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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 May 1917, p. 2

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oficial Paper of the Penple.) FOUNDED IN 1857. T Te» = a in ©hly Paper PHL smd Fabiiuet £. THIS A LAND O Aine PLENTY ) Prom The Mail and Empire] Tand we are learniog thet the pen the plows! arg and a maktter of poetic 1 fact. ~The wield however numerous "be, would have to quit the wes not bebind them an ar i to drive the plow . and raise the orops 'and keep the commis- serat flowing, Tho war machine must be Eki agricultural machive, Trench motars, are PORT PERRY, MAY 3, 1917. "Quebec Stan Feners Sinn Feipism is not. confined . to freland.. There is a party in Que- bec, of which Mr, Lucien Canuon, late Laurier candidate -or Dorches- ter, is not an inconspicuous member _ which in its relation (0 the war is * similar in aims and objects to the notorious Irish organization. There is no use runuinyg 'away from 'facts. "Today there are scores of so-called leaders in Quebec, mortly professing "to be.Liberals, and some of them wily-Liberal followers in Par- up and Cl on \ hier, Liberal member for Two Mountains, is the latest of these to come,out in his true colours. In an address to his . constitupnts the other.day, he said : 7 "Doubtless it is necéssary to aid England, but not to the de- gree of shameful exploitation adopted by the Government. Why do not the recruiting ag ents, and among them Mr, Biondin, tell those they ad. dress exactly what awaits them ?" . Observe that Mr. Ethier regards anada's participation in the war as "aiding England; and even then considers that we have gone too far in our assistance. The same atli _ tude was taken by Mr. Roche Lanc- "tat, Liberal member, in Parhament; and Lucien Cannon expressed the same viewpoint when he thundered: "Shall. we ruin our country for Eng- land? No!" England pours out her blood for the safety of their mother France, but these (Juebec Frenchmen, degencrate oflspring of a great race, blinded by an uncoon- querable racial envy, declare that they will not fight for England. Are the loyal Liberals of the rest of Canada willing to divert their Srenticn from the war to associate themselves with such men to bring on a general election? We mistake the genius of Canadian Liberalism, we mistake the loyalty of the Eng- lish wing of that party if it accepts without protest this Quebec Sinn Fein policy. THE MILITARY HOSPITALS COMIMSSION ACTIVELY MAKING EVERY ang-plows, tor plows and harvest finple operated by farm workers. In thiscbuntry we have the soil, and we have hands ¢nough to put in crop a eater acreage of that soi £rea cultivated before It is the bound- en duty of every man who is not in mil- itary ecrviee to lend what help he can to the task of iucreasing the food output. Id his speech at the Guild ball yesterday Mr. Lloyd George said that we must pon any chances that the war, ns before 1918. We all hope that the enemy may be vanquish- ed within the next few months, but we should all Xk: foe victory as if we felt it was wasfo be deferred a full year. The Organization of Resources Com: mittee ip province is carrying on with "incr@asing energy. .its patriotic camp behalf 9f increasing food produ Its endeavor is to enlist a reat force @f Canadiati Workersto win rom the sof thedatgest rop it is cap- able of _yitlding unde orts of fm § enemy, cpetial those * for he enemy enga in tical submarine service. Kvery- bonld read the appeal that is 'made by the Organization of Resources Cowmittes on one: of the advertising pages of this issue. The facts graphic- ally set forth there cannot but set even the most carelesss of our people think- ing seriously. The least brave of us can go to the rescue of our country and Empire by joining the ranks of farm workers. We can at least help to keep in rations those of eur brethren who have the valor to face tha encmy on the battlefield. The time of seeding has ». The committee is « ffecting junc- tions between farmers who need help and meu in the towns and cities who ara ready to give help. Many farmers are straining a point and putting them- selves to murh inconvenience, in order to put in. Many men in the towns and ciues are, from the same patriotic motives, willing to leave their regular and remanerative employment to go to the help of the farmer a few weeks. The Ontario Urganization of Resources Committee is bringing about this co- operation on a large scale. May it have happiness of seeing the agricul- tural output of last year doubled this year! : -------- THE CRISIS [From The Globe] No one can rise from a careful study of the appeal in this issue from the Or- ganization Of Resources Committee hunger are on our threshold," and that wo must produce more food or face a period of terrible want and suffering. The high cost of diving should eon- vince the most sceptical that that weare living in no ordinary tines. Canada is outside the war zone, it is true, and does not yet know what it means to be pat on limited vatioms, asin Britain, and to be restricted in the use of meat and other comforts of life. It is diffi- cult for those who at present ex- perience no shortage n food to realize that world hunger may come before 1918 crop is harvested, unless those who own or till the soil make good use of it this season. A place of hongrin the firing iine awaits the {armer.in-the fight age ARATION (FOR 'THE "The Commission is Composed of the Right Stamp. (More than twice as many disabled dian soldiers are now being cared for by the Military Hospital Commission as were on the rolls at New Year. A year ago the total was about 1,630. Jecember 2 the figure had risen to 3 Then came a slight ebb, to 2.402 ut . The tide has since then been flowing strongly, and high-water mark was reached on April 15 with a total Of 5,677, in spite of the hundreds discharged in the meanwhile. Nearly all the recent arrivals have been ' 'convalescents. The Canadian duth have not yet found it prac- t to send over any large number of "bed cases." One object of such a transferance would be to make more room in over- soa hospitals fer men falling in the great military Operations the present year. Happily our casualties in the New campaign so far have been less heays than had Leen feared--this being largely the result of the efforts of the munition workers both here 'and in'the mother land. Every extra shell turned ~ out has meant the saving of .Canadian _The number of woutided, of conrse, must now be expacted to rise as the goss on. Bot the medical force in Englaud is better able to deal with J thaw'it éver was," The shipment 'of thonsandsol convalescents toCanada, the returned-of an incréasing per- age. of ¢ inte urod~ men to the fret, § from 20,2! n 5 ou March 80, made up thus: 26, showing a : in sapatoria for con- reduction of 18 1 'in rédpetion of. numberof Canadian |? aingt Ge ~A8_Bloyd George "Tze line which the British Em- pire holds against the Germans is eld hy those pho work on the land as well as by those who fight on land and pea, Il it breaks at any point it breaks everywhere. In the face of the en@my the seamen of our Royal naval and merchaut marine and thesoldiérsgathered from every part of our Empire hold our; line ° firstly. You<workers on land must hold your part of our line just as as strongly. Every full day's labor you do helps to shorten the struggle and bring ms nearer to victory. Every idle day, all loitering, leng- thens the struggle and makes de- feat more possible. Therefore, in the nation's honor, heed! Acquit youselves like men, and as workers on land do your duty with all your strength !I"' r These are critieal times. Victory still hangs in the balance. [tis the hope ot the enemy to prevert defeat by starving Britain into a premature and unstable peace. Under the most favorable con- ditions the shortage of food thropghout the world will increase the military dif- ficultics of the Allied nations. To en-| ablo the farmer to respond with promti- tude to the call labor must be forth-| coming. Nothing counts in this war, but victdry. Everything must go be-! fora the enemy is allowed to plant his accureed heel:on the neck of Europe. | Were poace t@ come to morrow the food orisis would still be with ns. Itis a time for actiom "Pe every boy and man who canbe! in this work the cail comes. t farmers, they constl- tute the 1 in the war of AY perms That rvs if they we That gives. a valent of B,0ch,000 men field guns, and 'tanks' | won who depend upon 7 | machine without feeling that "famine and world- | sjerson. Surreptitiously she sewed a {gave it to the ladies of the Orillia : [Red Cross to be forwarded to the | body connected withthe Red Cross tailed there, A EDITH CAVELL BRONZE MEMORIAL FUND: An official letter 'has been ad- dressed to every' school in the Pro- vince of Ontario requesting a .sub- scription 'to assist in Erecting a 'monument. to Miss Edith: Cavell who wis $o fouly'murdered by the Germahs in Belgium. - So far the response has not been in keeping with the importance of the object in | view, and in order to accelerate the success of the noble undertaking i Empire Day has been. decided upon 'so that each School. that has not already taken. action may do so then by holding a concert or other entePtainment, the proceeds to be forwarded to E. W. Munro, Sec'y "of the Fund, Toronto. Let the County of Ontario liberally respond and demonstrate that the hearts of its people are in the right place. 1 AvucTioN Sane.~It will be seen by the posters that Messrs McKin. non Brothers, lot 4, con. 1, Mari- posa, have sold their fine farm, and in order to make a complete * clear- ance of their live stock, implements, &c,., they hdve authorized Mr. Gibson to sel nd implen to date and of the right stamp, under the circumstances (the farm being sold) all will go at Auction prices. Make a note of time and place of sale and be present. Colonel Roosevcit bas adopted twenty Belgian children, whom he willl sup~ port from his own puree until the war ends, and other New Yorkers are now tollowiug his example. Goud old Roose- velt. The last month of snow, the side- walks ot Bobcayygeoa were kepe clear, the Independeut says, at an outlay ol "three dodars and some souse. ' Tle wealthy in London are urged to give up potatoes 50 that Lhe poor may: Le able 10 have them. What au uu- heard-of situation tor Britain. A big farm has ho monopoly of sun or rain, ot sced time and harvest. How- ever small yonr plot of ground, make the most of it this season. "Nothing but ourselves can finally beat ns," said Thomas Carlyle. German methods have much to do with the dire defeat coming to Germany. There are those who tell us that the French of Quebec would have enlisted at the beginning of the war if the effort had been made 1 the right of why. What is the right way? Orillia Packet :--'"The new minister of Old St. Andrew's Church, Toronto, pro uses short sermons.' The new min- ister of Old St. Andrew's is foredoomed to failure. A minister of the Gospel of | Christ who begins his ministry by apolo- gising for the sermon as a feature of his services may fill the chorch. It is ine conceivable that he should do much, i anything, towards throngiug the portals of heaven. "Savings ought not to be confined to money there is enough food wasted iu Toronto every day to teed a battali on lor a week," says the News. Yes five battalions probaoly. Speaking" of the war the New York Tribos no. praise. of Canadian ne achievement. sass "eporog yore Fed [Tonto Gi aod Toronto Star, ' Orillia Packet : | Jesse Bradford b#sbeen a t Police Magistrate of Lindsay "tea funouncement gave this Page a rude shock at first. But it's all right. The first name is not spelled with an i. | The Farmers' Club at Welcome, near Port Hope, has gone out of the Bugar business, having cotfie to the conclusion that the grocer is making no fortune, } gud is entitled to anything there is in it. | "No praise of Canadian endeavour in | the present war can be excessive," says | the New York Tribuge. But turn to the | colnttis of the Toronto Globe or the ! Toronto Star any day in the week and you will learn that under a feeble and irresolute Government Canada has miss- ed s great opportunity, and stands hums iliated and disgraced in the eyes of a wondering world. It is amr unclean bird that fouls its own rest. Farm For SALE -- In another column it will be seen that Mr. Benj. Bushby is offering yhis farm for sale. The opportunity is 'a good one, it can be secured at a bargain. ot Yt . - 4 or - Orillia Packet :--The ubiquitous liar is still busv, One of the latest tales is a revival of the old cam- paign against the work of the Red Cross. Mrs, Skinner, Peter.street, knitted a sweater coat for her soldi- $5 bill in the: lining. Then she young man. Shortly alter she saw the'goat which she had made with Scuguch labor, and at" no trifling 'cost: for material, on a 'man in the sticet. Enquiry showed that some sold the garment, into the country, tel that there are grown people in thai. nunity 'senseléss enough to eve such ufter rubbish, or evil 'WHEN TH of 6 foot draft, b; v x HN ¥ A | divisions," It is mot-inconceivable! g Ra OPE To travel from New! Sault Ste Marie with § Valley Canal, and the mg ing waters will soon be the reader looks at tf trace _ the water na New, York to Sorel on rence river--through plain, Hudson River: ters--the St. Law from Orillia, to the Ge To the north outlet Valley Cansal.. The u ways in the world. © The section from Ti during the coming § possible to take at to Georgian Bay w change {rom ihe bo Three or folir mi River bring tie vi 3 18° p from which transmitted to Orillia; 1 | Below the plant, afteffy mile run by a motorboat, the reathes the epotnions 'log construction. + Passing thio opening left for stop Joggand; descending for some 1 will reach the big Ch plant, where the motor ¥ may be quickly conveyed over a short portage ol a marine railwar. Again speeding down river through Gloucester Pool--a ten mi: fake--- and entering the narrow waters of the river for a few miles, he is brought to the Port Seven Leck, constructed some three yearssago, and finds himself in the vatgss of Georgian Bay. From thee tg the Soo the way is easy. Wher the ca nal system from Pcterboré yo Simcoe is deepened frong ent depth of 6 feet to 8 fee' (which laiter draft will prevail onthe rest of the system) there will then Beiac- commodatian to carry to barges. of 30,000 bashel capacity, mdwith this possible, a freight carrying trade may be inaugurated by "thie route. -- Peterboro Review. % --_------ RUSSIANS FACE ; 2,250,000 HUNS Invalid states that the enemy has. from 150 to 155 divisious of infantry and cavalry on the Russian [ont {a German. division js about 15006 men), consisting of eighty-fide<to ninety German, {ifty-Ave Austrian, and nineteen Turkish and Bulgarian divisions. On the front ol Prince Leopold of Bavaria, who commands eleven armies, there ate three group- ed under Generals Eicchots, Lig® [pseph commands in Bukowina with fiiftecn and General 'Mackensen on Roumanian, ftont with thir mixed divisiotis. Only three of the nortfiern armiés.from Riga to-Vilna, and the Piwsk -afmy, under Genera! Grenan,..aré purely German, while only one army under General Ker. bach is Austrian. © In the remainder of the - Austro-Gtrman 'army (he German "element is predominant north of Pripet, and ¢ A i south -of it, Tackish te found in the armies comma Generals. Bothmere, i and Toschey .on the; Roumanian and Dobrudja The Russky Invalid ~ po that, as the" enémy has sdme number of division; Anglo-French front, ani length of the Russian fr times greater, il izevi many's real copcern Anglo-French' front. Commenting on the s Herr Scheidemantt the calist, imlaver ef: gpa with Russia, The Bro resents the suspicion -¢ fidelity to the allies, an izes the incomparable, Russia's answer to inqu subject. These inquiries; are subtly supported. fro; Free Russia, it declares, right to'démand trust inh Petrograd, April 26.-- TheRussky; |: | suggestion with a'view _ [steady positions tatement of Facts of the Pood Situation EH ER0A0504080 9 2 A Practical Farm Help Worked Qut. " For some time Canadian Farm has been endeavoring to siit out the "wheat [rom the'chaff" in the efforts of cities and towns to supply the farmer with guch * peeded beip for this ceason's work. That thescé forts are sincere apd' patriotic, no one caf doubt who eonigs in touch with the men at the back or this movement. Aud we relét more particularly here to the movemenl in Toronto. ~The mea in Theale = ng A 4 Qo sone practical scheme [OF 0G izing real' city labor on 'farms are 'in carnest. They were, perhaps, a bit late in beginning, and did not get off to a right start. Had they at the beginning called in some representative farmers or men who knew something about the kind of help required on farms or the character of tli# work expected of city help they would have saved themselves a lot of worry and made fewer blunders. ) But we will let that pass. These men after exploiting this and that / to accom- plishing something worth winle, have seemingly secured a truer perspective. The chaff, or-a great deal ofit has been elimiminated, and a plan_evolved_ that seems to have something in it of real practi: cal yaloe in solving the help prob- lem, "Spending the holidays on farm" plan has -been relegated as far in the Background as possible, 'though it, may "come up again al harvest-time, when it may be of some practical use. The scheme on which the best efforts of city men are being . centet= ed just-now is. to secure as many men:in cities who have had former + | €xperiedce in farm work. to volun. teer for threé-or four months' work on farms apd'to begin right away. '|Our information is<that a large : | nuraber of men of thi tamp will be available. Thess a of thé rif raffZof the i willing to'give : the: fa MS ioe oo wag we GARISH . matters of urgency. Fo f Ontario are accus- tomed to accept their food much the same as they breathe the air. They read isolated items about food shortage, but such a thing as this affecting their own dinner table never enters their mind, and it is the responsibility of THE OBSERVER to bring home to the people of this County a real- ization of the facts, something is done, in year they will not be reading about the hunger in Belgium the hungerin Ontario. ERATE SEHR ES RS PIMPLES | AHD ERUPTIONS In the Spring Most People Need & 'Tonic Medicine. Oue.of the surest signs that the blood 18-ont of order is the pimples, uusightly eruptions and eczema that come frequently with tlie change from winter to spring. These prove that the long inducer Jife of winter {has had is cffect, upon the blopd| she tio diffrent systenss, yd {hat a tome medicine is needed | tit right. Indeed there "ere le who do not need a tonic Bad tlood does not merely sLhoWegcelf in disfiguring eruptions. ToWggame condition is due attacks of Pagymatism and lumbago; and sharp stung pains of sciatica and neuraigia, Pua #p- petite and a desire to avoid exenion. Yoti cannot cure these troubles by the use of purgative medicines-- you need a tonic and a tonic only, and among all medicines there 1s none can equal Dr. \Viiliams' Pink Pills for their tenic lifesgiving, nerve-restoring powers. Every dose of this medicine makes new, rich. blood which drives out impurities, stimulates every or gan and btings a feeling of new health and encrgy to weak, tired, ajling men women and children. If you are out of sorts give this medic cine a trial and see how quickly it will restore the appetite, revive drooping spirits, and fill your veins with new, health-giving blood. You can get these Pills [rom any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The .Dr., Willams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont; ) PREMIER BORDEN CONFERS WITH' SHIPPING CHIEF. ". London, May 1.--Premier Bord- en and his colleagues to-day 'con- ferred with the Shipping' Controiter 3 on the means of transporting food from Canada, Later they inter. ewed the Colonjal Secretary ---- ne U. 8. Hands Two German as unless another but a * Quality Chicken Meat ExreximeNTaL Farm Note Crate freding on milk mashes will do more to more to put quality in chicken meat (han any bther pra-tice. The small portion'ot the, consuming public that have. ea.en| crate, m li-fed poultry have no de- | sire'1o prirchase the raze and yard | fattened birds, as there is swch a great difference in the quality ot the.meal.of the birds handled under 'Crate feeding on milk mashes is ad simple process that niaysbe praciiss ed on tew or many birds. At de! Experimental Station for Vancouv- er Island, stat crates to accomodate eighty birds were prepared and five, birds of an average weight of thice and one half ponds were coufined w each section. These birds were fed (or a period of fourteen days and Made an average gain of two pounds pés hird: The meal mixture used was sixty per gent, wheat mid: lings and forty per.ceat corn meal To this'mixinre was added (hree ounces of sali tor each 100 pounds used Thehirds were sjarved fof twenty-four hours and given a onld dose of Epsom sults before feeding commenced. They were fed spar: ingly the Hrst day and the quantity of feed increased at each meal until they were on full feed at the end of the third day. The alloted Guanti- ty of meal for each fered was mix-d with sotir skint mi'k to the consis: - ency of porridge, 'lliree feeds were given each day al intervals of six hours "Grit was supplied once each week and chopped green Swiss chard was gwen daily at noon, The quantity, 6f the m=al mixture: and skim:milk required for a pound of gain was hat owe ponnd, thirtde and a half-otinces of meal and three pounds fot dunces of skim milk. Valuing the meal at 'three cents per and the skim milk at fifty cents per hundred pounds, the cost of each peund ofgaitf was seven and a lalf cents. REN] ty ith three and a hail ! i increasing 'and a half pound high frfteen 0! othe Allies "lag a result of their forward pus shells. "Byun pts shifted southward on the line . ning down to St. Quentin, Last night also marked the climax ofthe. Germau counterattacks upon thé new French line... - en French Crush TEUTONS, © From a Staff Correspondent - of the Associated Press, French Heads Quarters, on. the French Front, at, Y 2,000:yard froht, last week, virtually dominate the valley through which the Ailette stream robs. Go Farther along towards -Craonhé, whicli sits on the road, and come mands the main road rom Rheims to Laon, on the plain spreading eastward, lies Hurtebise ¥arm, which shares with Cerny constant German atteation, in consequence of its situation near Craonne, the . conlivued possession nf which is of great importauce to the Germans. The opposing artilleries fight an incessant duel in -this sector, and the Gerthans are doing their utmost by holding Craonne to threaten the French adyance across the flat lands towards Laon. !'Seven hundred towns in New: York State are dying to-day 'they' are gradually loosing population ; their stores are closing and theif.' young men are going away to the city for lack of opportunity at home," said F. C. Boulter, secre tary of the Jamestown Board of Commerce, speaking before a meets: ing of farmers lagt week, Under the spell of fancied bargains in "the department stores the home market. town is being killed, with all its advantages, social, educational and; commercial: When itis too late farmers will realise their mistake. On Monday evening last the To-' ronto Council passéd the following; resolution by a vote of 17 10 5:-- *"That this Council petition the Dominion Parliament to provide that only such naturalized natives of aiien enemy countries that have, lived "in Canadd fof: twenty active service themselves or "have soffs of daughters on active service in the 'Canadian Expeditionary, Force or other of His Majesty's Forces. THE BEST MEDICINE FOR LITTLE ONES B.iby's Own Tablets are the best medicine a mother cao give het, little éues. They are a gentle laxad tive--=mild buy thorough Mm action -- antl are gnaranteed "hy a govern- nieat.anaiy: to be absolutely free from @pfates and other injurious Suge. Concerning them Mrs. nguste, St. Brieux, Sask, Writes 75 "Enclosed find twenty five cents for another hox of Baby's Own Tablets. 1 find them the very, Lest medicme a mother can give her little ones." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co, Brocks ville, Ont. : PORT PERRY MARKETS® Corrected weekly by Hogg & Lytle, iad, Grain' and "Seed Merchants } May 3. 1917, Fall Wheat *.. $1 75@ $2 Spring Wheat Fesite Goose Wheat... .. Barley .., HCN as in Oats.i.v..s 00. Clover...op iv' lackeye) ...

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