North Ontario of the greatest dud most important|' Shorthorn and Clydesdale saleso {neve is « will there is. generally a |tPat has. ever been given publicity | a wiy. The Majors Address fo|!0 in this district, It co x be seeri in other the pir , Jamies [Cartwrtght, and te sale tales onthe Wie : BELL TELEPHONE LIST premises. Few know, but. pot Such is a fact, energetic } ! adn low ving long list of B Have 'as many sabscribérs as the | Eligible Shorthorns population ' of Port Perry, and far takhy ot lie i bu tie : eclipses far larger places including me idee of i mmensi Newmarket, Whitby, 2 athe y and For the immensity and success White R 490368 calm od Dec. titated and the he of the Port Perry Exchange much 26. 1908; | Lucy Novar Tazo6de achieved s t a me: is due to the superior management| _._. , June 10; 1910; Minnie Now fof Mr. T. J. Tilly, the District Man- var! =138533 = =v calved D i ager at Lindsay, whose indefatig- 1912, Bonnie Jean = 128534 = ool ahle exertions, courteousnes .and{ 3 Noo 9, 1913; Roan Lady =135- infinite tact' captures' and retains gr6=calved Dec, 15, 1913; Roan every available subscriber Within | Gir "eligible = 'calved May' "10, the Dirtrict, and the Company is 1914; Hegsther: Rose. =eligible certainly fortunate in having so!calved Junes, 1916 Maid of Frim- competent - gentleman in charge of | ross w eligible = calved NOY, 8, 1016' so.importanta District, He is cér-| The foregoing cows are" supposed to tainly the right man 'in the right! be in calf. Miss'Minsirel = dligible] place and a grand acquisition to 8ll| « calved June 2, 1917 ; Lakeview concerned. | Heatber w= eligible = calved June 2, PERSONAL = 1918; Rose Mont =elibible = calved Mr. Wan. Weir, of Rosebank, June 1, 1918 ; Botnie Girl ~ eligi. ble=calved May 10, p19; Jean Novar and "Kate Novar, (twins) calved June 8, 1918. Mdles-- Minstrel,. calved Jone 30, '1017 Climax and, calved April 15, 1918; Ockley Choice, calved May 20, 1918. The Grades number 8 choice ani- Manitoba, was in town last week and made Tae OBSERVER a pleas- ant and 'highiy interesting visit. He has resided there for the past sixteen years and speaks in glowing terms of the greatness and ime portance of the Great West. Mr, be While the Ciod Weir is a native of 'the South-east mas. hile the Clydesdale horses are fewer in number they are ani corner of the Township of 'Reach 1 of i Rael b and for a. number of years Jid yeo~ fa 9 Tate. gua iy. rely. suc Adan x man duty in his native burg, his. popularity | was wonderful as witnessed by his grand siccess at ner Oy the polls when contesting municipal auld thenpportunily ® but in order to properly wind dp the honors, He is a giant intellectu-| Ainented gentleman's estate ally as well -as physically and now personal property is to be dispos- policy of these withi nomination of "Even greater' $4 achieved by still fir] 'minimum amount i bi scribed and Cunddh ed, through its Wat Saving scheme to) off jes by which not poly womed, but the} ch country, tan help pro whieh is so urgently feeder to carey ~The humbie'# 4 ur being mobilized into try's service. All aid and make the secured so large asi The British Bie that in i tips the beam at nearly 250 Ibs. {og of. hence this great: sale. The! All will be pleased to know that he Machinery and Implements ave in st has been highly successful in the keeping with the. farm stock, upto: home of his adoption. pate in every respect, and will all go Mrs (Dr) F. E. Mellow, Uxbridge, | at action prices. This sale will accompanied by her son Ross, ére| doubtless draw a 'multitude of pros this week guests at the home of Mr.| pective purchasers--all should ats and Mrs. H. Carmichael. tend. = Mr. 'Jackson will be auc. tioneer., i| KE" LOTS OF GOOD. SCRAN- TON---Paa, Nur, Stove anp| AUCTION SALE FurNAcE--COAL. No restric-| The term of the lease of the farm tion, except for Cash only.|of Mr. Norman Palmer, lot 17, con. Come one, Come all, C. L. VICKERY. | giving up farming, be Las decided ae to sell his stock of Horses, Cattle, 8, Reach. having expired and he is| THE LATE WM. T. HARPER | Swine, Implements, &c., and has|back t fixed the day of sale for Satorday,|! The late William T. Harper who Feb, 22, wheit all will be sold with- : departed this life at his home; lot] out the slightest reserve, Mr. W 22, con. 9, Reach, on Saturday, 18th | F. Marquis will be Auctioneer, =. vr, 1919, bor Si mT i Ee oat te oy mai?) AUCTION SALE : and ; was son 0 ® ATES Mr. Stewart Nasbitt, Tot A, con. Ma oO ere is horlage of water in J "- : | market and householders are 'asked be into violent rebellion, Which 3 turk]. a Why not switch on Excessive taxation by vhe Bolshe viki government Das driven the peasants of the foerior of Russial ed by extreme cropliies. Now thal the war is over a Tos np fonlo preacher 'says: fle world] needs" a new religion Whi, A] ibout "the old 'religion and some} new religious teachers ?. President Wilson Tas spent sev- eral seasons on the Muskoka | where owns an jsland, as well as 104 e township of Medora. A Laviis ville paper says the fact that Henry Ford 'waited until be was worth forty million doflars be- fore "he' considered himself in a position to tart a newspaper, shows that he is not so ignorant of the | publishing businese as people Jn ine {agine, "Dr. Byron H, Staniler, lately re : ttrned from San Francisca to accept ins which can Achurch is worth © wh 10 a height of | protected against commercialized |" towns, the and In the Sunday amusements The more | see 'of thie results of nonechorch- going. loose marriage laws and con: jugal infelicities; hope tions among the workin jaw dance-balls Sunday road ousess the more.1 covet for my native nd) ta General or Agr round that b's o Esme the evndidato of. a Govern t whi ; and able in the promotion of the Province, a Gov ronment inst which there