30 ti i B So the Muskoka Free Hos- and find out what was He was found to be sut- tuberculosis, d hs Hospiiat for n or \be Great White : ¢. The money you give will [p réutore to health just such de- rving ¢anes as this, bringing happt- ) to re-united families. tions be sent to BS at , or to Geo. A. Reid : Page Anaiitute, © Ambitions Wills, * A Heutenant, who was lately killed in France, and had been a lawyer in elvil life, left £300 to the King, RAIS <p > 'humbly requesting his Majesty to apply the same to the reduction of | the National Debt." | Seeing that the debt he sought to reduce is going up by leaps and bounds, and that our annual expen- diture is well over two thousand mil- | lions at present, the patriotic lieuten- ant's gift is like a drop in the ocean Bet it is not unique. A one-time Master of the Rolls bequeathed his fortune after his wife's death to pay st remarked: "He was a good man and a good lawyer, but he might as arch of London Bridge with his full- is fifty times as big! dred thousand pounds to pay off the tewn's debt had better luck, but as the inexpacity and idiocy of the pres- tive in twenty-one years! Queen Victoria had some large use, but the funniest was a "pet par- per annum for its keep! She made : the amusing condition that "Her Ma- jesty publicly exhibit it before the eonrt twice a year, to prove that the person entrusted with its care has pot wrung its neck." The Elastic Globe. To the layman nothing may seem more rigid than the crust of the earth, but men of science gay that ft pends and buckles appreciably un- der the pull of the heavenly bodies. Observation has shown that the ghores on opposite tides of a tidal Yasin approach each other at high fee Fhe Fein of water in the a, for Instance, is so much greater at thai time thal the bed sinks a trifle and in consequence pulls the Irish and English coasts mearer together. Thus the buildings of Liverpool and Dublin may be fancied as bow- ing to ome another across the Chan- , the deflection from the perpen- dicular being about one inch to every sixteen miles. Ordinary valleys, too, 'widen under the heat of the sun and contract again at night.--Tit-Bits. ) Forgotton His Native Tougue. }: A negro in the American army ask- ed one of the Senegalese for a pinch of tobaceo. The latter responded in excellent French. Our soldier from Georgia was pussled. "Can't you all talk plain niggah talk?" said he. "Has you-zll done been over heah so long you's don forgotten youah own mother tongue?" Iw Soldier Dressmakers. atid Warbroken soldiers are making ladies' dresses In London, while for fer dressmakers are turning ent shells and othier munitions Ig' fie tories. The London costumfer has been so busy in her life. Many are five or six weeks deep in work, clients being grateful to get a promise of dresses at almost aay date. Munitions pay the dressmaker r than the needle, and they are all' eager to go td Woolwich or the big factories to help mske shells. A suburban dressmaker, who has three wounded men helping, says it Is as 'tontshing hew well they do the work. The finest bead work on the market is turned emt by wounded soldiers. A Good Haul. "There is one way of raising rev nue they have overlooked." 3 "What might that bel" "Putting & war tax on & poet's Ii- snag." A 8 SSE New Zealand's Great Tunnel. "With the holding of the official eeremony in honor of the piercing of "the hole in the Southern Alps," the great Otira Tunnel of New Zealand ok its piace prondly as one of the 2 subways. The tunnel fles and 35 chains in length, first shot at the r on May 5, 1908. Owing to 'labor due to the war, It 'through. By er available will have to drive off the National Debt! A great jur- | well have tried to stop the mftddie | pottomed wig." And to-day the debt | An Irishman who left over a hun- he expressed absolute conviction of | ent town council he made it opera- | legacies left to her for her private | rot" by an old lady with 100 guineas ! 4 WY BICC os A y Gr YY ALN <p ww YOY LNL8] 24 Vv A Aig Wy FF 4p, =a » ~ INANE INN A No Respected CICK SN 7 NANA atrons and SCISSOR Friends 3 SRC SKF 3G 7 SRC CORICISIOR \/ HE PEOPLE OF ONTARIO are accustomed {0 ac- eept their food much the same as they breathe the ait They read isolated items about food shortage, hut such & thing as this affecting their own dinner table never eters their mind, &nd ft #8 the responsibility of The Observer to bring home to its readers a realization of the facts, as un- less something is doue, in another year, they will uot be reading about the hunger in Belgivm but the hunger in Ontario. ; The following should be wemorized by every reader of Tar OBSERVER, ONS SOISK Uader the Presidericy of Mr. 4. W. Woods, a Eonfer- ence of all intevested in food production was held in Ti. routo on Monday, May 7. ER NNN NCAT SEG ie SIMPLY COULON'T FIND SIZES Shon ig oe : rel Canada's Butter Opportunit: tresses which the stores are selling ; how, or, rather, offering for sale, for if wtery ose Bs my luck. Sol agy BRITAINS NORMAL IMPORT *Gosh! I wish I was--not a Belgian =but a pole; not a native of Poland, But # tall, slim willowy pole, that toiid drape hefself in the ready-made FEES if mr $1,600, persons! incomes must pay 15 E x 5 REx XT per cent of increase and companies : . PARSONS | the! have increased profits must pay ' ] 3 ne tex unon the Inerease EDITOR, PUBLISHER AND PROPRIETOR