the number of virds in'any' Lethbridge 'and, set © oh i the 'results of protection 7 » trom § to § ifiches in "hetght Three SEL Tarin Hrove 18% row slowly. j 'Tomatoes Jn batt two acres of thmatoes You A | says thie Calgary Herald, set out this I year bn the farm 'of Mr, G. 0. Kerr, 3 few miles east of Lethbridge. The ' Plants' wete statted under glass hk Une & 8, at. which they 'Were d | thousand fiYe hundred plants were ry form of Dersecution by. set fn the 'plot, sore of .t! single step posed. rd Wwerniin- Such oud sci .or by climbing, bpt will and; its gremtest use if it cannot be | firgt 'of the ripe he and is therbdlfore eat-proot, seven Weeks affer impracticable to build an im: plants; or about the end of July. able fence, the next device trees and on poles sup) sanctuary with &' is plotetted by 8 02 on the western kind, birds must be defénded ' fept ppurt and some. four feet apart. ous' naturgl foes, The most The soll Secured wad an old pasture s t6' surround | which had since been in alfalfa and indbeak of trees 5, dt 18 a very "rich 1 with a J if course, rrigated. CJ was. availatile ng out id e month, of August. from § houses. This should be done 'this rate of fine Blot continued in case where squirrels or snakes {o September. The total yield BL the Lol BY Suse 'to intfude, as it is us e to fence 'out these a more above ground. Attacks Although a considerable' nity by two. Yet inate 'of our native: reds balld thely nse on eo 'majority place horses now in tHe ed Cubs, either '% Norti America. trey 'should be pruned; stols ands young 50 as" 10" Dro: ce: numerous <rotohes. son «great diminution ia the number f tree cavities, the natural homes ef mow it of 'our hele ually | plot/is estimats "Pree guards should be six feel To by, , 'owls, crows, jays, of othef: 46 Reina} controlled by hu at removal 'of old trees, and ern treessurgery, have resulted 35,000 poufids! Horsess | suder feports that a three-year-old Begin staflion, own- \|'etl In Regina, has been pronounced experts « sent there by thd Belgian Government, to of HS, bebt Hoon en ; State Fair y Internal Fat Stock. Show in nn 'he was! also fourth in 'the open Sloss at the Iowa State Fair In 1917; 180 fourth at the Minnesota hr | States 'oatr 1n- 1917. ; Eugene won grand #hampionship at/the Edmonton ting birds: For BG show, this year, and was the most oF these birds will use four-year-old champion at the Cal- nest feaviuios; orb oases ky be varied | be improvised by anyone, but gary spring 'show; R18, [Good Results from 11 Acres. Spencer Famm, near 'Wellington, In These poss. bu Mr, B. McCaw, who purchased the 'may be purchased. alse poles | Marian. prefer a Bauthern' Al from Prince Edward county, last spring, | Gurestied 970 bushels of 'oats Irom a yield of over §8 bushels 0 used this season in tg save fhe short wheat crop, with' the result that tie Headets % itle south slope |! f | gore tract of Tah 10 the latest Information| ,.. the 'agteage of winter wheal the present year ma only about pne-third the ayerage acteage § for 18 past thirty-six Dreatl se 4 was largely due ° ey a. ge dows last autumn" 'and to the i large amount of 'winter-killing t was estimated |{' that fifty-six per gent. of the winter wheat was ploughed last spring. A conBiderable amount of 'the, crop which was loft unploughel was sown Fon harley, aa or spring wheat, | gm i thet in patciiel or over whole areas. ts therefore, exceedingly hnpor- that farnders make the best pos- She use of their £008 wheat for i] ebtise through the press. On Corn Crop. Bue of the greatest surprises To 4 | ear that has been full of surprises | is the way in which the corn crop of : Ontario has come on in the last few weekBi Jilelds that seemed certain to ig e utter fallures in June and ear- ily; are now Indes, ta excellent % | oowth better, ind than that of gverage years. The ge, accords {ng to the report of, Be Sutarta. De- partment of Agricullbre, is 'much be- | ioy the normal; but in ih ob Bast- ern |Ontario, at' least, the yigld per acre DEom sce to leaye little to be desired: A > 4 Honpmend Potato Yield, hat i claimed td be the world's record, product da, . of marketable peta ou one acré, 19,681 pounds, Bushels, hes been made pn an 4d siear. Kepab; Si fouthe tern sestion ALWAYS NEED GF i MOTHERS How Wamih Jo So Ghtites Homo | May Make Herself Blesdéd ind Find Hep; Happiness The proper care of a child is for the common good. It is a woman's task to rear the child, However goad and well meaning, oman can bring that bome sense to 4 child that its Mitle heart yearns for. A ragged, dirty, poverty | stricken child 1s a blot upon humanity. | If the child comes into the worid in an environment where squalor prevails it 15 a concern of the community, or should be, that 8 young life exists there and measures should be, takes to im- prove the condition of the child, Those 'having iter wheat suit~ ur could report to him. 2 their sollpey FaEr ultural represen- tive OF | 1ag ana Freddy's "Polish a lived next door to some n ,One | the forell TEAIEH 41% 0 WIRING Wks thet (0 tat Stole Sugar by Buckstfule. Sugar thieves employed an Ingenious | method the gther day at Launceston, | dutraitn, 1A quatitity of sugar had been bought for export but, ships not being immediately available, it Wis | cided to store the stuff at the port. | cordingly. buts were built, on | wharves, but gs the decking had shrunk were first laid down, 'and e sugar bags placed on -- The doors were locked, and a watthman placed in | charge. Jtun the time tame to empty j the sheds bottbra tier of bags werd found flat and empty, with a slit in the under side, Each slit corré sponded with one in the tarpaulin a= rectly over snaceh in the planking. The i method of the Sugar thieves wis whivie | 3 When the tidé was about halt h (Hes 4 boat was takes § node ng possi Rewarded. AMthdr G: Palmer, a water tended attached 16 the United States ship O'Brie ot was overboard and strug { gling ih the water. A strong [je {vas running and Palmer had e could do to keep from going down. At the mioment when he was near ef | "No Haustion David Goldman, 8 saci 15's mite, second class, jumped ov bard and. beating his way hovel | thie rotigh water, reached the brought hit £5 safety: He Jos vouh as beety commended by the rad of the navy for this action, Goldman cet ed in the na¥y in 1011 Ht Sdi Frid cisco. Concrete Ship In N Commercial 'Agent Norman L. | erson reports the launching of a Car Loads of 0es-and Turnips S RIGHT KIND OF PLANTS TO BUY lowering or Vegeth ble Plants. that are second to Uxbridge. Chpvenient SE snd church. For particulars i 8 ply to 'WILELAM MANNING, Aug 13, 1918, Woanvirrg, O Sittings of the Division Conrt COUNTY OF ONTARIO. | Gs. iels. | [carpenter CABINET t. WHITBY.-Clerk, Miss E. L | 4 UPHOLSTERER Snail Wats Jen 5. Heb, | Jobbing promptly attended to and. us, "a April 2, May 1, J He » charges modergte, , Toi Det. 1, Nov. 4, = PortPerry, Sept. 19, 1916. i Te Miss E. I: Mac- donel" Whitby--Jan. 4, oh. 6, March A; April 8, May 3, June: 6, ob Sept. 4, Oct. 8, Nov. 6, Dee. Jen 4, 1919. 2 B GHAN --- Clerk, M: BAVGHAN Cle 5 Mare ; Sn July 4 Sept. Fy Nov. n Trdan, a TOMMIE EooK's 8. har PERRY--Cletk, 1. W. Burn: Nes am; Port Perry--Jin, 7, Mareh 8, OME. EWE tt uu: May 4, [uly 5, Pept 6, Nov. 8, Jan, 8, 1019, THER 4 erp JON 7 ? Jrbiidge.. Jes, 1, an - 1dr, Sept. 10, Ngv. 23, | 7, Ju Gook's o Speblal Cream ior op patra | COOKS Dry Ginger Ale 10, May 8, July 9, Sept. ii, Nov. 21, . Ls 16, 1919. » Lr o sfanieion = Clerk, COOKE. BY. 4 i atetyon verton--Jan. O0K& SON PORT PERRY, ONT. ? 4, May 9, July 10, Sept: 12, No. GRAND , TRUNK &'Y-8YSTE ary 9, 1919. 1. BRECHIN Clerk, Daniel Leonard, TIME TABLE. S-- bo - Port Perey. SOUTH. Goma 9.23 an Sep! LONGFORD MILLS Clerk, Daniel | Leouard, Atherls--May 10, "Nov. 19 Bf urder, | J. BE, FAREW, FW a a Clerk of t Datell at isos Dec. 8rd, Ry eacel OF BREAD ARE SOLD DAILY and it. is hecaiide of the fact that only the best njaterials dre used and. skilled baker§ put them together that the Supremacy b SARVIS BROS' BREA eatilblishied. PRINCE ALBERT. grain was. cut on many felds where The world has need of mothers, of . ton concrete ship from the F | otherwise nothing would have boen aBlage. o keeping one ultry is; that the poultry- . & guiforn product miother-hearted 'women. Woman can yards at Moss, Norway, The ship fever vise to more glorious heights | | four water-tight compartments; the than these of . motherhood, Modeste ' engine, a 220 horsepower Bolinder mo- Wannis Jorden writes io Humanitarian, tor, is placed aft. The boat has two in the 'Wider sphere opening for wom- | large holds and two hatches, each the most conse equipped with a two-ton motor winch. are wanted as never hefore for Operators. Shaw's School, To- tonto, give the proper training in short order. Free Catalogue, W. H. Shaw, Pres; 'Write. business offices and us Telegraph. '| oNE PRICE fo ALL: 'W.ETTEY, Florist; LAND fg, House Decorating RATING | CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Painter. ator and Sign Writer I have Opened Busingsé ORT PERRY do all Work entrusted to me in 2 ] tmost satisfaction as regards tyle, durability, |. | on d La Having bad ; sone nf ric x . pe Hanner t Hull & Choice Stock of Colliery & Candies AND THE PRICES ARE RIGH JAMES WARD --bEALER IN-- Pidaos; Organs and Gramaphones, Also Sécond-Hand Organs, pr PIANOS TUNED by an aid second week in the montis of May and September.