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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 1 May 1919, p. 3

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otis afeive ia 81, 100,000. oan 3) with a full and records, magic lantern, hers possile ain & piano or an Sunday Red T at Halifax, st if F FB BIE 'Triangle men on every & train to provide regularly Xy free drinks, eatables and cigarettes, A. organize games and sing songs, and furnish information. x 4. Red Triangle free canteen r service, information bureau, cfc, 4 at each of the 22 Dispersal centres in Canada. fi principal cities of Canada in the shape of large Y.M.C.A. hostels to furnish bed and board at low rates snd to be a rendezvous for soldiers. no Severe Secretaries to Si work now Tosowd Vit 1. Red 1 beanie of the C.A. was the *' Sign of Friendship " to thousands . x . ¥ eo For Our Men Returning pu tie soldiers and their dependents, returning from Overseas, we have provided as follows :-- A Red Triangle man on board every ship when it leaves pment of games, gramophores 1 terature and writing materials. n , instruction re Government repatriation plans, and comforts and facilities for the men on ar- t. John, Quebec and Montreal, including cof- , with free drinks, free eatables, cigarettes, candies, etc. 8. Red Triangle Clubs in the * pathy and su rt for ; ontinued sympathy Service for our ii A during demobilization, .A. work for Canada "The Annual Red Triangle campaign ghout Canada May 5th to 9th, 1919. The For Canada's Manhood The Reconstruction program of the Y.M.C. A. includes the following vitally imporiant develop- generally during the Re- ments: -- organ. Lectures, concerts, training; development. superintend Red Triangle The Y.M.C.A. will keep ils chain of Service unbroken An increased gervice to 300,000 teen-age boys in the Dominion--the development of Canadian Standard Efficiency Bible Study groups; summer camps; service for High School boys, for working boys, and cities; for boys on the farm aud for boys everywhere, who have lacked opportunity for mental, moral, physical or social 2. Inauguration of Y.M.C.A. work in the country, and the smaller towns and villages lacking Association buildings and equip- ment, on a izations. establishment of Red Triangle centres for social, recreational and educational work among boys and men, churches. 8. The promotion of Y.M.C.A. work among Canada's army of workers in industrial plants, both in Y.M.C.A. buildings and in the factory buildings, organizing the social spirit among the industrial workers of our cities by meetings, entertainments, games and sports, till the end. --------O0UR MOTTO------ RVIGE & QUALITY en you need meat you need HOICE MEAT conferences; in the towns lan of county organ- his will include the in co-operation with the ANTED ONE CAR 00 POTATOES AT ONCE. PORT PERRY MARKETS. Corrected weekly by H & 1 Grain ond Bead Hes Lane 1 FalilWheat ........ $2 10 2 10 Spring Wheat...... 2 oo os 20 Goose Wheat. 2 00 @ ro} wea ae ae 80 @ Grass Seed... .... 4 50 Alsike Clover...... 10 00 @ 13 00 Red Clover..... .1 20 00 @ 23 00 Peas (blackeye) .... 1 25@ 1 50 Peas (small). ...... 125@ 1 50 CAWEER BROS Buckwheat |... .. 0 75@ 0 75 Cattle, per Ib ...... 0 13@ 0 0o| (SUCCESSORS To JAMIESON & Hogs, per 100 Ils... 20 00 @ 20 00 Dennison.) Butter... ... 000. . 0 s5c@ 055 Bagg lon ana 0 40 @ © 45 LIVERY Wool (unwashed) .. 0 60 @ o 70 Having purchased the Liver business carried on by Jamieson Mails Close The mails are despatched from the Pos ( tice, Port Perry aa follows Going North---- 9.00 a, m. Going South---11.20 a. m, nected therewith we intend to RE-HORSE THE STABLES with first-class animals, and instah 2 HE South:half lot 17, con. 3,| Special attention paid to the Reach--g7 acres more or less, | requirements of Commercial Travel- Buildings on both ends of farm and | ers. it will be divided to suit purchaser, I'hls property is desirable----close bot school, churches and matkets, and Our charges are moderate and we guarantee to please our patrons. Patronage solicited, on leading road to the famous Osh awa market, Price reasonable | EZ" Phone No. z. if interested act quickly. Apply to the proprietor on the property, | CAWEKER BROS JAS. KIRBY, OR R.R. No. 2, Port Perry | G. R. ALEXANDER | CARPENTER, CABINET-MAKER § "oe 4&4 UPHOLSTERER ts buys a Thrift Stamp 25 cents buys a Thrift mp. Ljob bing promptly attended to and lerate. 19, 1916 Tin res FIRST-CLASS FARM T0|™ | RENT ON SHARES March, 1920 Dri nk the Best! Ambleside Farm," Scugog TOMMIE cooK'S YOUR [JOUBHVE fen Boy EYES TAKE CHANCES | YH OSSESSION given 1st Apply to S. JOHN ADAMS, Cook's Special Cream Cook's Dry Ginger Ale DON" Dennison, and the premises con- tary Hospitals, Camps and Barracks throughout Sg Tickets entitling soldiers to full Y.M.C.A. privileges for six months at any local Y.M.C A. furnished. In addition to our work for the returning soldiers, we have to maintain the Red Triangle service to the full for the soldiers in Siberia, as well as the work of special secretaries in Northern tricts where lumbermen, miners and other workers hold the 4. The establishment of the Red Triangle in isolated dis- front trenches of industry. 5. Besides these main fields of increased" activity for 1919, 3 we have to provide for enlarged work among railway men, college students and for our campaign to encourage physical and sex education. Under all our work we place the fund- amental foundation of manly Christianity. XH. H. PURIDY xy, "Russia, Palestine and Y.W CA. and tk in Canada generally, a of $175,000 from the ed Toi angle Fund will be set aside for the Dominion Council of the a which is caring for the soldiers' women folk, and their little ones on the long jour- ney, from Liverpool to Canada, and is also extending its work for Canadian girls. For their sake also be gen- erous when you make your cogtribution. ' Hon. Campaign Chasrman: ~ ¢ Jomx W. Ross, Montreal 3 The Red Triangle Samp iy G. HerperT Wo0D, Toronto R the sake of our victorious soldiers and their dependents, and the happiness of betterment of the toilers in factory and hi shop; for the sake of lonely men and boys in our minesand forests; for the sake of Christian Society and Canadian manhood--we appeal to you. Give us your contribution, little or big. Be as generous as you cai. Hand your contribution to the canvasser when hie calls, or if you live where it is difficult for Him to call, send it by check, money order or registered letter to the National Treasurer, Red Triangle Campaign, 120 Bay Street, Tdronto. National Count. Young Men's Christian Associations of Canada n 1s being conducted under the isinguched prions of His Excellency, 2.Ca uke of Devonshire, K.G., G.C.M.G., G.C.V. Campaign Chairman: Campaign Treasurer: their Yiome-coming! for the sake of out Rian : money to carry om. our . Please Note: . work Overseas, with the Army in Great Britain, France or Dilgium. That work will continue at its maximum for some thonths, financially provided for hy the Tiquidation . of our asséts Overseas, and will not terminate till the last man has sailed for home. ET TE en SB : Troms Brapsaaw, Toronto Campaign Director: Cuas. W. Bisuor, Toronto 150 5 has been suggested to-every university by the Cana- oF P FIELD CROPS . IN THE TOWNSHIP OF | | Cartwright 1 ones is hereby' given : that they wright Agricultural Societ ' 875 | RIZES FOR GROWING: WANTED! Experienced Carriage and Automobile "Painters, coloring and color varnishing bodies, Upholsters, Trimmers and Top builders, Fitters and Assemblers, Final Assemblers, Woodworking Machine hands, and handy men for various departments. TORONTO. ONT. for e record of Sra ates and positions filled. It will to the community of Port ik adjacent district for the extensive ¢ House Br RIGHT KIND OF PLANTS TO BUY : : ESSOR TO SARVIS BROS Flowering or Vegetable Plants, thatare second f¢ and Vuriety are those that are grown at BAKER AND CONFECTIONER pth Sgr a : [1 0 i ase e 0 J ¢ ed ¢ re T° nl \ 9 o_o f os v Carried on --- I Hi = Mess $ S@rvLs Bros,, ind wd a long experi ence as parker anda Conjeclioner I am in a mm lo give lisfaction lo all favoring me with very patronage PRINCE ALBERT. WITH YOUR EYES! ination | ACTURED BY i Ta COOK & SON i E. LUKE. OPTICIAN | PORT PERRY, ONT. {167 YONGE ST. TORONTO "GRAND. TRUNK RY SYSTEM UPSTAIRS | TIME TABLE. (Opposite Simpson 8) Pokt. PRdky Li GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH | i 6.35 am. | 9.23 aim. EB ut $4 into W. 5. Stamps. i SE | § 3 BL dS 2 a 25c buys z a Thrift Stam P f 1.25 p.m, 7.33 Plants !'. DUS NE ONE PRICE TO ALL. W.ETTEY, Florist. BVING HAD CONSIDERABLE EXPERIENCE as a Painter | Decorator and Sign Writer 1 have Opened Business lines in GROSSING A SPECIALTY @ SOLICITED. ainting House Decorat ting | ates AN Dies PORT PERRY to do all Work entrusted to me in a manner that the utmost satisfaction as re ds style, durability, rome ORK. N STEWART FORD £58 PLANTS We Want Now A RELIABLE AGENT In Ontario County ts sell Pelham's Peerless Fruit and Ornamental Trees during Fall and yyier nduths. Good pa exclusive territory, fee selling cquipment. fact, thas we have; OVER 600° ACRES ery Business Sixty of the choicest Nursery Stock includin, y wi Yow prepared NEW | varieties controlled by us. Ha itions by up-to-date selling cquipment ed trees and plants' splendid Canadian grown stock to at Rk Bottom offer customers. We are not Jobbers. Write for agency terms to 3 PELHAM NURSERY CO., Toronto, Ont. N.B. Catalogues sent on request to ieants for agencies vr purchaser of ursery Stock. PLANTING ja i, no further introduc- tated Circulars' 'which you can the agant's & I stock is Shes W. J. GIBSON and true nie SONYA ONT. - OTHERSCO' [jcensed Auctioneer E10» Valuator, &c. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed. NCC OC OC OC OOO CNC ECE OC J RB CTE BC EC RR RCN RR SO BO MC H. S. WHITE TROPICAL FRUITS IN SEASON WEDDING CAKES A SPECIALTY A trial solic H. WHITE Se Baker and Confectioner, PORT PERRY, 0 CF EC CC COC OC J FC COO ale]. £25 iy DHONESe hi JAMES WARD DEALER IN Pianos, Organs - and Gramaphones Also Sccond-Hand Organs. ga PIANOS TUNED by an expert second week in the months of May and September. 5 A FULL STOCKI OF EVEYTHNG IN THE CHEAPNESS STYLE Durability and STRENGTH Cannot be urpassed n the County, Robes, Blankets, Bells, Trunks &c,, in abundance. - Qomparison of Prices Courted Patronage respecfullysolicited. W A. BEATTY Harness Line

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