the | Guriase. F Year's appeal of behalf of hel Fund : , Twice his Roysl Highness the Duke of Sf Copii appealed to the > a Cail a support of the occasion proves how truly appreciates the debt which dhe owes to her sons who are fight- | with the same Intter, wick the on oH he National 38 now shippi halibut a we ontreai.. Can are A ou Fridry. J 12, Let the Afteidnpes he There Ath Hib mobiles inthe d Liovd Gerg: vation. gains '1 makes it greats On the Yalivud « * Vancouver, it timated, there is water power capa of generating 500,000 posse-paNer; : Britalo doesnot slays do thitigs as gnickly as she might, but she gener- ally gats sronnd to them before it is al~ 'together too Inte, The names Hume and Jorning begin Therethe ngreeé- ap Ct | but what it Pears hag and wud iii for thie Edpire. Heavy as the Amar "Sacrifices Nave' siready beer; the Domition is as deterthined as ever to carry the war: to a successful " onclusion . and ' however onerous fhe burden May be, she 'is equally deteriiined to help the families of those who are serving in the army and ip the navy. The administra ¥ tion of the fund has been most . "successiul and economic and sub- fcribers can be filly assured that theit contributions 'Bre - being ex: to the bost advanta e. ity five thousand famuies, com. prisiog ove hundred and fifty _ thousand individuals, are to-day int upob "the fund and it is that twelve million five circumstances ate fully resized "Tam confident. 'that: the people of Canada will. willingly. contribute fiecessary for. the fund 1o continue its patriotic 'and' beni- ficent work: Fo (Signed) 'Devonsnizs GERMAN PEACH - PROPOSALS AND «OUR DUTY The lft of Getmany to discuss peace has sxcited world. wide atten. and upon our statesmen who Rive had' fo'give answer, grave re- sponsibility Has rested. All the ations of the Entente have reach- @ same conclusion. We desire | 7 ce, but it must bea well-grovnd.- ed peace with proper guarantees. These guarantees do rof appear 10 s tobe forthcoming, and so; tered the war for a great and worthy purpose, we cannot relingn- een atfained, or until we are : én sotnpleie(y of the fid We én off the Beld, and our PRESEYTERIAN OHURCH 'Phe Minister's subjects for mexty Satibath: will be: -- ed Christian Assurance } 7 p.m.~ "The Weariness of life or the Human Side of Ch Person," 3 d.0i. ~ Sabbath Schoo! BibleClass. AL pyr FOE SOUGHT PEACE | ERE BATTLE ENDED London, Dec. . 29. The Morning' Post, commenting on Geni Haig' despatch, saysi-- son of Somme? Thereyge many, but: the moral with which we ate chiefly éoncerned to-duf is battle was. scarce ended---indeed it is. not ended yet---ete German ed for peade. Haig sa pepe power 16°Abt yet br : yet possible to the time theowar: t; before 8 allies have' i! attaioed, ave "ploced beyond a doubt the "abilities of the allies. to gain those dbjects." In those "simple 'words, "Which must resound fn the German ears like thunder, lies the whole explanation of the Geran proposals) therefore #1 that the allies: eed" 'consider is} PY whether of not Germaad ' Wilt con cede the objects for which alliés are' fighting, 'of will prefér - o continteé vals that ai compromise" might be Bffected isin 'fact do afiémpt to spare/Germany, and ¥& Such 'a vio~ lation of neutrality. Lk BLACKS OCK ackstock, Las hese 4 hearty anid fnanimous call to 4 jg with the - importante of 'the : {ocension: l had a Out, have iy Jéé 0 Pro opts "What is the les} months, discov hey could neve bat the |, To reslity these overtures udaby 'the. Central' Powerd are yo mote thah a calculated attempt to influence. vhe future courses of war shd to end Hy g & German The ohjecy of these oyertares isto create pial in public opinion in the allied But that public opinion bas; in' all the sacri endured by the kilies: bas already its. answer. with ads mirable PRA hi hasdenbunced the empty. pretence of the declaration of the énemy powers. They (the peace Overtiires) have the further object of stiffening public pinks on fn Germany and b the couriries allied to her--one dnd all Raverely pried by their ipl ors out ie 5 acono) pEsure And crus im @ a effort which* has their Inhabitabts. Fa "They endeavay jadeceive idate public opinion in nex whose inhabitants bave rte it to §ibil tened to favor the many b human Floally, these overt justify in advance in # fai a new scries of erim: 8 War fare, deportations, forced. labor and forced entistment 'of the hihabitants against their own countries, and viola tions of neutrality. Fuliy womans BUS samally requirements, the allied closely Bulted fo tne sbandoning om. 'and &ipres the employees have the : ly: "The. idea has "caught on other 'towns. In many fat ed. unanimously, anid either instr -ed-the employer to deduct one d pay a nth, or appointed one thet own number 10 muke vl ay. : helpi 'family to get through' 1gii parative comfort. Big German Scheme Fr trated by Japs. London, Dec, 70 Majo Geb A al Sit Alfred Turner, whiting ind Asiatie: Review, ealogizes ap3 im se services (o the § : alfies; which Jugideny ally th oe to found a Getman Bmpité' tr the Epst, Germanys designs, according | artery included 'the uli whol Japan aller Eu had been brought to the Kaiser's! feel, "A To the tes 'comes what will Be the enlist snd hag not enlisted? Theobly way tobe 'sura el an y aif is 10 apply dt odce to hose who arg retruiting in. this county and lave the matter setflad, | The happy mien these: days are the men in haki: The. Bacon Hog Industry Tew véople "sealine the change Bdusiey. Prior wibe exports reat Britain Chvada di enemy, "for in he xpotis clined. 73.0002 Pounds. <A the 'game time a's exports lfaVe been rontire DES oti Band which 'seas 8nd de ri) tobe the. chia +Gy ual al station An the Far: Eis al +h scious of the gravity of this ahesinére hav bee |- es oe xn | 'of the man 'wha knows. he Sian house of mained a for. a 'yeh. Sats the anbivermd, reat faint': was of which