a Haurrax, Dec. 16,1 P. M. . Nocighs of he daamabip Canad, now fully .. Wesleyan Metdiet dor Chior --Rev: J Ww. ERR LE Af Mas Melodetha.--1. Can THE ELECTION. SOUTH | ONTARIO. A convention of delegates from all parts South Riding of Ontario, was held Cienycod; Pickering: wo Puiday last, of iamentary 1 he Rene oon majority of the of the Riding ould give their sup- White, iy ring ; bh Soar Ph Pickering; Abraham |. Farewell, Esq., of Harmony. On the being en the .pum- bers were *-- Ist ballot, Mowat, 9, ;: White, 11, Taylor, 11,; Farewell, 14. 24d bal Tot, White, 13 ; Taylor, 16 ; Farewell, 15. 3rd ballot, Taylor, 17; Farewell, 28. Mr. Farewell was then declared the Nowitee of Jie Conwiutiod, and that gen- The other candidates are 3. B. Fai: banks, | . Fsq., and Captain Rowe. NORTH RIDING OF OXFORD. At the nomination for this Riding, held : on Wednesday last, Mr G. Brown obtain- ue shay of Yams bo & mujorkty ob two 10 one. HURRAH FOR HURON! MR. CAYLEY BEATEN AT THE NOMINATION. At the ination for the of Turon and Bruce, yesterday, in Goderich. | Mr. Holmes had the <how of hands, two to. one in his favour! ex Theis promises well. HAMILTON N ELECTION. Wednesday the polls le pened in Mamilton, / ITEMS OF OF NEWS. ! rhe Hotise of * Dr. 1 Isaac Hodges, in Ashland, Mass., was entered on Wed- + | nesday in his abse bya burglar. ie pend, 2 ding behind her door and shot the Inin before he had reached the top of the, stairs A terrific boiler e occurred on |e SE ia Sensi, ry nie steam plough, in full work, was last week exhibited on the Crene Hall Farm, out Rawcliffe; the trial was deemed a most satisfactory one Tosacco.--The people of the United States, numbering twenty-five millions, smoke more cigars in Ryser thanall u the people of England, France numbering over one hund:ed millions. This certainly speaks well for the con- of home in one articl at least, though th -tasticle, in our opin- ion is neither conducive to the health or wealth of the consumer. The new steamer, " International," in q of an i ing freight business, las been put to work on the Ferry. The steamer belongs to the Ruffalo and Lake Huron Railway Comi- pany. re the 9th instant a boiler exploded in F. H. Myrick's Brass foundry, Low- ell, killing the engincer and wounding several others. A French paper states that the Amer- ican Engineers who undertook, by means ofa he fr apparatus, to raise the Rus of warsunk in the harbor of Sebastopol, have given it up and retarn- ed to Constantinople, declaring that their contract cannot be performed, ex- sept at an enormously dptoportiouate "The London Prolotype of the 12th in- stant, says: - On Friday last, the Grand Jury of the Court of Quarter Sessions brought in a report in writing, that Her cu'es Burwell, registrar of the County of Middlesex, was insane, and therefore unfit for the discharge of his duties. | His lordship informe: the Court that he would send the rejo.t tothe Executive. | The Oswego Tims says: --The officer | who pulled Gen. Jackson's noscin pab- | lic when he was President, has been appointed by the present administration i and at the close, Mr. Bi was two hundred andfifty votes ahead. [It is prob. able that the result of the second day's | polling will alter the cade, THE NOMINATION For the North ailing of the County of Ontario wi e place on Monday next the 21st instant. at the Village of Vroo manton. in the Towaship of Brock. Tie | Poll WIT be upeded ou 4s the 20th instant. REFORMERS! 4.54 at the Nomination for North Ontario on Monday next, and support Mr. Gould. NOMINATION DAYS. East Middlesex .... 19th December. Prince Edward . South Lanark........ © 19th December. - iy 2st December. Leeds and Grenville, . 22nd December. South Oxford ........23rd December. POLLING DAYS. North Wentwor h .... 19th & 20th Dec. oe 21st & 22d Dec. oo. 28ih& 29th Dec. East Midd Piince Fdward ....30th & 31st Dec. Montreal. ...c.ccoc0. 21st & 22nd D c. Fast York . ee 23rd &24thD.c Lambton..c.ccceeeee 23rd & 24th D. North Oxford eee 21st & 220d Dec. South Simeos. .'. ......21st & 22nd Dec West Elgin ........ 2Ist & 22nd Dec Tap-ai-ie' wo «21st & 22nd Dec. Qu-bec .. - 28th & 99th Dec. Niagara - 28th & 29th Dec ves 28th&29th Dec. «eee 28th & 29th Dec 2 eee-ees 28th &£29th Dec. leeds and Grenville 30th & 31st Dec. - | Brantford has been im, . | dition of a goodly num! Super of the Arsenal, at Wash-|™" ington. { , Tue Dessarpins BrRiDGE --The ma- | sory for the Jin of the bridge to icarry thé road over the Desjardins jC anal now essumes an imposing appear- lance. It is nearly finished, and the {bridge its If, which will probably be framed during the winter, will be put {up in the spring -- Hamilton Spectator, I Dee. 7. ¢ | The Rnsnsiy. «r $10,000, Fox! THE EX wpekrvoaty Le Shout ten days ago two of doubloons 'it will 320 sro Rem of ih stolen from the bark, " Pentucket" lying at New York; a reward of $2,000 was offered for the c .pture of the thieves. By great cxer- tious on the part of the police a coloured man, who had been steward of the ves- | "Isel was arrested with $4,400 of the " {stolen money in his possession. He will not give any account of the wheiea- { bouts, of hisaccomplice. At Florence, a Jesuit has been con- "|d mmed to solitary imprisonm nt for a term of years, for abstracting property |! of a dying man named Soldi. On the 9th instant, a storeman in the {establishment of Gibb & Co. Montreal, | named George Hunt-r, was apprehended jon a charge of robbing his employes i Property of the value of £400 was dis- {cover d concealed in trunks in his bed- The long expeeted book on which the celebrated Af ican Traveller, Dr Liv- . {ingstone has been so long engaged, has at length made its appearance in To on- to. The Central Bank of Frede: icton, N. B. has resorted to a tempo:ary sus pension of specie payments. A lad in the service of Major Reed, of Huntingdon, committed suicide a few dayssince by hanging. Progress or Braxtrorp:--Notwith- standing the hardness of - the times, ved by the ad r of both pub- licand private buildings during the sum mer. An KE] Church, has been built, costing $30.000; a Baptist Chap. el, costing $12,000 ;a Free Church, cost ing $12,000; a Methodist Church, cost. ing $2,000; a Registry Office, costing * <Pashibn" landed General Walker at Gaytown, on the 25th Nov- , with mei there had been of. a fd receive an force of oné thous. Fo r d for Aspinwail, wh re at th- depar-ure of the "Star of th- West," she was taking coal on board. Commodore Paulding, of the Unit d States te " Wabash," on examining her papers, found them correct, and cons quently could take no fur her steps against her.' The Bri- from Aspinwall for San J very probably take part inthe sc nes in ' | that vicinity, o- at least iy vent th-lan- ding of any mo-e fillibuste n, and would Advertisements. WAN np IMMEDIATELY, T THIS OFFICE, A BOY ABOUT 14, 5 Md' spiny December 17, fry FOR SALE. SPAN OF MATCHED HORSES.-- Apply at the O'server Office. " December 18, 1857. 2 DENTISTRY. A R. W. A. TOMLINSON WOULD AN- AVA nnounce to the Inhabitauts * attempted to sieze her at Aspinwall, but, | ish and American naval fo-ce had sai'ed |* of Prince Al- keen * "Tis not in mortals to command success, But we'll do more--deserve n" -iple, | CREDIT. hold If you want Drugs! ALL ON R. H. TOMLINSON, BUT BE 7 sure to feich the Cash, us be gives No Remember the Cash Drug Store, pcr -- to hy office-bearers af the expense of the country--will be watched with and scrutinising observation, and, when bert and vicinity, that he is form all operations in Dentistry. Teeth inserted on Gold or Silver plate or piv- ot, from ane lo an evire set. ~Nearly ite Wesley Pr Church. Melodeons! s1 Melodeons! I CARSWELL. KI KING ST., OSHAWA, o is the sole Agent for this section of country for prepared to per- d, wil ding to its deserts. The. great and fundamental iples of good government , founded upon solid basis of i | trenchment while le promoting the true and abid- ing interests of the country, will be su by us in its integrity 5 but, when the cloven foot of corruptions shalt voy it of in purity, we shall assail such To the of the i country. whether commercially or politically, Leste] divect out effovi. Mith the prospect before us of Canada, at no distant period, be- coming a giant among the nations of the earth. it beh CG; such by And will furnish them at manufacturer's prices, adding duty and freight. Several op Ly Six-Octave Mahogany Frame PIANO for sale cheap. . Oshawa, Dee. 17, 1857. 2 every h birth or by settlement. to exert father och by about "a consummation so devoutly to be wished." With an individual and coi- lective augiety 10 promote the prosperity of UST RECEIVED BY R. H. TOMLINSON. Prince Albeit, Dee. 17, 1857. OSHAWA WOOLLEN FACTORY. HALL & COWLES AEN Now READY TO EXECUTE ALL Mar ihctavin Wool,! For farmers and others. They will take heir wool and manufacture it into such Goods as Yee? mat chiaiwe, or excl cloth for wool ! have on hand, and w ill keep constantly SATINETTS, vy ANNELS, CASSIMERES, ~! DOE-SKINS, Of all kinds, colors, grades and qualities; alco. Blankets and Ladies' Flannels. All ur goods and Wit ate, yaitaied 1o he Yat ever before offered to the Llic. TR 2 *| quire into the external canses which have re- this ince, great results will follow, tending to ameliorate the condition of the masses and to increase the wealth and moral dignity of the country. We believe that the Hudson's Bay Territory ought no longer to be cut off from civilization, and that it is the duty of the Legislature of Canada to use all legitimate means for the in- of this extensive territory with Ca- bb Lu Edi isa iin Risa igri. ly concerned, gk ma i or fall of nations; a subject from which ema- nates all that is though diversified opinions and having for its retinue a train of conflicting systems. Were we to en- [Ruled the progress of Hae human mind, we! should doubt ting in the na- | ture et pool ge governments which have | most generally prevailed in the Land in| a with them. ad Juve hword | of the tyrant is, "keep the people in ignor- | ance." Even in the mildest and most enlight- | ry and others will find it to call azd examine our stock befuré purchasing elsewhere. £3 The Highest Market Prive paid for Wool, Custom Carding done as heretofore ; Farmers' Produce of all Kinde taken in ex- change for work or goods. Our Factory is siruuieddivectly saith of the ¥illag> of Oshawa, on the 4th Concession line of the Township of | ucati Whitby, and about 100 rods west of the Reach Road. HALL & owls. Whitby, Dec. 17, 1857. and | ing unded mode to | ened of the in- | Sractio of the general mane of ro icty ° el feature in their administration, | -- great check-strigg | to eminent progress be ! ision the ful ! of i . wled Another hin- | drance, also, is th the seefarian system which d in our ed- | ys has been introduced-and ucational i notw jana; with to ine Mews knowledge has been increased." Every sec- tary is 100 apt to insist on its peculiar dog- mas being Kvguiralioaul eapvially Whume br Figo Bn y State, would rie rte i to ope | NO | ES00H LYEATV NTH | v . Li voluntary su | reluctance, to he | ed for such establishments, if rd or sectary is invested Shieh if au yaricula | it cannot, therefore, ingen | corse forward either s of our| A coi: | WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH. Simeo treet, Prince Albert _ Dee. 10, 1857, oF "SLeather ! Leather!! J. WRIGHT EGS TO ANNOUNCE TO ALL WHO FUR Cabs & GAUNTLETS, LADIES' AND GENTS' RUBBER May LADIES' CLOTH, PRUNELLA AND Prince Albert, December 10th, 1857. Whilst i a rr ma a LY MANUTACTURER OF JA nhac a our fede the Git un | BOOTS AND sn OES, ber of | ia ," we think it | V 4 a opinions 7 hoe ry oy Tue a ofbei gd mew, are nt in 2 amagoniens o the ive of : X= CONSTANTLY oN N HAND A LARGE wh hr Ire orb aud (Re mers o public impo, and FEE NANVEASTTIED 1x0 TPT wan to oe ing importance of the County shuld Yalue tive jisionts of ourlespostents on ALSO, --AN ASSORTMENT OF nor ud the apd broguese of Prince Communion cane bn Sdmited a, ue Shoemakers' Findings and Sole bas become developed, the want | issues. of the Toronto and New UEPER KIPS, CALF SKINS AND LINING SKINS. a eer icvaloged, She watt York Merkets wil be Uetositiod $0 us by thie nel buthuod, kus lous Soop joi: To up to the hour of going to press wi PRIN cr ALBERT, REACH, aa: the Qari Obury er To Advertiser, the Ontario Obeereer will December 10th, 1857. 1 > and influential district will be fully and fairly | as a large sub- : i ; RES EE St oy REE STR G. & M. CURRIE of J the oe | Vork. _A circu has li been. ob- . IE TO THE IO A eT for an organ specially set apart to supply the tained in the City nf Toronto, where a talented . trading requirements of public has aradu- Sfasiiden: asd au active agout will sock lo 4 ; ee ae Th, Looe quest of | T the i this Journal: To the 9 EY temeichanty tvdsutes SHY peek hents Ho Are Tori) be SUITABLE TO THE SEASON, > g. for the of openi dium | licity to their 'announcements. AT TET TSU ; o oo PoE th tt. S| Havin. th ire te Omri Ob TT R USUAL LOW PRICES! Sar. "he cane pr wih hs mic cit that of per binges which will HE ASSORTMENT WAS NEVER MORE COMPLETE, AND PRICES ARE ADAPT i obtained in we now eatry ne Times, being less ha honour bave made to ly that will not onl: \¢ ' 7 ve he carlo epee. 4° 7 | ve made fo copy Papert ty TORONTO WHOLESALE | RATES! &i form; all measures relating to social progress, for its faithful records. We are ay cases 2 9uy he Sd wae pr" Wk Gee £2 3 mt mow are te me whe DYRY-GOODS, READY-MADE CL OTHING, "Election Ppput. With a Gene: blic, fully confiden 1 Ny, 9. - ay anise positon of polit alli, we | wl 1: stsacors, bt Aster 10 owmelven, | MANTLES. Shaws, 3 CK MITTS & GLOVES, &c., in large quantitiée ; RAISINS, CURRANTS, RICE, COFFEE, TEA, SUGAR, TOBACCO, CODFISH. HERRINGS, &c.; OIL, PAINTS, V ARNISH, NAILS, GLASS, SHELF HARDWARE, CROCKERY, &c., &c., h 1 Tou LIQUORS, with a WIN ES, Tec: Lc. ENAMELLED GAITERS ; CHILDRENS' SHOES--MOROCCO AND CALF. 1 deal in LEATHER, (and. who does not) that he is prepared 10 supply them with that peces- sary article apon the SHORTEST NOTICE and SHORTEST TERWS, At the BEAVER-MEADOW TANNERY, | PRINCE ALBERT. About 500 SIDES «f UPPER, and a good se ply of KIP,.CALF and SOLE LEATHER, now on hand. Highest price paid for Hides. Prince Albert, Dec. 10, 1857. FARM FOR SALE! FARM FOR SALE, BEING EAST-HALF of Lot No. 5, in the 9th CONCESSION of fEACH, comprising 90 ACRES of good hard- wood LAND, chiefly timbered with Maple, with some Elm and Pine. Forty-seven acres are As TT Would beg leave 10 call the attention of all those in want of any article in his line, to hr fact SELLING OFF EAT SACRIFICES, FOR CASH ONLY ! E SUBSCRIBER HAVING DETERMINED, IN IN ORDER TO MEET THE PRESSURE in the MONEY MARKET, 10 close the whole of his LARGE STOCK now on hand ag IMMENSE SACRIFICES FOR CASH, That Goods can be from him at such must induce all who have got ONE YORK SHILLING to RUB AGAINST 208 THER. y and invest it with him in such a manner, and to such advantage, as their cleared, and seventeen in wheat. The Bi which are sll new, comprise a Frame Barn, 36 feet hy 60 fett ; Frame House; 30 feet by 20 feet, with Kitchen ut back ; Wood house, 30 feet by 20 feet There is a good Well of Waser in the Weod house For farther pariculars, apply to the Subscriber on the Premises. PETER DOBSON _ Reach, December 10, 10, 1557. CARD. FJYHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD ANNOUNCE to his Customers and the Public general that he has di of hon STOCK ct i TEREST in df DRUG BUSINESS. in PRINCE ALBERT, to his Brother, Mz. R. H. TOMLINSON, who will conduct the business in future. W. A. TOMLINSON. Prince Albert, Dec. 17, 1857. TITH REGARD TO THE ABOVF,.1 1-3in | } i Wil to go never did before, od may not have the chance again in a hurry, as over twelve months, clit. and all be placed in the County and Division Courts for C 'ollection, AslananiTS, to allow Debts to run over the stipulated time. ment to pay up, Count) if paid in full between this and the FIRST OF JANUARY. Prince Albert, December 10th, 1857. The And RS am coms an have the oe a q of, He would also say (as he has often said before) to those indebted to him, that the Books will positively be closed on the 31st December. To all who have not . those having Accounts, Ne &e.. due, and rmnning dy ded notice, in the BEGINNING OF JANUARY, one in these times of RUNAWAYS, BREAK-DOWNS, FAILURES and Trusting you will take the hint, and + Do as you would be done by," and, as an induce- A DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. II be allowed on all OUTSTANDING DEBTS (not over one year old, and not now in T. C. FORMAN. a would say to the Customers of Ma. W. A. TOMLINSON, and the Public generally, that they will always find my Stock complete, and no pains will be spared to merit a con- tinuance of the extensive patronage =o long extended to my predecessor. R. H. TOMLINSON. Prince Albert, Dec. 17, 1857. RE-OPENING OF THE HE Weslevan Methodist Church will be RE-OPENED for DIVINE WORSHIP On Sabbath Next, December 20th. (5 The Rev. J. Spencer, Editor of the Christian Guardian, wi h at 10} A.M., 23. P.M., and the Rev. Will by, of "| Whitby, in the Evening at p Ric r Bye Prince Albert, Dee. 17, 1857. GEORGE HODDER, HEREBANT AT TAILOR A LARGE LOT OF DRUGS AND MEDICINES! DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY, Wun CALL uhic generally, to his large assortment of Bavbes a Menus J COPAL ax» OTHER VARNISHES, 'LOGW OOD, FUSTIC, Bull Calves for Sale! re SALE, TWO SPLENDID BULL CALVES, by " Youse Marxock." nearly thorough bref ; "one of them is a beautiful animal, biviang taken the first prize at Epsom Show last al | The above Calves can be seen, and terms of Sale learned, by applying to WM. BOYNTON, Jz, 0 Prince Albert. Prince Albert, Dec. 10th, 1857, i L..C. CLARE, CARRIAGE & WAGON-MAKER, SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, AKES THIS OPPORTUNI- ty of thanking his Friends and the Pubic generally, for the liberal sapport hitherto, afforded him, and respectfully solicits a continuance of their oily 05 Repairs executed with despatch, and in a workmanlike manner. Prince Albert, Dec. 10, 1857. W. A. TOMLINSON, pa THE ATTEN- tion of his numerous Customers and the French, English & American; INTS AND OILS SPIRITS TURPENTINE, OILS, &c. Dye-Woods and a li THE WINTER SEASON! MADDER, ALUM, COPPERAS, INDIGO, NUTALLS, ABNOTTA, &c., &c. King Paik) A Hin CW. Brushes ence, to the exclusion of all others from a | (Shop next door to Mr. Warren's Store.{8| A large assortment from the most celebrated / Cutters ! 1¢ ! Cutters 1 " and nts - psig eel 38 a-- HE SUBSCRIBER HA HAS NOW ON HAND connected with their operation ; such = T Lh Al ' & R, I serviceable well-fin 3 3 righ J US T R E C E I y ED, anc ore: VARNISH, rrigeety be will Hd el fois CUT WHITEWASH, TOOTH, PRICES FOR CASH! probable, London Free Pr ss. South Oxfo'd ....30h&3Ist Dec = injustice to the parties excluded. We Uttawa .coeeeseves. 18th & 19th Dec. ($2,800; and a kd (British No:th o = ivr hold that sectarian schools, more Spanish Sole Leather, NAIL, &c., &c | oo be seen at Fast Durham .... 18th & 19th Dec. | America) costing $16000, rz particularly when receiving pa= WHICH WILL BE SOLD CHEAP FOR CASIL. Perfamery, Soaps, L. C. Clark's Carriage South Lamark _....28th& 29th Dec. iy ~ roma, ave fuged to 2h 100 formal jo dia i: A '| TRUSSES AND SUPPORTEKS, ie, North Lanark ' ....29th & 30th Dec. { Fgagrur Brawr---Taree Mex Snot sy = bo vy Sete Stent er oarain:! Prince Albert, Dec. 17, 1857. 9| BODY AND Si SHOULDER R BRACES " Ju Prince Albert, Dee. 10,' 1857. A Revorver.----One of those fearful tragze- w out the grand and fundamental principles of pe 3 PURE WINES "AND LIQUORS for medicinal STR AY C ' MARKETS. die, the result of drink and debauchery, oe tonal ucation. The mibgers of Paves: 15, AX) ERY I CATTLE! occu 1 "| tion is one i . . : rE ALBERT, DEC 17. sind hy oF Testes a ao Sai fun Se 10 Yn pi eps gilond 1 and Family Sree FROM LOT No. ik the dil of bringing it out, but finds |Prars that over Westminster Bridge are they subject of Religion we desire to CONFECTIONERY E ESTABLISHMENT, As my sock has been seircred with great care, Oct. Inst, TWO STEERS: : pr bringing it out, 2 res white cotages, one of which is used Di Title in i action, Kole, te wi 3 PRINCE ALBERT: Bum ton, bers Houses in the Trade, every anicle Arr um txo years old,' all red ONE fi ¥ ps will be found of d ry. i n ex. one ity / white Tol Wheat =.= 20. 3s Siw Taf 6a)2 alow brothel Du Nouday night shout Shout is the province of the press o elevate the mo: | 1; \ py ES HISCOCKS TAKES THE | perienced ant csreiul Draggise, be hopes to give EE ort] ore ur Ap wud. whi pring ditto Ce a 3 ed Rib, combined wih Er pier mar met C ortunity of informing the Pub- | g-nerl saisaction. old whe ely, snd ber 3] some bat ser tats. D 0s 00 1s 3d ions : lic that all of W. A. TOMLINSON. ny person giving such information as will fead Parley. 2nd 2 6d dancin A ar wa i ip Ja the feces @x nd, by ko Confectionery, Bread, Biscuits, &e., Prince Albert, Dec. 10, 1857. 1 pes" Will be HARDSOMELY RP. York Ton 0d 26d drinking. A quarrel was got u : ish § lo be infonod shat We anc sarclens on | Ans supplied by him at the above E; blisk JOSEPH BOWELS. os 5 - e were grmking. 9 £% up, a subject which soi concerns each | ment. GENERM, BLACKSMITHING 'JAMES LAW] Veef S208 0d 25 Odfand whose: do not deem hanki Inhabi LER. I 1 or "0 0afanda butcher, di hd and all of us, when we state that the col "in the of Prince Albert asp Reach, December 10, 1857. _ Smal de MLC dom n rovover levelled *= {sy RT ue | NURSE SHOEING ESTABLISHMENT! : Pegs... og 20s, Oe BY Yee orwed and' shot indiscri . jg i population will receive. ih 2 conta of por : nry Graham 3 come 4 0) > among them! The ruffian fired oy "ONTARIO OBSERVER" |our warmest advocacy. very effort in our| T "Taw. JOH N HEARD, Wii bid TO INFORM HIS CUS- ARE i each shot taking effect. The pistol power will be made lo sustain the rights of | Weddin re ay soy order. _ Soireea SINGOE BUNCE ALBENT, tomers (hat be hes. , tor the future, to - 15 7 18 her aiclo pat wah doing arte, Fash siet aking fest, ~The Yizel BOOK AND JOB | Upper Canada, and to abolish the present dis- | f land principle. TENTION To THE FALL | SELL BOOTS snd SHOES TOON, Dagar Ja ed 2 man mt emit. wo PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (5 i pss bond i 8 ro py si TR ATIRIRL RINE For Ready Money only?! . pga to 3s 9d had some shots in his forehead ; the nex: PRINCE ALBERT, C. merically than that of Lower Canada, we ha "Prince Albert, Dec. 17, 1857. 9 |alikinds of ; This in these Aard 0% 8 Gdecharge rick I Sweetman, ove | JAMES OLIN nts ee dm Lr Wadkeuiicd W uk Bumstiotive; Bugsy Et re FE CEA Sin i - > H a Pe am a OULD RESPECTFULLY Fog Le LLL "The i Agriculture being nme ET RP IRRY |] Is done on 2 WOE I Wks sic or shes Try! te cud of the firm, os 6d 9% od ly of shot on the head ; the thi d oe Po Eien of Gur So Le Loris diately intefwoven ay Wie grosieiity of thie GRIST _ MILLS! prices, a BG hen ae ro a Ie is "2a Tt rm x Mikes wn Sevens a. ro ah ich and luxurious ¥, i will he our aim 83 Olacrve the address--Simooe Street, |ausious 10 pay hia own just debts; 10 sccomplivh © 1s 32 1s 6dfthe Happily no life was sacri- opr wl cre bn ty to gers Ws ih save ent in| pEVHE SUBSCRIBER HAVING TAKEN Prince which, it will be necessary for him 10 collect ceery 5 b = js E+ ficed. police i we tht tig ye. EE Sem ol Bon a fot inte Solu pot ch ie 3rising Som scientific ee Wr Prince Albert, Dec. 10, 1857. 1 skiing due to im. He hehe sthy hit oy, - 0 1| ported that a dreadful scene ensued. The 5 ; Experience has taught us that a journal, to to Gristi ) DEBTS will be sued for in the NEXT S 30 or 40 Hil themdves on the | PRosmaes lo shocomal Shuld 3 yet Stulieisd fn + Th SY on pig ring, PAY UP! if oc ted bore that. time. The neat Cour fearful cries BUSINES CARDS > Jersnanaeg spite. bave| im may depend on having their work done LL PARTIES INDEBTED TO 'W, A.|wi I rm PO A NOTES, | therefore arrangements whereby we ic Aw, - TOMLINSON, or to SUTTON & TOM- On Wi , 30th December. and hasnot been hesid A shall be enabled to furnish our readers with I Br asribef lopes; by sitiot attention SON, will please call and set se FIRST . Prince Albers, Dec. 10, 1857. * his escape, ek 4ifioe M BLANK DEEDS 4x» FORMS, &«., &¢. |the fullest and latest intelligence commected Mtn lpn amd fr adage of JANUARY. in order to SA asl 1 of. Wo hear that dl Iniciasigable Wr. xiii 18 Glasto Nee: MEYER ANE RORY: ils Coy ears hasta Sh bower 10 merit the pasouage of the Public. am 10 have all my accounts setiled by DR. H. M. HAIGHT, Groves, County Constable, Pugin TI ; a carefully selected digest > ' that time. track of the ruffian, and his capture 'is | X3= The wumest despatch will sifumiy be choerred it | rg] mows will aloo be given im each J JONSON, prince Albers, Dee, 15115; TOWLINSON. Botanic Physician,