MISTAKE gn 4 "IPI BABIER 10 MIST [Terws:--:$) 'kr ANNGM IN ADVANCE 3 PORT PERRY, ONTARIGMBHURSDAY, MARCH 27, 1919. Tr | M.D.C.M. Vietoria| -- ms ~ Ey Tame Sere Tne E BAD LANDING NOW RAISES | ore. sao brain sme S480" 0 cote fae npgrement' : BE) whites: nt try tO a the better sanfiary' measures and methods of precaution taught under the aegis of the department, to pre fYeot the wholesale decimation once STAN DARD BA Apart om 2 cival ens, however, AS | prehensive vi ery a aL «Force oh GL ind 01 ps, 620 CHICKENS n dian nmset lends further interest to this blue book, with its analyses of dor a Te al | buted so much touictory: the Vet: eth lous Personal Chas- : ! | I results attained by the Indian | ment by Being Made ; nM erinary Co h issued i this Bank payable | ee 2 "rm---- | juany Seids of *ndenvar, That He rec ren lilies stating ota > ny 7 A cs a 3 Pomwan, 3, + e PR { h Oz , TH --*1 took Lydia E. Pink. gent Sreatmons iy aiid gd mals ;the hospitals and even af tie OR. 8.J. MELLOW, M.D.O.M. esha aro 1 1040 csi Morning EST'D 1873 all parts of the world. . 234 hough he was a beche we ade | hams egetuble Qotapantd a sults chronicled of the" "Greater fol asta = the English Channel, we Oganysre Naw Yorx Post Ww. aot , is rm ¥ "his audueity. He hfe bi |] . Bed shies 5 ie Production" campaign started by iro Some. of. ory Ty a BADUATE ummar Co- tent io PORT PERR BRANCH out of the summnigr biue on a | til I could not put m; oDpiment among: the Indians and splendid collection of portraits, nd 7 s or Paya A Suresoxe CHURCH o¥ THE ABCRNSION, fi. &. flUTOHESON : Manager. sWodpihg from no foot to, the floor a Vics ihe ai forth under the ad: te ing personalities such as ; ONTARIO (ANGLICAN) ht in te (nner guard of half fj could scarcelydo my gf (he deparioront Hb Satd; tea t Borden, Sir George Perley, JOORONER FOR ONTARIO Co. C-- of pur unsuspecting kite bale i ff work, and as I live improvement at the aril git Princess Patrioia of Connaught and, Jsspmwos Qusam Br, Post .Prrav REV, C. F.8TENT, BA, L.Th. loons Swift aid straight as a falcon | fon a sma form and Munoey Rosotves, for example, and oud, whe labored so un-. Plies hours: --8--10 Reis 1--8 p.m Services at 11.00 a.m. only, he and at the rattle of his mas | § chickers ave: ear Many Deseronto Indians had orops| dros ' ji the UOanadian Red end Brenings. EL cg of Intercession every Thursday L gun and the flash of his tracer | fit made it Yer ard | Qual to any in Ontario. die: "The anegh thc portals ots ! Telephone connsetien over Bell and pac ET billets ply figures strangely agitat- | for me od Tes Fentiiory Cooper introdie- aR PE anatisn i 5 ¥ } hobb PVT < oe 0 us the Indian ab a warrior. Ths 5 : 2 Independent lines - RB. 0. CHURCH. | WRIA ADAMS. #. 6. HUTCHESON, Bell Phene Ufice Ne. 6 | Hi Satug bo) S08.280 racing hth pond ayer Oot! annals of Oapadian. Indian 1a. the | 8 who lave won. the Victoria = Hh LLB i REY BFATHER KEANE +. Bell Phone Nout Rusidgure No.4 8 ph 7a our Apes, and tind fo arr gow hat they Tbe mot' SRLERWE rg Third Sunday at 10 30 % Fo of ! I t restor sph » 3 e traditions, o i 4 . - m H. HARRIS, B. A, 2 - ADAMS H UTCHE SON | the Ar 4 weit 34 gun, and, Hilt, w at | oy health 80 T ean do all my work and their ancestors. There has been much Ontario's War Effort. yi RISTER 'Be ; | ats the billion, & thin train of fire | Iam so grateful that T am recommend. MiSconception as to the attitude of record 'or Ontario in giviag BAR ' SUCCESSORS TO leading to a scarlet blaze and o it 4 friends, "eM D. M. the Indians to the wir. They ae If. of Canadis total in men ! ing it to my friends, TS. r v to 3 of the Dp gS) { DAVID |. & DOUGLAS ADAMS {] samer wreckage. Bef Avtess, BR, 4, Ofégon, Ill the Heht t to exemption. trom to the war was reviewed the nL ba Yarnold. PP FIRE SA RAINE |] © count twelve a decoic Onlywomén who have suffered the tor- M by I ial Hearst in - y ' X t sliviveled into skin ond the Hun plane | tures of such troubles and have dragged stent on AD 8 to' the, Engineers' Club a oxt Ferry, Ons. 3 : te ad i NL { w aoka Le . . , | along from day to day can realize the zight® snd will fight to | £ 280, The Premier sald i T LIFE ACCIDENT {1 | was making tracks for home relic? which thi hath modern ways y % 5 t Nolny To LOAN. 1% as | IF Thal Archies" had been + i which ain famous root and her! tain the Jugd Ways 10 re ¢ ty-oiie per cent, : 3 1 1 18 £5 tia i i bs iy, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable = "#!0 them; ¢ hive tieaty rights; | of the co poyimlation, had pro- - Funds at & por comi, =) Fy Real Baars Mo tgacs L0ans | SUNpEISeS For a moment It loc Con i, brought to Mrs, Alters, and only independent and son- | Gare per gent. of the re- v + samalip Tickels | if the unwelcome visttor would r | © Women everywhere in Mrs Alters' quered nitions have ' treaties, say | © nits ' of the 538.2823 7 ! his Unes, But Judgen the "Arc | pon sn should profit by hes recom many of them. Jut' turn fr this (tot 1 wolugitary -contribu~ WwW i TE A A RT ARAN meee AR censedifining, and it yas then we mendation, and If there are dny com- ! to. read the war recor tio io. for [patriotic pue-' Jao. = Oroxids i : Dillon H Hin e- =St F ih | & British plane piitsniog at a plications write Lydia E. Pinkkam's ' the Indians tinder enlistment Mote POE amounted to $51,- haa SorLicivom, CeNvSTANOER, Ig ay é ce - " | that could only have one: r | Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for advice. = than, 3,500 Indi dis ited, tor "All Canada the i -- . s esult cording to t 90,000,000 - gs mile a "of Port a Man i by the Owen Sound Tro z Tg Pe tl ps Stepped" twle by ine py our of their od Years experience Sant adhe er cent. of aiinds hia given. foety ® snce Uo. Ltd., ' * ' fen: on once. involunthrily, He the Indian. Mdle populatio of ii nd Outario f ty-o Mowat vo Loan. and am § i ; : i A Ta a an pulation of mili and Ontadit twenty-one prepared to suppl th : SARABRAS RANK L3 A Les PRCIVCER smashed into & cottage like a goat but- tary age r { ab aiodat. Ontario had foener of Marriage Tdostinet! papa. Earp _-- pao of ting "through a fence, his propetl vinces. Ther e millions to the Brite RF TRI TI TT WIRE FENCE prod i hi DENMARK. 9 ov on 4 48 apie 0 7 4 40 SYR SR 0 0 0 0 goinghthrough the thatched reof and A. ume, (Ae. GaY.comes wien fe | Whom the , and to the Canadian FARBUALLK, G4 ILE 3 Gout Continent and atprites 1} gh HOLLAND, OPNMAGTARNARVOAVABERABART 0D hile redder cocking up in the air. THe | faces the world. mation, ee millidns in cash and, Barsiatyr, oun IAL -can solitary pilot wis pitched info a gor "Imaging the foolishneds of a man lo kind To the Navy: , Be, Ae Pablo Bogie not fail to satisfy purchasers. : 3a - . | x ) 4 EA a Siig Oh. 8 gave $1,000,000, and LC Caurs Hadas; GERMANY! «aR RRR anan 16 | mer (of , he long orchatd,: littlé the | who write8 the following in a diary 18 £1 3004000. » 2 The Diccon Funcr'is without a n z { WworseRfor hig fall. Ie was a smpll, |that he knows Bell eventually lose: between the ages o of Lagaie00. | assess y i | Dee: Tis the BEST because it is UNITED a5. moaamean § QOMPARED WITH OTHER thimSmathier. menn-lpoking young win, |° 'Called' on. Mary Jane last night, -ty-three went on active had realized .the sun Phoned Ball 68 1 3. 1464. 900. flexible ; it is a square mesh Jit : " : NATIONS ON THE BASIS and blinked, stupidly at the re- | That she will accept me for better og other Okanagan bs bit ap to the end of 3 So | Perfect Yin e-stay fence, th IEBELAND aawaana 1 THE NUMBER OF maingiof what had once been ap ajr- | worse I have no doubt. Carrie will equally I yeapidhe Provineial d g y erefore OF J.B. Lundy, LLD.8., D.D.B It is irfpossible to bend the stays ANIMALS TO THE DIARRA little Gog barked tat 'himy {rave when she hears of my .enguge-' OF 11e Mi ane auilion £ A ty ) N old } 1 r male ¥ {o in fact it is the best fence mad PRANCE, aaaaan § half Midozen fusdy hebs scolded, him, «| ment to Mary Jane!" I wrote it gle mem ik Re: Ontar] DENTAL SURGEON this or Any other contr ade. in HUNDRED ACRES OF Sind AARery angry and very defermined | "Another entry read: 'What a day! : ee ER SeNL one old i an iy So 3 flat hs {Suecessor te Dr: I L. Grahth : 3 maaan $ LAND IN FARMS Cold Inds came out of the cottage to | I haven't a cent to my credit at the ¥ DEERE Ilias d 0; foad An Be re plrchasifi Wire I BRITAIN, 5 vy McLean, won. the .D.C.M killing 5 {0 the Belgians, apples @raduate, Royal Collage of Dintal Sar Ea ire Xence 5 investigate him, | bank. And yet the world looks upon ' gingle ded j6teon Gertmtns awd - y OY. aR don't fail to fis we & y agle-handed ninéteen Germans and gens and University of Toronto. inspéct the Divtroxy ITALY ¢ "an 5 Shewas a typical Flemish dame, | me as an example of prosperity. I hope capturing fourteen others with the | s, and 0 Lewis s ENCE! Ed ive of build, tenaci h J.cank 1 i of a es g . . % 4 y massive of bulld, tenacious In charac cam keep up the DMI until the tailog id of a dosen bombs, Le.-Corpl to the Canadian infan! Office _ PORT PERRY; Ont J. H. Brown, CANABA, aan 3 tor andipractica: fn Kl things, Dellb- | has ny wedding outfit delivered, I Jolson Paudash, M.M., t Bat: lotic 'Funds the province MURRAY Dicks in Acricur TURAL fuer erately: anid of 'Set purpose she ndé' | should worry: when Mary Jane's dad '&lon, ississauga. of Rice, La 0,000 in; 1817 and 31v, J. A. R MENTS AND MacHiNirRY . - ? So in a need on the dazed airman, She | has a cool million. Oh, boy! Wag in battle from Loos Ae: = =: = mE 3 - ye Passchendaele, and distinguished | fous mundc ipalities DENTIST SEAGRAVE cenght Aim by the collar of his tunic. | The last notation 1 made Wa8 0D 8 ' yinuaels mad fi pm. Axa sntbans Lowe + Bide Rooms over... Roussdk Coc, Aptil 6, 190 6. 190k. oo om mn | Pprstitlons nature, & strange Feeling mans. Many other Indian soldiers | League and ithe' **The Fair." Ne AUIS AIK AS 8 a SATRE PRODUCER h ish peasant what he | permeated my soul as I penned the fol guve exceedingly good service as {Christmas boxes = ds it by smashing up ber heuse, She | lowing: i Capt. A. G. BE. Smith, a Six | Fad been sent" fo "Oni ro i Hours 9a. m. to 6 p. m. Miss Ha i or jo wr fabio d Gyr dans ! J Fey rod Lim to look at the ss he | Tor a weddi, ésent 1 belleve Indian of Brantford, was [and thot wds of dollars' worth Ir 800, HoLIAND oy arr mare rarer ( m to lock at the mess he 0! weldigg presen belle awarded the Military Cross, athletie there had been grantg' PHONE 88. Mary Jane's ph 'will give her at least $100,000 In: cash or collateral. A, While 2, ealeulated the cost and de- ent, all in a breath. She sanitaria, ation tubere grants to to the increased to stimula Pte, miles from Semia than 500 in the walked mor Lake St. eph, Dress and Mantls Maker oT yy FF MF TRF TISHES to infor the ladies DENMARK. FF (57 7 PY RF 17 7 057 OY. OF 07 6 0 07 OT IF hea ity on him, his parents and the old man could eaglly afford ford Patricia District , and many | production movement and the suffer that she | red I oF PY RPE Jruiane. to begin with, I feel that more Will oihars walked distances > y the Halifax disaste The rooins - lor ond 343 nied 3 to i 18 m rer eT 26 . 4 she, talked ai the of war | cothe later, I think he lkes me. Why John Campbell, a full-blooddd Indian pegtbn Hospilah had cost f : 2 ormerly occupied by hier RF 7 an the Spirit ot ffuest evaporated | shouldn't he? from: the Far North, traveled three ) to_ civil J D. Mc Master, V. S. et Mr. Byar's Drug Store where QEBMANY. oF Fy oy 1 PF 57 PT BF 7 RY FY BT BY fram the (Wits Hun. Fle shrank tft | *I dropped the dary on Mary Janel§ tb nd miles by 1, canoe and 3 she 1s prepared to execute XZ or a he look od like a small boy enught in |sun porch as I went awiy. that Sight, river steamer to enl at Vancouver peilieg le or ke a. sw y enug n | D ; by ston ] Office in Cawker Brothers Livery ders for Dress and Mantle Making Fr {57 OF OY Fo op 57 09 OF 9% FT FF 1 7 OT OF g monn theft] his airplane, with its | and when § discovéted my loss you can H arte 3 from the Artie Soast Beat » $100,000, abd in a manner umsutpassed fdr 4 gaudy splashes, resembled a broken | imagine my feelings." y ie and, walking to the head | § 3 f the ¥ fy and snce | 1 items not mentioned above PORT PERRY, ONT. Correctness of Style Franck. Fr PF oF IY 1 PF 57 PF 07 I PE tox and he tugged ruefully at his hair, "Awful to contemplate!" exclaimed hi F oy SONS ure and thence 'bed $1,000,000 9 4 Bnd flushed apd stammered and edged | Billers, "Mary Jane found it and all oro months to secure the me: emit of | FRET MY RT RY ST PT 0 d IBSON and Charming Effect. TALLY. entitions!y away, was off, I'll venture." transportation to Vancouver: old Feet" Saved Canada. a MORTON M. G 3 Our charges are consistent with 17 FF 07 FY PT PTY 8 SOMPARED With Toa BUAS | 1vo ;efired. the old 'woman ad- | No," sald Wilbur. "Mary Janes | In the e Canadian provinces | pny joh tlade by the the value given. AURTHACIA. OF.THE NUMBER OF anced, and I am corpinced that but | little brother found it, and being a the Ind a total income of | ypited t nates Committee dis~, ONTARIO & DOMINION % of R707 BY ° 7 3 the prompt arr of a guard of - | businesslike litle chap held if up for 3 418,307, made up follows: | qo the efforts made. jn 1916 by YOR Port Retry, April 5, 1909. bg rey rr 8 danas vo me Eh v Tommiles she would have | a $10 ransom." ] Yalu > Jam products, inclnding I1 tori 'and Albert on 'hehalf of, CE Ea SR HUNDR SDabkcd that unhappy Peuton "yout an Eo AY, 34,149; value of hee Did | nady to gain contedlk of the ma<, L AND BU RY LOCAL AGENT Ww oa, SEEEOTOTIVIN. ¢ I -. did a még, syed. lor;so & Good Yield on' Sod Land. | wages, earndg, $2 043.187) Reity | ne War Hak Insurance business af AND CIVIL ENGINEER ANTED Bic A HR encore was de: |, An Imaiructive snd. practically! wie | Fo£08, Sarodl, $3040,1870 IaCalbd | tio united Suter ths 'eridencs of tod 6d the dame Sghooed"" awny the | ful pecount of how a third of an acre : wrned by fishing, $523 : ctivities bel supblied by the' (Buccesstr to the late W. B Yarnold, FOR THE be Te a of pasture land two miles from the hunting and traps | tiie rh and read inte Ontarid Land Surveyor, of Part Perry.) OTISM. ' "Breaihes there a man with pe k 1 Enough for Mr. French in origin, but has been adopted without change by English and Amers fean geologists nud physical geogr WAR PICTURES. Canada's Effort Now Being Shown at fens! nnd then Industriously picked up gasorted, fragments of the airplane center of Leeds, Yorkshire, England, earned by other in Lief of th tmenttd Bt WHITBY Sr ey s i R= or fife Montreal Herald. was made to provide food sufficient cupations, $680 | Tay ea r, "Rielaski d Phone 231 CARADAS PARK AS A SEER? PROSUCT 4 ii fully to maintain thrée men for a year : d interest on Iv m reference to the Hetivties fas Nr ---- A % rust AX , z AUSTRALIA, miami Tunes for Tanks. ig published by the board of agricul EHS, THE 8 BL: 1A a of th anization' Hw hably no mone finique donation | fire from the pen of A. Gh Ruston of a 108 wn as the from' the' SMITH & SMITH lee HRaEEERERRERRARRR " 0 | the year d.10 $8,865; 181.95 | favike ot which he said the German' ver heen made Tor the smuse- | the University of Leeds, #r 870.2% 0.8 The if sold | t g t 3 TERRE RETERTRHENNIALLSS Hi a from §7,870,230.36. Tbe lind sold |g d hoped to mobilize an. OR® AND 4 of soldiers than one of $50 re- The land had been under grass fof. go. the fadidns during the to invade Capada. The LAND SURVEY! N Thousands of Otchar Otchard Trees need GREAT RENEE EEERR EER aR ERE fly given by rcliarihbly disposed | at Sens, 0 Fm, Sls at ir amounted t6 84,645 acres, rq riled because of) CIVIL ENGINEERS lacih " FREE ERERRERR RAR ARE. for grambphone tecords to. equip 4s divided Into plots and plan! $136,230.98." "edd feet" on Yeplactne. BRITAIN Bo mmm 52 k. is | With potatoes by Mr. Bedford, former The quantity, of surrendered nembers of the Wir" PNONSS-DAY 248, NIGNT 40% a nial or donations which have come to | Jord mayor of the city, 4nd some of | lands in the fiands of the Department who were expected to sox=9e WAR GARDENS ITALY, ur ERRERREERARRARRI RAR, trom time to' tire 1 not | his friends. The crop aggregated Nas Jpvraniaely 315.000 acres g . 3 ~ ® . i a dredweight, | e ACIDS standin n account i Aa E----- LINDSAY, ONT. call for small fruits; early Beatin an element ofthe picturesque, -| three tons sixteen hun ' ns ands' sold otk ; a air N : ems | [TUL trees, Aspéragus, Rhabarh ARGENTINA TWA WHRERFERRRARRRALL for: listance, the supplying of a | Which is at the rate of 11.4 per acre, as ¥5.905.819.80 0 on deal of which bei laved on 2 Pi il lahts ete: g nital in Paris which wes filled with | compared with 6.7 tons per acre, which | fot yet 'due. "The total value of | I want s figent men #8 P ERRARRRARRRRR.S | hospi ] FRANEE, » -. % an troops: with 700. flins.- They | was the average:for the farm crops ol | real and personal property of Indians | 2 Jor The demand for Ornamental Stock D mRERERERERER2 so appreciated during the sum- | Gredt Dritain last year, } the nifie provinces is placed af 3 Political, in tow d vill is ld RED WITH OTHER ponths that the hospital appealed - 65,285,112. The total area of all | h AW Political, Agricultural and 1s and villages is ldige. ID 5 HaRwwEG COMPA ore. Not long ago.a French offi- A Massif, | reserves is 4,928,736, acres, of which ate you i phar' eohty y grie ens a 391 oe famsly Newspaper Secun A TI ! T ; NATIONS ON THE BASIS Ey sued an appeal for games for | 'The'war continues to enrich our vo 2 E38 Are ager We ay bane phar: a 4 ure a paying Agency with liberal GERMANY nEWE_ 4 OF THE NUMBER OF nen. In one regiment in which |&ibulary. News from Framee that the: | sl mere i Eton al 753 009 | the indignant reply / 18/7E3LISEYD commissions, . Exp rience fiot ANIMALS TO THE of the soldiers were Tathers of | allies : hive ' captured the entirg:| RICer BCR SEAL RAL S00 rescryes g | VT. 0v bane work on phatin lf mas PORT PERRY, ONT: necessary: DENMARK WWW.3 HUNDRED ACRES OF ! es 'the preference was i bowl rg of Tagsiguy. dei ey total 1,088,761 acres, the area in tite, F ; ND IN FARMS The trench does not make a bad | other searching o ctiona der wood being 900,568 acre . RVERY THURSDAY MORNING| STONE & WELLINGTON, CANADA mw. 2 LAND IN FA which (t will be revealed that & massif | od but not cultivated 70,876 acres, Many Memorials Needed. 2 FY Established 18 is 'a mountainous group of connecting" under actual cultivation 67,317 A national memorial in each coun- 37 ) 'ORON 0 exe heights, sometimes isolated and some: | acres, and fenced 116, 287. acres. ty or municipality for re times forming part of a larger moutis' veterans and war victims. is pr tain system, mote or less Clearly' Bell uistal is finde of 11 77 parts of tn Sir Sn 'Hughes. Sir Sam , topper and 289 there are marked off by valleys. The word is ie tor wl foe of pale under way with rival sul lists opened and no well thou ht plan for the whole Dominion. Since the outbreak of nl Royal Academy, each locality, erected at the uw oe th himself hath ule, rophers.--Oregonlan, ; v expense often on hats Sostormnind, aan Inter is 1s'my own, = native land. . i Dealing with ' the ext bition of | of the whole country, ta mark for? ia and Jot Be how frefge y is the i Thousands spon {houla With Most Peeple, That Canadian. war pictures which opened JOS{erity i ames of ioe Whe a¥e met un y at the Royal Academy of Arts in | fought and o 05g. Who, i Bitten Him Once, and asis He Declares Never Again." liberty." wt On each marble or bronze staff as. provided by the EF Fernand there could be grave past four years; never has na of home and country called for 8 saorifiee. Patriotisn does not iy nor end with war. We San serve on the battlefield--bul wa cam] OUR INDIAN BROTHERS SPLENDID RECORD OF REDMEN erase to oa} this simple ?| rule is probably responsible for the of much contagion. Take for London on January 4th, a contributor to"the Pall Mall Gazette says it is a unique spectacle of 4 hition's &u- th inthe early, was d th tion Bil: the soldiers of that ae ¥ future stages of comsnmptien--a sin- neared the station + preme endsa¥or portrayed, not in = 1 ly patriotfe in looking after | IN GREAT WAR. . generations to read and' hopor! ) gle yugiarded Ro the weltase of Gur countrymen here #ntoibis pocket and retrospect, but during its accomplish- | jy ynicipality. or local associa ons of deadly tu breathed in by ethers around. Until resent years eonsumption was considered izeurable, but we new know that it ean be eu it taken in time. The Muskoka Free Hospital | has proved this without a doubt, fer ther-covered book. He foinitain. pen and ment by her artists. The seventy leading painters of Canada, including some famous British ones, have risen gloriously to the. task.set by their Government when it took them out to the trenches in France and Flan- ders. From the landing of the first 33,000 men at Prrinouts to the cap- ture of Mong oun the last day of the wat, nq phase of Canada's war activ- {ty has been neglected. could erect separate memorials irs desired, but Sir Sam Shipks that h plan will eliminate schemes and inate at the same time pay the natiom's - tribute to each member of: the dian Expeditionary Fored. = | na, Nan The Antiquarian and Re SE Si. Recent Reports Indicate That the Population of Aborigines In the Dominion Has Been Steadily Though Slowly Increasing-- They Are Responding More Read- ily to Opportunities and Gaining More Wealth. HOSE Chnadians linger under the impression at home. There is an enemy in ofir mids consumption. Lurking in unsuspoel- ed places, it seeks but a foothold to drag its vietims down to death, Surely it is a true test of da, house ve been e@auntry to devote otir energies Sih ghey rlbed ro uge- Our means towards extermi: eg . gueh a. tds of that hespital 'We have just 1earned of a family, Ye follows: dvoid eight years ones quite comfortable, now in is Christmadé time Had apple pie and fast. Feeling fine: skinned his I'l" nose. few dress like sample Rent due next week. well as I did." Billers' triend Wilbur, who still tered me pf poverty and misery. The' 'his shouldet; "flat you oni ther developed sonaumption; after : that 'Indians have no place r I stm creo hs Cuma Hon losates on aly " 2 Tmeuing i ie p a diary?" asked Bil in modern life except as inc in France, including the mag- waluable collecti a © mother and four little ones a dafly record back {n teresting and rapidly disappearing ninoont paintings of the landing of | lies, advocates the Third Canadian. Brigade at Nazaire, by Eugar Bundy, AR. the gat Sou by Major Riche od Jak A.R.A., "The pres.' Niaor Jack ia painting of *'Thé Battle of od in 'which ;lo the same way the his- sald: "One of our 4B! ro anatian battles are dealt with the deeds of our eath in their turn. Regina Trench, of war records, the taking of Courcelette and so on, traits, of Thrary mater and then the Arras-Cambral road is relics." The proposal shown, along which the Canadians = approval asp are seen streaming after three 'was appointed to take th Ne mane months of incessant battle to the bit-- with the Dominion Gov: ter fight for Cambral whence thew | ALL FARTS OF THE sovem years, and A H. McCay, Port that 1 Rai ition to issue ae a remnants of & race with a picturesque past will learn to the contrary from the annual report just issued for the year ending March 21 last by the Departmént of Indian Affairs." In Canada there are now living 109,204 Indians, including 3;296 Eskimos, and that population is slowly hut steadily increasing, = Consumption, ! smallpox, measles and other diseases | are still bad enemies, but experience for these direases ry I lose it." replied cally, "and to keep 8 eventually lose is bad | keep a : diary. At one 'hobby. I'd buy the little baok I could few entries and lose It It was very annoying. | & my entries too inti- 'know how It is. All dia- A 'game thing. While a diary je communion with ene's sovl ET ch -- the pioneer In the war sgainst the Great White Plagu s5u8 | --needs your active help to gr {ts work. Consumption can be eured if taken in time. Must the ght be lost for lack of funds? Gifts may be sent to Sir Willian J. Gage, 24 Spadina avenue, Toronto, or to George A. Reid, Secretary- Treasurer, Gage Institute, 223 €ol- lege street, Toronto g Hrs) he has ER CE oe ns may be sent to ; ¥, "Contin intending te travel will consuit Ra | say i 5 Re TL es = own interests by seomsulting Mr. | Reld, Secretary-Trensurer, Gage In { McCaw before embarking on a trip | stitute, 223 College strest, Turonte, I16ENSED AUCTIONEER for the of Ontarjo. Sale Register at he Ossgrver Office Patronage selicited: Banchyater, Jan. 19, 1882 generations with