hate ¢ manction over "Bell atid i ent lines. Wl i AARRI, BALD. tr to and occu 93 of the Jate F. Port Perry, BONEY TO LOAN. Private Fuigds as 4 per cond, = . Yaruold. Ont. Zh 0: 'W. Crozier aR. SouiciTor, CORVKYANCER, hs &v, Office at resislonee, 6th Con, h (ome mild west of ort Perry,)-- _ Moxay To Loan. fssnar of Marriaze Licnses. B PARI ELL, K.C., LL.B., County J Attorn>y, Barrister, County 8ol- Notar Public and Lonveyagoe. 2d South wing Court House, Whitby, A. MUR RAY DENTIST Rooms' over Rose & Co., "The Far." Hours 9a. m. to 6 p. m. J. h Fil Family ye . WR FOBLINHED AT ; PORT PRERY, © AVERY THURSDAY MURNING v H. PARSONS TEE Pe wy eo ir pe Wim rad} he. 9, Songerie snd © ADVERIT: rod tor piblicatio wih, BE AE 8 LR A LIBERAL Ak dir gioste Maiohante and other EMBER torms will 8l1 onges be ftriotly adhered to J 308 0 ARTMENT. Posters 5 i tut a Heads, Checks Laitor Heads, Wedling Invitations, Bskporsh bo Wigks Duiainess Cards ut of thei' . to au} nesdays & Spm. "R. 0. CHURCH. = REV M9 ONRITL, PP. hind Sundayat 1030: mw; Dillon Hinge-StayFence Manufactured by the Owen Sound Wire Fence Uv. Ltd., and am prepared to supply this whole community with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers; The DiLron Fence is without a peer It is the BEST because it is flexible ; it is a square mesh; it 1s a perfect hinge-stay fence, therefore it is impos:ible to bend the stays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLrow Fence. J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL ImPLE MENTS AND MACHINERY. . SEAGRAVE April 6, 19n5. GRAND. TRUNK K'Y SYSTEM TIME a BLE. E. A: ADAMS, Bell Phone No.41 FIRE LIFE Real Estate Steamship H.G. HUTCHEON, Bell Phone Office No. 6 Residence No. 4 ADAMS & HUTCHESON | SUCCESSORS TO DAVID }. & BOUGLAS ADAMS INSURANCE MARINE ACCIDENT Mortgage Loans Tickets | DESIRABLE RESIDENTAL PROPERTY FOR SALE IN PORT PERRY TTHE UNDERSIGNED offers For Sale that nicely located and desirable residental property, situated on the corner of John St. and Union Avenue, contamirg five iots, with half.an-acre of Asparagus and choice fruit trees and small 4uit. The dwelling is in a good state of repair; electric light and water works and every convenience Goud barn and stables. Porsession first of April. MRS. C.J. PEARSE bio dag sir PORT Por GOING NORTIL 9.07 a.m. 5.55 p.m. 7.33 p.m. 2. R. Time Table. MYRTLE STATION. Going East Gong West 07am, 6.82 a.m. 6.27 p 1. 8.50 a.m. 11.08 pun. 5.560 p.m, 1 50 pm. A. J. DAVIS, Town Aguet. Miss Harri ss Harrison, D-ess and Mantle Maker \ ISHES to inform the ladies 'V that she has moved to the rooms formerly occupied by her over Mr. Flints Diug Store where|# she is prepared to execute all or ders for Dress and Mantle Making |#$ in a manner udsmipassed for Correctness of Style and Charming Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given. Port Perry, April 1, 1909. | GOINT BONTTIL. 6.402 m. 11.55 a.m. 1.40 p.m. C. TICKETS "TQ ALL FARTS. OF THE Worep.+~Mr. W. 'H, McCaw, Port Perr tickets to ou _necessary information Dor toiites, &c. numeroié Ticket A ,i8 now'in_ a' position to issued parts of the world and 4 as to the cheapest and In addition to'his cies for: Seca fee on ; ho YOUR EYES DON'T TAKE CHANCES WITH YOUR EYES! Either in regard to the examination of them or the fitting of lenses. F. E. LUKE, OPTIGIAN 167 YONGE ST, TORONTO (UpsTalrs) (Opposite Simpson's) Joteintitnnirasstssanttscency . + Spring Term Opens : & on Tuesday, April 10, and : § merges into Summer Session § $ from July 3rd> No forced va- § 8 cations. No waste time. Come. § § Free Catalogue. Write Shaw's § 8 Schools, Toronto, 393 7 Yonge § St. | 6588880508850 §388880888808080 88 A RELIABLE AGENT WAD TED In every town 3 and' district _ Qutario where we are not represepted. Territory reserved for the right man, Hicnest Commission Paip. Attractive advertising matter. J ne A CANT MAmER : _ & UPHOLSTERER * | Jobbing promptly attended to and charges moderate. P ertRafey Sep. 3% 1946. AUSTRALIA AND CANADA A general election in Australia is being used by Liberal partizans to justify their sinster scheme to foist an election upon Canada. excuse that will hardly commend itself to thoughtful people. Polit- ical conditions in' the Dominion and the Commonwealth are absolutely different. Jn Australia the Hughes Government had a inority cf supe porters in Parliament. 'In Canada the Borden Government has an over- whelming majority. The Hughes Government's conscription policy was repudiated by the country. The Borden Government'; war policy has Jo heen sustained in the only proyince where R Coativon int came hevensncy to curey on the work of Parlioment--and fuiled.: has dared even to challenge the Borden Government's war measures inthe Dominion Parliathent. An election in Australia will be fought out among a population that is ex- clusively British. An election in Canada would inevitably develop into a conflict between race and. creed. An election in Australia en- tails no danger of an alien or dis- loyal section of the country holding the balance of power. An election in Canada seriously threatens just such a possibility. An election in Australia sees both parties advocat- ing more vigorous prosecution of the war. An election in Canada would see a predominant section of one party trying to halt our effortsin the war. British to a wan. Canada has an anti-war minority in Quebec and a milion foreigners besides. These are some--but far from-all --of the reasons why an election in Canadu cannot be justified on the basis of an election in Australia. The pclitician in Canada who ignor- es them "places party before state and takes serious liberty with pat" riotism. rl re oan ESTI THE IRISH QUEST oN It was very kind indeed of Me [CLI Rr 3 Asquith to suggest that the ot Me aamitan ment of the Irish question be hang- ed over to a conmimittee of Dominion: as well as Imperial statesmen, resolutions are being passed in Canada calling upon Sir Robert Borden to take a hand i in it. It is an' ti No one / ustralia's population is}, N SUMS OF $500,-OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF Principal repayab'e 1st Otuber, 1919, Interest payable half- yearly, 1st, Aptil and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from ihe date of purchase. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrenduring at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in pay- ment of any allotment made under any {jure war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like shart date recurity. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. For application forms apply to tbe Dcputy Minister of Figance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA 2 7th; 1916. fhe Tofon Ske but they Lo the pole thint, Seloniki 1 outils nORTER from 150.000 people and thatimore than half of them are Jews, "To loiter among the booths of Ba= loniki's bazaar, to explore the busy; squares and markets beyond it, to stroll in the crowded street of the Var. dar or to idle among tbe coffee houses of its western end is to take {i fied thing of the Macedonian question. "Tall Albanians, variously Lralded according to thetr tribes and wearing white skullcaps on one ear, 'stalk' through the crowd with that lordly swing of theirs. Bulgarians, less lord- 1y, but no less indifferent to the opis. fon of the world at large, mind thejs own business in brown bomespun. Kiited Greek peasants in tight white trousers tasseled under the kuee, boot: ed Montenegriny with hanging sleeves, | lend the scene an operatic air. | "Women Iu bats. women in kerchiefs, | women In embroideries that you want to buy off thelr backs--and sometimes do--women in the Turkish domino, of- fer a cowplete exhibition of Balkan | fashions." One of the sublimest thiugs in the world is plain truth.--Bulwer. A Mummy's Doll, Among the ancient objects exhibited in the British museum is 4 doll more than 8,000 years old. When some ar. gl were exploring an ancient Faults of 'Teachers Chief. Fspeotor R: "H. Crowley, in fpspong, go. (ie Ritlowfi.. ques- tion 1 -- "Do you not find that some of the teachers are inclined to be toe strict and arbitrary with the child- ren?" "Yes, het ix iy perhaps a' fault in sothe cages, . Teachers should not regard children as dummies. . A teaches who studies Wer pupilsffwill find thagithere are only twe or three in the dass a . wtchi stances among 8 "Do you regabd speaking in class us bud conduct?? "No, 1 do notj speaking is some- ! times.a virtue. What teachers want §s a little more gumption." "What are the essential qualities of a good teacher?" An aptitude of personiity, force of character, rong human touch, a snese of humor, enthusiasm for the work." To relieve the nervous strain and break the dicforial babit, Mr. Cow- ley thinks that, e "teachers should create sbme in rest, outside of the daily routine. Me: {Cowley in answer to ques- tions regarding the curriculum, said that. mpst peegons who get the "three R's" right cannot be pre- vetitéd from getting more. He be- lieved 'that Ae. .right element in education was reading; the acquisi- tion of the best ideals and thoughts of | history and literature. "The timé is hot stant when a know- and of Shakspeare specially: cultivated . -in igh schools. The pre- "teaching Tterature ry. -Home be encouraged. One roller he public sender is te cultivate in dere ta read whole- iency of reach- and literature should be ed, beyood the . period of that for 1917 to distribute into Ontario material ixperiments with ---Testing seven varieties of Husking Corn Root Crops -- Testing three varieties of Mangels . --Testing two varieties of Sugar Beets for feeding purposes ~ Testing threg varieties of Swedish Turnips --Testing two varieties of Fall Turnips --Testing two varieties of ~--Testing: the. planting of Tenioy the. plan in' the row . . "--Testing three varieties of Millett --Testing two varieties of Sorghum --Testing Grass Peas and two varieties of Vetches 19--Testing Rape, Kale and Field Cabbage -- Testing three varieties of Clover o. --Testing two varieties Alfalfa ce . -- Testing four varieties Grasses Cutrinary Crops -- Testing three varieties Field Beans --Testing two varieties Sweet Corn .. 18 20 at of of of of FerTiLizre EXPERIMENTS --Testing Barley on potato fertilized in 1916 --Testing Fertilizer Rape . MISCELLANEOUS EXPERIMENTS, --Testing three grain mix. tures for Grain Produc- tion . .. . --Testing three grain mix- tures for Fodder Produc- tion 3 Any person in Ontario may choose any NE of the experiments for 1917 and apply for the same. The material will be furnished in the order in which the applications are received, while the supply lasts. Each applicant should make a sec- odd choice, as the material for the the experiment selected as. first choice might be' exhausted . before ion i received. All 6 with 5 29 30 charge to each applicant, and the produce will of course becom& the property of thé' person who cone ducts the experiment. Each person applying for an: experiment should carefully, and should give the name Jo! the County in which he liyes. C. A. Zawitz, Director. «| Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, March, 1917. A GENUINE LavING STRAIN. Me Williams, R. R. 1, Uxbridge, regardless of expense has succeeded in obtaining Leghorn Hens of a laying strain that.are as pear per- fectiontas may be, while the Pens ME furnished free of write his name and address very LIGHT ON SALONIKI Pen Picture of Street Scenes In the Quaint Greek City. A MINGLING OF MANY RACES. The Town Has a Slight Italian Flavon, and the of ite given of the National society from H. G. Dwight. "Somebody had told me that Saloniki was rather like Genoa," writes Mr. Dwight. "My first impression, there- fore, was of a disappointing flatness not in the least comparable to the lofty air--the piled, bastioned, heaven scal- ing air--of the Italian city. Yet Balo- niki scales heaven, too, In her more discreet manner. "And there is even something faintly Italian about her. This is most palpa- ble on. the broad guay of the water froat, especially when a veritable row of fishermen from the Adriatic are dry- ing nets or sails under the sea wall, just as they do in Venice. The cres- cent of white buildings facing the blue would not look foreign in any or "The White tower, which is the most conspicuous of them, might perfectly have been the work of an Itallan prince. Indeed, a doge of Venice is said to have built the first edition of it, and Suleiman the Magnificent employed Venetians for his own. "Look a little closer, however, and this Italian appearing town has unfa- miliar detafls. The white campanill that everywhere prick up above the roofs of weathered red are too slender and too pointed for true bell towers. Then, as you land at the quay you perceive that the electric cars are la- beled in strange alphabets. The cafes do not look quite ay they should either. "As for the peopla in them, a good many would pass without question. Just such slight and trim young men in Italy would. sit at little tables on the sidewalk. Just such young women, rather pale and powdered as to com- plexion, rather dusky as to eyes and hair, would sit besidé them. And you "A more striking note is afforded by numerous dignified old gentlemen tak- ing thelr ease ih-thelr bathrobes, ss it a up the £ : if 3 i i i : if 2 iE fi g i 4 f I i i: oT iH ! i i i i 1 $i i £3k 2 iE; i Ei: ii § 2 Geogral £ compiled from a oni oniatig to the Egyptian royal tomb they came upon a sarcophagus containing the mummy of a little princess seven years old, Bhe was dressed and interred im. a_ manner befitting her rank, and tn her arms was found a little wooden doll. The inscription gave the name, rank and age of the little girl and the date of her death, but it said nothing about | the quaint little wooden Egyptian doll' * This, however, told its own story. was so tightly Slasped in the arms of tale 'when the man at the desk reached' futo a drawer and brought forth a dic~ tionary, placing it in front of the =p pealing one. "What do you want--sympathy?" the man at the desk asked. "Yes, sympathy," was the half sob- bed reply. "Look In 8 for it. I saw it there thd other day." The sympathy chaser grunted and headed for the door. He wasn't look- ing for work, just sympathy--in the form of a plece of loose change.--Ins dianapolis News. Goose Fat Goose fat makes excellent pastry that is absolutely free from any flavor of the bird or of the onion stuffing. The pastry turns out light and "short" when this sort of fat is used. A Bel glan recipe is as follows: Throw all the' fat left after drawing the goose into cold water with a little salt as soon as the goose is drawn. When the bird is balf done ladle off seme of the dripping | before it browns or becomes strong and as the roasting proceeds leave only enough dripping in the pan to basts_ with. Next day put the dripping, with the fresh fat, in a stewpan, with slices of apple, and onion if approved. Add salt and pepper. When done clear it' and strain it into a jar. Cover it and" keep it in a cool place. ai Spoiled His Speech. "When I rose to speak it was so still in the hall you could have heard a pin drop." "Yes?" "Well, T stood there for a moment. looking out over the audience and fram- ing my first sentence, and I am sure that I should have been able to get, along all right, but just before I had* got ready to utter my first word some fool in the back end of the hall yelled," "Louder I" Disregard. "The law of supply and demand," nid the economist, "is as inexorable as the law of gravitation." "You can't always enforce either ot' them. The law of gravitation doesn't prevent people from getting up in the" afr these days."-- Washington Stas At It Night and Day, «My daughter is a wonder at the father, It are headed by male birds out of Trap-Nested Hens with R=cords of over Pr. hundred eggs a vear, This Me. Williams" Leghorn Pens on nl of anything for producing a | iciplicity of eggs of anything | ho to.be fount 4 THE. ROYAL THEATRE ¢ te ob. Tossday evenings will "Tus DIAMOND FROM THB SKY. -