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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Jun 1918, p. 1

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{Fe (BUTS aE SRE WMH HARRIS, B.A. LLB. BARRISTER, &c,, at of the and ocou RY, Ont. Sucrassor 6d ctfices of the late F. Port 'Perry. ROVE TH LAAN. frtvat Fads at € per 19008. cent, Jao. W. Crozier Soniciton, CONVEYANCER, vesilonce, Bth Can. wt Perry, -- ATER, Br Ee. Office ut Kehnh (one wile west of Po Mosky To Lean, Tamer of Mavpiags Liensea. 3 FARIWILL, K o, SA hs 0 Crown Attornay, \Sarrister; C ounty ablic and Conveyiancar. Whithy, J. stor, &o., Notary V Iice--South wing Court House, Ont, Dhorese Bell 6812; Tud. goo. J.B. Lundy, LLD8,D.D.5. DENTAL SURGEON {Successor 10 Dee RB. To. Grabam] Raval Collegs of Dental Sur f Toronto. Graduate, geons and Uriversity © office " PORT PBRRY, Ont © J. A. MURRAY DENTIST Rooms over Rose & K€ The Fad 9a, to 6 p.m nm. i & DOMIN NON LAND SURVEYOR RED CV FRGINEER (Successor to the late WI Emtario Laud Surveyor, of Port Perry.) WHITBY Phoiie arnold 231 SMITHYe SMITH tanhonee snnaction over Bell nt a NURSHicy STOCK and NEW of tc every Thursday Services t 8 por. "R. 0. CHURCH. REV MM. J. ONEILL, PP. Phiird Sunday 9 1080 ma, Dillon Hinge- -Slaytence Manufactured by tlie Owen Sound Wire T'ence Co. Litd., prepared to supply this whole ooprmunity with the very BEST WIRE FENCE produced on this Continent and at prices that can not fil to satisfy purchasers. The DirLon Fr is without a peer. Iris the BEST because it is exible; it is a square mesh ; itis a pecfect hinge fiy fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the stays in fact tds the best fence made in this of any other country. Before purchasing a Wire Fence don't fail to inspect the DiLrox Fence. J. H. Brown, # IN AGRICULTURAL rSAND MACHINERY: SEAGRAVE IsteLr April 6, Tans. | FARMERS ATTENTION TARE MO A ting las Y in Winter your spate | by selling 11 POEATORS We pay the hizhest commissions aul foraich one Salesmen with liter- atme with a "punch to ir, Send o'r our list of NEW OFFERINGS and loll particulars. & WELLINGTON, Fenthill Nurserivs Established 1837) Toronto, ONT. Harrison, ics 15 = { EAND. SURVEYORS AND | goss ard Mantle Maker CIVIL ENGINEERS | \jisHEs to inform the ladies FHONES' [PAY 242, NIGHT 407 | [ that she has moved to the BOX 25 |r 5 formerly oéeupied by: lie LINDSAY, ONT. Mr. Fhnt's. Doug Store where she is prepared. lo execute all or ders Tor Dress and Mantle Making Hl in a manner unsutpassed for Korth Ontario Observe 4 Veekly Political, Agricultural an Eamity Newspaper IR PULLER AT Front FERRY, Out. EVERY THURSDAY MOLNING BY H. PARSONS HRY, $1 per annum, if paid in ndvance will be sharged than six mon ha; htt rraars ore abil np. BLLELS a ones, whin addressed to this remaid aud Tegieired will be at our rick. Reames wmansared hr 3 rad according to the space they ADVERFISDMENTH \eccivod' fir a a fie fostruc Hons, wil bo forb' d charged acotiding) fo ek ws nt Jed for. A NER i THESE. terms JOB DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets Hand Bils, Posters' : "Bill Meads, HEOUPY. by the year or 3 bon fk Be as Jo ry je Sa forbid Arbus ing Puaters, Ee amve fom 8 lied, home ila PARSONS, not 2150 No suiweription taken for leas wad no paper discontinued ouparie!, and ion, witl reed ht 0 udvertise discount alowed Jofty hay and other ear. will id dll onsen be strictly adhered to Checks | Sin bm Correctness of Style and Charming Effect Our charaas the value given, are consistent with Port Perry, April 1, 1999, ITS TO ALL FARTS OF THE t Waki n.--Mr. W. H. McCaw, Port Perry, is now in a position to issue tickets to all parts of the wo¥ld and to supply all necessary infoffiation to parties as to the cheapest and best routes, &c. In addition to his numersus Ticket Agencies for Rail- road and Steamship lines, he has been te appointed Ticket Agent for the Grand Trunk Railway. Parties 'intending to travel will consult their own interests by consulting Mr. MéCaw before embarking on a trip GEO JACKSON, Ricyiged JAussisness, Valuator; oe, ivi I ope 9 part to make _n tho past should be a euflicient recom. as to his ability. All Sale given, inh' kis oh will se al with prom, ie Eg AL dispatch Fpl on po 0. 0 esteen ing) he desires to on successes, His very extensive practice and am | | the serap heap and fashic Hendsgy "| usages ---- 3 RRS OE ee ire "R.A. ADAMS, H. G. HU Bell Phone No.41 DAVID |. FIRE LIFE Roal Bstate Steamship SUCCESSORS TO & DOUGLAS ADAMS INSURAHNG TCHESON, Bell Phone Uffice No. 6 esfdenee No, 4 MARINE ACCIDENT 1% ADAMS & HUTCHESON. || Mortgage Loans Tickets | Tin Road HAOJIENGE BANDE AD JERE is, perhaps, nothing more desplsed or Ignored thar the guperannuated tin tan, It forms the unlovely accompaniment of the typical west ern town In the States. In almost every latitude and longitude of civi- lization, it lies neglected by many an unsightly dump, unless rescued hy erfant Tom Sawyers. Somefimes, however, it rises" to an evanescent dignity, The coolie hag been known £6 gatk& ff in as a capital finger bowl, and African potentates are said to have worn it ag a cap of stale on occasions of solemn functioh. But until the outset of the war, the tin can rarely lost its intrinsle character as an "ubéonsidered trifle," Then "Tommy'" took it affectionately frome 1 it deft: ly into improvised bomb But that wag a wasteful process, shamefu} for these model days of congervation. I ne Fri) ng + has been conferred upon the metal from which it Is made. For the Brits ish Government, by a stroke of the pen, has placed tin in the aristoeratic class with its former guperlors, cop- per and steel, and from now on, the world probably will know it as a war hdmi metal, Th¥ Greeks calléd tin and that is the starting point of the adventures of tin, as far as this ac count is concerned. For anyone who reads his Herodotus knows that the Greeks were exceedingly 'envious of the Phoenician merchant giilors, the possessor of tin for the making of fonze. The metal was constantly bev ing shipped to Tyre and Sidon from the region of thé Pillars of ere ules, the modern Gibraltar. That x jade, Dame Rumor, was exasy ingly Indefinite when the G deavored to locate . the yp mines, First they were on the Con- tinent of Atlantis, then in the archi: peligo of Cassiterides, and then on the mysterious island, to the north, "where tid gwans fang," which wes nons other than Albion. The Greeks finally set sail themselves in order to put an end forever to the trade mono- poly of the Phoenicians. Whether or no they unmasked this ancient trade secret is beside the mark, Suffice it] that when accurate history dawned with the landing of Caesar in Britain | tie' tin mines of Cornwall had fo centuries exported theiy précions 'ware, by Dover and Marseilles, to the East, for the fasbloding alike, it Ia thought, of the swords of the Greeka or fhe ornaments of the Temple of Solomon, He who would desire to reconstls tute the old Tin Road of the Cornish: men, as it runs from near Land's Bnd ' to Dover, might try in vain to find any trace, farther west than Stone- henge, of the primitive track which wild beasts laid out before the foot- steps. of men made of it a permanent way. The modern highway has re- placed it. But the Tin Road exists, nevertheless, In spots, for England places the seal of veneration upon its nt waj 2 But only. here and wns of Surrey Beckett, = ol iii Cathedral riated the Tin Road, lin- hape! ices for rest, and its: time-honored were forgotten. : Between Guildford and Oxtord and Srothan is the real happy hunting of the lover of the old Tin Here it runs, half way up the chalk slopes, in narrow strips of wide rue primal trill, ana (ne ulus th OA prid, a "hermes," 1s, and' hos ol ot all' the trode #01 The lover of, tae 37, Mit eived. Lhe. haps, world, ig the Pi fastion by the landing at Se att the way to } f f( ut th @ feet Lady Ressborough, a clever Wng- | lishwoman of the last century, trav- | elled fu France soon efter the down- of Napolton. Armdng the many edotes gue tells of the fallen con- | tL book' giving ex- | Wer coirespondence is be was in exile on the | W hile this: Island of ®Wlba, a workman who was | making repairs on bis chateau fell | from {he roof afd was instantly kill- | ed in the presence of Napoleon. He | 1 #t the lifeless nptire and gaid: I does not always kill. I have { ilding. ian Govern- | ting in meeting 5 were glven by Sif Ravers Boy- den in the course of a &pecch in tte House of Commons, Already much has been done in the Dominion by the Imperial Munitions Board. Orders have been placéd by tbe Imperial Munitions Board for 43 stee] shi with an aggregate tonnage of 211 300 tong, and 46 wooden vessels, witli a total tonnage of 128,400 tons. The total value of thess vessels Is $64,500,000; twelve shipyards are now working on orders fro: perfal Munitions' Board and capacity 1s being brought up ta ap- proximately 20,000 tons a year. Berths vacated by the completion of ships ordered by tlie Munitions Board will be utilized at once by the Dominion eroment, Four argo steamers bh a total tonmoge of 23,500 tors are to be completed and placed in cominission this year. Next | year, however, 50 steel sh 'are to | Lie constructed. Por the present Jour, the Government has authorised b wil purg neod of the allies for merchant Kori is of tiie 8 40 batt fu, order-ip-Courncil an expenditure of $25,000,000 + 1 shipbuilding. During his Epeach the Prime Minister pressed bis thanks: to the oad States Government for its actiom providing that the Canadian Go rg mat SE in that yo 8 A of shi 4] his year. ae Hath bo Sappned Es xX -doono which they ure supplied to 6 ed States Government. ® Minister also told of the SR ing made by the Government to bh about the establishment of a mill , the rolling of steel stip plates * angles in Canada in order to supphy requirements in 1819 .n. ip 8 cesding years. Luxurious Senatoms. Senate reform, in the way of W time: economy, Is suggested by A tor-General Fraser in his annual 1 port to. Parliament, as tabled in (7 One under the Act. } NOT TIO is hereby given that, undér the provisions of an Order in Council | of the 20th April, 1018, u pon an d after the 1st day of June 5 in any of His Majesty" sroes of Tia Maje stiiipected to be within s Act, 1917, by whom not, P.C: 1013) 1018, every male Naval or | or on whose be { whether by r Clage One under th J i military' service; shall ¥ upon any building cr knowledge of the fact; or If it b communit son who is not on Military Forces, or ini the Naval or Milits Allies, and who apparently may be, or if Teasor the description of Class One under the Military is at any time affirmed; claimed or & leged that he is tatus, nationslity, e Military Service Act, or that, 'although within the said Cla certificate, either official or signed by 1017, AGE rtific MARRIAGE two rej NATIONALITY If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by a certificate of his nationality signed by State or Country fo which he claiins I hy the Government of that Cotmiry ests Consul or ACTIVE, SERVICE he Segber of any 6f His Majesty's 14, served in thie Military or eg in Any theatre of actual war and has or an official certifi $i tion, or other efined 'for the s, he is exempted from or not liable to » with him upen his 'person 4f all times or in or mises where he at any time is, ate of his aged signed reason of hil nati giance is due; ora sblishing his nationality; or 'by every male person wha is not on active service in any of His Majesty' s Naval ¢ Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently | may be, of is reasonably suspected to be, within the description of Class One under the Military Service Act, 1917, who for any reason may have claimed that he is not within Class cate evidencing the fact; or Otfawa, May 2%; 1018. , official di CLERGY If it be claimed that he is excepted as # member of the cler recognized order of an exclusively religious charaoter; or 18 ¢ religious denomination existing in Cnnada of 20th' August, 1017, or ds being a Le if it be clairded that he is not within the class by reason of age, ar o certificate of the date of his birth, or # & reputable citizens residing in the tofm@nity in which he lives and having & claimed that he is not within the Class by reason of marriage, & Pt table citizens residing in the in which he lives and having knowledge of the facts; certifying to and that his wife is Living; er Vice-Consul of the fore or of ISS 15S ang, digtributed. pn we ate, and tha ribution of supplics the economy of the to. ifs control ised wider, of 19 i the. Auditor-Gen- C ly. but firmly not d that the uppor wing f Parliament ran its own show. Just 10 'wlaf state use the Sen» ators --- cially the bachelor ones put The $800 worth of ladies' bag and the $200 worth of Jadies' pur Wat Be left to the imagination of the Wa¥: time. fax ¢ A Spobting Chance, fn omboola Land the natives re addicted to trading wives, '{ suppose that leads to much chaf- fering and dickering?'! "Oh, 10. I heard plenty of natives ria to trade eight vnssen." IRS. BOYD IDED AN Brest fiat "1 a do have go through en AB before I 1§ could get well. bad buen al oe 8. ia Pini deg Link Y enough i to the i of Go ental xen ture: PE mn UT i a rela 19, £ Cover dnd furniture. A wall re-tinted--a floor Varn oi dining room set re-stained--the whole bright, spi¢ and span. There are SPIC AND SP for every sutface--for everything you want to "do over'. "NEU-TONE"--the washable sanitary, soft tone . "WOOD-LAC" "MARBLE-ITE" Floor Varnish--for hardwood "LIQUID WAX for floors: Easily applied, Dries «SENOUR S FLOOR PAINT --the hard-drying: "VARNOLEUM ' brightens up end protects Qil These Finisbies have proved their worth and wear and economy in a great many homes. FRUIT JAR LABELS FREE ahandy book of them--priated in cologa end foady gummed, given &WAY. within me being by two te? of au }dollars, and by {mpriscoment fi A New Dress For member of iny other society or body, a certificate of the fact signed by an offide-Bolder contpetent so to certify under the regulations of the church, order or or denomination, society or body, vo which he belongs; EXEMPTION If it Bo claimed 'that he is. exempted "ffom or not liable to military service by reason of any exemption granted or claimed or application pending under the Ser Act, 1017, or the' regulations thereander, his exemption fcate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district 18 "evidencing the fact; Militaky ice or OTHER CLASS 1f it be claimed that he is not within the Class, or that he is exempted, not lishle or excepted tpont any other ground, a cbrtificate of two reputable citizens residing in the community where he lives having knowledge of the fact upon which the claim is founded and certifying thereto; { FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVIDENCE the June, 1918, any such male person be found e evidence or certificate upon his person or in or upon the If upon or after 1st day of without the req building or pr s in which he is, he shall theretipén bo presumed to be & | person at the time liable for military service and to be a deséirter or defatltel ave | without. le PENALTY or to ix { {ia {fo yen reili shall bé required, unless or until the fact be shall b wt syithgrity that Lie ig not liable for m | FALSE CERTIFICATE ! tary duty, a any | punishs [le 8 than oric THE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE. UE] | And he shall also be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding nprisonment for a peridfl not exceeding one month, or to both such nent; and moreover, aay such person may forthwith be y custody and may be there detained and roquired to per- itary duty in the Canaditn Expeditionary Force so long as his services 1 GEN 3 blighed to the satisfaction of The use, signing or giving of any such certificate as hereinbefore men- | tioned shall, if the certificate be in any material respect false or misleading to the, { fen owledge of the person using, signing, or giving the same; | be an offence, hable, , UpOY SUMIIAYY conviction; by & penalty not excoeding five hundred or shy term not exceeding six months and not Your Home the scars of wes and tear on walls and floors eda hall painted--a chair howse made fresh and FINISHES Wall Finish, in pleasing tints. Stains make soft wood look like expensive Mahogany, Walnut, ete. floors. Won't mar or turn white. d, Shines easily. paint for the floor thatwears,and wears, and wears. Cloth and Linoleum. wv We have handled them for years and can guarantee results. : Ask for them W. L. PARRISH

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