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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 Feb 1917, p. 2

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course, a fow senior teams here, there throughout the Province "of tario, for it is not necessary that ely men who cannot go to the front the "should cease to partake of healthy "1 émereise, but on thé whole hockey is +" "mot what it was in former years, or what it will be when the war comes fo an end. What has happened t¢ hockey this winter happened to la< LB last summer, and to Rugby if aw ug the games played in the Do- males' as the Englishmen left for ihome as soon as Germany launched upon the world. Theén:the Ca» 'began to put on Jali and {elouds were strong, but in 1916 phi bad ceased to exist. Hockey J fared just a little better requires only seven men fo relation to the national Iife. Ghani purse In my pocket. has three typical natienal staying powers, aud the ability to think quickly. They can only be Youth's Companion. Canadian town. In future they wil have to be silent, as our athletes on the firing line have shown the value Marines, a sergeant 5 the nations. Persons who declared Visiting a battleship. lacrosse and Rugby in Canada for ghare of the work." Ways remain as a proof that charac- teristic national sports play an im- ment that Canadians have put aside heart. their sports until the war is ended, that professional baseball made But it must be borne in mind that art is the baseball, the 'owners of the "bowl of franchise go States and gather together a number of men who are making their livings by demonstrating the national game . of their own country. They assume _ HOW the name of the city for which they Blondey is described as a good advertisement." Jit would be an cqvally good adver- #d as 'The Terrors of Toronto,' "Because professional baseball has Mrs. F. 3 Bow tinued to prosper in spite ofthe'. Mr. WwW. Tore hy paused al ml to put op bls dnibrelle. ood, friend, Jou 9s Sth tumn. Cricket languished first 2 "fhe nmbrella sprang oped. a team. ) and exchange -gmbrelias. "All this 18 as it should beand indj- mest get. my prescription. ¢ates that national gameg'have areal into my puree, but I do oe . nl la- have left it on the doctor's tabl erosse for the summer, Rugby for the "Leschetisky," inquired his friend, autumn, and hockey for the winter. ae you 'quite 'sure you did mot ledvy They all demand the same qualities = 'ie voning in the ear and thet I of virile manhood, strength, speed, - not walking with your twin?'-- 3 played by men who are physically ----t-- 2 fit, and they have developed a splen- More Soap and Less Water. g did young Canadian type. There were Becguse they use too much er people who <agcd to criticize thé soap women 30 mot ie amount of sport to be found fn a 334 100 Bile whiteness tn poo i 1 6f games in developing the men of €0rps told a fmrty of society we that the boys who played games took "The eye. pafuing brilliancy ef interest in nothing else but were white clothes ip due to the fact "sporting mad" bave seen their mis- we wash with ogr beads as well take. The suspension of the hockey, hands, and we tet soap do its the duration of the war because of ~ . thoroughly the absence of the players will ah rt ER continued, "and the less water and ortant part in the life of any coun- ore soap ome uses the whiter the and that the interest of the two Washing will tara out. things are bound up together. The visitors seemed greatly impress- It may be that some stranger in ed with the lesspn given them in an our midst will contradict the state- art that ls dear to every wemaa's basing his assertion upon the report - - Making Meniiny a Lost Art, 'money last summer in the Dominion, 'That the making of bominy is a 108 | freedom and of law and of a just|Ententers appears to have been 1% Du Archer at the Lecture of thefally, and connecting Port Perry by come to by the |,nd noble peace Till that is made professional baseball can hardly be editor of the Guide to Natufe and |; 0 noching else supremely matters gponsiered under the peading of Ca- quoted by the Literary Digest. He madlan spo mig more 8c- hag veral years and many post- eurately described as a peculiar de- ooo SD a vain effort re "The ins and outs of party politics | = Such is the absolute value. of velopment of American business, 88 0g ope in the United States a mill (do not matter. What mattered in gold that a ton of it is worth / the ful trust in th ' Ed ER is £8: aes interes: . @ness to fruitful fields, Deceased . Detied States that exports manufac. that can grind: corn Into the hominy Britain was not Asquith or Bonar same, whether itso Jgolid b or BLACKSTOCK jal to the business interests of this was deservedly regarded as one of Directors--E. Umplirey, James > tured baseball players, and we have that was by our grandparents. | Law or Balfour or Lloyd George. jg stamped as British sovere y Pplace. It was Mr. Bigelow wie or {Brethour, 1, Pinkham, Dr, Ofivery no tariff against them. Some think they have it- but It always | What matters in Canada 1s not Dealing with this subject, the Ca- turns owt to be'nothing but hulled corn | Borden or Laurier or any other! *There are but 3 nadian Courier recently said: "When or the so galled hominy grits, meithe® |...n or graup, of mea. skin, Soricg 1917. a Canadian city desires to 'have pro. of 'which. weul] have made the clagsic' matters just NGI: - { rat: yr --- a you. Jonesy" ald Vibe THE TAX KON | PROFIT desirable bome marl Brofessional baseball team has been pr, ,5,,; Eaniskillen Quartette : t low. oa Noted BiirReton String Orchestra-- § This méans, therefore, that a " a : susands of youngfoified in presenting a SR CHEER Sons Condactos dionsand dollar contrihution- costs y bis me' vaudeville eircuit bill>" pp, Norotas' ute Tevor - Coie "yot'cahi Shing coped' the goutle down to two hous solid Hn- conqueror : EF All ES {h Entertsibment 8 m in| Feast in the hew Church of the & row (Friday) under the dusp People's Societ and rare treat in ] are present. {furnitore, etc., he has suthorizedfiicam a Esq., an extensive . Mr. W. J. Gibson to sell all on the] manufacturer of flour, etc., of tha premises on Friday, Feb. 20d. nse i i of | starting sharp at One o'clock. Thi _|snimals 'are a choice aggregation 228th [and include registered Clydesdale of bir: | Horses, Hig Cattle, Swine, Bowmanville; Monks 0 Toronto. AND AY Low Prick Pe Gon Batallion, Pary MONEY. Footie Arthur Allen, of Bi ave | Tire OBSERVER a last. This Bat HUBERT L. EBBELS, |overseas shortly, Bartister, Port Perry. | ng man luck ge cf 23, iin the, year 1851, 'h the < : Bigelow, together with his bro The, Society will ask Department for Judge on Horses. The Society also intend" to hold. a Field Crop Competion this year--Qats will bd a : low. pi A short time afte & ge Joel ability by ifidustry and perseverance] moved to Whitby where lie entered §t® accufitilate property in a rapid the erdp for competition, a rant t toto the: mercantile business, Mr gmanner; it is related of "him tha i OrricERs FoR 1917. ? i sirable animals at Auction Prices. : success nded alt his ots, he i OnOTAF Direetors-- Senator Beit, Don't. fail to make a. note of tin Rac in phenome I degtee;atid that one farm §'C, |. Thoronton, M.P: ye |aind place of sale and be presen Khe purchaskd for $3,000 paying for Rowe Divectors.Mosdamep, Jat: Jas: > {shatp on time.' - wey ye fom the, J chit, S. ...C.. Ferguson, J. to. go there will not be the. slightest fe h 7 thie. | sétve so the oppottunity will be military career. North Ontario Observer.| ca. 1. #. ka Ee TTT TTT ure inthe Town m Oficial Paper of the People.) |day. February 7th 4 FOUNDED Ld 1887, of Topsiculonis, iy traveller 'of rectors --Isaac Whitfield, Black Bhai ==| 4nd a speaker" i betwee fact Toe as we ads ibe. videos anwas iden fled # A distarited ul the Seman $5% fie "stock; W. A VanCamp, Burke= Not Any Ke Elections for|is worth whil epring ¥i is Ee You Wit cine hom ally and otherwise, wit Was iat vellons aii 3 re (lidig ton; Wm. Darcy, Burketon; Jas. 'I'he Globe, Please. Scourge, ew fis the "Great || oy Eimportant improvement for which departinent becarhe a Hicrative one;3 Byers, Blackstock: J HM. Devitt; ri, tiie, we are all proud of] Biackstook; 'Andrew Devitt, Cad mus; Jo hn Wright, Blackstock; John* J. Jobb, Blackstock; Pred. Taylor, B.ackstock. Auditors - Samuel Jeflery and K. A. P.ok, Burketon §Secretary-- Robt. Philip, Burketon. ;Treasurer-- Edward Montgomery; Blackstock. ee phic all pertaining to his farming career was highly profitable. De- cezsed was an exemplary and con- sistent member of the Methodist Church, a staunch Liberal and had this place has always been 'foted, and he possessed the requisite tact gand superior business ability to make a grand success of all his numerous undertakings, being 'un tiring in his devotion tp.any object the courage of his convictlons and} he deemed of sufficient importance' a charter member of the Sons ; Bio command his attention. He had 3° Temperance Lodge established th the honor of being the chief instiga-§2t Greenbank very many years since. Etor, promoter, and -advocate that He was one of nature's treed BROCK AGRICUL- nobility, hale and hearty up to the TURAL SOCIETY end of a life of eighty-nine years, étive honorable and industrious, a' The annual meeting of Brock foving husband and: "Agricultuzal Society for 1917 was White Plage" | besides side lights gn the. p -- war of fon, 14¥on" are in this to wilt, so push on i ; : Only a collection taken for the Berlin; time during its long existence has ii Muskoka Free "Hospital for, Con: God bless ya, our brave Cahucks. advocated opposition to ill bppon- ei ents has now seriousls come to the |SUMPtives. PA pr our brave Canadians conclusion, that, just now, there| -Allan'# majority in West Sitcod You're Canada'g Hide to-day. should be political peace. Have |was 631. And we Motitéiland too, her eyed npon§ the results of the recent contests in Po oh eb f luck in the f ollingwood S ay.scl cols have or she ears o urpluck in the fra Ontario and Quebec convinced it| iced tos for " aN Reliel You' re Sghting, 4 lear, for all we ho that, just now, and it might also Fund. 4 And we're grateful to you each day. include any other time in the near Then "Long live the King" we'll J . RN J ven \ future, will it be posseible to setiz| Six youfig people fost their liver And ive it for Aye" ously damage the stability of either |'" skating accidents in Nova Scotia The Globe, one of the greatest . tf, we hear of your valorous deeds | election fiends extant, whiciy for all railway connection with' 'the, 'Grand Trunk, by his unremitting advocacy of the construction of. the good citizen, 'Oh. brave soldier boys from your Boine- the Dominion or the Ontario Gov- |13st week-end. land afer, ere %h Id in Sunder! isda © ? at father. He leaves a dis-3"¢!d In Sunder and on Saturday of ernments. The following quotation| Six hundred Canadian factories ee Casiidd siisses yon sore, Port Whitby and 'Port Perry Rail-girduis } last week. v . - Le you , stout hearts have won for usg Lo a.d so persistent and insistent} congolate widow, five sons and four, is from the leading editorial of The|are making shells, end foo;gob | honor and fame; } i oo p pe Tish | batt daughters and a large number of The Auditors' Report chowed the Giobe of Monday last :-- are employed. And Jou praises we'll sing o'er and@was he for its accomplishment t aty Society to have a snug balance to 2 the invested almost His last doflar in children's children to mourn the loss of one so worthy of their esteem, their credit in the bank, although "There may be some adventages| Oregon now they have "bone hen stay ; with the fight, for your tate ¢! it is right Porder to attain its completion, in tbe adjoutoment of Parlisthénn dry" prohibition, That is, it i¥ & ale Remember brave. Nelson, of which he did and it was wv him, gout while they sorrow they have no the fair last year Ar hardly a suc. alike to the nation abd to the Em. | penal offence to bring ligt into Tm over beast, this ot eohion will B.0d to him alone, 10 a certain ex. §eAUSe to complain for he had done pods Doapehlys his was due to' pire, if Canadians. all Canadians, |the state. ) "God bless you brave Canucks." tent, that the scheme becatiie a fact his work noltly and only laid down the fac that that certain grants had been Gut off, including $60 from' turn away from the squabbles of County. party politics and, with and earnest | Peterborough Review; -- For | [Tbe sboveis ffotn the pen @ ofat so carly a date, and he is thus hen bis work was done. He too belonged to that class of nature's purpose, set themselves resolutely Hatley Dewart the land of beer a Port Perry poctess, the publica Bentitled to the credit of increasing . It was decided t i to the real and serious business of{and wine seéms as far away § Atul fioit of which was inadvertedtlyBihe value of real estate in this place jroblemen, the sons of toil, whose make er oe 2 endeavene to the hour. That first and most ur |esgine sell. skill, industry and perseverance air for 1917 a huge suc of btditted from ot issde of fast week Broa very large 'total, besides ex-g was subg with fine elect by Mr cess, not only in exhibits, but io peint of «ftendance, so there will be no balance on the wrong side. Ofticers elected: President-- Robt. Young 18t Vice.Pres--\Wm. Medd 2nd Viee.Pres--D. Oliver gent business is the winning of tribute s ht this world war in the interestof| The chief mission 6f the 'Shine contribute so much to urge on the car of civilization and progress, whose foot- -prints are deeply indent- ed'on' the "march of intelligence, wiose willing mind and poweiful arm convert the forest and wilder-§ Etending its population very materi- mos ws oii andor | Co, BI, Sour I ie Met either for €anada or for the world. the war. January 231d} railway with the world. He was ever on the alert to open ehAnnels3 of communication that could 'not fail to prove otherwise than behefic- of. progress. and pros- 6¥pY SUPPER AND RS anent tl : Oyster Supper. and Knteftain gi i adspices a No: 133 will be held in -the Town$ » sha, Blackstock. on the evening of§ hur Feb, 14) gig, id' ae Ligeal 1:38 Ges "Work, Supper oe lenfitalr aight, he are worse j Teaching, after all; His now mourning widow will miss him, fifty-two long years: as mag and wife they shared each other's jays ahd sorrows and hand forward Pop one VINDICATOR VALUES - President, Wilson of the United States has created much talk by ook part itt its 'sirvey and "the uilding thereof, acd made no mis- uke in predicting that it would Farmers cannot } .. are 'playing,' though of course the creil * ud socal br of the community romance thee?' . are willing to recipe bielp- witl commence at 530. followed by prove a grand acquisition, nothin hand they bravely fought the bat-¥proposing to the Senate of that or con tn an omand. a ee a 747, Sar roceaz Rates H 0 og to maintain the which a Comic Minstrel Show ; Recita-Balone to our town but as well to the tle of life together, raised a worthy gcountry that the present great world Righer salary elsewhere, and in the i Woy og show 1t," said Wetherell ow a Jompany Can Give ma es that market pg =Ciil~| tion and Song by local talent ople of Cartwright and Manvers, and saw then all comfort- ur be ended a ? *Pajce Wiiliout ¥ maniine they perform I efciently «No, but #b® knows that I know how | $1,000 to the Patriotic Fund lia Packet, Admission 40 cents,' All are cordi-#and the other township adjoining. ab Jruated. n fee. Besides hisgVictary" for her hes o Lhont , not for the honor ot . . . ! Sit, but because they hope some day Od ar Ye To, Yorad she's at a Oost of $750 Goderich Signal: gh the |ally invited. . He was also Port Perry's first Post- e 15 sy " five sons' yoo into t - Jett $0 ) " oy to receive a better offer from a more pro bar a Tool: : Ross rifle has been ; EF Willan, 4. M: Buaster and first. Bank Manager. i JO ae 8 ort er goo ish Proposs i a bo fe "eo 2 portant elub. Under such an ar- pi ' - i py ; S. Jefe D 2 A i {| belot rt an enj: ard, "has tip locus star di, it may be sai fangement all the best clements of ois boresstiar It may not be known generally the army it appears 0 the | > Jelery, ] Deceased was a loving and Beloved Alberta; nd, Ward, Hampton; ghat its crudily does not reflect cre oe premium is put pon mere "What shall 1 do at the meeting that contributions te the Camadian rem ne i To nyshand and an *ectionsse and M#: Rich. Ward, Sask.; and fourtditon either the Le-rt or the braiw + » victory, no matter how it is attained: when | want to make a #peech and | Patriotic Fund aiid the Red Cross' oth Grit a oH PALE, FEEBLE GIRLS dulgent parent. In religionbe wasg iters Mrs. Fred, 'Toiinson, fof the President. All (xperience on' 4 Canad ans are asked to throw them some others bry to bead me of can be treated as expenses in any| PRESBYTERIAN a Baptist, and prominent in politics Fe SE Mrs: a Hiltson, Us. Salt planes of being deronsirates which they =n Soceme eutbusissiie ae i. i 0 ¢ business subject to the federal tax CRE Weakness Generally' Ooimes ey ew He was bride: rd Eh, Toronto: os that there mist Le victory in any . over & bunch of men who owe t is impli i On as omantiood pre-deceased 'by his wife two years ' ' =e 2 "Oh, thet 1s easy enough. 1 was ia |on profits. This implies, of course,| Next Sabbath} dehizies fizht befcre peace, and our highest: allegiance to another flag and an- *h ' ' Frank Otchiird, Craik, Sask. clore | , R od oifice sof ut public ideals, and who in Faiieny 5 last week at Mrs. | (hat tha profits on which the tax is for twenty years pnary in: Approaches ak a own of Hie POEUR-TH S . Honey, Jam, {authority 'as a Christian people! > ;return for so much money received : based are lessened by 'th China, will address gdopuon Wr. igs ew has been Eo Wile bows (hat the final vi is to be' . are willing to uphold for a season or 3 y 'the amount ' ' : grega-| | i agth, 1917, William shows Fat the final victory is to be nd "two the glory (?) of a Canadian . of the contributions. tion of St. John's: Ryterian) br , fronored with every important mun Deceased was one = of te solid over sin and death before eternal t NY rhe m more one examines the char- | a Take a sample case. A business Church, at ek, on How often one sees' girls + She hovel fhe) offs tee] Oe Poors Scugog, than forineily of gpeace tan come. In' the preseor i o! wor- = .: @oteristics of professional baseball, BURKETON |makes a profit of $10,000 in excess "Phases of Mission WORE China." been strong:and lively become weak Ky fi $9 a ie ax £ Mariposa) having long since, owing§cor flict the Geran Allies repre< lt ry form of hot HERE WE ARE AGAIN! |[ofseven per cent, sak on this] DF Menzies is 2.3 i depressed, irritable and listless." It BY he nhs te oy Sa og {0 his persistent and determined et-§sents sin and death, and these / weather vaudeville done by carefully' 1 oT . of 25 per dent.' PY But if speaker and'it! ER privii is the dawn of womanhood--a crisisfgtive life he wasan invetera Jor €ry fortito accemulate' wealth, acquired enemies of mankind must be van- [drained and high-priced artists, It Burkeétoh celebrates with a Grand | ie, pisces Ha contiibuted stioop| {or the people of Port. jear | 10 the life of ever grand promp never deserting any project that wasg dimpetency. He was one our quished before peace can come. 3 GE ny of the wpirit that ought to bg Concert--Enday, Feb. 6. 1917-- |, ne paerivtic Fund its Profits wilt) MI: 3 : ares are ard boyd that sly to peove be wig » the pec. mest valued and worthy farmers, of There will be no peace without vies' found in true sport, but it does with be following Migh-Class |, 'iin 00s at $9,000, and its tax-| The Minisfer - will Bond 12a Vintol "heaith, 1 the blood iegiue he represented and he seldom WE £ industry, §'01y in the present world war; Pre- : ah a elias Talent.. Don't Miss 1t{ The Con« ation eo be redaved i 2,50 evening sevice, i subject | not healthy at this critical Sago the fever failed in securing a. desirable LC nabs a ron Se io ue oh sident Wilson and his ilk may resf * respects it is like vaudeville. A ceft'of the Season! ¢ on. ¥ _is:weakened -and dis. result; while on the platform parses Angrintegrity; She o ~ $assured that the forces of righteous- i to $1,250, 8 saving of $250: will be "The € Pink§a tower of strength an those worthies who have done so Fie hake oor bappy and pros- ness must peevail before this is 2 fit Cavida what it i to-day, a woild lor civilized people to live'in' z (and of patriotism, plenty and pros- peaceably. Victory first, peace als terwards, but an assured peace' pesily., He mas. aloving and be; tlirongh the downfall of the forces have been Hiciong nw 3 Sronbufiias. might have death gmanner so judiciously sustai of an un. Blogical argument as not to "fail to strengthening gconvince, and he. never undertook the giver $750. - COM INERS |) heim "The Kaiser has taken to fighting ; pS Fi % fucing » liberal 10. enlightén an audience on. a- sub. a, kind and indulgent; evil, --~Oshawa Vindicator, with motes and proclamations, | "PPoVited & Board of h of ih, healthy FE k ict on which he was not thordugh- i het posted. Ris enterprise was ork least pleas

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