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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 3 Jul 1919, p. 1

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ilo Hinge-StayFence | Manufactured ig Owen Soutid - and 'am Wire Fen "prepeied to sup) vy. this hole 'community witl: the very BES . WIRE pr NCE produ ont Continent and at prices that can not fail to satisfy purchasers, The Dicron Funek is without a *Epeer.. lt is the BEST because it is Hexible ; it is a square oiesh ; it 12 perfect 'hiuge-stay fence, shetefore D.D. D.8 iris impossible to bend the stays in fact it is the best fence made in {| this ot any other country, 1 efore purchasing a Wire Fenge Tail to inspect thie Ditron . rown, Yuri N AGRicUCTURAL THBLE MENTS AND "MACHINERY: SeAcRAVE in a manner unsurpassed for | Correctness of Style y and Charmmg Effect. ~ Our. charges are gensistent with the value given. 5 'Port Perry, April 1, tog. - "tap lacing, tread WAR GARDENS r ly bearing «Rhubarb to 'na woman® steer that eyer: belle | won't hev nothin' to d {take my thine Ia the m out romp, Lic | Whole ronan PORT PERRY BRANCH RE Sion, Masisuen "R.A, ADAMS, H. G. HUTCHESON, Bel Pho Bell Phone No.41 Res ADAMS & HUTCHESC SUCCESSORS TQ DAVID J. & DOUGLAS ADAMS "FIRE moe INSURANCE Mabie Real Bstate Mortgage Steamship Tickets : When you cash-in those, Victory Bond coupons on May 1st exchange them for their par value in War Savings Stamps. Your Country needs this money int these days of readjustment and recon- struction. The purchase of War Sav- ings Stamps is an easy way for you to save, as well 38 a patriotic duty. 4 . Be txvoman's floridity deepened, and ih she, too, laughed, ine myself; but. I might've had a ibAnd that swore, and the minister '| 1 Se "ost pA arm 1 ess, Miss. Gof: Shore pr Twas a | don roplied the mab, a litle uhcer- pio he petortads "No. harm "but 1. hope--that ig, I'm 1 was once, an¥ if, F ain't so' rd I've done for Jukes!" : bins ns Twas then, I know a They looked back. The outlaw lay If. you've chile for mb, | motionless by the trull, his bridle rein Tots Tose apy time, but help me. | sti11 over his nerveless arm: 2 lodded, an' we'll de q : As the rays of the setting sun slant- | éd level across the prairie, a strange | procession stopped at Turkey Creck ranch. Miss Gordon still drove, super- intended by Jeremy Taylor, who thrust his head through a hole in the lid of his basket and glared balefuily nt the tiniverse In general. Beside her sat Brad, pele under his tan, with his right arm swung from his neck, At the tuil of their chariot, so to speak, was tied the horse of BI Jukes, and fasfened in the saddle, plentifully bandaged and besmeared with blood, was the man himself. His manuer was drooping In the extreme," while | from an opening in the cage cover Polly bestowed an unbroken succes- Hor, of- cholce epithets upon the cap- 't have wanted ma to get a di | yoo" I} for that. Besides, this bird is Miss Gordon, of them all, was un- knowin' and less iroyblesome rufiled, and she explained with a ny man I ever saw." ulness that was almost airy: "don't mind him swearin! at me, rode dowh on us, shootin' Brad, recollecting his ferocious rin' dreadful, and Mr. Merrell "1 hop I ain't much of [1,04 to defend us, of course, so I toa the lines. Then wé couldn't go off and tyroed, a for the. first thine | jeave the man layin' there, maybe to nized her Soppank n. dle; 8b we went bhck, and I bandaged ina 1' she' reassuringly. | jm up, and we brought him along. ali. right - micowhoy, AvaY I'you ean do what you want to. with ontier this way. You |p, don't reckon he feels very o a man, ANY. WOY, and not lke | Lag thon ried Tittle counter- the lung, an' that Polly's heen swear +s back in Ilarion Center." in' afhint every step of the way. Mr. Re stralhtened,. Jils .slouching { Merrell, lere, got a bullet in his arm, | cross affer-the Lo a pos bled consid'uble, though it's Fith A Bwagger | only a flesh wound," The gods on Olympus may have its Just as he been surprised to see Miperva spring | a Har Gordon | eil-panopMed from the brain of Jove, but that was the merest. ghost-of an emotion compared with what the men Tutkey Cregk. ranch felt wher cashmere dawned upon thent, with hes nonchalant tale of .duelry, leading as b captive ove of the deadliest outlaws of 2 ety tire ciuntry, - For a minute there were out over {0 rire of exclnmntions and glances of amazement; and then, as Miss Gor< don, bearing Jeremy Tuylor, clambered | to the ground, Paper Collar Joe, the Chesterfield of thé ranch, gracefully advanced. Gif me to emsist ye; mada 1" y over the [50 began ' sweetly, but the visiton red his waved bim back. * "Don't you touch Jeremy Taslor, my good young man {"" she warned. * reckon he's had all his nerves will | stand for one while." a8 Hae Yat | And Brad, being tenderly helped the whiely drawied, shakily; with | flourish 'of his hand: © % 3 "No. use, Joe. It. was too good a he | chance to lose, 0.1 Jest {improved it, | d | Miss Gordon's going 10. cqme. up "Furs | key. ereck, to my plage, an ive with & future Mer. Merrell, Th cover' fell apart, dts fn nd green head appeared. fwpertinently on one Iv eye looked Brad over fost, ind a high-pitcired, e ejachinted: he limed!" ' the first time the bewildered | Abe man's fade relaxed, and a pread over his bronzed features. 'ashamed ot! Polly's language. EDoctor Henderson, told me once fit was as bad for je, a professor, ep a profane parrot as if I was jyention of spruce, seein' that he was shot through | 3 | green to 40 gals. ¢ din Po which have a sound basis of inves: tigation and experience. By issuing a monthly letter on timely natters to the nrilk trade, the dairy division seeks 1o 'raise the plane of milk handling etliciency. It makes official inforroation available to those who are able to put it into immediate use | dnd thould assist in reducing oper-! ating costs ag well a8 Waste of dairy | products. | PREVENT POTATO ROT Hn gl fon of & fubrica tr if ion hts bo cont hr eta ¥ these corrode ang pi : the metal Whew they lubricate.~--Prof. John College, Guelph. Protection For Live Stock: Poultry, hogs, and dairy cattle, 3' give best results, must be ho especially at night, as the weal " gets frosty. All buildings used fof; housing such animals should be put . in good condition, and where neces sary remodeled along approved lines! Spraying With h Cordeaux inte r00 STRONG ON SYMPATHY Proven Yery Effective. | Machinery Must Be Kept Well Olled If It Is to Work Rfliclently-- An Expert Discusses the Question From Fvery Angle, (Contributed by Ontario Department of Agriculture, Toronto.) ATE Blight and Rot of Pota-| toes can be prevented by| spraying with Bordeaux mix-| ture. Commnience spraying | | when the plants are from fve to you, even If you are my favoel Elvira Parkins Had a Fault Eroin Which Too Many of Us Aré Not Quite Free. "Is slre gone?" Auht Marvel {8° | quired breathlessly. Aunt Harriet's piece, Eileen, turned from the flowers she was arrangiog-- | flowers left by the departing guest. "She's just going down the path" oe | replies "Shall 1 call her back? | you want to see her again? Did the e anything?" If you call her back, Fl dioie eight Inches high and keep the fol-|pjece," Aunt Iarriet retorted, "pall {age covered with Bordeaux through- | out the season. Take gpecial care to dali me the minute the gate clikar Efleen's eyes began to gee that the spraying is very (hor- | Months of illness had not broken oughly done if the weather is at al} | Aunt Uarriet's split. damp about the 15th of July; as | Blight often begins about this time. | Add a poison w necessary for poe tato beetles--ursenate of lead paste 14 lbs. to each 40 gals. of the li- uid spray, or Paris green 2 lbs, to | 40 gals., or a mixture of 2 Ibs. arsen- | ate of lead paste and 1 lb. of Paris From three tg | seven applications should be made, | depending upon the season--the wets ter the weather the larger the num ber. Do not put off spraying betdause ; it looks like. ran. It. the spray is on! the plants half at hour before the rain comes it Will be dfy and suff cient of it. will stick to prevent In ection; which tekes place during or on after rain.) Such spraying should prevent not only Late Blight | and Rot but also Early Blight and | potato beetles. Thorough spraying only is effectivé; 1f thorough. spraying is to Ue dong sufficient Bordeaux miftufe must bs used, From 50 to 150 gals per'acre | should be applicd at each gpraying, and when the plants are large Dot | less than 140 galions per fcre should be used. "Thorough spraying nieans the covering of every portion of the potato plant with Bordeaux mixture in the formy of a fine mist. This can only be done when the solution is 4 | applied with' good pressure, $0 as to insure covering every portion of thes plant. The best results from sprays ing are obtained when potato Eprage. erg are used which are fitted with a T-joint attachirent so a8 to insure covering both surfaces of the leaves at each spraying. When the Danis, are, large it hes béen found that pays fo go over each row tyice at ng. ~~Prof. JB. 'Howitty She left the flowers ahd devoted herself to _ the window. "Now |" she announced, ! Aunt Flarriet drew a lofg brah "I wish," she declared, "that Blvirs Parkins never had had a mothes}). There, I've said it, and I feel bettéf£. "Aunt Harriet!" Eileerr cited, wil a laugh that broke bounds in en: lof her. "1 know, I suppose I ought to pe | ashamed, and maybe I shall be day, but just this minute that, to me the most relieving thing said in my life Elvira Parkios. 00d. Woman, wouldn't feclings of a fy, and shied rH feet off doing kind things for pe I vould stand the kindness, but L.¢zu't stand 1s her sympathy. "It I so wuch as. mention Lin 'my little finger, she will ¢ 8 her fiice and lower her volce ands £1 know--you can't tell me "about It. My another. suffered 'way for years." I have discovered Elvira's mothér bad sn aceldent nifne and was hard of heaving: me and: had. a hedrt just like Elvira saw me dodging a strouk ot Nght for a minute, tnd she for the shade ond pulled and eae back and | der, murmuring, 'My i such sensitive eres. very, very carelt

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