i} Réturating Officer in" declaring the % by the Re: v time, d 10 be il be served: it ata, That the Council of 1918 Elected by Adcla- mation certainly acted' within his | jurisdiction for there was no othet | qualification filed, and il "some at #leged friend of Mr. Jeflrey chang- fication from that of Réeve, lo that of Councilor, neither in who the Returning Officer or Mr. Stene- sere .to . blame, Mr, Stonefouse 'being :duly nominated, 1 dbly qualified add duly declared, at the ploper time, elected Reeve by Acclhumation; there being no other proper qualification for the office; Returning Officer could not do fo otherwise: thar declare' him, as he 'Sage has higown of the *ngighbour ' who sme hits fawn-mowért the did, Reeve, in 'the same breath as the other . members: of Council, Elected by Acolamation. So that any proceedings 'taken after the Acclamation aré without doubt pull 'and "void, snd 'would be so constriied in a Coutt of Law, Csae' or Busingss.~Mr. Jas, n Mckee: Scigog, '# former estim- able townsmas has phchased the 24 '22 38:3 _ BE ee Fo 211 2h Manchester. 26, | O62, SuintAed rs 4 bit ---- a4 So tha Resi Soma ir igh will be ast PI. Ha , Deputy Reeve, and d. W. W. Holby. | the serigs' on +The oven Wordsirom the Gross," his subject being "I Thirst." BE Rt A/S J UTICA Kennedy: Xs 0. Ly No. £139, purs pose. holding a stupendous Oyster Supper: and - Lectuss ia Memory | Hall" on the evening §t Tuesday, Januavy.2and, This will be an Bn, tertainiment of tore; than ordinary magnitde.. Rev: Bro. Bellsmith will 'deliver a' Lecture, the subject being one of much modern interest beiog none other than *Quebec." The Managing Committes purpose putting forth great efforts; so that the entertainment of 1918, will fat eclipse all former ones. THE ONLY MEDICINE THE BABY NEEDS Baby's. Own Tablets is. the only medicine a mother needs for he lit- tle ones," They ate a gentle but thorough laxative which instantly relieves all stomach.and bowel. dis- orders thus banishing all the mivoF ills of little ones: Concesning them Mrs. Jos, Levesque; mow, Que , says Baby 's Own Tablets are a marvelous. Wedicine fordittle ones. They never fail to cure Stom- ach and bowel troubles 'and neither my -sisler-inJaw or: mysell would se auy ober medicitie for aut Ii The Tablets 3 ones, a citizen of Port Perry i aid all will | welcome "Him again $0 the business arena of oor town, Tue OBservER last week had a pleasant call: from Mr. and Mis. Albert Bruce actompanied by their, 1soay trom Alberta: Mr. Bruce is understand it, a large and highly successful farmer of praitie province and he spedks in glowing terms of the great West and wonderful possibilities, and is delighted with the land of his adop- tion, Fé takes great interest in tho 4 and says the west is 'solid for je Uaion Government. ng sisters. All wish the visitors @ pleasant ory WM, VEN tage." fed fed beavily, as will give resols. Fol pose it is necessary 10 Supp animal, végerable and hi Cran or grain leeds sho y for the best ~ Tesuils portion "should be grd gestion 'is. fwliat aré the most ecotgmical feeds to ing ordinary timesi a mi corn, wheat andloatgis po under present condition wheat should = be con homasn -fuod and 'only grades shoold udedsifor Lowar grade whe butkwheat and barley tised to advantage. | which: each is used will Prices. ; Hor greand feed; - Buckwheat screenings" May be used: aget 'lag mixtures conta! an; cornmeal; frond oils or other | similar' grains, 3 Vetetanrs or gr fulely necessary to Mangels, tithips, fitatces or other si £ the man who 1 ger' is gone, Teware of ors : of Saturday Night's unique ed advice at the expense idan i one lderatic A erm -- 3