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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Feb 1917, p. 4

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PEACH - LEAF CURL. | Methods Su For the Contre} of This Blight. Now is a good time to spray for con- of peach leaf curl, according to plant disease authorities at Cor- They say that the spraying may any time after the leaves fall the autumn and before the buds to swell in the spring. "* Orchardists In New York list spring found that peach leaf turl was very much in evidence throughout the state 'wherever peaches are grown. Accord. ing 'fo the authoritiés on pling dis eases at the New York ftate College 'ot Agriculture, peach leaf curl is one of the fungous diseases of which the control is well known, the method of treatment highly perfected andthe fe- | obtain He: : ash. that 'the conditions which have beep fayor. uble for the peach leaf curl dis namely, the cold and wet w, ing the early spring, disease, but cause ak FERRE S FREE LEAN oo EE + NG DOWN BEANS. + down beans or peas heen shown very prof- [ # procedure by itself, 6 has been shown +r d e stalks and roots of the crop. thbbdtttb bitte POTASH IN ACTION. Interesting Researches Made In Cali- fotnia and Utah. When the #rendt experiments estab. lished the fdet that potash was with- fan fromi the formed grain to the alk and lemves when ripening of the grain proceeded, studies were made td g rr brrr bb rr bree + v in promoting cireplation of sap." Indeed, he went on the action of pob: {1 If for any. the mother is unable to breast b | Food mast be used either partly or entirely. Then © are oblig "gd pecommend the best form of artificial food, but before doing " ¢lan, nurse, and mother must exhaust every means to keep up tl { Bupply. Do mot try to do'this by the use of beer, stout, wine, or any : of alcoholics. These articles do not improve the breast food, and b delay spraying ptil it was too 1ste. | go far as to claim that these two alka- oy gave UD SPIraying | lig were practiciily interch b - and could be used to replace one an- epdit it is stated that there | other in fertilising.' This naturally led to some . interesting researches, abd | 5 gmpie construction which can be there is some confirmation of the theory that, while potash made mel low, juicy fruit and its withdrawal from grain resulted in hardening, soda gave less juice, bpt firmer fruit. Some practical everyday confirmation of this has been observed on soda alkali soils fn Californla and Utab when easily applied to and removed from the horse's hoof and will, when in place, be securely held against dts- placement in any direction and will means which will aid in the a3 of the ment to hoofs of different size and shape. 'the baby. ood is cow's milk modified to suit the ny ehild. The milk should be caref selected. It shou than; raw milk, 5 et of clean, healthy, well-kept cows. | §¢ 'adeh milk cannot be procured then the raw milk should or boiled. Some authorities claim that boiled milk is It raw, pasteurized, or bolled milk modified as follows: potash was used as a fertiliser. This THE FORMULA--1st Month. Roughage Fer Cows. brings to mind an-old custom of grain farmers using chloride of soda (salt) to harden and strengthen their grain Under most circumstances the cow should be fed all the roughage that i tutt-term baby will usually take in twenty-four hours: -- Ci ream--Two ounces. Skimmed Milk--Two ounces. Boiled Water--Twelve ounces. stalls or 1 1 was po. 10 mks the | re, int [7 le adlusting he grain stand up. : - Only when the cow tends to become must not. be interpreted as an overfat should the quantity of rough- excuse for dispensing with potash age be restricted. when fertilizers are feeded: for the The Fighting Priest, special purposes which potash 0°Go! known to meet. Ome of the a Socecoccccccscsscocssccces tava Teosaly returned to Can ot man notices among | © ® recover from wou receiv a toon som cee mons | & ORCHARD AND GARDEN. § Dioy'fim: to dispense with this ingredient in ap- | coecccecescsceecsessscscses kROWR in plied fertilisers. They reason, for in- priest. Sugar of Milk--Six level teaspoonfuls, . The sugar of milk should be dissolved in a few ounces of boiled Place this ina pitcher; add the créam, the ski milk, and the bal of the boiled water, and stir with a spoon. This mixture should ! Le put in twelve separate bottles and placed in an ice-box, or tn or and sdded to the bottle as used. -The baby should during the month have a bottle every two hours from say four in the morning to. at night. The food should be warmed by sitting the bottle in-hot water warm it to & comfortable heat. Jt should be fed through s& large nipple which fits Enugly over the neck of the bottle. Needless to say it is fmportant that bottles, nipples, and 'all utensils used should be kept ulously clean, Too great care cannot be taken in this regard, | this disease from plant to plant g Fs? ftaly is Is GASOLINE POWER SPRAYING OUTFIT FOR LARGE ORCHARDS. the leaves were nearly all affected, if the varieties grown were subject to the disease. Orchards sprayed too late were in practically the same condi- tion. In other cases the spraying was early enough, but not thorough enough. The disease is easily recognized by peach growers by the appearance of curied and deformed bright colored Hostead ef normal leaves. A severe {attack will result in the loss of the leaves and no growth of the tree it- stance, that as grain does not carry free supply of potash for the plant , the nitrogen and ' phosphorus com- | pounds would not be carried to the | flower and seed, even if taken inte the ! leaf and stem. Good Calk For Horseshoes. The Scientific American in fllastrat ing and describing a toe calk for horee- shoes, invented by W. Gordon of Phil- adelphia, says: The invention relates to improve- ments in calk attachments for borse- shoes and has for sh object to provide In going through your wood lot cut the poor trees, the decaying and crook- In New York the "average" €ow not pay ber board. Try some thoroughly slaked lime a top dressing on your Jawn this ter. Several doses give the best re- (] She (during the spati--Yow should bate mertied some credulons stopld, | ptt. He--Weil, my doar, 1 did the best ¥ could ~Boston Treascrips, Formula for Second Month:-- - Cream--Five ounces. Skimmed Milk--Five ounces, Boiled Water--Twenty gunces. Sugar of Milk--Four level tablespoontuls. Formula for Third Month: -- Cream---Six ounces. Skimmed Milk--Six ounces. Boiled Water--Twenty ounces. Sugar of Milk--Four level tablespoontula. (Continued Next Week.) he There will be a partial or total ailure te set fruit, a general lowering the vitality of the tree and a sub- nent faflure in the production of 'buds for the following yeiir. Re- Joss of foliage for several years fiwesy-£3.be @ total loss. Even slight | [Sites affect orchard production. Peach leaf curl may be controlled either by bordeaux mixture or by Hine \sulphur solution. Since the lime-sul- phur solution diluted at the rate of one 8 to eight gallons of water will also control San Jose scale it is more : | used. If tbe scale is not ou aE THE PRESSING NEED OF MEN. at the rate of one gallon to fifteen gal- i lons of water. The most important factors in the control: are timeliness and thoreugh: psi ness of application. Infection appears' proved effective. Spraying may be done any time after the leaves fall in the autumn and be fie Province andthe Leader of the Opposi- ently from the trenches snd have bork ite distingt impressions. To these im- 1 d Mr. Rowell ate copstanty iving expres. ston. A few days a 5 Hearst said (Bat dothing 1 $i ow on the battle front or he: gland or France, would lead him to.think that victory was early. we y th allies. The German machine, he said, is being slowly broken ill be a log and weary st et befor co orig Be ; 2 100g 48d_weary foegle zs ore 4*Meu at home who breathe tobacco smoke as freely as they breath ermany gives in. dand he had spoken to George and rand i y had -asked him what pan do, "Ontario can do more than she - (UE dir; cannot know how much tobacco means tothe man in the tiénches has-done." said thi statésman, *'by sending men and more men. g | ar how much tbe loss of it means. During the Spanish-American War i by usidg every resource and every available ae: © ++ = lin'the U, S. Army regulations, tobacco was officially classified as "Offi- $ Lr . "2 lcers' Supplies" It was considered a luxury. AR ? ¢ + 1**When | cabled from Cuba-that our Soldiers in Cuba needed tobac- ppeal was ridiculed and 1 was adhd il our soldiers did ny : i mas and eay-decolonge. The min who had t bacco, and who could fill his pouch or case at the 'The Prime Mi tion bave both retur brought back with th pressions Premier Among the papers left by Richard 'Harding Davis the brilliant ican War Correspondent and Author his brother discovered the following message, written apparently a few days previous to his death. [ESTABLISHED 18571). " Evaryboty mows it--if it is in The Observer."

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