 1a low Would receive rnore than Siart and is now found har Ralf ihe DENTIST 3 this or any other country. b > need; those ih Migh-cost areas would be paid too fistle: fang Of she neigh bor hoot Na only A Se y 3 % CR. I : = a . is . | that, but other weeds. equ \ ofl Ne Rosle Con Y Before purchasing a Wige Fénce Porz. PrrRy- Post. Orr { 3. "Costs of administration would be enormously increased, This work iv now doné; for the most part; by have gaided & foothold, and with the ov rary he Rose, x Son don't fail to" inspect thewirton & workers without cost. OF every Wufidred dollars subscribed, Ninety nine Dollargand Forty-six Cents go to the scarcity of labor and the gush fs a a fra NAMB®. oc. ana diieds A501 Fried Viel Frat fanfliss! Never was & volustacy. fundiag coppomically. administered TT To Tarmers Bot secustomed to the sight Crown and Bridge Sy vuocessfally Deaf 0 ro H. Browg 4 J 4% The work would suffer. There would be no more of the friendly, almost paternal; relation pow existing of weeds in the figld they seemed (0 rattled AN BAER IN AGricULTURAK SPLE: ADDRESS +p ron Re Go clr En ra 4 between the administrators of the Fit and the fanilies, Government works satomatieally. The Fund's visita become carelasg Whether they spread Artifion] Teth on Gold, Silver, HHiwminan MENTS AND MAcHINESYL / / are friends in need, therefore Tiends indeed. or not. Thycfturts robs gd are or Rublier Plates.' ERGRAVE SE hen EAE, aE EE A SRR : spreading #hd sprea . + p Silver Cn re AGE {asqus) 2 hi 4d 8 . 5 Taxation would be unigqual, fo sotne chinticd And some provinces 48 alrédidy taxing thélr people for this "I ged were to ask me what is ffs vi Gold; Silver gr om : ' Fond: Are ' y faxing thelr peop t £ th 4 of weeds 2 + ai Sn edi PREC Sesh Ff & LA + 4 a they to be taxed again by the Federal authority? thewrdot palise of the spread of w Painless extrrotion when a : oe » MARKIE! oR SINGER, daiiv ivan. ciiogesisnrnpus stoners \ pA . ly in (HIE Belehborhood : I Would aay ® #8 Prices. tinal vat BRAND. LRUNK "AY, SKSTEM We invi 4 "oy 1 sor ment who yousthan k 2 a8 he richer classes wold be relieved of work they ape cheerfully d They sce now bearing, and bearipg that it #8: far deeper than our geod ! Er TIME TABL®E 8 vite, you toisendins the names n . 4 ob they have the financial power snd the patriotic willingness, the larger shire ofthis burden. Why takeffom friends, the -sgrienltura) - advisers, v Cl Ce should enlist in the arfay dy doiogithis: we sili die a te ton geet yi pew this task, dnd give it to all, rich andl poo? seem to think. ~ Tt ds the DeLiey yo Lab i vit, lig by t ssen fig joijotp the colots. g Th i adopted in this eouriry years ago of» Ait ukippe. aim. teucy, x) LARP SILT Jo dow TIE oa od 7. "The Fund himafiat gi Tris SubiG spirits : : A Weekly Political, Agriculfnval ann 6.402 m. o-07:am, fi "da own themselves into HHS WORE Becauie THEY oe Bit" Tor w oy oir Contribution to f pi Family Newspaper $155 8-0) 335 Port Pe ge Recruit n Leaoue © J winning the war, Why stay their hand and stific their enthusiasm? | 18 suryeuns gus Yan work 3 1.40 p.m, 7:33 p:m y 4 & ¥ is 8 Last b : wid | - FR I8 PURLISHED AT CER ea ER 1 . + but sot least: Government control fieans raising the money by selling Government bonds: Govern: to leave the farms began. passlil® FORT VERRY, § : & ment bond¥ tican futube taxation. Aid hat nists Thit tHE retufing acldicrs will pay, through Jong years, a large of the possession of {he Samilles EVERY THURSDAY MORNING C.2 R. Time Table. ii share of the coat of caring for their familiet--a ost we, the stiy wn homes, pledged ourselves to bear, younded. by = ol Halwans ---- i Sh: 1 i - ¢ he BY MYRTLE STATION 7 TR T 4 2 - SH - MEN AND WOMEN OF ONTARIO: to thelr sons... There is nothing like B" PARSONS Gog: Easr Gola ihr floevivevenasvsovocsscoeen Bend your backs once again to this burden, If you live in the rural districts see fo it that your county cuncils the sane Jide taken in-kesning 163 N LAS 3 % z $ 'C Wi 5 8 . x1 1) 17 0. 6.89.8 fn. "TA 3 foake grants worthy of the counties and of the cause, If in the towns, start campaigns for individual subscriptions. adition by the DEW OWNers GE Was TRA, per annum i BAM 1 AIRE © pF 6.27 p we 8.50 xm \ Wh Hud persorially, taxed or not taxed, give ns you can afford, give as your cofistience t8lls you is your duty, your war taken by those whose fathers hewed than six moka: xd no paper discontinued 11508-p am i 6.50 p.m, y time part, in this day. of national sacrifice. out the farms from the wilderness: a rn nob give yout The Fund. roquires $12,500,000:for 1917, . OF this Ontario 6,800,000, toing fated That pride was the very soul oi. the ER oo ravi ho at our si A. J-DAYIS. Town Agnet, boy and girl ann ents of Ontariq's furatics Ir there ad focal oe a is in adkod NO Ey uth: Doha Sho exited rv i. agriculture of "this disiriét as prae: 3 J : 0 of, ot rhich you cdn su ibe, send yOu gi jo the Canadian ADVERTISEMENTS measured by Nooparis), 45 ie Rat charged sdoording to th space they aBoupy. | fre nig é : DVERFISEMENTS received tof pibiication, with- Miss BH | AD TI ots. Jneriusions, will busiiserted ti ; doll. forbid and-oharged uocordingly;. No advertise: 9 "ment will be taken out nul paid tor. 1, dlsoount atlewsd to Merchants id sthier Dress and Mantle Maker & LIBERA wha advarkine by bho year orhaif year ISHES to inform the ladies THESE Hen ak Lm adhered vo W that ' she has moved" tothe can BEATS Poni fuoms formerly ocedpied "by Her ; over Mr: Fhint's Drag Store where Programa, ©; Dodgers: Blane; Choke | she is 'prepared to: execute: all or Lotter Heads, Wading Thyitstions, ders for Dress and. Mantle Makjng Blank Farm Receipt Books Business Cards 4 manger unsuipassed for Booky Otreulars, Assembly Odrde; Correctness of Style Visiting Cards, &o, 7 of every style and color 'execubed pram and. Charming Effect. at as low ramps a Qur charges are consistent "with glher sraiishmant's the value given, (o County... 0 > - i aria fiom _& distane- going Posters, 80. | LOIt Perr, April 1; 1909, inbad oak Hye \hew printed o take home with them H. PARSONS. Pickustn TR in Ea LSE ICKETS TO ALL FARTS. OF THE x 3 $0 H. MoCAW, WORLD: ~Mr, W. H. McCaw, Port % PATA bY "erty, is now in dsposition to" issue TAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Out, | tickets to all parts of the world and Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883, to supply all necesgary information to parties as to (He cheapest and Ww. BURNHAM, Clerk of the Third | bestroutes, &c. In. addition to his Court, Office in Peot Office | numerous Ticket Agencies for Rail: road and Steamship lines, he has a ~~ heen, re appaintsd Ticket Agent for ¢ oy the Grand Trunk Railway.' Parties ol a J 3 MORRISH intending to travel will consult their ISSUER OF MA RARIAGE own interests by consulting = Mr. EN _ | McCaw before embar : xi -Porr Panny, ONT. + JOS. BATRD County of Ontario, Bale Register at T GEO JACKSON, |'jomrws ofoe buramge Slidiel Ask for our Inventor's Adviser. MARION & MARION and Washington, D.C.., op oan $0 make their study easy and effective! Give them the same chanees to win pro- motion snd success n as the lad having the LEER A advantage of meen WEBSTER'S NEW INTERNATIONAL § Dictionary in his home. This new creation answers with final anthor- ity all kinds of puzsling questions § in history, geography, % on, sports, acts, spelling, pronunciati and sciences. 400,000 Yoeabulary Terms. 2700 Pages. Over 6000 Illustrations. More Scholarly, and Authoritath tha: a ther EB: ive fn Any 0 ng lsh Bic tography, tes. Convenient, REGULAR AND INDIA- ROTORS. Stratagemn FR TR : Ruttiotis Pos, Yigta Sizesh, Oftana. ing received as much entouragement : 5 the id tees. tmportant dndas< ® THE CANADIAN PATRIOTIC FUND @ tries there 18 Ron Re pon to believe It Was Intended to Cap a that most of the farms would now - be in the possess: of the descend = . Re en en ante fone 8 CE Re - PBA ttt egeruare suts of the old pioneers; and that ture a Post of Wo ol the t tem EOGEARIARGS guard, who, aftér a brief Miterview A {hesé men would be taking as much . an orew, east a conte s 3 a d So. Je mseariiae rather thar "aT > 3 > » them clean as their a conducted him to the honse constitu : pride in keeping men Soldiers. 3 at' Bob find ordered them to give way. ing "the 'barmicks; The vommandsnt | the'lgok which appeared upon her tathers and grandfathers did." This produced s laugh on Bob, who SOON IDINPOETVINPIINCOTI OO : 5 Ic D sred from al ---- wis §ftflog in a 6 by § room béford However, this look soon pasred a Ret By OSCAR: COX Bad proposed strategy, but be bore. oot Cet Coes Sere. Forgisof her rage, find, Hsing, sh id GROWTH IN THE WEST : CONF L ESRI IIRID ESO ORE the ridicule 'with equanimity. aiid I Now that we have had some of your | inn Sill "There were five: girls in: the boat," ¥ { insteniction, Mewteuant, 1 pr that | Urban Tacreases Have Given Way 5 o f the or o& "1 recelyved a telegram this morning Ta ' 1 ' flitary formal 3 The yachting season was drawing € be Bhd, and fous ott te bi Tea from the depirtinént headquarters ore hh 8 fa re Rs on mt ] oH 1 Re Before War Conditions. i : od | reels. 18" epx- 3 2 shall appy troduce & close, and Ih Hathaw ay conely ed ia oe ati, tat dering me to fngpect thi post nud tens i el De AMY 10 nt velice £ préifiinary tetur of the results to have one miore cruise before putt 1 1 ie to 016 to be & oted der any informgtion or assistance you lie distince + ay oliver and oy &f the huinguennial censts "of - the the Eveling out of commission for i Jere font to one tu. be Semper. might need. 1 am Iieutennut Charles Gite distince hetweed officer and pel. Prairie Provinees, tiken last Tube, Sh We'll 'see who gball laugh last he $ y vate are nef too rigid I will introduce ¢ t Ferguson of the --~th cavalry." "YT am very glad to see you, lieutens gives the population of dities, towns, and villages in the three Provinces: here avchile 1. apnounce: the imtrodue- In. all but & few cased increases Are "How would it do," 'suggested Billy you ta spnie of the latter. Please wait 'Chi riley; "for one of us 10 personate winter. He collected such of his & friends as were able to get Away --som ow of them took thelr vacitions lute--andil a. United States officer sent to drip. #0% Tepliad the officer: "Had you an tion. ..¥on must vemember that thought | gros "Tic en the growth of Urban the party set sail well equipped foe, | the company 7" HOUNted. your cain ng OF Sven a PPeR soldiers we are still women, and a wo population has not been wuearly so breezy time, 2 "That would involve one man effect fn unison yon Tou have been re | man alwhys destrés to make hersél? | goat ns was the Case during the They had been out several days Ing an' entrance" mald Hathaway, cetved with m Lary ah I presentuble. when abou to DE pre- | boom times 6f the two previous fives fhéy came in sight of an isiEnd on.gh&l "and he would have fo be unknown ag "Unfortonately, 1 'wad visiting-a ganeaq year periods. In the list given out i aft 0 a jjibelonging to our party; If he got into Be Hien 1 received 'the 'ord@ry' Pes. { "ph ving the room, she soon. returned | recently Swift Current, Jor whieh Stites flag. Passings man In a the barpacks be might connifve at thy k a Secon: ha 1 dot Ti with her Deutenhants and several pri piney on palin Snbiect Phiord n except sviten on duty: nitted, all 6 fishing, they asked him if the flag magi | rest 'of us following him. Is thers a 3 3 4 EE a nar A Eater miias pot Bafa ac wis Lowa anvils JSEELE DONE Windia mine SE lyk tac she Tad ee 4 |e i ie were informed that it-did not. ~ A nun p about military matters? e lovely girl' with eyes like 'a 'SUimer | towns enumerated is approximately ber of young women who-believed LCA poll "was taken, 'with the result With the exception of this cap, wel sky, who, when {he others were gong, | aitiety thousand, as compared with preparedness had: Jedséd the sian tht not. 4 man-had ever handied.n | UAE for auto driving, i 'brought them ta bear on Fergison In & | § gain of over 150,000 bstween 1806 & women's barracks and drill £rof musket. Ferguson had beens mem- The captain asked to ste Ferguson's way that made him doubtful whether | ind 19%1. They had formed a company and } summit of «which fosted a yates. After a little conversation one <1 IVER AND STOMACH WADHG 5s oy May 10, .907. [SENSED AUCTIONEER for tha Indigestion, Ba4 Sor, Pale, . Seif defensy thax to attackifhe bland: f all the distress caused 4, Unmersity. Street, corner St Lay my a Catherine Street, Montreal, Canada at times almost dtove : "TUS.A LY I could scarcely mi 'this treatment my appetite gr ad I began to Auobl Nias Tiss dyseescd by Palpliation" and | how to take caro of themselves when ge uctionser, V &. | ---- fT ps will find Interesting en : called upon to confront a real enemy." 2 . 1 £3, fol~ ONTARIG AND ToWwxsHts "Facts i this Article. IT sou" going to fight. 'om he when the patrol boat was met, Iuspection. Ferguson lad seén an' hu- be hid given away his fgnorance' of a a popuiation of nas 9 : Hy 2 3 ; EO % with?" asked Bob Elliot. 'consequently they had pot been spection, so he cocked every plecé atid mjlitary mattérs and was about to be the fopalation of the latter 12,430. td = i © «Well, we have the little saltite gan. by the girly, These fellows pur How and then "wiped the metal with glected. from the post as an impostor. ee of the farmer city of' - Josef Fis prints? with | | s H d canvas sulty, the shirts having his white cambric bantlkerchief. When A sergeant placed a feather over each lite vo "now municipally, part : : Shaw AR road pars, and when rigged out in the Inspection wis over hie returned to ear, and a drum and fife corps struck | ins Provincial capital. In 1911" IK of Wi Iv wonid very well pass for navy the captain's office. and the Intter begar up thé fogues' march. The order "For | Strathcona had a population of 6,578, AR : "send the bog og ir f "Then the Nautilus--that was the to ply him with questions, " fard!" wag given, and, the captaln ' and tn 1906 one of 1,500: IN ALL COUNTH » ey who afe n - in 2 | oliigle fk-kors name-sailed for the BE "We are weaker," sha sald, "In fe fdrching beside him, Ferguson was ber of a crack. davalry troop, but had ~~ OFder to Inspect the post. Ile had sédt he Was on éattlh or fn heaven. Winnipeg, the largest city In the drilling, regularly. always shirked drill Besides; it was himself a telegrim to (hat effect while But presently his bappluess was | fiddle west, increased its Jopulaties, This information interested the ot likely there were any horses on the 90.the mainland, and now pulled ft oUt © brought to wn 'abrupt and humiliating | from. 136,086 in 181L to WN In, Men greatly. After leaving the lufq island. From all appesrances the seksi = Abd handed it to the officer. Whether end, The captain réturned with a ser 18186; being a gain of ,964, " y I ' 17 20 per ¢ént., in five yéars, ras devoted to infantry frututig. ~: or not gue as satisfied, abe appeared geant and a dozen privates, whom she | PEATLT : IST I Howeyer. ft was decided tovsall for {0 be so and, leading Ferguson out on hate o Hall, BIX beyond: the door ther yours 1906 10 1908 Vis : train these arte Intand, Where Ferguson, who 0 the parade, guve an order to turn out and §I% in rear of it. The captain ad- : Fray lo Birls' nh art personate an army officer, pro- the company for infpection.' The com- yanced to Terguson with the dignity of than BD van Regina 2 The way to learn how to do & thing dy | In a secondhand store a cap Wand was drawn up in line, the rear = g soldier and said: | with 26,112, althcugh a decrease of todo it. If they are obliged to defend | od with brags buttons, 'Hip. rank marched three paces to the rear, "Ligutenant, I'll trouble you to take | £108 has taken place. Beth Saska- | themselves against ua they. will know | Uf @ slugle sticker without a jib, 1¢ and the inspector, in company with the 'position there pointing to the fiter- ' toon and Moose Jaw show material ' 1 'minned by two of the crew<of captain, walkéd along both ranks, yal gains since 1911. ] eline, who had not feft thelr each soldier handing him ber gun for Ferguson's face fell. He kuow that In Alberta, Calgary siill stands 3 $e, 1b Followed by the Eveline. matter of guard duty than anything escorted to the dock. 1%ere the cap Canadian Officers to Visit Fromt.' : 'Deétiriug the island the Evellng ele. 1 should Uke fo have you mount fain asked him if he could swim. He Arrangement~ are being made by "farther astern, while the & guar® and Instruct us upon the ndmitted that he could. Sir jan Hughes whoreny a TU 'stifled on straight for the duties of the Sentinel" The Eveline bad safled boldly up to | of the hig officers on e in 18g the stars and stripes from "The guard" relic] Ferison, "sn position near the dock, cast anchor, = Cannda. in cin ts head, fndicating--eo It was mounted at any Hour of the morning and her crew were waiting the result Rp Nifans Brinda Wt a government officer was that the commandant directs. Tomor- of Ferguson's maneuver. When they and algo fu permitted to visit sently was walking past en row morning [ will be bappy to per saw him coming with a feather behind and the front. The k,"d gifh with Heht halr and form the ceremony for you." each ear to the well known tone of the yids, it is understood, $ Hrtlé of the Bair being visi- * Ferguson did not propose to be on rogues' march the Was t00 mnch gg General Wilson, of Montresi," 1k wal ticked away under the island the mex! morning finless fn for thelr gravity. Ir the captain bid . General Logie, of Toronto. = felt hit with' & large brim. hls true character. Fé couldn't mount any doubt as to Fergnson being an ffir posed visit will give these o " - out of the boat, and, a guard for a potato patch. . positor it was removed by the shout of tasight Into' conditions ou it -atiffensd bi' bis spine by "Who mounts the guard?" asked the merriment which grested him from the and of the fring line, which will be triangulated fo' fhe sentry eaptatu. Fa deck of {he Rveline. of gret.uge to them, in ec d where be would Gnd {be com- "The officer of the guard." He was marched to the edge of the ne the CrERMon a b The gentfy called "Which gnard--the old or the new?" §ock, his escort took behind is eos y the guafd, which wns * "The new guard." hazarded Ferguson, him with fixed bayonets, and he was | g hort afstance away, dnd © Now, Captain Mabel Hetherington prodded fo jump. He was glad enough | f 124 e énme Fergmson asked £0 £00 yew that.the guard fs under the or 10 take to the water and as soon as be anding officer, statiig Ley der of the officer of the day. Further. (ame up from his dive wrenched the wha on-governnieal busines. more ghe knew that there Is no officer feathers from his ears an ; poled at bis civien 1 of the guard, which is in command of &Way. Amid the jeerS of the soldiers Tass buttons Of. 4 sergeant. But she said nothing. Fer. 20 Jn sobjasions be swam to the Be sergeant of tha | smere would have preferred that she and : Eee Tow pm

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