Not - Alws ys Dulied by. assing Years. n ago If was customary f those. wif Ladd ieaclicd forty | wipe ae. A wun of tuose yours 38 pofv considered youiig, nud at sixty Spotty can have d brilliant uture still ahead: Pat our ~foicinthers had no such cone] 81 of relative' youthfulness can nul; be ghown, The constitutidn provided thie tio one should be eligl- ble. for election to the senate at an earlier age than thirty-five, the reasons advidced betng that such a restriction wos necessary An order 40 keep the jor le up of grave and revered def ktalesmen, who would not he hiown about with every veering Wind of political doctrine. Today there is nota senator who is just barely D&- Pe age Umit, mid the great ma- ity '§6 not come Into 8enatorial hop. ors short ef Afty and Gfty-five. Alexander Hanyitg was a sedate sBcretary. of the fréasliny at thirty-two. The younger [ltt became prime minis- tor, fist ford of {he treasury And chads eellor of the exctequer of England at twenty! roar, © Waslington spoke of re- tiremient from active life to well earn- vest, ,gnd leisure for his remaidfng years when stil bot for Ly-six. In recent times we have bad no.pres- idents Four in years by the forpier ed uftess Boogevelt be classed af gn exteption In connection with Lis firdt 'form iof service. Even the popa- lar novelists Bave 'sensed the chang. | now Tanking thelr surcesstul bu mn "forty OF hg the puniny yi aml ntany of the moat efficient Race Joe the hice, scorg mrs SUBMARINE WM MINES, Biplosive Power of These Coast and is Harbor Deienges. Not the. east fu apottant wi eapon , for, dofendleg onr cousts und our hatbors m:the attacks of hostile warships i3 submariie mine, Though it is per hapsdhe least ominonts looking of naval' Qefenses, 10-1 1a once hit by an invad- Hrd warship its tremendous explosive power will sink the ship In less thnd than any athrer weupim could. . e WLC Of Ble striking vessel ait. fomativally explodes the mine, says the Popular Scleuce 3ontbly, and the vio- fenfly. espanding gases from the pow: Jer crush fn (he bull of the ship in 4° twinkling, ©. 'Habmarine mines. are made of an outer casing of steel and an inner | tharge of high explosive. - A sefinrate chamliy « -eontatiing uelbing 'but af, es the 'mhie btioyancy. The mines in small light" draft boats Lion: previodkly mapped out, boat simply drops the mines wit g anchors. overboard, When the, y 48 all paid ont the btioyant mine "ho floating alot ten feet bilow water's Surtice. Phe' mines lying far outside of 4 or contain' NR system il cup | oo oot SF ile cp vo pis trigger ne. Aug. 22, 1§17¢ ithe copies required by saitfsecy the © Legistative | Aysenthly and. tabi rewaid, Av LEN. Boex to New --o Via Yake Champlain, 5 a result of the fact "bat the States have now become an 3 Casads in connection with the people of the Lwp pations looking £ to much ) Utica Se hud ooking ae i ply to CAMPBELL, © Port Perryt M ar tenis sn For Bisiness in: one of § Shaw's. re Seton, Toronto. § Write orit. W H. 8 AW, President, Yonge & Ger tothe persans mentioned) in Section g- of the Qatario Voters' Eista dct | to be so transmitied or biobam & the list, made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the fast revised Agsessment Roll ohthe said Municipality to be entitled 1o'yote, in the said Mumcipality at both elections [af m=mbers of the fleyigd lative Assembly ani at Municipal! Electiotis only. And life affe said list was fist posted up at my oliice at Mannhys- ter on tae 23rd day of Aagast, 1917, and remains there tor in<pe ctiog, Aud [ hereby call upod all voters to imupiediate proceedings to have any errors or omissions cor- rected accarding to Jaye. Dated at Manchester day of August, 1917. - W. F, DOBSON, Hlerk Reach Towuship. take this 237¢ VOTERS' LIST LIST 167 Nunleipality of tn Towaship Cartwright, Darham Cotaly, TOTICE is hereby given that Ij have transmiited or delivered) | ¢ hy, the persons me: vioned in § ction | g oi the Outen Voters's List Act! fe copies reduired by the sail see- | tion to be so transnutted or do liver - | cd of the iat, 8d: pu SUALLLD at said vate an (he sa Danie palit elect rt members of the Ley iattve Assembly and at Ma lect inns « Sky And that the said li SR Ey al My So EAE 4h die 2660 ddv of Ang and 1enmains there for cipal sib 1 hereley cail apn all voters to take immediate proceedings to have any errors or Adissi ons cor rected according to Law, Dated at Nestiefon this 210d vy of August, 1917 WM. BEACOCK, Clerk Cartwright Township. | VOTERS LIST -- 1817 Mugteipality of (ks Towmsilp of Senge, Ontario County: < J: '0 TICE is herehy given that" N have transmitted f delivered to the persons mentioned in 'Section gof- the'Ontario Vuters" List Act tae cepies' required by 'said section to be so transmitted or debvered of the list, made pursuant to, said A€L of all parsons appearing £5 the fast ro viged Assessuent Rsil of the said Municipality to be "entided to vate nthe. said Muuicipality at buth elections. for members of Municipal Elections on! DRT. And that "thesaid "list was. fiest posted up at my oflice, Scugog. on the 20th' day of 'August, 1917, and | remains there far inspection. -* And Thereby call upon ail voter {to take. immediate proceedings to] have "any errors or -OMissiQnS COTS rected according lo law. . Dated at Scugog this 244 ¥ day August, 1917. THOMAS GRAHAM, Clerk Scugog T' rowgatip | = other land obstacles, te ombnod, hn of nT Que-délivery. wil] fexpense. Ba; ith R410 Free Dress of closer tions between. .the United States '| 4nd 'Capada ensured by our co-opera- tio Inn this war it goes without say- 'that ome of the chief obstacles to he! development of the Hudson 13 ENLIST 'FOR TRAINING § a Lawrence waterway ba. eliminated. The invisible dn. national boundary more Insuperable Sper | ansportation between Montreal and York via Lake Champlain than including a "'Macdonsugh, chic of th f telston ,of the: United, S| who hus isp ou cannot conceive of Gorinany; se even' little' Holland,' permitting ¢ great natural waterway like that' sf. forded by the St. Lawrence Rivet, idke Champlain, and the Hudson River#o go unimproved and sehding ships over a thousand miles out of theif way to get 300 miles. The pre- sent war contingency will: help wg develop transportation on the Hud- pon, and Lake Champlain. The co- operation of the United States with Biftaln will pave *he way to tha bresking down of the barriers now blocking the opening of a great inter- ational waterway between New York and Montreal, betweon the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean." PORT PERKY MARKETS Coiravted werkly Ly Hogg & Lytle, Ltd, Grain und Seed Merchants Aug, 30, 25 @ $2 50 25 25 25 2 1 175 0 Bou 8 1917. Fall Wheat ........ Soving Wheat oo... bu 205e Wheat $2 vo @® 2 00 @ 5 @ 50 @ 75 @ 00 (@ 3 00 g on @ oo (0 Peas (ha key 25 @ i'eas (=m nt Ho kwheat C fis ) Patter Lo. fp Special Features ¥Fridayand Saturday®v'gs Usual' Admission 10 and 15 cents, &. M. Roberts, Prop. | SOMETHING HEY FOR THIS TOWN The: Oxbridge Dyelng, Cleaning abd Pressing Hans Will CALL every Monday at your Louse ee. ding Jn our- line. We do Cleaning, Pressing aid Repairing oats w 'femiodel your Snit or Overcoat to tyle. No matter what bad shape thes look or iow greasy they are Mg will fix them up for you at a very low ice. We. also: fix.over Furs or Fur ats to an sivle, and we make np New. "Burs rom $35 up. . Don't forget will get everything done at a price and work "guaranteed. Tite or torte he" cafl on Mondays. every day at onr UXBRIDGE DYEING, CLEANING "AND PRESSING HOUSE, . - T 816 - Prorat. "Phones --Bell 68: ras I Sittin ings of {he Digisian Gourls ; Trees and Plants direct to Q pros nied to Azent, ) ahd Saka oh, Je, 1857 = 1917 SIXTY YEAR; ---- OF ----- PROCRESS Ax SUGGES! E HAVE ESTABLISHED a lasting reputation for, fair and squate dealing, and are n prepared ¢ meet existing co tions by offering opr - high 8 oz ers at Rock Borrom Don't delay lanting' fruit frees | Se plants as there -is wll pays better. 'Send for our illiistrated circulars of hardy varieties yhich you can order direct and get benefit of agents commission. Qur prices will be sure to interest you. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. OF ONTARIO, LTD; , COLBORNE, - - + ONT. Che HE solo head of & family, of Rid ; mle over 18 years old, who was at the cothenhcement of the present war, and had afoce continued to be a British subj. et or a subject of an altied or neutral country, nay homestead a quarter-sac- tion of available Dominion Land in Manitoba, Saskatchewan or Alberta. Applicant mu<t agpear in réon a' Dominion Lands Agency or aT for Distvict. Katry hy proxy may be wade on certain coilditions. Ditties-- Six mouths' regillence upon end enltis vation of land in cach of bree vears, In certain districts a honesteader way seerean adjoining guarter-section as pre-emption. Price $3.00 per acro. [raties--itesie six mouths in each of three years after. earoiug homestead patent aud cultivate 50 Heres extra. Muy obtzin pre-emption patent as soon ax homestead patent on certain copci- dons, A settler after ohtaiut homestead patent, if he canuot sec en pre-emp- tion, may take A plirchased homestead in certain stricte. Price 00 par acro. Must resid- six months hi eath of erect a house worth $300 00. Holders of entries may count time of employment as fra labourgrs in Can- ada during 1917, as reshdégby duties under cor ain condition, Wher: Dominion Lands are advertised or posted for entry, returned roldiers who bave served overseas and have been himeusably discharged, receive ane uy price ty fie applying [or entry at local Azrnds Office (hut meg Sub- Aseney) Dischwrge papers iidst be LWW CORY Prepay dni rer of (ho Intotior, ait! hua iar «ib publication of ch Si not be pall Pliones - D168 1 2, Ind geo. 3. EB Lundy, LL D.S,D.D.S CENTAL SURGKGN & hi wo tana Ba "hg of Dents! Sur eens and Uriverdioy of Torenta, cE PORT PERRY, Ont Saul = AT @IBSON Ll VA ORT. Lisensed Auctioneer Valater, &c. Charges Mederate ajd Satisfaction Guaranteed. Patronage respecfullysolicited, CAWKER BROS' (Successors To JaMiEsON & "De ENNISON.) LIVERY Haviog purchased the Liver business carried on. by Jamicson nected Alerewith we iil8Ad (6 RE-HORSE HE STABLES 'with first-class ind, and install three years, cultivate 60 acres and Lid iihdadids fica HITE, BLACK: AND ™ "ALL SIZES lid + rabiber heels BALS . y tliat. Yip , ADAIR AL BALS, sold rubber heel - IBERNICE PUMP " x as E-BUOY CO. are the * Orlginators of the {Insole and make it a Specialty In All Lines, | JGRADE GROCERIES P ae per can CORN--15¢ p per can RICHARDS LAUNDRY SOAP sc bar 2. PORT PERRY h Ara HIGHEST ; FRICE PAID Seed Glonned by Gasolgne Power NER HALE HR ; READ JE GHEAPEST FOOD" ompar= 3 Ibs SARVIS BROS' Bread at 20 cts, full weight, ith 3 lbs, 120zs,. Potatoes at £4.00 per go lbs. Then deduct probably 4o per cent for peeling and wastage. M'hen remember that Three-fourths of every Potato is Water nd you get the FOOD VALUE compared witht Bread, which 100 per cent FOOD VALUE clear through to the last crast. pry ewer ['otataoes, Bat More BREAD, but be Sure its RVIS BROS, which is The Best, 366 days each year prevailing price of bread is now 11 cents a Loaf which wil il with us until further notice. ARVIS BROTHERS BARRES AND OONFZOTIONERS. Dennison, and the premises gon- Af BPHONIE 72 RE CONS IDRRABLE EXPERIENCE 25 1 Painter tor and - i-5qn Writes 4 have Opened Business ? (REAL ERTATE AGERE) [Successors to Grakatn. & Gurnogii] Sole Agents for The For d We purpoce rushiing business and gharantee our patrons satibfaction in every respect. cory, THE FORD, as all are aware, is giving satisfactory results, and as to practibility it is without a peer-- hence its great popularity. WARD & PEARSE. FIRE INSURANCE AGENTS, - PORT PERRY, ONT: PPLICATIONS por InsuRANCE ex expiditionsly negotiated and put through ou the rapid transit system--youn are insured on receipt of applicatign, ., . wv WE ARE ALSO AUTHORIZED TO INSTANTANEOUSLY ADJUST SMALL LOSSES. v ~d We have established a Real Estate A Loo. avd uow have for snle & number of First Class and Desirable Residental Properties. --We have. full control in this dis- 1 Aniarals Insurance Company. ta AUENTS rep ORGANS axp PIANOS, a Patronage respecttully sol! eited. WARD & PEARSE. 4 SE. Charles Botel ORT PERRY Since embarking in tho Hotel business the patronagé qQ: the St. CiiarLes Hoten has far exceeded my most sanguine expectations and Iwish to return thanks to the general pub- lic and the farming community in particular for their gener- ous and kind patronage, at the same time I would intima that the St. CHARLES now possesses far superior facilities, for entertaining the public and no expense will be spared in making it still more perfect to meet the requirments and win still farther approbation oguests. The. comfort of its: patrons will alwAys be of fir s consideraton, so that thelr. good opinion of the St. CHaR1ES may be herlded. thr = out the entive Dominion and the traveling public thus made intimately acquainted with the fact that Port Perry in being: posesssed of the $7. CHARLES isin the swim as regards first- time to admonish all that it is Tue HorTew that is doing jig utmost to make hotel life what it should be, and thal my. charges, as in the-past, will he noted, for maderafipn.: 'The ; | [table always supplied with THE BEST in the Jand,and at beverages of the finest qualities served at all hours ; import-: ed and domestic Cigars. Auto and car tourists will fin _|St. CHARLES a desirable fefuge for dainty and substantial . "| meals and every ¢onvenience during their sojourn, and the vehicles will be placedin charge, of careful attendants. Commercial Trade catered to dnd first-class Sungle Boo ave at instqnt cominand . y wanver that} utmost Suisfaciion as as style, durability, £3 ine, had somewhat. inricate 1 Io confident that |? class and dosirable hotel accommodation, and at the same thé Rani