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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 12 Apr 1917, p. 3

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Ra ake ESTAB g reputatig squ nia aling, and hi Raa iret 1 to Prices. go anting Botton plasty Ig is nothing baie. bar om our ill , {circulars a vi you-can ores di Td benefit EEE SE F2.e em itil 1 D0 YOU REALIZE WHAT Pe co. |. oti: : THIS MEANS TO YOU ? ¥ ) COLBORNE, - ONT. ot : CALL AND CONVINCE a Spt pee Sky Of "wate neon NE Li Bs Ta 95% | | YOURSELF OR PHONE'29 " LE Ri oo small faniily, Apply to Mrs, T. F. wdnbiidon cc RES tg mon L. G. HALL - - MEAT MASKET W. U. CARNEGIE H. IY ES SES RI SRI CARNEGIE HE sole head of. a family, =e . end, because it covers 900 square feet of surface per gallon iar eke an ome Phe Be pe esas ect to Graham & Oarnegfe] -- far longer than the chieap prepared paint or hand-mixed | tend a quarter section of available} pif "Sa ve a olou lan: n of ae- | Richard' Cova ' lead and oil. . t ood ral Was og arp ferards %, orp. 7 "bars for Sole Agents for . 2 cant t i PER "Asklor "Farmer's Color Set" and "Town and < Bomaion Lande Agence or Siheagency | W ov . 8, - $e . PORT PERRY Country Homes", Just what you'll need in } . dn ny Doni, | planning your painting Agency (hut not Sub.agency), on cer- tain conditions, pepe [§ PREREESESS WoW. 0. § 1 Gamage Gong i . . Duties --8ix months' ¢ sflence upon i . ' and cultivation of the land in each of three years A hoinesteader may live Ww I PARRISH within nine wiles of his hownestond on a , L ®- . farm of at least BO acres, on certain has conditions. - A habitable house is r~ Good. working Machine hands, good 4 quir-d oxcept whera residence is per- LO ren emi. handy men for various departments. In certain districts a homestead r in stn iene 8 Lome CHEVROLET MOTOR COMPANY, OSHAWA. "somrmnne wew EEE TP The Ford 'Rlarm Glocks SOAS om [EE e ro rescmp ion patent may be obtained as Yond honi.atind patent, on certain condi- AES HEEL A Ww hi b d t i i 0 tions S Ss an uarantee our = The Uxbridge reine, Cleaning , A gota Yo bas Xmen) his frags i 8 ¢ Pn satimaction in avery Pespect. al am-stand right, may tka a purchesed . and Pressing use homestead in certain districts, Price i - / OR p, 1S VID satisfacte Sp pring is here wy every ° pe, ie ust reaiie 1 ER THB YORD, to rastieiliy it is that a peer p! irae Ve Lou v- 4 ¥ N ' person t is year will have to rise early oe retiag a aay at your kouse ute fitty acres and erget a house worth i wo DRL hence its great popularity. and work late in order to meet the Dying Cleaning, Pressing aud Repairing $300. ! Ci he h } demand for Greater Pr oduction.' In | and we remodel your Suit or Overcoat to The area of caltiwation i§ subj et to y | any style. No matter what bad shupe | reduction in case of rough, rerubby o order that you do not oversleep your clothes look or how greusy they are ns het rtony laud. Live stock may he suowti- yourself you will need an Alarm we wll ox them np for youat a very low | futed for cultivation und. r cartniv ne Fu 1 ull S k ¢ arles Bo tel Clock, one that is sure to do Fouts to any style and we wake up New! WWW. CRY. CALC, . 1 | 3 , » Sets Furs from $38 up Don't forget Depnty of the Musistor of the lnteaior. - 3 or Anil Te its wor k both asa timepiece that you will get everything dene at RON. Cr hp pe . a ot and as an alarm. The . | very low price and work guaranteed. [this Ahvertimeime at will not be pa | ite or phone aud we cll oh Mewlars | r'_Gis. u ~ PORT PERRY SUN RISE SLUMBERATOPPER ipa be ven j 3 TRING ING | oo Since embarking in thn Hotel business the patrovage of Ji an UXBRIDGE DYEING, CLEAND ( Plones-- Bell 632. Ind. gon. {oie Ba Beef, Pork, Lam & Veal the St.CuarLEs HoTEL has far exceeded my most sanguine JUMP ~'DAYBREA K FLAS Prine" Bell 68 -- Ton Gor J.B. Lundy. LD.8.D.D.8. expectations and I wish to return thanks to 'the general pub- as ar - DENTAL SURGEON --g ar - lic and the farming community in particular for their gener-. ATTEN 'RAPIDFIRE TYPHON = | =a 7 | oswravoumason | oer TRY: ek fo ar abe ar a : Nia ve. . | Graduare, Roval College ¢ Den a TORN S50T Sitlings of {he Division Comris|" rom sud Us iverans ot Vermin. for Dimas the public' and noespeiee will OOUNTY OF ONTARIO. [Office - PORT PERRY, Ont| = og . * | waking it still more perfeet to meet the requirements snd 1917 - : win still further approbation o guests. The comfort of its they range in price from - ee W. J. GIBS v patrons will always be of fir s consideratos, ev that hole "Tonal Wate Clo, im E. Le - J. GIBSON . i i ood opinion of the ST, CARTES may be hera through- $1 25 to. $3. 00 Waren 5. Apt Sn Joon : - SONYA ONT. A Full Line of Gos rh eats and Bt the entire Dominion and the traveling public thus made - AY 8 Maia OV 3 Novs, Dee.| Licensed Auctioneer |Lard always on hand. intimately acquainted with the fact that Port Perry in being You can easily save their a v Valuator, &c. 5 . , sesssed of the St. CHARLES isiu the swim as regards first- cost by time saved Apr ae Fo 6. s7 Highest. Cash price Paid for Hides and Skins Pe . doneil Which Jan. 8, 1 Charges Moderate and Satisfaction class end desirable vote! accommoda on, ond at the same : March 8, Aprits, Mavs Jono Grisrante Ta time to admonish all that it is Tue HorEL that is doing its we TIDKED Is NLO NEY ve July 4, Sept. 6, Oct. 4, Nov.6, Dee. Patronage respeciullysolicited. 8 5, Jerald, 1918. - J me CAWEKRER BROS. |utmost to make hotel life what it should be, and that my 2. BROUGHAM --Clerk, M. Gleeson, -- : - --| charges, as in the past, will be noted for moderation ho © 9. 2. ROBERTSON ar ene & nh a {OE v table always supplied with THE BEST in the land,and legal JEWELER OPTOMETRIST. Cage DISNEY BROS 17 ¢ . ' y |beverages of the finest qualities served at all hours ; import< . STATIONER. 3. rot FERRY Clos, 1: Burn. ) : SA RVI S i. ROS ed and domestic Cigars. Auto and car tourists Will find the -- : 2a! . ® d substantial Mar > July 8, Sept 7, Nov.8, EMBALMERS St. CHARLES a desirablerefuge for dainty and subs uA yA ¢ UXBRIDGF_Clerk, R M. AND meals and every convenience during their sojourn, and theie \ ' dge--dan. 12. May FUNERAL DIRECTORS |. Th vehicles will Le placedin charge of "careful attendants. o i AN ll a RAW be se 2 Hoa a BLONG BLOCK PORT PERRY e Demand i for our Bread and Commercial Trade catered to and first-class Sample Rooms 8 5. CANNING'TOY.--Clerk, Thos H. Fos. Bell Phone Xo. 61. Calle answered Pastryi 18 Unprecedented they aXe are at instant command. ter, Canbington --Jan. 11, March 15, promptly day or nig Fe . ° May 8, July 11, Sept. 19, Nov. 22, A large stock of Caskets and Pronounced the BEST YET ! =. MOSURIK, Por: 5, Wanted © Jan 10, 1913, : i « Are the names of the Best 01 the Market Equipment to choose from . EE 6. BEAVERTON -- Clerk, Chas. A. . Paterson, Boaverton--Jan 10, March » ANY QUANTITY. GOOD IIAY. AXD | STRAW... ; EE = = TROPICAL FRUITS IN ABUNDANCE - PRICES QUOTED ON «| * Eu fur Sia i APPLICATION | 7 AR L i ~ SARVIS BROS. J. E. FAREWELL, - Clerk of the Peace. | H AY & STR AW: B ALED | Dated at Whitby, Nov. 1§th, 1916. HE THE. TON, i REQUIRED, _| §REY cr wamp & rEamsn [SEICEE == V {TT \FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, - PORT PERRY, ONT. EERE Nees Fri Ware Loon Exes] a2 B : ™ A.B.SHUBERT, Vs Hh rm AYE 4 TIONS vor IN ANCE aso expiditionaly riegotiated and put through on the apid transit system--you are insured on receipt of application, ALSO AU THORIZED TO INSTANTANEOUSLY ADJUST TT - ne A FULL STOOKL " nt OF.EVEYFHNG IN THE rare pure d. the : _ Liver J) : es ; = Harness 1.Ine ] { oct therewith we vi to. BE HH To Dorin CH EA PA BES STYLE | edonse- tu. STABLES : i AND " i Durability and S TREN GTH " Cannot be arpinaad o the Sounty. HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Painter ! ratoy and Sign Writer | have Opened Business d POE T entrusted tO. me in a manner that 3 AHL give the utmogt- satisfaction as regards style, durability, xecution and, prices. Having bad somewhat intricate Robes. ve, Trunks amber of large firms in Toronto, I feel confident that ALL Work. #&o., iu abundance, gsc A SPECIALTY omnis of rises Gourted FHRER WEY goo

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