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Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 27 Jan 1859, p. 4

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'testimony, which ro us, from various quarters, a ink el 'of jurymen bas been selected under 'the new law, than wus previously obtained. Under the old law, everything was left to. the chances | ir juidin advance. of the ballot; an admirable system, no | 10:s. at the end of doubt, where all men are of equal intel- lectual capacity, and equally capable of | {rtsed X a Tass this i making efficient jurors. dead-level of intellectual condition is ro- 'where fo be found, and as there is great oe ly Si Every | Ontario. "Observer % | 18 PUBLIS HED Thursday Morning, ROLES AN ES TERMS PER A! ANNUM : ha at the eid of one mom No subscription 1al ids or 3 less period than six months. Remutunces il a letter (registered) and ad- tw "R A Oy Co., PRINCE ALERT," will fhe risk of the and ications, addressed 10 the Pub- lisher or Editor, must be post-pasd, 3 When people see a iy advertise, they know . STRAY CATILE. ANE J 10. riber A oo tise oon. or ri rye 8 re ier The owner is requested to prove property, pay charges, and oh) en JOHN PERKINS, Lot No. 22, Bth con- Redon? EMANEY & {'% WHITE EG leave 10 return their most sincere thanks to the inhabitpnts of Reach, and the sur- rounding country, for their liberal patronage during the last twelve months; and in hope of a that he 1s a business man, a room for the exercise of a judicious choice | that he 1s uot only willing, SEE i ay of jurymen, something else than balloting wis discovered to be necessary. The opposite danger is that of giving a too extensive power to individuals in the selection of jurors. Where jurors are selected solely by agents of the Govern. ment, there can be no sc curity for indi vidual rights and liberties, in cases in which the Government is interested. Government of the day. guarded against. dene, we now propose 10 enquire, Under "the new law, the ballot is nnt wholly discarded : is is only deprived of It no longer operates to prevent a judicious weeding of the list, under conditions that shut out ull danger of' improper preference or ob- The ballot is still After this its gambling charaeter. jective exclu-ions, the basis of the selection. the Chairman of the Court of Quarter Sessions, the Clerk of the Peace, the Warden, the County Treasurer, such of the Reeves as may be present, with the Sheriff, or any three of them, are ex- officio selectors of jurors, within their respective Counties. Tle only Government offi. cers among tl em are the Sueriff and the Clerk of the Peace ; so that if the War. den, the Treasurer and the Reeves do their duty, there is no possibility of a majority of the seleciors being office s of the Government, The dwnger of un u influence being exercised by the Govern ment, in the selection of jurors, is there fore exceedingly small. That influence if there were any disposition to exercise it, could always be counterpoised by a majority of the ex officio selectors, who to the Government. are nol servants The selectors are sworn to perform thei duty fai'hfully and impartially, and to select the most fit and proper persons. On the names on the roll being read by the Clerk of the Peace, the exemptions are noted together with the grounds And here the local knowledge of the different élasses of selectors comes thereof. intoplay. 'The selectors, taken together, are sure to be acquainted with all whose names are on the roll; and capable of judging of their fitness or unfitness, on grounds of age, character, mental inca. pacity, or any cause whatever, this s moi an a reasona ut as a juror; for the fact of his having recently seived i- a ground of exemption. The whole list of names may b-~ reluced to two thirds or ugebulf, by the sel tors, acco ding to the p-babe amount of judicial \siness to Lh U-nosed-of } or if wecessary a full list may +, selected. In the weeding out that must tue place in the event of its being resolved 16 sect only a half or even a two-thirds jury lin, there is great room for the exercise of discretion ; and everything depends upon this being wisely and honestly done. If it be admitted that careful selection is better than mere blind chance, it would be difficult to show that a better or more disinterested machinery for that purpose could be obtained than that which the new law secures. The best means have probably been taken to guard against a possible abuse of power, and all candid persons, we thiel,, must adit, that all danger; in that direction, has been obviated. 'The discrimination exercised in the selectiun, has already been productive of a visible improvement in the class of jurors. To become convinced of thi it is only necessary to glance at the different jurics that enter the box, one The unaided ballo: would do very well if the whole class operated upon were equally intelligent and in afier another. every respect equally eligible for jurors; but as the real state of matters is far Of the two evils, it would be better to have | ignorant than.dishonest jurors, or men who might be the mere creatures of the In taking the selection of jurors from the chances of the ballot, this was the danger to be How this has Leen Then rAdvertise! Advertise !£9 - RATES OF ADVERTISING: Six lines and uhder, first insertion »- El $-.-.%8 iiberal discount allowed to Whe mivettize by the Yess or hu No paper discontin are paid up. hered to. until arrears si = 9) EY Se, rchunts and others'|' This. rule rin be strictly ad- |. of the same, we have extended our premises, and are now enabled to execute 'all or- ders with neatness and despatch. Persons de- sirous of purchasing Cutters, Sleighs, &c. pe Will find it to their advantage to eall and 'ex, - I> J viol 3103 C--- - CN ---- D. FORD, CARRIAGE & CUTTER MANUFACTURER BROCK STREET : ~WHITBY, C. W. 1 Sale, Town Lot No. 1, corner 'of Queen and Water Streets, Decidedly the most valuable Lot in the whole Town. QUEEN STREET. Lot No. 7,°66 {eet front ; Lot No.8, corner o Queen and Perry Sireets; Lot No. 16, 66 feet front, containing one fourth of an acre each.-- All of he foregoing Lote front on the Macada- ach, Dec. 15, 1658. 2-240 | p " 1 at own uit n ung Lo thorough CUTT TERS COT TERS [! 1 County of Ontario. 1 Iau, 4 rately, -- : Hams 3 prizes at Epsom ian +4 also six Ram Lambs, well bred. For further particulars apply to the sibscriber | on the premises. WILLIAM BOYNTON, Jun.,' Prince Albert Prince Albert, Sept. 6,858. 40-1f. MONEY TO LET. FP\HE Subscriber offers for sale a pleasantly mized ad, and are val b ! ALSO: | "Lor No. 1, ' Queen Street, 66 feet front, with Each subsequent msertion = - - = 0 7 hich will be sold Ea mix to 10 linen, frst insertion SH ain Ei Ed a i comfortable Dwelling House, &e. Each subsequent inscRion + - ~ = = = - 010 |Cheaplor P * NORTH STREET. For each line above ten = = - - = = - -0 4 ALL WORK WARRANTED. '03 of, Everylubsequent insertion = atl % 7% , Lots 22, 30, 31, 32, and south side of Advertisements when displayed are charged ac- | NV. B.--Horse Shoeing done on North Street, containing each ome fifth of an 20rding to the space they hal] improved principles. acre. Also,} . 51, north side of the safe All advertisements sent withodt written instructions . will be. meeried until countermanded, aid charged ac- ) nce Albert, Sept. 7, 1858. 40-if. | streens . cordingly. Noadvertisement taken out until paid for. - 161 3 MARY STREET. J wins discuntinumg wlvedisenicits must be n = | Lot Nous 85, on Mary Sureet, one fourth 'o | an agre each. : ] © waTER sTREET. Lot No. 89, corner of Water and Cinderella Sueets. " CINDERELLA STREET. Lote 90, 93, 94, 17 and 109, finely situated for Private Residences. | i FORTY ACRES, Being part of Lot No. 19, in the 6th concession of Reach, adjoining the survey of the Town of Port Perry on the North. This Property is weil suuated for dividing into TWA AND PARK LOTS And will be sold at such Prices and terms as to make it an_objedt 10 Capitalists. Apply-t0 © R.E &)J.H BERRY. Whitby, March 9, 1658. 13-16 Land in Wesiern Canada for sale HE Subscriber having determined to dis- pose Bf the followingChoice Agricultural Lots in various parts of the country, «fl'rs them for Sule Cheap, and on easy tenus of payment : MOORE'S Rural New Yorker. Under stem No man is re quired to to perform Notice. HEREBY forbid any person from purchas- ing a certain Promisory Note, made by Jas Brock to R. P. Clark or bearer, for £26 12s 0d, as I have received no value for the same. PALMER VANSICKLER. Dated at Prince Albert, 20th Oct., 1858. 48-3m Prince Albert Hotel, I P. HARRINGTON would inform the o travelling community that he has leased the above Hotel, and has furninsed it n the most modern style, and hopes by strict attention to business 10 share a part of public r tronage. rince Albert, May 26, 1858. 25. N. AGNEW, M.D. PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Accoucheur, PRINCE ALBERT. Residence----Boynton's Hotel. roe meer rom onn sooo] THOMAS DODD, uty THE LEADING AND LARGEST CIRCULATED VOLUME 10, FOR 1859. West, North and South, as the most pulal AGRICULTURAL, LITERARY AND Pletives in announcing the TenthYolume. nse will be pared to fully main increase its reputation as the best Jour its class--rendering it, emphatically, t Standard Rural and Family Weekly. « ExceLsior" its glorious Motto, anc and 0 Objects, the RURAL continuously excels ir lation aud usef As an Agricultural Horticultural, Literary, Famil and Paper, combined, it has long been unrival yearly, but a Largé andl Béautrm' WEEKLY, which embraces in one a greater numbe New Volume, New Dress, and New Club Terms ! Agricultural, grary and Family Jour- HE Rurar New-Yorker is so widely and favourably known in the East and AMILY NewspaPER of the Age, that we omit all ex- uffice it to say that no proper effortjor ex- « Progress and Improvement" its laudable merit and reports decided progress in circu- News | Architect, Civil Engineer, & Land Agent, ,» Whiiby, near the Residence of J. H. Perry, Esq., Mayor. 7-6m "JOHN BILLINGS, Law, Chancery, & Convey- ancing Office, PRINCE ALBERT. MANILLA HOUSE, EWLY fitted and furnished. Good Sta- i Good Liquors, and an attentive Manilla, C.W., March 1, 1858. dinary journals,--the lence, The Paper for the People and the Times [llustrated in superior style, while its con tents will vie with its improved appearance. All who desires a paper which 0 trash, to promote the Best Interests Model Farm and Fireside Journal. Form, Style and Terms. derh weekly, each number comprising E Double Quarto Pages. An Index, Page, &ec., given at "the close of each Vol- "TERMS Ix Avvance--Two Dollars a year ; three copies for $5; six, and one free to club agent, for $10; ten, and one free, for SA DDLIGS, HARNESS, AND TRUNKS. AEE now offered Cheap for Cash, or Approved Credit by COURTICE & ROLPH. Prince Albert Feb. 18, 1858. 11-tf. R. SIMS, #iouse & Carriage Painter, GLAZIER, GRAINER, AND PAPER HANGE, PRINCE PLEAS C.W. Paints, Oils, Paper Hangings, Putty, ? | Glass, &c., furnished if required. Prince Albert, December 10, 1857. £} otherwise, it is nocessary to bine the two modes of ballot and discriminating selection ; 1nd in the new jury law, th's has been done in a way that is ope. rating a marked improvement in different classes of jurers, to whose judgment the liberties, lives, and property of a vast number of persons are 215; sivteon, and one frre, for 22; twenty, and one free, for $26; thirty-two, and two' ree, for 240, (or 30 for $37.50) and any greater number at same rate--only %1.25 per copy !--with an extra number for every ten subscribers over thirty! . Club lowest club rate for Canada. Specimen Numbers, Show- Bills, Prospect: Rurar and its Ojess Address . D. T: Moore. of useful and timely logics than several a URAL is, par cacel- The Tenth Volume will be printed and humbug and dece option, and earn ily socks nd Home Happiness of its myriad of readéfs in both Town and Gout ih, are invited to try the I The Rurar NEw-YORKER is published t itle County of Wellington, No, 16, 1st Con. {Township of Luther, 203 Acres. 26, 4th 1 yo " 8, 9 he " " " " 203 " County of Grey. No. 37, 14th Con. township of Artemesia, 140 Acres. " County of Kent. Rear § 2, 15th con. township of Chatham, 100 acs West 4 3, 16th con, 100 ace No. 42, West side of Baldoon Street, Township of Dover, 200 acres. r| No. 43, West side of Baldoon Sireet, Township of Dover, 100 acres, County of Ontario No. 13, 5th Con. Township of Mara, io Acres: 8.9.60 0 " Gounty of Victoria. 11, 1st Con. A Trip of Fenclon, 200 acres 12, 2nd CG 100 acres omens of Hustings. East 4 23. 7th Con. Township of Modoc, 100 acres West 4 30, 6th Con. Township of Hungerford, 100. acres, 1| For Prices'and Terms of payment apply to J. H. PERRY. 14-1 i} y Whitby , March 9, 1858, OTICIL. ra rire vee ature at the. next session of Puiliament for an Act to repeal the Aor incorporating the Whiichureh anc Port Perry Railway Company, and to incorporate ¥ new company to construct a Railway from the Northern Railway of Cana- da, passing through the proposed municipality of Ontaiio, to the Port Hope, Lindsay and Beavei- - | ton Railway. Prince Albert, Dee. 10, 1858, 4; Canad Gazette, Guide and Atlas; Port Hope; r, Peierboro; Ad , Lindsay ; Posi, tuine 5 Sun, Orono ; iy Ere, Newmarket, Messenger, Millbrook ; copy, two months, 2 2m. L. P. FONTAINE & Co. Insurance Agents and Brokers. HE undersigned have opened a General Insurance Tr situated residence, i inthe village of Borelia. Attached to it is about three-fourths of an acre of lana under a good state of eultivation, with some choice fruit trees. The house is nearly new, 24x36." It has a eommanding view of Lake Scugog, Port Perry, Prince Albert, and Borelia, The whole is offered at the extraordi- nary low figure of $600. Tite indisputable.-- For further pariicalais spply to «the subseriber un the premises. AMES A. RICHMOND, , 1858. 283m. ~ Borelia, June THE GLOBE NEWSPAPER! 1858- 9. FYHE success which a has attended the publi- A cation of the Grose NEWSPAPER since its es« mishment in 1814, is the best certificate of ite public journal, iu the estimation of rity. No labour has been spared, and bas, from time 10 time, been made rita comprehensive and rehable COMMERCIAL, POLITICAL AND FAMILY JOURNAL. The gratifying result is that it possesses by far the widest circulation and the greatest sd- vertining patronage in British America. The cHorts which have been made in past years to keep pace with the progress of J.urnal: ism, in other. countries, wilbbe redoubled in the fufire. The Epitorial Cores has been strengih- ened--the staff of RerokTers enlarged--and contributions of numerous correspondents, at home and abroad, will give new interest to 1s columns. The English and Foreizn News is re. ceived at the earliest possible moment by Tele- raph and Express. <The proceedings of Public tari of Law Courts, and Municipal Coun- eeen E ue Subscriber ons for sale that well, the. Cure of DEBILITY, Ulcers, fiaty ney Ii Gr pr No MERCURY USED. DR. AMOS & SON, Dorms Maid any Strs. Butfalo, N. ¥ ARS he ysicians in the State: who ure AL of the Ko yg of Surgeons, Londow, may be consulted from 8 o'clock mn the Es until 9 at wight, in every ste mid symptom of Disease. 'The treatment they ads is the result of upwards of thirty years' extensive and successful ub praotice in London. Phe most inveterate complaints, where all other reme- dies have fuiled, yield 10 their weatment. Sirangersand travellers from all parts of the world. many from the con- ult cases. wd there Atinent of Egrope, onanit them iu difficult is ho part of the United States where persons reside wi they have not cured ; and the medical and swigical jour- nalists recommend that **us it is ys LInporlant win the setvice of an pe od siitful a pl oy he unfortanate should call on Dx. most pt Nolan EE -- monials from Lallemand, Culverwell, Du Ricord Sutherland, Lament ogther with the Colle gs of Surgeons und Physi ndicaiive of the value 0 a 0) itis, and the dia 2 ition they id liga; with hemi 0 publish ten, wit rium LL TER yo nd cu are of of sullerers reis from Serersi ely, A most Scientific Invention. An instrament for the cure of genital Debility, or Noe winal Emissions, more properly known as Semina Weukuess, &e. Can be permanently cured in from fif- teen to tw by the use. of this instrument, when u esl conjoiml hurt 5A Dy Young Men, take Particular Notice. Dr. Amos-§ Son takés pleasure in announcing that they have mvented a most important instrament for the cura diseases. It has been suljected 10 a test by went physicians in London, Paris, Philadel ew York; its been declared 10 he the only useful mistroment ever yet discovered for the ewe of Seminal Weakuess, or any disease of the genital organs, caused by the secret habits of you hr. Amos § Son, in order to salisty the most sceptical ! Phin, an JUST. RECEIVED FROM MONTREAL ALA GE STOCK oF LADIES' BOOTS & SHORS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. ~~ A. ROSS. Prince Alben, Oc €, 1658 44m 'L..C. CLARK, | CARRIAGE & WAGGON MAKER, SIMCOE STREET, PRINCE ALBERT, AKES THISOPPORTUNI- 1y of thanking his Friends and the Public generally, for the nberai support hitherto afforded him, and re- p ly solicits a of their patron- age, By~ Repairs executed with despatch, and na i i nlike manner. FIHE SUBSCRIBER keeps constantly on hand a large stock of BOOTS & SHOES ol very description, and is prepared to pay the Highest Price in Cash For any quantity of Hides and Tallow. A. ROSS. "uf Prince Albert, Oct. 6, 1858. as 10 the merits of heir s, pledge that in any stance where the: il way prove unsatisfact tory after a fair trial, the niay i | be refunded by returning the Instrument m good ore Persons wishing the al e waefal Instrument will ob- serve thut the price, with accompanying directions securely packed and sent by express, is ten dollars. BEWARE OF IMPOSITION. Beware of empirica and innerant self-styled professors who atteinpt cure Lever succe: ir. dos § Son have for a long s of years been engaged nan exten sive practice | réatment of these delicate com- Platts and are the only legally qualified Ph ns Now advertise to cure certain complaint opean remedies can be obta cils are accurately reported by phonographic writers, and no expense is spared in sending | co ps of Reporters to any pari of the and transmitting their reporis by Telegr publication the following morning. our, | aph for | The De- | fully and accurately reported in the DAILY EDITION of the lollowing morning, aud care- tally 'condensed for the WEEKLY paper All matters of Trade, Commeree, and Navigation-- ihe proceedings of the several Boards of 'Frade --the arrival of vessels at Quebec and inland ports--and every other subject of interest 10 mercantile men is watched with special care, and faithiully chronicled and conmmented on. The Matkets and Prices Current of Great Britian, the Uui ed States, and at howe, receive special notice. The Agiculiural Interests command that earnest attention to which their importunee entitles them. The Globe will Continue to Advocate: 'The adoption of Population, witheut Regard to Locality, as the Basis of Parhamentary Repredentation. The 'Ente' Sepatation of Church and Siate-- the Abolition ot all Appropriations of Pub- lc Money for St ctarian Purposes ; the Re straint of Eclesiastical and othe or Soper. except for use and occupation. National Educafio.=~Comm a School, Gram- mar School, and Cullégiate--Fiee from Seciarian sm, and open to all on equal terms, Economy in the Public Espenliture, and » 'Thorough Reforin of the Depastincain/ Sys tem. Uniform Legislation for Both Sections of the Province. Curtailment of the Power and Patronage of the Executive. A Free Trude National Policy, so far and so rapidly as the Maintensuce of Public Credit Incorporation of the Hudson's Bay Terrijory as a part of Canada. » &e, &c., ec, The Daily Globe, Is #6 per annum, payable strictly in advance. h bates of ihe House of Assembly, of each day, are | - tfice in the Gities of Montreal, Quebec and Toronio, with active and well qual- ified Agents and Correspondenis in all'sections of the British North Ameriean Provinces, and each member of ithe firm' having been hitherio engaged mn the business, the combined exper.- ence and influence thus brought to bear upou tie business will undoubtedly prove peculiarly ad- We have been led to do this from a thorough conviction that a necessity exists lor apers sent to ditferent post-offices, if desired. As we pre-pay American postage, $1.37 is the Now is the time to subscribe and form_Clubs for the new year and volume.-- uses, &c., cheerfully furnished (by mail or otherwise, at our expense,) to all disposed to lend a portion of influence in behalf of the r. A. W. GAMBLE, aD . the College ge 0! Physicisng and Sur geons ROVINCIAL Lisentiale of Physic, Surgery, and Midwifery, &ec., Rochester, N. Y. 52. an office of this nature, and to form a connecting link between the insured and the insurer, mych like the Bioker between the buyer and the Mer- chant, The Question that is arked by Insurance Companies "Are you insured," is well, bat does net reach far enough. There are other points te be seriously considered, as How are you in- _l sured? chould follow. Is it ina reliable and safe Company? And on the lowest terms? What is the character of the Company in the set tlement of its losses and in its dealings general- ly? No one would purchase property without employing a third party to make searches and examinations which would satisfy him that he was investing his money properly and securely How is it in purchasing a Policy of lnsurance AGENTS WANTED. Special agent for the sale and applié: Should not the same rule hold good? Are you careful, moreover, that you comply with the of McLEAN'S wonderful Heather Balm, In every township in the British American Pro INCREASE IN OUR BANKING CAPITAL. --We quote the following notices from the Official Gazette, as showing the increasing prosperity of the coun try :-- Application shall be made to Parlia- ment, to charter the Union Bank: of Capital, Twenty- five millions Dollars, confined exclu- An Act to incorporate certain persons under the name and title of the Bunk British America. sively to a specie circulation. gf Western Canada. An Act to enable «the iCharteted orpo-1 MOSES BINNS, Bank of Canada, (when duly I rated by her Majesty's Royal "C artec of Incorporation,) to carry or the bu. siness of Banking within the Province of Canada. An Act to incorporate the Toronto Savings' Bank. An Act to amend the Charterof the 'St. Francis Bank at Stanstead. The Provincial Bank of Canada, a Banking Corporation under the gene. FROM MONTREAL ©' ral law of the Province, will, at the : next Session of the Legislature, apply for a special Act of Incorporation to be yemoved to Montreal, 'A'RARE CHANCE." {JOR A '800D AND PROFITABLE INVESTMENT. WILKINSON now offers that first #) o Ciass House, GLOBE HOTEL, in Brocklin, for sale on reasonable terms. Im- modiaty possession will be given. ATE J WILKINSON Prookiin, Deg. 1,188. Bf, Kensington Insurance Company _ Office, No. 405 Walnut St. Philadelphia. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, - - $300,000 | INDIA RUBBERS! ---- Insure against Loss or Damage by Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, and Merchandise gener- ally, on favourable terms. T. W, MENT, CHARLES HARLAN, © © 'W. E. THOMPSON : C, M. JACKSON, M. D., President. J. B. Arvex. Secretary. J. 8. Jackson, V. Presiden AGENT: JAMES HOLDEN, PRINCE 'XOBERT. Prince Albert, 13th Oct. 1858. 45.0 JOHN roRson JUST RECEIVED A Large Stock of Mens' Ladies' and Misses', OF ALL SIZES. i A, Ross. Prince Albert, Oct.§ 2 1858. vinces and. the. medical man or a 80 that the virtue of the BALM may be fully de- attended to. attended toby the Proprietor, i McLEAN; DIRECTORS: Ne. 60 Richmond street East, C. M, JACKSON, M.D. W. L. BOGGS, _ " Qet. 29, 1658, onto, w. Mody als JOHN SMART, ce na 3 J. B. 8! or - AGENTS: Sully, 4 Agent. SPECIAL AGENTS! - John Créighton. M.D, Drumihondsville: - J. ig Rea, proprietor Merrickville Chron. icle, C. W Edd, General Agente, Thomas Wilson, Markham Village, C. W. UNITED STATES: A. M. Eisworth, AM. D. County Kent, Mich, Wn. Fraser, M. D., East Boston. Mich. JAMES B. FATTERSO Aj SPRING, Licensed Auctioneers. Residence--~STOUFFVILLE and EPSOM. RL JOHN LEYS; OLICITOR, &s., Church Street, Toronto, Se W. Office, East Side, First Boor South g Street, Up Stairs, = N.B.<~All business communications to eitar esidence promptly attended to, ORDERS RECEIVED HERE. AD VERTIS E! ited States. He must be a ruggist who understands the be able to ier or assist in 8il extreme eases, terms and ditions of your Policies? A vio- lation of any one of which deprives you of your insuiance! while no two Companies can be found in which the conditions are alike, In this way those ho'ding Policies in different Goipnpies are: lisble to hove them conflicti ailments which generally afflict the human fam- and perhaps i in case of logs find else ily. A duty of said special Agent will be to ap- Hes? Raving s, a ity point local agents throughout his district for the | 5%" ing, re accommodation of the public, and whom he will the various Insur wd ad Great Britain and the | 0 5 signed posses superior facilities for placing risks is published ai foar o'clock every morning but Sunday, and is dispatched by the early trains 10 all parts of the country. Ii isa very large sheet, containing a vast amouny of news, mercantile intel igence, and general information, of the lat- est and most interesting character. Any person sending the Cash for Five Day Subscriver, will be entitled to an additional copy, FREE. The Tri-Weekly Globe, Is issued every Monpay, WepNesoay, and Fri- DAY, at $4 per anu wir, in advance. It sprinted on a lerge sheet, and in its columne is given all that appears in the Daily Edition, with the Tel- egraphic and other new to the latest moment. Any person sending the Cash for Five Tri Weekny Subscribers, will be gutted to a Copy REE. The Weekly Globe, Is issued every Fripay morning, at $2 per an- num, payable strictly in advance. [tis printed on an immense double sheet of paper, of first- rate qualit is made wp in a handsome quarto form, compising eight pages of seven columns each ; and containing more reading matter than any other political newspaper on the continent. Great care is 1aken in the compilation of the pa- per ; the news is carefully co lawed from the daily Edition, and articles specially prepared for is columns. The Market Repeits, at home and abroad, receive constant a'tention. T'o induce exertion on the part of the friends of the GLOBE throughout the cotniry, it hasbeen resolved, that any person making up'a club may have~-- A . Ten Copies wr. Twenty-five Copi Fifteen Dollars! Thirty-five Dollars !! +ene. One Hundred Dollars! veloped and the weal of the community properly Applications, ifby post, paid, will be promptly Doctor SaMusL Evins, Toronto, General Trav- elmng 2 4. He Ueuemsey, Drugain, rownship.ol Vaughan J. W. Hawkins, Esq., Werth. Tuscola Co. i Vs with such Companies as are of the most un- doubted strength and character, and of effecting insurances at the lowest rates of premiums. Per- sons having large amounts to" insure on Vessels, Charges, Freight or atber property aginst La or damage by fire, ra find 'our office pecul'arly ir ar are made on as bat vide for a sen ai, oa loca To haan nees Judie d a5 saving of Le gud attendant yeu, ations will of itself recommend our place tp their favourable o lanifrecou: To those AL oy Mod pity 1hei n'this- ling of business pt dln id wg dl] a To those rane wi feel Denosed ol favour us' with commirstong to set for thein '| 'offer olireervices, believeing that the result wi hi Eighty Copies for... Any person, sending $10 for Five WeekLy Subsciibers, willbe entitled to a copy FREE. The WEEKLY GLOBE will be sent to all Clray mes for One Dollar a year. ney Letters, addreesed--=* The Publisher of he Globe, Toronts," can be Registered by the payment of one penny, and theirsafe arrival will then be at the risk of the Publisher. 9% Subscriptions may commence at.any pe- rigd of the ye ary.and be made for any term ; and et desirotis of receiving the Paper. need not r ab Agent to call on them, but have only we lose their .money, -with their name and Office, to =, ~ GEORGE BROWN, * Globe Office, Toronto, 47 Woon, Sept. 18th, 1658. prove mutually advantageous. Any conneeled with uke matters HE will be cheerfully given by us on application, either Qyemally or by leiter, addressed to us at either eal or Quebec. REFERENCES. L. P. FONTAINE & CO. JAMES HOLDEN, Skb-A en krince Allert. Prince Albert, Octi 19, 1858. 46-tf MILLER & TILT, chars. Minden & Con, Proprictors * Canada Insurance PARCELS IBY POST IN c ANADA. Dorion, Ex, Mon. (PE. Picand, M. Mont, OM the Tst Jy 1850, &- system' Mw 5 | Nasewathelivtee | ME of Barbe id 5 ' els not. Crema © LE Coles ar. ty en any of the Post Dffices in Canada. | én ] i yr Weighit not exceeding one Tb. 1s 3d rates--andjby Postage Stamp, (not by mo- ee "over one Ibvand notex ' ol must be pre paid at the following |' 5 in many Parts of the World w fully treated by forwarding a correct detail of with remittance for Medicines, &e.. which will be tune rd with the uttost despatch, and sceare from obser lie success. their eases, & SON, coraer Main wn! Qua; i ; re en ¥ Mofiat's Life Medicines HICH nuw possess higher celebrity and \ tespectahilily ameng the families of the nited Sates than any others before we public, orused by the Medical Profession, are pareiy Vegetable. They invariably and immediately, relieve al ordinary dérangements of [loal:h, whether arris- ing from Impaired Digestive functions, Costive - ness, Billious and Liver Affections, or Scorfulous Habit. But besides this, they act poweifully and speci- fically in Acute nnd Chronic Rheumatism, Set- ted Pains of the Organs and Limbs, Piles, Asth- wa, Juundice, Worms, Uicers, Tumors, Swel- lings, Scurvy, Sault Rheum, Eruptions of the Skin, Unhealthy Complexion, Bilious avd Serow. Looseness, Nervous Debility, Aflections of thy Bladder and Kidneys, Dropsy, Erysipelas, Cor- rupt Humors, and other still more waligoant and threatening dieoazes. 'The Proprietor is in possesion of thousands {EE wrifnrun af this Life Ills and Phanix Bitters. These Certificates are unexceptionable and undeniable, for they are gwen voluntarily by the person cured, who testify to what they huow and feel. These remedies aie perfectly mild and agreeable in their operation, and can- not be (ried by any sfflicied person without giv- ing the utinost satisfaction and delight. Prepar- ed ii sold by Dx. W. B. MOFFAT, 335 Broad- val ety De. A St ? wMoane of ie by R. H Temlinson, Chemist, Prince Ibert. ROYAL MAIL STAGE! 1 EAVES Whitby daily, connecting with the 4 Northern Stages tor Mamlia, Beaverton, aud Lindsay. This is the shortest and cheapest r. ute from Toronto to either of the above places. This Stage leaves Scriptures Hotel, every morn- ing (Sundays excepted) on the arrival of the Trains from' east and west, and ves in Prince Alber: in time for the Siages going north Returning. leaves Prince Albers on the arti { the Northern Stige and arrives in V in time for the Trains gong rast and w 7= Good accommodation, and carcfui,obiig- ing drivers. N. RAY, Proprictor. ROYAL MAIL STAGE! YROM Whitby to Usb-idge, Daily, (Sun- days excepred) leaving Whithy every morn ing on the arrival of the Trains from east and west, and leavi g Usxoridge every morning a: half-past eight, @. m., arriving in Whitby, in ume for the afternoon trains. L3= Every attention paid te passengers. N. RAY, Proprictor. Sept. 28, 1858. 43-tf. PORT PERRY CABINET WAREROOMS !! ESTABLISHED IN 1847.. JOHN W. DAVIS E1URNS thanks to his friends and cus- NOTICE. PPLICATION will be made to the Legis- lature at its next sitting, for an Act to amend the Act incorporating the Port Hope, Lindsay and Beaveriun Railway Company and the. Act amending the same, by reviving th provisions for extending the Line 10 Gi emong Lake, to extend the same from Lindsay 10 Laka Huren, to construct a Brauch from Manvers "ration to Port Perry, to reduce the number of Directors, and for other pu: poses. By o:der of the Board THOM as RIDOUT, Secretary, P. il L & B Railway Co Purt Hope, Dec. 15, 1854. -3 2m. | JUST RECEIVED A LARGE STOCK OF Boot and Shoe Findings, Of all descriptions. A. ROSS. ° Prince Albert Oct. 6, 1858. "ud STEAM SAW MILL AT PORT PERRY E the undersigned have just started cor Quem Cun Mill at Port Perry, and 1 see--e------ prepared to execute all orders in our line on the SHORTEST NOTICE. We have procured a first rate SIDING MILL for the manufacture SIDING, FLOORING, AND FENCINS, Being a uniform thickness at each end, and reo stub-shot on the Boards. ~easoned Flooring always wn hand, also a large quamity of SQUARE TIMBER, From 8 10 12 inches square, and all lengths np to 60 feet. Terms liberal. THOMAS PAXTON XE Co. Port Perry, May 25h, 1858 pt Blank Notes, RRANGED for the Decimal Currency, 4 may be obtained by the Hundred, or in larger quantities, at the Office of this Paper, DR. M. H. HAIGHT, Botanic Physician, BORELIA, C.W. The New York Tribune. TERMS : Daily Tribune, per a SEMI-WEEK 1 Copy, I year. 3 dollars; 2 C dollars ; 5 Copies, 1 year, 8 doll one address, 20 dollars. WEEKLY TRIBUNE, 1 Copy, 1 year, 2 dilars; 3 Copies, 1 year, 5 dollars; 5 Copies, 1 year, 8 dollars; 10 Copies I year, 12 dol ars ; 20 Copies, fo one address, acd any larger number at ile mje of one dollar per annum, 20 dollars; 20 Copies, to addresw of cack subscriber, and any larger number, at the rate of 1 dollar and 20 cents each, 24 doliars. Any person sending a Club of twenty or more will be entitled to sn extra copy. THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. FOR EUROPEAN CIRCULATION. Is published on the depanare of each mail's ram- er for Liverpool, at $5 per annum, postage in- cluded. A ngle copies six cents. "THE NEW YORK TRIBUNE. For Galilornia, » Oregon, and the Sandwich a, ies, | year, 5 tomers for the liberal joyed by him since commencing business, and hopes from the quality of his work, and strict attention to the wants of his customers, to merit a continu ance of their support. He hagnow on hand » viriety of ~~ SOFAS; 'UPHOLSTERED CHAIRS, Cane Seal, and 'Windsor-| Jarrm Chairs, and Rockers ; . Children' Chairs, Cup Bu reaus, Table Stands, Centre Tables, Walnut and hogany ; Secretary's, Walput and Mahoga- ny; Toilet Stands, &c., &e. 3, Is published on the departure of each mail steamer for Aspi at 81 per annum. Single copies six cents, Subscriptions. may commence at any time.-- 'Terms always cash in advance. All letters 10 be addressed to HORACE GREELEY & Ce., Tribune Bui.dings, No. 154 Nassau Street, New York. J. W. CALDWELL BROWN, CONVEYANCER, LAND AGENT, &C. UXBRIDGE, C.W. Uxbridge, Dec. 10th, 1857. 1 = All Orders punctually A Hearse in atiendence when required. Funer- als punctoally attended to. Ouffin Plates, Balds &e., furnished. Fer Teiry, fugue £5,1F, 3-f A \DVERTISE!! are, perhaps, tho the --y Fo best for advertisers. 'going a, FE They Get; And whilet others arg tumbling, wan oe Neri a Life Preserver, Swig on the he repo the wafer le gehers "ONTARIO OBSERVER" BOOK AND JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT. PBINCE ALBERT, CW. 1: : ng two Je ation may be foun in No- Attornies, ' Oonveyancers, = je eg Y Offic. NOTARIES PUBLIC, 8a. gor VIDNEY. SMITH. CORNER OF CHURGIL AND KING ATREETS, Jes Postmaster General. ¥ . TORONTO, 31 Post Office Bi Toronto, Dec. 6, 1858; 10 WORK DONE ON MODERATE 3 OUP ER MEY Ail 14 HT * * The daily increasing importance of x asp this Jowenal, tenders it ia uable as an Ad- 3 PAINTING IN 004OUMS, SOLD, HLYER AXD TEOKTE. vertising Medium. ne duspatch trp 3 be iis Hie Aline Dre. 10,3801, . 10 Copies, to Mm

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