an Operdtion. a fernale trouble which 2 two doctors decided that Ohfo,--* t : void a £0 thi an operation before I could ther mother had been helped by Lydia B. Pins ham's Vegeta oad} advised me to try it be. fore submi to an operation. It relieved me from p) troubles so I can do my house nork without any oulty. I advise any att who is afflicted with female ¥ oubles to give Lydia BE. Pinkham's Ve, le Oo) und a trial and it will do az mug ¢ them." -- Mrs. Mam Boxp, 1421 bth 86, + B., Canton, Ohio et to Germuny 16 cep Bill, old boy take this little pill. bt. Helena you must go, tr there is no way -- St wpon the barrén rocks, el with satief-krant & : the next fetierations SUCCESSO ar ; Db}. & DOUG rE Ee Th ane no called ont "MARINE S U R A Andiblow the hun's light out, : , £1 CO ys they take f : ty : 2 ACCIDENT else fe oo ter : : Rea! Esta 2 ! Mortgage Loans Hy ae od # taldier . . : oy teamship Ticket, ail id wilen the war is over . . GY, ------------ eg press wr Sige 20 foam, ; Lp : 3 : : Re vit ackstoc! Hinge-StayFence TY : old sWect owe, <i : f iy the Owen Sound am Wire Fence Uo. Ltd., and am Tr prepcied to Supply this whole 1 con y witl the very BEST iy 5 WIRE PENCE pode on this | ' LB 4B. ontinent &hd at prices that can Tn ¥ | not fail to satisly purchasers. : is wit Hotise, Whitby, The Dittoy Fence is without a kee 'peer. It is the BEST because it is flexible, it i8 a square mesh ; itis a perfect liiuge-stay fence, therefore it is impossible to bend the siays in fact it is the best fence made in this or any other country. 1 College of Dental S clots purcliasiig a Wire Fence Jollaga of Dental Sur : to inspect magaie, Koval Colors Dental Si pied fai 0 inspect "the DiLron ce. - PORT PERRY, Ont § the same old story I'm telling, he story thigt has ft beet told, wh aiser we've got to fight boys € man who got too bold, JY © ud STR We've a efore Submitting To An Operation} M MEDICINE CO. LYNN. MASS: {| { the thoughts of are not pleasant i tipes makes us sigh, it to fghy fo win. boys, ; itt we will or die, 21 prevented 'our airplanes from tak- ing part in the battle at the openirg of the attack north ot the Auncre. oné fdaiily can use, even taking into account the interval between now and next harvest, either fresh, can- ned, dried or stored. Amateur the sgme way as with the steamship; namely, from the thedat of its propéller screw, or wheel, all nstrument. As the morning advanced the sky feferring to the same instru ¢ { The engine furnishes, say, 2008 gardeners, in nemerOus cdses ex- Brew clearer and for the rest of the, horse-power to the propeller, "while pressed themselves as unwilling to day'our airmen were actively engag- the plane goes ninety miles an Bour& sell their surplus vegetables and ed ; 1 IRIs were expried, of 1; a8 ffhits, not caridy to také the posi- | "Some machines devoted them- ¥ steady push of 838 pounds, at a: tiot of growing garden truck for selves to the you of contact patrol miles an hour. But the fact Js that! money. If such gardeners would and reported the positions of our under the very best conditions loss: forswear their delicacy in this mat- [advancing troops lo their head. than 108 pounds of thrust is realis= : izi ce are war quarters from time to time, Other] 8d. 80 we sea that about sevens ter, recognizing -that these are war, q € ed } ae | ¢ighths of the engine power is lost: . and the sho of food ; machines attacked hostile troops' ga'snrigus directions, while only: mest, i would avoid and . transport from low altitades eighth, or 13 per cent. remains ads . tS disor with bombs and machine gun fire,| driving or lifting power, which Is. : a Te --re gcattering ammunition wagons and same thing; and This. is exclusively rey columns on the march, confined to the propeller operations. either by sale or by gifts 'to their less | 4 Further losses to which the 1 "ln several cases German guns pounds of thrust are later s well - situated y firing at our tanks were silenced by | must not be confused with those in~ bs: ter neighbofirs) | théy should dake ple ] 08 n figs from | cident to operating the pro if Britain called for production producing we answered the call, feed the boys that are highting, at the old flag may not fall, 'eed of men is greater 2 it food, Sufi, or gui, Siuin to see that these alone i not lick the Ltn, Tuesday, September 10th, 1918 $12.00 tc Winnipeg Half cent pet mile bayoid CANADIAN PACIFIC Particulars {row any Canddidd Pacific T Dr. R. t Qrahim] % WE leave the farms to the wothien, io what er they cau feed us boys who are fighting # turcign und, Re J. H. Brown, DEALER IN AGRICULTURAL JipLE MENTS aN MacHINERY. those who arf 1cff behind frit think of ts when we've'gote ght tor your safety and freedom, at you. Lite may ne sweet song, Janus L. Moopy, i SEAGRAY April 6, 190s. i ess and Mantle Maker Sudebssor to thie late W. RB ©Oatario Land Surveyor, of I'o \ ISHES to inform the ladie< / thay she has moved to the Tuois formerly occupied by hei over Mr: Byer's Drug Store where she is prepared to execute all or ders for Dress and Mantle Making in a wantl$f dnstipassed 6: Correctness of Style and Charmog Effect. Our charges are consistent with the value given, Port Perty, April 1, rgog. |LUGAL AGENT WANTED] Smee FOR THE: LD RELIABLE Talk] Yoreries | Thousands. of Orchard Tries nerd replacing, PICTURES AT FAIR Splendid progress has been made iby the Hauging Committee in the Fine Aus Galery ob the Canadian Natiomial Exinbition and their work iil be completed in. plenty of time or the pti die "View on Saturday wliernoun, Lie verdict of the féw koucs privileged (0 see the pratures fi=0 lar 15 (hat the exhubit or Cana: fl han aod Awerican pictures is guile § ii he finest ever made atthe Canadian # Nauonal Exhibition. The foreign section; while small, is exc Priovally vpresentative. Believing that the benefit of the annuai exhibition of paintings would be still greater from a pubic view- point, afew words ol explanation were given cohcerping. the chief charaeteristics of the pawtings and i of the ideas the artists' wish 10 ex: press, the council of the departnesit Bi of fine aris bas appointed Miss Mar: Bl garet MacLean, of Toronto; to the position ol lecturer on art, » These eciures will be given daily} begin- ning 'at 2 p., and § p.m, lasting fir: half an bour. Owing 10 the uuniher of paintings on view, it will be impossible to coniplete a tour of the galleries in one half hour, and the dectuies: will therefore be 'con- tinged lrow day to day, beginning Fuesday next; and each will be complete in itself, EHLERS CANADA FOOD HOARD SAYS: production the sins, a0 year MF. Fred- Chairman of Vacant Lot n of the Canada Food Board, survey of Canada's war gar- m coast Lo coast esti- is) production ester Wie of General von Boelim, von Eb hy "the necessili 0 production, food storing, food con- | servation and food distribution are all patriotic servi of utmost int- portance ta the whole comntunity. "SET BACK", ADMITS GEN HINDENBURG Amsterdam, Aug. 22.--Field-Mar- shal flimdenbirg, addressing the 3rd Regiment of Guards, as réported by the Tages Zeitung of Berlin, 'said; "Let us look inrd the "future, Oar position is favorable, although and we may frankly admit 'it; we lately have happend to be set back. But this is the fortune of war with which we must reckon." We must nol permit omselves to be influen- | peed theeeby #Success is with us, The ene-| : be «| my begins to show bigns of wears' t ness, and so long as we do not' doue also in reporting active hostile batteries to our artillery, as well as in reconnaissances and observation of our artillery fire, "Twelve tons of bombs were dropped by us during the day. In air fighting 21 hostile machines were destroyed and eight others were driven down out of cofitrol. One German balloon was shot dower. in flames, - Eight of our machines are nssing "On the night of August 41.22 there was bright moonlight and a clear sky. Our night bombing ait- planes dropped more than 25}§ tons of bots oft' differefit targets. The Cambrai ~and = Marcoing stations were heavily attacked, as well asa number of railway bridges and lines, airdromes and billets. The bridge, at Aubigny-An-Bac, on the road conpecting Douia and Cambria was broken dowd. All 6ur machines returned safely. "One of our nignt-flying machines brought down in flames on this side another way, © po' the engine were all utfl or tl formed into thrust by the propeller being 108 pounds in the case stated an engine of only twenty-six horse power would be required. * The saving of weight Immediately . assumes great importance. - The 200- horse-power engine weighs upward of 500 pounds. The twenty-six hi power weighs only sixty-five pout Again, as to weight of fuel: the 200 horse-power . machine carries & weight of the engine, or 500 pounds; while for the twenty-six horse-powes: éngine only sixty-five pound¥ of gase~ line are needed. lied Taken together, the weight of 200-horse-power engine and fuel Is 1,000 pounds at the very least, while, the tyenty-gix horse-power. engine) and fuel would weigh but . 238 pounds, a saving of 870 pounds or more. To this can be added another vrey important saving, namely, & de- crease in the structural weight of- the plane itself due to the diminishes: ing strains, vibration and wrenching effect of the larger engine. In fact, the whole design, of afr: draft becomes subject to entire ress. vision as soon as the great and us = = necessary weight of engine and f relax our efforts. but remain firm of of 11g line a large etfeniy night-| is obviated. . The reduction of weight purpose we shall attain our goal, whicli is an honorable, strong Ger: man peace." i ' s i SIX ENEMY ARMIES HAVE 7 BEEN DAMAGED. Paris, Aug 22--~The allies have damaged.six German armies since July 15, and the British are now eating inio the seventh, with the spread of the battle northward, aod over a front of seventy miles. Whe- ther the edemy is prepared or un- prepared, allied forces have had the same results and the Germans have RD nik ive i Eine, von Marda, Eben, von Hutter and von Der Marwilz, . The fill designs of Marshal Foch are known only to himself and per~ haps, one or two others, but is be lieved generally that his aim is vot, as the Germans claim, to piece their ling, bit to strike a succession of biaws to cause the enemy irre. placable losses 14 men and matecial nd fo him to make more or retreats. Li that be lan, he is pursuing anvaryi 0 : orfl i 'and outfonght,] sed and of bombing * sirplane. The 'machine and size of the body and wings of the craft reduces "head-on resistance™ reported in yesterday's communique | ng switter speed is at once ol as. missing, has returned." HE othér day two leading spirits 'in. the Canadian Manifaéturing | Association asked these questions: of energy on the order Can the magniture and intensity reach such proportions as to scorch and destroy living things in Its path? AF 5 ¥ tically in the &Mymative. Not only can the beam of energy be driven in & hori~ zon! War direction, but vertically down~ from suitably equipped &ir 'The same type of magneto-electrie- "wireless telephony is be driven two miles | dence of upon the German lines? for this reason. The carrying ity is not decreased, but on trary ip ipcreased at least to tent of the 870 pounds sa weight of engine and fuel, 5 The demand of exceptionally goody propellers has been accentuated by: the problem of supplying several i classes of aircraft designed on ter principles, Tea With the Prince, If the London despateh in that the Prince of Wales Is men in the trenches and 4d 4 comrade who can : 8 rig