rE fruit jars and i keep the jars cov- e entrance of bac: ke a pint sample of milk y drawn from each of three Te in the jars, cover, cool to 4 Fahrenheit, and keep at unttl curdling 3, Gurdiing, or coagulation; should take place in about 24 hours. An '(ideal curd should be firm, smooth, 'marble-like, free from holes or gas bubbles, and should show little uf o separation of the whey. It should A a clean sharp, sour or acia 'flavor, I, 4. Select the sample that most (blosely meets those conditions and i pagnte it, disearding the others. he selected sample is propagated as follows: (a) Clean thoroughly and boll for eines a quart jar, the top, and ; (bY the jar with freshly. L il, eorer loosely, heat slow- pasteurtze by boil minute 4, band c. Inc is the one to use for- sning {ho cream, and should be fe! in such quantities as to be one- o 18 59 0 one-fifth of the cream to be ops In Grand Prairie, do Prairie district has," in the Edmontor a says Ci H. _ _ + Bulletin, ng | dfn considering it In a tremen "tolu too. sre will be wheat, lots of it; ied ere will be oats enough to secd all and still have a surplus for The impression must Er 3 in alle wage we. , and the BE! ty 19 excavate a foundation now hand, . Urn for os Sow, There are three things which should bo looked after carefully in: ¢uring for the brood sow: feed, shel-! ter and exercise. If a man is to sue- ceed he must not neglect any one of' these things. One ot the things which must b2 guarded against, if strong litters are | to be produent, is ds shustivation in the brood sow. which eom- | monly case onsinion in. en bréod | 80W are too little water and exercise; | A sow should also have bulk and more mineral matter in her ration: Corn, when fed alone, is too fatten ing, and the st is ndded internally; which {8 injurious to the development df the unborn pigs. Cora is all right if fed with judgt ment. When ted to sows, however, it should be supplemented with some feed like linsoced meal or tankage, shorts, afid perhaps a little bran. Another good feed to use is alfalfa hay or alfaifa meal. Clover hay, not too coarse, also supplies bulk, protein and the laxative effect desir- ed. Every hdg man will want to plan a special ration, using the feeds which he has at hand that will give the best results; but a few good ones for the brood sow will be suggested, taking the following as a basis: corn, 50 parts by weight; shorts, 25 parts; alfalfa hay or bran, 15 parts; linseed meal, 10 patts. Of coutse, the feeder witl waht to use alfalfa hay and other home: grown feeds as far as possible, but if they are not available, bran or simi- lar feeds Ehouid be purchased to go with the corn. H fankage is used in- stead of oilmeal, Only hall as much A @wf-Raising Cub. So far as the members are con- corned, real action will be started in the matter of the first Canadia Cane Club, when the distribution o e 60 helters, purchased by the Peel Association to supply that number of applicants, takes place at Brampton. Before distribution takes place, ail calves will be marked with price and number, and each boy or girl who has subscribed as a member of the Peel. County Calf Club, 1918, will _ draw a number from a box and the A sald rT to that number his or hers, Subject to the il fa of agree t of the club. THe objects of the club are: as To create a deefier interest dur farm boys and girls in the of dairy farming. 2. To bring into Peel County a large: number of high grade dairy cattle and to distribute them at cost on ealy terms of payment. 8. To encourage the Leeping of dairy records by the boy and girl members, and through them to intro- J Hos otter Jus ethose of of feeding and Gare a Milk and Cream Producers'! ated 2 numerous in Chatham co- a urge and She whole pal ad a stimulat- ing effect EE Eivic apirit (here, A notable feature of Chatham's com- munity gardening was the enlist- ent by the Meehanics' Board of Trade of the valuable aid of the Gov- ernmént -- not the Ontario Govern- ment, but the United States Govern- ment. Chatham started tb wirk be- fore the Ontario Government abies tins were ready, It asked for Unit States bullctind ond the Abicricad | Government not only save 10,000 copies for distribution in Chatham, | but sent-cxperts over to hip along the good work. j Holland's Great Reclamation Scheme, Holland has not a returned-soldiet problem on her hands, but she la ! crowded for room, and it is proposed to make rbom b¥ terlaiming more land from the pea. A dike, averagin some 18 feet in height and 18 mil long, is to be built to cut of a pots tion of the Zuider Zee where thé water 18 an average depth of twelve feet: The water will then be removed | trom within thé diked arca, and th8 new sea floor transformed into fields and gardens. The area fo be reclaim= ed is 523,440 acres, and the estimat- ed cost of the work is $89,244,004; or some $170 per acre. It is expected that thirty-three years will be requir- ed for carrying the work through. Lambs for Xew Brunswick, Thomas Iletheringlon, Live Stoek Superintendent of New Bruns wick Department "of Agricuitny: has bonght & huriber of lumbs in Onitar ia for breeding purposes in Now Drens- wick. IWater-tight Concrete. A faixture of about one pitt of cement, two parts clean coarse sand | and three parts of stone witli enough | water to make a quak confistency | makes water- Heit tortreta. | Buying U. $i Horses: The Dritlsh Governmeént is, the Breeders' Gazette reports, buying | i tragspoart horses in the United Statics at $215. to $250; VER four yoars of wa abled the neulral na Amaorica, Asif, and Alicea td | fori their verdict sad | even those of Europe, thotzh (hey were too close td the fire to allew | thefr opinions to become know | when they could help it. And noi there has reached ys tho views of the last neutral nation to be heard | from--the Eskimos of Northern Breenland, a report of whose opin: | ion& has just been brought back by 3 Donald M. MacMillan, the explorer! | jhe The Eskimos think that the whits | nen have gone piblokio--which, in| the white man's languagh, nicans fhat they are craay; that they are running amuck; that they have gone off their collective nut. Ard tu view } of the amiably communistic civilize: | ha [htbrmed by brotherly love es desciibes, it 1s noi Td isi tt int ee fri Vis jo Ad) Jord a For. them, and | od 26d 0 i an his headquarters at Etah, 00d ashes the metropolis of Northwestern | Greenland--a sellionens = isting, under normal conditi ~y 5 families, each ho ks ice, nnanimans fudement that the white eir employes 104 | #91 eolgid ar | posit f knows of iv con eproof, ¥ : ing given to the flames, it Was thelr a iis NAAR od 4 to be al Ho gibre there men usefy! a it ptional hover] spirits, or for any reason, 80 much power that his fellow-siifsens could not remove him tailed to percolate through the Es- kimo skull, momic warfare was llkcwise to them & thing unknown. Everbearing Straw berriow: Something of a flurry was crefited in Vancouver when soven crates of fresh gtrawberries ajrived thore the first week in September, Tle: from the Suttiz irrigated mn Vancouver Island, snd. were cverbearing variely. The Dberried were, according to the World, of good size and quulity were offered at $5 pel crate There are a number of varieties of what are called everbearing straw- berriel, and some interesting inforne ation concerning (hese is given in the end , and last number of (he Agricultural Gazette. , Mr. W. 1. Macoun, horticul- turist of the Central Experimental Farnl, Writing in the Guazeiie, says that the parent plant was discovered by Mr. Samucl Cooper of New Y&rk state dn the autumn of 1398, in a field of the Bismarck variety, his at- tention being drawn to it on account of its having frit in the sutumd) From this variety, and through Mir, Cooper, several have been developed; among thom aro the Ediimn, Pro- ductive, Superb, Petilcss, Oaward, forward and Advarios; Nit none of tliesa hos mo far become a8 gepular as those which have baen originated by Mr. Harlow Rockhill, of lowag who used rsiote of (ho parents tls Louis Uauiiley, one Leet of tho Enrops ait. everog 8 The 'ev rbearing wv aiiter from the oriinary sorls iu U.4 ther naually continue bicoming oad boar? nthe yal wartumn ing fiult fogs the tine erop af tie Oivintry oy rij ttl severe frosts ind Nut vagy much value anponrs te ue bin: den everbearings by practiced | Tomi growers, Most of the varidiles are pod giant mukers, Mr. Macoun Bays. Mr ST. Palmer, thirecior 'of Vinciand Experimental 101, docs il thent a eomniticki) pris ongsnve tn a sinnil way by truck arpicrs howing a special mar de Prof. Clem but i Chung fl Aguicnitare] UO «That he ¥ ihat can be said a marked success dur- 0 have peeve ing the fall. A'few cases of burries Lave Leen obiaived, but not enough LW Waa rant strong restaaendotion, all Flougling. bo bi plohghing of tiaeihy or vias | gress rod WHI gondrally 'ptevent {HE { eect attacks, suel as fartiers experi' enced with white grubs, wird word, sod websworms, cut worind aud bi bugs during the rast agon; More Flour From heat! 3 Tho United States order to ine crease the amobut of Jour produced from a given quantity of wheat has | ecaused a corresponding red ion in amonat of millfeed ava je for live stock i the Ather Eaerein the Herd Dull, * Exercise the herd bull. If he iz marked © stabled continuously he becolues lean sure ug a breeded, al Z rn Fate's Playfulness. A leon young Infantryman, hurried across France with his regiment, was | flung into a Aght near Chateau Thierry with scanty sleep and shart rations, wont over a crest with the ffst wavd of assault, emerged from a mix-up with a German bayonet none the worse except for a tear In the seat of his breeches, escaped by a miracle every blast in the murderous crossfite of German machine guns and finally came his me of we few unscratched ones In platoon. He dropped on the ground, 2! doubly The tdea and | be ay in who, wheter because int friendlinedd with e other by a regretful jab of the harpoon Vancouver | |) LL) Lc) "/ a LI. AND CONVINCE URSELF OR PHONE 29 MEAT MARKET te os. ad Turnip TRA eg Highest Market Price Pad None | for the promise of a rest, but ad up i a cli rf cop Flowering 1. i: RIGHT KIND OF PLANTS whether | lants ! 10 BUY FRINCE ALBERT. ONE PRICE TO ALL. Quality and/ Variety are those that are grown at W .ETTREY, Florist. | == 5 AND "PORT PERR ed 1s % atmdst: hil ling, House § Dean » Y SPECIALTY NG HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Painter Bn Decorator and Sign Wilter I lave Opened Business diy all ek entrusted to mein a manner that satisfaction as segards style. durability, | prices, Having al intricate STEWART FORD Adair futthét ifitroduc~" that we have: Business Sixty bus. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. | Fatrdnage respecfullrsaticited. 5& PLANTS We Want Now Révfiati sull P i PR Ce Winter months, Sumy Bi teiritory. fee selling. equipment. OVER 600 ACRES are now repared of 1ko hlenit Nursery Sole iochiding offers nd. PORT PERRY aRNETe . Corrected weekly by Higy & Ltt Gisin wad Seed EX eta ; Jan. 9. 1979, Fall Wheat SpE $2 tl % Spring Wheat SAS 20@ 2 a Gouse Wheat, ,[... 200@ 2 10) : RARE 1 40@ 1 go . Rye if 225@ 2 40] ° Ses s738 aks een 00 Grass Seed. . ... ' Ine ir Alsike Clover ..... 10 ogy oe Red Clover..... .. 20 00 @ 23 00 eas biackere ein 250@ 3 50 Peas (small). 350@ 3 70 Buckwheat . 160@ 1 ko oe perlb ..... 013@ o eo api ln, . 20 00 @ 20 00 unit . ol Og 0 55 o © 65 ha 0 60 @® o 7 Mails Close The ital oe des ostrhed from the P a Pobt Petry ota ¥ fii i Soi arth -- 9.00 a. m. wg --11 20am FARM FOR SALE omfort and conve OUTH:HALF Lo Lot 5, Cob! 6, fo si passed. Reach, County of Ontario. Sifuited on a leading road, about halfway borween Port Perry. ahd fequireinentd of Cor nercial Travels Uxbridge. Convenient to school {5 : sud church. For particalars ap-| Our charges are moderate a piy to We guarantee to please our patrous. Patronage solicited. EF Phone No. 2, 0AWKER BROS 6. R. ALEXANDER CARPENTER, CABINET-MAKER & UPHOLSTERER WILLIAM MANNING, Aug 13, 1918, WoonviLie, Ont, iting of fhe Bivisio Cour | COUNTY OF ONTARIO. { 1918. ow | tw WHITBY Clerk, Miss E, 1, Mac: 4 donell, Whitby ~Jan. 8, Feb, b, | Jobbing promptly ittended to and Jules & a pri 2 May June 4,1 charges moderate. uly ept t. 1, Nov. & y ~ " a athe. B Oct. 1, Noy, 5, De Port srry, Se ot 19, 1916. OSHAWA ~Clork, Mas E. I, Mac{ 57 °° a dons Whithy ms Jan, 4; Feb 6,1 March 6, April 8, May 2. Juns of | July 8, Bopt, 4, Uet. 2, Noy 6, Dee. 4 Jead, 1919 L. BROUGHAM -- Clerk, M. Glesson Qrecipod Jar By March 7, May YEAY | duly s, opt. 5, Nov. 7, Ju, 1, TOMMIE GooNig | 8 PORT PERRY Clerk, I. W Burn {+ hatit) Pat Perry--Jan, 7, Marvel 8. Ne AEWED . { May 4, July 6, Fept 6, Nov. 8 Pn [Janis 1619 / UXBRIDGE-Clerk, B M. Moors, { Uxbridge Jats 11, Sarch 15 Way | m---- | JlxS, Sept; 10, Nov. 28. Jan i : ! Ob ' > i * 5. CANNINGTON Clerk, Thos H. Fos C ok's Special Ure : ter, Canuiitgton -- Jan. 10, March 14, | 00k's Dry (Ginger Ale Say 8, July 8, Sept. Li, Nov. 21,} . Jan 10, 1919 BEAYERTON ~ Dlerk. Chas. A. MANUFACTURED BY haope JBedverton-<Jan. 8 Mare h 'Y. C K i #, May 0 July 10; Sebt 00 & SON 7, BRECHIN - Clerk, Davita boob] PORT PERRY, ONT. Athirly ~Jantury ' 8, March 12} ¥ i aly 11, Sept. 18 Jan 8, 1919 { 3 f i LONGFORD MILLS Clerk, Danie | TRAND TRUNK r SYSTEM { Leonard, Ahorly--May 10, Nov. 19 | IME TABLE. | BY order, Pp Pp ORT ERRY, JE _FAREY tOQING a nn tas a FARE) NE bef OG SOE es | Dated at Whitby; Dee. 8rd, { 1917 15.55 | KwonmgR LARGE NUMBER OF 10AVES | OF BREAD ARE SOLD DAILY lowering or Vegetable P launts, that are second to| i and it is because of the fact thit duly the best materials are nsdd did skilled bakers put- thedd together that the suprétfiacy of SARVIS BROS' BREAD Hdd Hoenn clearly estibliShiéd. PR Po NP Sg mr il & Choice Stock of Confectionery & Candies AND THE PRICES ARE RIGHT: SARVIS BROTHERS. JAMES WARD : ~-- DEALER IN-- fn PiatioS, Organs and Gramaphones Also Second-Hand Oi "gas. i PIANOS TUNED by an expert second week in the months of May and September. ; ELL PHONE 94 A FUL OF EVEYTHNG IN THE Harness CH EA PN ESS 8TY LE Durabitity and STRENGTH : git de urpansed n the Com. a Po Robe sis, Beis, tats &e., in abutidi porta ot Prices Goutli] W A. BEATTY Spectil atténtiof id io the: