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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 8 Mar 1917, p. 2

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Ea TE SHOWS MEALTHY GROWTH . - ie ee | MEETING mh Ne ea 4 NOH OntarioOBserver. o,,,, rps Be ti. Inspec ot Directors, in presenting to the Esarsholdols the Forty secon An- port of the affairs ° nk for i gpding 3 anuary, 17, have pleasure in stating or ayn 5 'well employed dur- the past twelve hs and a Ty is wn in all de- 3 confidence is fully justified, is shown the remarkably good statement Mr. Albert Roberts of | bas purchased of Mt. § 'Royal Theatre togethes whels block, and-has (The Oficial Paper of the People.) FOUNDED IN 1857. ETE only Paper Printed and Published in Port Perry. RA ent, etc, amount to $580,230.10, being at. }6 paid-up capital of the Bank for the year. ge forward from last year and the sum 'has been app: as on [ ir quarterly dividends at the rate of 18% per anm@m.,.. .. «- tributed to Officers' Pension Fund... 9 Ne.or PORT PERRY, MAR. 8, 1917 VOTES FOR THE . LADIES creasing the seating alreddy has sho: by introducing 'the photo-drama_ extant Cry of Peace" whic blood in your veins, you will experience . a » | 1 is generally recognied that "| financially, the past year has been a to P ¢ ar Tax on Bank Note Circulation to $ist 8 " 1916. ferred to Reserve Fund from 'Premium on:N: . --_ : : a ; . . feet of Film, th a i Loe 'of Profit and, Loss Acsount carried AS th EMHE | The Ontario Parliament has re- Shot pv g difficult one in many and Be will sen tho eneny ching. the powerlessness of New. Bw the year. Basico sl the. Seat: Wav P a. = solved unanimously that the names |jis size in the Doin York, the weakness of its forts and defences. You will ee the haves } During ! hnurat, New Dayton, a Travers, Alberta; HIcKIH 2 "|! e Branch at big To wed = Ee and Bcliu- dui bythe cc's bowie, and bs. of the ladies of this province shall fnost hegoriul sky Tine in the world in lames, the .| ba placed on the Voters' List, thus entitling them tv both Parliament ary and Municipal Votes--that. i The. usual inspection of the Head 'find the 'staff have faithfully and -efficfedit! 3 ony have riot yet reached 1 ags, more particularly. when they C Ci thes 'm ful photo-dramayet produc a ! : he "required | BAtth 48,292,664.67 ' wond 106,399.61 639,598.51 er " Read what ie geat Dailics bl incre se pver 386,476.55 i j ; * ca ou \ : i ? ; : i 24 ? : QU Re ge ] rl a thiey will be Jubjeline a Poll | Bada sayregardiyg its © us yeat of $16;82 Duriog Se ; o pa ? dn GR J ZL aan Tax annually, besides should they roranta Neb" te Battle OF he year the usual dividends of 137, oya ed 1 e or erry ,242, ) 'oronto Ee 3 . = CU were - a, ¥ g . . ® "$e isasones |unfortunately be of Grit extraction | Peace" is a treme ously ishpressive Petting ty $398,899.00 mere EE ah 9 oe - A w | 4 $569,850,274.99 . . icture, and a terrible sermon on thes d. $20,000.00 was appropriates ae all? Spd . . ASSETS. Yu §59.880.27499 | {Ley might be expected to liberally The necessity for tary prepafedntis | | Se Officar' ie poaer og ' , Nader pdt coln held by the Bank .......31,582,743.47 subscribe to an election fund and on the North Am Continent, Ce Te . i : oo hed, Gu d Res crves. 1.729,781.00 vi i Toronto World--*'The Battle Cry 900.00 to the, Patriotic Fund and FRID Y ND TO Y entral Gold Reserves. 1,5600,000.00 © 016253047 thus be robbed of their last cent. Is Peace' is the most wonderful of all filfis{Jeindred objects, while $30,483.75 : A A SA RDA Deposit with the Minister for the purposes of the po, TE not the Legislature rushing things [and its series of thrilling pictures; shoWel gis required to pay the annual War } 3 Circulation Fund ........oeeeeveeeraenns s... § 156,000:00 . > ling the bombardment of New York fram] i 4 , Bites of other Banks . 210.240,00 in thus extending the franchise laud, sea and sky, Wall Street district It x to the government on Circu- . em ; J 3 u ther Banks -............. . iti . k he ; . ; © Balances 'dua by Banks. wrsssis oi so suddenly to the fair ones and | Manes {oF (XOnRAivE OL FN Eind. | ion: $91,947.00 wus carried fos MARCH ; th #2 10% ] ad ward to profit and loss account, dents elsewhere than in Canada ...... 594,376.27 i i t d ki . thus expecting them, perhaps, in 2} Toronto Telegram There ave b aking that account now $153 | ' ¥ not exceeding market value ..........s...... 1,674849.49 .. , i i war pictures upon war pictures exhibit x é » . ° i er ie } . g 5 {Canadian Municipal Securities and British, foreign o few day s, to vote intelligently, why here but this one is the biggest and mo 593.63. : ~ Admission 26¢c and 15¢ an war tax. , 404 colonial public securities other thau Cana- 5.871, derib not take them on probation,|poweriul sermon that could be imagint T ds th \ ¢ k . v 'Rallway and other bonds, debentures and stocks ~~ § L'_. post them on the political questions| Toronto Globe=Asa story, 1s © Toe owards the close of the year an S------ - not exceeding market value ................ -. 208603 sacle and as a sermon ou the necesifigtissue of $500,000.00 new stock was| ppTHEL (NEAR SHIRLEY) DESIRABLE RESID NTAL . 3 Cait ard Short (not exceeding thirty days) Loans 3 of the day, or give them bogus for military preparedness, "The Battl€l ade at 100% premium. From this ' ny : ' : 3 4 ot n Canada on bonds, debentures and stocks .. 1,656,956.71 ' . | Cry of Peace' constitutes a class all its ° : 5 1 hn T 'were "ig 4 3 - 7 -------- 11,626,139.63 | ballots for a few years and ascertain | own. Itis based on Hudson Maxim§|source there has been added tothe| Mr. and Mrs. John Toms were PROPERTY FOR SALE "Defenceless America." Montreal StatTo do justice Lo the extraordinarily * powerful photodrama The Battle Cry of Peace" one would] figures of $46,292,564.00 as against reserve fund $333,342.00. The surprised Monday evening, Feb. deposits have reached the large |19th, when their friends and feighs bors walked i #nd Filed the house. 32388,664.10 | \y oir qualifications for the franchise before placing the Government of Other current Loans and discounts in Canada (less rebate of } INEEreSt) Lo... ee eee eas -.. 85,892,084.87 Liabilities of customers under Letters of C .e 68,645.84 IN PORT PERRY | TEA & GONGERT Real Estate other than Bank Premises ... 19,607.16 i i i i : {OV a cided fo a ae. the Province in their hands, which y i 4 N Co . ~ ee : Bani Promises, at met mote than sost. lees amounts writen off" 1.379.035.88 Te ok - ave to write almost wholly in superl#S} §43,009,050.00 the previous year at | The occasiot wis their near retoval | r[*H{E UNDERSIGNED offers| The Ladies' Aid of St. Johns Pres Other Assets not {Included in the FOPSEOIE ... ross rr ovr sree Hana certainly will be the case should Montreal Gazgtte--* The Rattle Cry of the same date, from the farm they had occupied for For Sale that "nicely located yenan Church will give a St. ' - ontrea -- - . . : i k's T d C enjoyed and desirable residental property, atrick's Tea an oncert on the < |W. F. COWAN, President. AUDITOR'S REPORT TO THE SHAREHOLDERS. » I have compared the above Balance Sheet with the b laf'the chief office of The Standard Bank of Canada, a ein 8 received from its branches, and after checking the cash' and verify- ling the Sscurities at the chief office and certain of the priacipal branches on .Janpary 81st, 1317, I certify that in my opinfon such Balance Sheet exhibits Hey of the state of the Bank's of ory Inforfitat! ibe explanations given to me, and a¢ shown by the pretu™ #% true and correct oks af the Bank. In gédition to the e hief office 9nd certain of t ination ks of the "Bank. \all transactions of ihe Bank which 4 principal branches were checked: and verified y me at angther ime duringipbe year, and found to be in accerd with the afksen: Gordon '& Dilworth, $59,850,274.99 GEORGE P. SCHOLFIELD, General affairs according to the mentioned, the cash and securities at the All information and explanations' required have been given to me, and Ve ha: fre under my notice have, in my ippinion, been within the powers of the Bank. G. T. CLARKSON, E.CA., ° "Toronto, Canada. ad fiddle sErutinesrs not a very large proportion of the manhood franchise voters return {rom the front. + DUNDRENNAN FARM," MANCHES- TER, SusTAINS ITS SHORTHORN RE- corp.-- Messrs. Tocher Bros., lead- ing Shorthorn breeders of the weal thy and prosperous township of Brock have on four different occasi- ons during the past year purchase on each occasion an infant male Shorthorn, the product of *Dun- drennan Farm" and so delighted ar® they with their purchases that they "It is worthy of note that the quick assets of the Bank are over $22,000,000.00 of nearly 507, of the deposits and of these assets $10,- 762,524.00 is cash on hand. The total assets of the Bank ate now nearly $60,000,000.00 the ex- act figures being $59,852,074.00. A review of the Bank's figures for the last five years shows an increase in deposits of over 507 and an n- Peace" is frankly-a propaganda play for preparation, and" as such it is always earnest, always. persistent, aud at times terribly eloquent." - 3 Montreal Herald -- For though the arning is primarily direct to the United tes, yet it has its lesson too for other countries, including our own. yo "Battle Ory' at The Royal | Some idea of the magnitude of "The Battle Cry of Peace," which 41 will be presented on Friday and forty years. Everyone themselves for a time and then the event of the evening took place. Mr. and Mrs. Toms were presented with an address which mentioned the good works they had done especially in connection with the Church and Sunday School, and how much they would be missed ; they were asked to accept two handsome leathern chairs as aslight testimony of the esteem in which they were deem them priceless and they would Saturday " Royal Dhondt, [Say grease ip total assets of about 60% e gained from the following facts. hoo P Io support ol the company there ep " a most remarieable show were introduced 16,000 Natignal ' i ! . . Guardsmen, B8opa Uniop, vete! psd # THe Bank continues to bear ifs 5,000 horses and 17 Automat share in the development of the held. Mr. Toss responded 'ina suitable manner; after. which all joined in singing "He's "a Jolly Good Fellow." Abundant refpesh- situated on the corner of 'John St. and Union Avenue. containing five Jots, with hall-an-acre of Asparagus and choice fruit trees. and small fruit. The dwelling is in a good state of repair; electric light and water works and every convenience. Good barn and stables. Possession first of April. : MRS. C.J. PEARSE: igiorsii REGISTERED AND HIGH- - GRADE SHORTHORNS, Are QF evening of FRIDAY, MAR. I6 in the Schoolroom and Church. An excellent Musical, Literary and Dramatic programme will be rer dered by the Port Perry Quartetie comptising Mrs. D Archer, Mts. C. Crozier; Mr. Follick and Mr. Mc- Intyre ; Solos by Miss Ruth Rob- ertson, Toronto, Miss Bull, Dirvis, Miss Bessie Crozier and Mr. Letcher, of Port Perry ; Recitations by Miss Purdy; 'A Drama "The Train to Mauro' by Mr. Jos, Baird, Rhena West and James West ; Music. will he-rendered by. Mr. }= Roach and Ross Roach. Tea serv. ed from 6 to 8 p.m. Admission-- Miss. ments wese then partaken offi and Adults 35 cents, Children 20 cents not part with them for any consid- --Mgs. J. WW. Crozier, President * The famous stables of i ST-CLASS HORSES, SHEEP, e.My, all went home" w ishing the famil SWINE; IMPLEMENTS, &C. Mr. F. W. fot -th i i d 1 i oy wv, with Zeppding, 1orpe do beat country as will be noticed from the As Diréctors ng F. Cowan, Mr. Wellington Frageis, K.C, Mr. W. of Hen, Cowan. Mr. H. Langiotg, Mr. T. H. illan, Mr. G P. and Mr. [eration Helv | fact th bli IT, H. Wood. @At a subsequent meeting of the Directors, Mr. W. F. on Dundrennan are not alone noted factors that make "The Battery | fact that loaas to the public mow - .. : Mgs. C . Awas re Fr Ta - F » : LE } tong life and prosperity. Mgrs. C. W. Powers, Secretary, Poranto, February 25th: 4917. Wellingon "a BOHOL TEL D. for the superiority of pure-bred of Perce Ae on or of Jel ! stand at |$36,064,865.00 and not a| °"8 Bren. The undersigned has been instruct= y General Shorthorns, that comiiiahd the pon showing the hombardm dollar is invested out of Canada, {From The Globe of yesterday} db $898300956368588208888855528388 ed by Foe TT WM. SAVAGE to Sell by Auction on Lot 1, Con. 7. SCUGOG (about two miles from Port Perry) on Common Sense in -Forse - - Breeding It is probably safe to say that more buyers from a distance, In biggest figures, but the dual-purpose | of New YorkIrot 14nd, sé& An; Shorthorns that first see the light of | the Wall street district:in fh pnd the dynamiting of. seyer 1 day in these stables as milk pro-\g "yi 4inge are among the A + Spring Term Opens 3 ba TR DATE FIXED= The date is fixed fof Thirsday, Hustract o Auditors Report Provinée their thopghts "turn first tothe Oxford or: Bay of Quinte district. © There is' pea¥on for this: The reason is found in the ew Ya inthe disricts named'a' carload of a the rot stock Gesired can be| Mare (driver) aged. ducers of the richest quality, have | no caiional. 7 March 15, for Mr. Jas. McKee's f n significance and "wofth that place Great Auction Sale of Registered | search of Shorthotn Catule, 2d . 3 rom July 3rd No forced va- $ FOR THE TOWNSHIP OF | them ontop. Two €ows that have Yo Zina and Grade Shorthorn§--there® are Clydesdale horses, go to Soutl Lx- Tuesday, March 20 ions, No waste time. Come. § % forth {rom the stables in ques-~ S7. Patrick's Dav. --Lst th ian] H tario than to all the other districts are -§ FreeCatalogue. Write Shaw's $ 3 gone rw tendance at the celebratio 51 Head, all choice animals and the | of hye Province combinedy It is| the following Choice Animals and | $ Schools, Tatonto, 3937 Yoige § ~ . tion have lately made records in the| patricks Day which how Ail | Sale will doubtless prove one of the | equally safe to say that when buy- Up-to-date Implements § St. $ SC { [ Record Petformaiicss of the Do-| be held on Friday 16ih Marehy be Greatest ever held in the district. | ers are looking for Holsteitis ia this HORSES S880R0I00203 B00L4003000000069 ' . p: . * Colt rising 3 years, gen. purpose Horse, g years old, Clydesdele Horse, § years old, gen. purpose 'Black Mate'8 yrs old, gen. purpose in keeping with the excellent and Cencert bg Yield in St Presbyterian Church in the ® of that day. The array of: for the intellectual feast 52 ; t minion that do honor to Mr. Chris- tie the enterprising, worthy and' popular breeder and brand him as a phenominally successful breeder of Mr. McKee anticipates shorlly to give up farming hence this Sale. Mr, Jackson will conduct the Sale FOR THE YEAR 1916. POR THR TRA RECEIPTS EXPENDITURE pure bred stock; his product in that! ed elsewhere in the I can b ). ; | Raa ure br ' the advert io, class of - S16 ; SHORTHORNS » : 5 . ee line is in constant demand in the should and will be' suffici AY INVITATION i A | picked up in a single , pay. This is } EG: x MAIL 3 Blasco gohan. 1+ 8 148 85 suis choo 8 29 00) (SELEY andar vty Togo sesmblnglm| CT): DISEASE fe peacicn aoe stent hed Rows el rai oe oy 5 | ive CONTRACT . a oy a . : = * Ls 5 : ws | pa IA A E y f Rainey Tox LID 04 County Ra 14197 wha tl beter he do pa ve who ake the coming OO in. Soy Fabel ob) Red Con ye ot tbe | 83 imps Cone SR wid a UR 4106 87 | Wire' Fence Bonus "poy 72 quiréo peddle, the youngsters of tion. of the Green Isle's | Impure Blood Means a Break dusighated , 93 "Caly "| HIGH GRADES OBTHORNS April, 117, for sateen pr Bd : we - his stables scarcely have their eyes | Saint. - i . |\08E TT Pk " Roar Cow 6! yrs did, givi Ik jesty's Mails, on a proposed Contract Sols) ie 4 Sa. 2008 0 open before they are grabbed hy 0 mab ... Down in Your Health ° - § i ootRal Se i oat & ow 6 I Id, giving malk, for fou yer, Toeive mes per Somat La a aero... 60 47 | competent judges for their purity of | 1 J VS purchased 1 pure blood is an invitation io| MUL Sides 7 «cas Comba yi¥ old, dusin Apri Grand Trask vis Prince Alkrt 5.01 rom --|of breed and perfection regardless | nificent Rose residental pra os, The blood is at work | Bm ge "I "Roan Heifer, 3 yrs Sid due io Apel he S18 117 Sets omtainiog ! . 3 $4805 46 of price; While the "price. is far| John Street, ~ This is one an Ap Ontario minibter the other Roan, Haile, yrsio + due last of) = mation as to comitions of td : Balance.onhaod. ... 182 96 lfyom exorbitant in every instance it | most desirable properties i | day borrowed from their. - Military A s mont Contract may be stett'and blank forms of : Po : ; ; ; oe in ox io set of lap. | ieifer 3'yes old Tendes may be obtained at the Post Offi jr $4988. 42] - . is almost priceless however to}. gg Tt-will be ses 'by: Hoppitals Commission a set oO Ron eiler 3 months old «ces of Manchester and Prince Albert, et 88. 3h keow that the animal is backed |tjsement that. Mrs, Cs tern *Tiese slides show what |" Roan: Heifer Calf 30d at tue office of the. Tost, Offies In- ! - by oneof Canada's most careful offerin for gale her at the hospitals and sapa- "y Steer Calves. ? ? » Tororitel, &¥ Assets enterprising and successful pure | properiy" os the ec toria. That is, they show something |. 3 SWINE A. SUTH RAND, tir. + ina s Se se hd ~ | stock breeders, treet and Union A of ur Thjisred'. soldiers. are io PIgY , Post OrwICK INSPECTORS OFFICE, x - ' ; yestored 1o health and: about 100 Ibs. cach - + Torriito, Feb. agrd, 1917. : EO 1 4 POULTRY * Hens

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